PCBs or chips, partitioning as part of the floorplanning step in VLSI design, and partitioning as subproblem in placement algorithms based on the Min-Cut paradigm. As the main thrust of design automation moves up to higher levels such as algorithmic synthesis from behavioural descriptions and even architectural synthesis from more abstract specifications, the character of the partitioning problems changes. Current methods for partitioning include such divers approaches as heuristics for discrete optimization problems, nondeterministic programming, rule-based AI methods, and interactive environments. To bring together experts interested in the various types and flavors of partitioning and to provide an atmosphere for free and scientific-oriented discussion of this important field, a workshop is currently being organized by IFIP TC 10, WG 10.5 and co-sponsored by GI/ITG. Participation is limited to about 40 people. Deadline for abstracts: October 30, 1989. For more information, contact: Dr. Ulrich Lauther Siemens AG ZFE F2 DES REF D-8000 Munich 83 Fed. Rep. Germany Tel. +49-89-636 48834 Fax +49-89-636 48950
1990 I E E E International S o l i d - S t a t e Circuits C o n f e r e n c e
February 14-16, 1990, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.
The IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference invites original papers on the following subjects: - Digital (design, fabrication and testing of digital and VLSI systems; fixed and reconfigurable logic arrays; microprocessors and coprocessors). - Analog (amplifiers; filters; comparators; reference circuits; phase-locked loops; A / D and D / A converters; power-control circuits). - Memory (design, fabrication and testing of static, dynamic and nonvolatile memories; memory architecture; redundancy and self-test techniques; specialpurpose memories; embedded memories). - Signal Processing and Communications (digital and analog signal processors; graphic processors; telecommunication circuits; optical datalinks; magneticmedia interfaces). - General (image sensors and displays; transducers; CAD, simulation, verification and modeling; packaging). - Emerging Technologies (circuit innovations and special examples). Deadline for 100 line summary: S e p t e m b e r 22, 1989.
Further information can be requested from: Prof. John Wuorinen 2 School Street P.O. Box 304 Castine, ME 04421, U.S.A. Tel. (207) 326 8811 6th MIT Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI
April 2-4, 1990, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A. The field of VLSI involves the design, manufacture, and use of systems constructed from highly complex integrated circuits. The field is an interrelated set of technical disciplines including semiconductor devices and processes, circuit and system design, design automation, and systems architecture. Sucessful advanced research in any of these areas requires understanding of the other areas. This conference seeks to promote interaction among researchers in all disciplines that relate to integrate systems. Papers are solicited in the following areas: - VLSI Systems (Highly-parallel architectures, special-purpose VLSI chips and systems, sensory systems, testing and fault tolerance of VLSI systems). - Design Automation (Synthesis and silicon compilation, layout and routing, analysis and simulation, and novel design methods). - Circuits and Devices (Innovative electrical circuits, process and device modeling, automated semiconductor manufacturing, and wafer-scale integration). Deadline for full papers not exceeding 15 pages: October 16, 1989. Further information can be requested from: VLSI Conference Microsystems Research Center Room 39-321 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A. Tel. (617) 253 4731 1990 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
May 1-3, 1990 New Orleans, U.S.A. The symposium will include special sessions on specific advanced aspects of the theory, design and application of circuits and systems, workshops a n d / o r short courses to present the state of the art in selected subjects. Topics for regular sessions include, but are not limited to, the following: VLSI Design and Automation Modeling and Simulation Distributed Networks Circuit Layout Nonlinear Circuits and Systems Filter Theory