75 displays at 1964 APhA annual meeting registrants, including community practitioners, hospital pharmacists, teachers, researchers and students. Serv...
75 displays at 1964 APhA annual meeting registrants, including community practitioners, hospital pharmacists, teachers, researchers and students. Service behind the devices and products on display-the dramatic background of scientific production that brings particular excellence to these goods- will be stressed. Well-informed demonstrators wiIl courte-
Fifty-six technical and 19 scientific spaces will be featured at the 1964 exhibition of the AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION annual meeting in New York City, August 2- 7. The exhibits on the second floor of the new New York Hi1ton Hotel will be adjacent to the meeting rooms and most convenient to all
ously help registrants learn what's new and useful in the various displays. At the annual meeting every pharmacist will have ample time to browse around the "show" and find what's interesting in new equipment, products, supplies, or books that will help him in his daily practice of modern pharmacy.
As provided in § 130.33 of the FDA regulations (21 CFR 130.33; 28 FR 6377), notice has been given of the following new drugs for which applicants have been approved. This list is published for the information of pharmacists but is not intended to advise on the use of the products. Drugs listed may include some now approved for distribution by the applicants but previously marketed by other firms. This list covers applications approved in September 1963. Establish ed name (if any) or active ingredients
Trade name
Absorbable surgical sutures Acetylcystei ne Mebutamate hydrochlorothiazide Meprobamate Oxytocin citrate
Chief of Qua lily Conlrol Pharmacist For Position In Cairo UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC
SWISSPHARMA S.A.A. is seeking a pharmacist who is a citizen of the United Arab Republic to become Chief of the Quality Control Laboratories at their new Pharmaceutical Factory in Cairo. This Pharmacist will be responsible for general analytical work, especially the quality control of raw materials and finished pharmaceutical specialties. A Pharmacist with analytical experience and the personality and initiative to manage is preferred. Please submit, in your own handwriting, your full curriculum vitae, particularly the details of your education, qualifications and experience, to: