Solid State Communications, Vol. 41, p. ix, 1982. Printed in Great Britain.
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Calendar of Solid State Events Announcements for publication should be mailed to: Editor,Solid State Communications,
of Physics, University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
19174, U.S.A. Submitted items must be in the format of thecalendar.Theyshould give the date, title and location of conference, the scope of the conference including sponsors of the meeting, and the name and address of person to whom inquiries should be directed. 25-30
August 1982
Sagamore VII Conference on Charge, Spin, and Momentum Densities, Nikko National Park, Japan.
The seventh Sagamore Conference on charge, spin and momentum will be held under the sponsorship of the Commission on Charge, Spin and Momentum Densities of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). It is being held immediately prior to the Neutron and Magnetism meetings. The program will be devoted to the fundamental theoretical and experimental aspects of electron charge, spin and momentum densities and their application to the understanding of specific systems including
molecules, molecular crystals, ionic and covalent solids, metals and alloys, and hydrogen bonded systems. Both invited and contributed papers will be featured, with ample time for discussion. Housing and meals are available at the Nikko Kanaya Hotel which is renowned for its picturesque setting in Nikko National Park. Information: Professor Y. Saito, Chemistry Department, Keio University, 14-1 Hiyoshi, 3 Chome, Kohokuku, Yokohama, Japan.