Classified Abstracts
Basic 52.
and Engineering
Physical Chemistry
52 techniques for a diffused planar PNP transistor.
746. Fabrication (Great Britain) G. Bradshaw and C. H. Taylor, Electronics, 11, April 1964,248-251.
and r”
747. Mass spectrometric study of the nonstoichiometric vaporization of cadmium arsenide. (U.S.A.) J. B. Westmore et al., J. Phys. Chem., 68, March 1964, 606-612. 52 748. Mass spectrometric study of gaseous oxides of rhodium and palladium. (U.S.A.) J. H. Norman et al., J. Phys. Chem., 68, March 1964, 662-663. 52 749. An effusion study of the decomposition of copper (II) bromide. (U.S.A.) A torsion effusion study of the reaction ZCuBr,(s) = 2CuBr(s) tBr,(g) leads to values of AH” = 23.4 kcal and ASo = 43 e.u. at 298°K. Results are compared with earlier investigations at higher temperatures. The condensation coefficient for the process appears to be of the order of 0.1 at 50” and to decrease as the temperature increases. Apparent values for the activation enthalpies and entropies for the vaporization and condensation (Author) processes are calculated. (U.S.A.) R. R. Hammer 1964,314-317.
and N. W. Gregory,
J. Phys. Chem., 68, Feb.
Electrical Engineering, Electronic Circuits, Electrical Devices
56 750. The preparation of evaporated micro-circuits. (Great Brifain) Apparatus is described for producing microcircuits made of thinfilm resistors, capacitors, and interconnexions which are evaporated in vacuum through masks on to glass. The glass substrates are arranged above a rotary holder carrying the masks which define the vapour beam emitted from evaporation sources arranged on a turret head. The dimensions of the condensed electrical components must be accurately controlled and precision masks are prepared by a photoresist and chemical etching technique. In conclusion, the procedure adopted in the production of a micro-circuit of the multivibrator type is described. (Great (Author) Britain)
silicon monoxide for capacitors, the conductors are made from gold or manganese-copper alloy. The aim has been to produce deposited circuit elements into which semiconductors will later be integrated ; the resulting substrates are then to be made into full sealed modules containing complete functional circuits. Before incorporating into sealed modules the individual components must be stable and resistant to ordinary climatic conditions likely to be met in manufacture, storage, and assembly. (Great Britain). (Author) G. Manfield, Electronic Engng., 35, Sept. 1963, 558-594. 56 752. Sputtered capacitors in microcircuits. (Great Britain) This article describes work at the Royal Radar Establishment on the preparation of tantalum pentoxide dielectric films by reactive sputtering. Capacitors having capacitance of 0.035 pF/cm2, and dissipation factor less than 0.01 at 1 kcisec, operate at 1OV d.c. with a leakage of only 2 x 10d8 A/cmZ. D. J. Clarke and P. Lloyd, Brit. Communications and Electronics, 11, March, 1964,176-178. 56 753. Microelectronic circuits formed from vapour. (U.S.A.) This article describes new developments in thin-film microcircuit production at Sylvania Electronic Products Inc. Ceramic wafers 0.01 in. thick are coated with a thin layer of high-temperature glass, which is claimed to allow thinner films and more finelydefined conductor lines. A “ new method of current amplification using inexpensive polycrystalline ceramic materials ” is referred to without explanation. Resistive and dielectric films are formed by evaporating “ difficult” materials (e.g., carbon, titanium oxide, and aluminium oxide) in ultra-high vacua with the aid of electron bombardment heating. Resistance per unit area 10 to 100 times greater than that of michrome, and capacitance per unit are 15 times that obtained with silicon monoxide, are claimed. M. Lorant, Electron. Equip. News, 5, April 1964, 98. 56 754. Practical approach to thin-film circuits. P. L. Kirby, Brit. Communications and Electronics, 11, April 1964, 242-6 ; May 1964,320-3. 56 755. Survey of techniques in memory devices. M. Barraclough, Brit. Communications and Electronics, Dec. 1963.920-S.
A. Duthie, et al., Electronic Engng., 35, July 1963, 430-433.
56 751. The development of thin film resistors and capacitors for microcircuits. (Great Britain) Microminiature circuits can be made from thin films of insulating, resistive, or conductive materials, which may be deposited on to This article describes the suitable substrates by evaporation. making of such films and of components such as resistors and capacitors from them. Nickel chromium is used for resistors and
Mechanical Engineering
57 756. Electron beam machining. (Great Britain) This article describes the technique of electron beam machining in vacua, and discusses possible mechanisms which may occur during the process. The factors affecting the smallest beam size obtainable are considered, and some applications are mentioned. J. Kelley, Brit. Communications and Electronics, 11, Jan. 1964, 20-23.
Miscellaneous 61.
Standards. Nomenclature.
Units 61
757. New values for the physical constants. (U.S.A.) Instrum. & Control Systems, 37 (1), Jan. 1964, 85-87.
61 758. New definition of the meter. (U.S.S.R.) E. A. Volkova. Measurement Tech.. (8). Feb. 1963. 626-630 : translated from-the Russian in Izmerit.‘fikhnika, (8),‘Aug. 1962; 5-8.