2nd international conference on nonlinear mechanics (ICNM II)
2 ud
INTE]]A~A~TIONA.L C O N F E R E N C E ON N O N L I N E A R M E C H A N I C S (ICNM II) August 23-26, 1993 Beijing, China
INTE]]A~A~TIONA.L C O N F E R E N C E ON N O N L I N E A R M E C H A N I C S (ICNM II) August 23-26, 1993 Beijing, China
1MPOI~TANT C H A N G E The 2"~ I n t e r a ~ a l Conference on Nonlinear Mechuics {ICNM H) is to be convened on August
23-26, 1993, in Beijing, China (instead of the primarily planned October 6--9, Wuhan). CONFERENCE TOPICS (I) Foundations of mechanks and nonlinear contlnuum mechxuics (2) Nonlinear elasticity u d plasticity (3) Defects and damage (4) Fluid dynamics and nonlinear waves (5) Bifurcation, chaos and nonlinear stability (6) Phase transition and material instability (7) Unilateral statics and dynamics, and free boundary problems (8) Classical dynamics (Celestial and orbital mechanics; Hamiltonisn, Lagrangian and Poisson systems, and their integrability, reduction, stability and control} (9) Dissipative systems (10) Cellular automata (11) miscellaneous Ms. JIN He The'Secretariat of ICNM II The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 15 Zhong Gnancun Street Beijing 100080, China Tel: 86(China)-I (Beijing)-2559588 FAX: (86-1) 2561284 518