2nd European distributed memory computing conference EDMCC2
342 Further information can be requested from: Dr. Tomas Roska CNNA-90 Workshop MTA SzTAKI, Hungarian Academy of Sciences uri-u 49 Budapest H-1014, Hu...
342 Further information can be requested from: Dr. Tomas Roska CNNA-90 Workshop MTA SzTAKI, Hungarian Academy of Sciences uri-u 49 Budapest H-1014, Hungary Tel. +36-1-156 1057 Fax. + 36-1-166 7503
2nd European Distributed Memory Computing Conference EDMCC2 April 22-24, 1991 Miinchen, Germany Todays applications with demand for very high performance, fault tolerance or good price/performance ratio have triggered the development of a large number of massively parallel architectures for commercial or research use. For such architectures, totally distributed physical resources including memory are a must in order to avoid the bottleneck of a globally shared resource. On top of such physically distributed resources, virtual global schemes (interconnection, memory, I / O ) will be offered in some future systems. A number of different interconnection topologies have been proposed including mesh, tree, ring, hypercube, hierarchical organizations and multistage networks. EDMMC2 offers a forum for all users and developers of distributed memory computers. Nevertheless, the main focus of EDMCC2 will be on methods and tools for the efficient use of such architectures ranging from specification, verification in the early design phases to automatic load balancing or accounting systems as runtime evaluation support. Especially welcome are reports on experiences with real world applications and their parallelization using various development tools: Specification-, design-, runtime- and evaluation tools for distributed memory computers. Operating systems for distributed memory computers. Programming languages and compilers for distributed memory computers. Architectures and technologies for distributed memory computers. Deadline for 4 copies of max. 10-page papers: August 15, 1990. Further information can be obtained from: Prof. Dr. A. Bode EDMCC2 Lehrstuhl ftir Rechnertechnik und Rechnerorganisation Institut liar Informatik Technische Universit~it Mianchen P.O. Box 202420 D-8000 Mtinchen 2, Germany Tel. + 49-89-2105 8240, Fax. + 49-89-2800 529.