Fuel science and technology (fundamental science, analysis, instrumentation)
Q5lOlOl Q
On-line snslyslr of coal - Symporlum rrvlew Kirchner, A. and Maude, C. IEAPER/l3, IEA Coal Research, Gemini House, IO-18 Putney Hill, London SW15 64A, fl80.00, Sept. 1994. The report updates the 1991 report on the same subject and 1s based on the papers resented at the International Symposium on On-line Analysis of Coal hePd in Vienna. Austria. durine October 1993. On-line analvsis techni ues have develc&d be&use ortheir ability to rovide coal quality in9ormation on a continuous basis and more quickly an laboratories. The technology can be used to measure several-imp&tant bulk coal quality parameters, such as ash and moisture. It can also provide information on the elemental composition of the coal.
Q5lQ1027 Predlctlng gas adsorption uslng two-dlmenelonal equatlonr of rtste Zhou,C. er al., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., May 1994, 33, (5), 1280-1289. Accurate description of gas adso tion on solids is aining in importance as the number of engineering appP cations expands. fn the present work, a eneral two-dimensional equation of state (2-D EOS) is presented and the t gacity equations are derived to describe the adsorbed phase for adsorption from gas mixtures. Model constants in the 2-D EOS are determined from pure adso tion equilibria data and then used to predict adsorption of mixtures on bofK homogeneous and heterogeneous surfaces.
Onllno donrlty determlnatlon of cosl slurrler con%I01 020 tslnlng slr bubbles Baumann. F. M. er al.. J. Coal 0~11.. 1993. 12. (2). 101-103. Describes a technique ‘which haslbeen developed id.compensate for the influence of air bubbles on nucleonic density meters. A measuring device has been constructed which consists of two necleonic density met& operating in pipe sections under different pressure. The method has been tested at a laboratory circuit where slurries of 200 1 volume are pumped through.
%I01 028 Preferable fullerener snd clsr-sextet cager Liu, X. et al., Fullerene Science & Technology, 1994, 2, (4), 405-422. All 558 fullerenes satisfying the isolated-pentagon rule and having no more than 96 vertices are generated and analvxed. A novel subclass of cages of especially favoured $-network ‘t lo&’ is identified, given several&uctural characterization, and all sueOK0 cages of up to 120 vertices are generated and analyzed.
QSlOlO21 0 Ical probe meaeuremonts of thr temperature of burnlng partlcf” OS In tluldlzed beds Linjewile, T. M. et al., Fuel, Dec. 1994, 73, (12), 1880-1888. The temperatures of freely moving etroleum coke particles bumin in the interior of a fluidized bed of sand Kave been measured. An opticaei probe technique, employing two-wavelength pyrometry with wavelengths centred at 800 and 1000 nm, was used for the measurements over a wide range of operating conditions.
%I01 029 Radlatlon flux on the walls of long chsnnele wlth convective-mdlant heat transfer Zal’tsman, I. G. and Shikov, V. K. Teplofi Vys. Temp., 1994, 32, (2), 315-318. (In Russian) Describes a mathematical model which has been developed for the convective-radiant heat transfer in a channel. The parameter of L.M. Biberman and S.Ya. Bronin (1988) is modified for the convective-radiant heat transfer in long channels. The parameter enables the correlation of convectiveradiant heat-transfer data which is obtained at high temperature combustion products of natural gas and dispersed coal particles.
95101022 O~tlcsl Dvromotrlc moaruromonts of rurlsce temperatures du&a -lkik llquor char burnln snd ga8lflcstlon Frederick, W. J. d al., Fuel, Dec. 1994, 73, (1s ), 1889-1893. Surface temperature of single black liquor droplets in high temperature furnace enviiomnents were measured using a hv&colour optical pyrometer with a quartz optical fibre probe. The experimental conditions were 7509OO’Cand in oxidizii and gasifying environments. Surface temperatures were calculated based on measurements of 650 and 1050 nm using an algorithm which accounted for reflection of radiation from the particle surface. The method gave reliable temperatures under combustion conditions during char burning. Optlmlzed tubular mdlator wlth annular tins on a 95101023 nDnlrothormal base Kumar, S. S. and Venkateshan, S. P. Inl. J. Hear & Fluid Flow, Oct. 1994? 15, (5), 399-410. In this paper, a large-scale computational analysis has been undertaken,of tubular radiators with fin arrays m which the temperature of the fluid vmes along the radiator length. The presence of an optimum fin outer diameter for a given pipe diameter, which is independent of other thermophyslcal parameter, has been brought out. A set of useful correlations, which will enable the designer to quickly evaluate the performance of the system, is developed for different fin profiles. A design methodology assumin.g an infinite fluid side heat transfer coefficient has been presented. Compansons have been made for validating the present calculations. Pattern recognltlon based adsptlw control of twoQ5/01024 Input/two-output systems urlng ARTPA neuml networks Megan, L. and Cooper, D. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Jun. 1994, 33, (6), lSl?l-1519. The paper details an applied investigation of pattern recognition based adaotive control for two-inout/hvo-outout systems. Two ART2-A neural n&&s perform a concur&t analysis-of cdntroller error and manipulated input patterns resultin from a set point change or an unmeasured diiturbance to the system. #Ii s information is then used to adapt the models that describe each input/output relationship. Petro rsphlc and geaohemlcal snatomy of 95101025 Ilthotypellthotypes Rom the Blue Gem cosl bed, southeastern Kentkky -Hower. J. C. et al., Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1994, 39, (2% 491-494. Descrtbes how powdered samples of the low-ash bituminous coal were separated into density fractions by centrifuge method, and the fractions were then evaluated by petrographic and chemical analysis. The coal showed high vitrinite content, with a transition to semimite at 1.30 g/mL and to fusmite at 1.33 g/mL. The ash content was typically 0.40-1.47 and the S ~0.8 wt%, and was probably associated with clay, carbonate, and possibly pyrite. Phyrlcochemlcal hydrodynamics - 2nd Edltlon Q5lO1026 Probstein. R. F. John Wilev & Sons, $69.95, 400 vv. The fluid flow effects on physical, &hemic& and &chemical processes and, conversely, the effect of physical, chemical, biochemical processes on fluid flow are discussed.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts January 1995
A mpld hestlng TGA method for evalustlng the csrQ5lQI0% bon rorldue of fuel oil Ghetti, P. Fuel, Dec. 1994, 73, (12), 1918-1921. A new TGA method for evaluatin the carbon residue of hea fuel oil is *7e to submit proposed. Using a Netxsch STA & thermobalance it is posstb the sample to a hi h heating rate (>75oOCmin.‘) in nitrogen obtaining a rapid pyrolysis fo l!owed by the combustion of carbon restdue in oxygen. The results obtained for eight samples of heavy fuel oil are compared with the asphaltene content and with the Conradson carbon residue. This method is easy and rapid to carry out; it is characterized by good re atability and may be widely employed in routine laboratories for fuel 0~.p”control. Q5lo1031 A review of the ueee of plsnsr chromstogmphy In the coal and oil Industrlos Herold, A. J. Planar Chromaroxr.-Mod. ‘TLC, 1994, 7, (31, 180-l%. Reviews the uses of thin layer (ii. planar) chromatography in petroleum and coal analysis and related areas, covering mainly the period from January 1987 to December 1992. Reynoldr strerr model asses8ment u8lng round jot %I01032 experlmentsl dats Lasher, W. C. and Taulbee, D. B. Int. J. Heat & Fluid Flow, Oct. 1994, 15, (5), 357-363. Experimemtal data of Hussein et al. (1993) for the turbulent round jet are used to evaluate individual components of Reynolds stress turbulence models. Models for terms in the Reynolds stress equations are reviewed, with articular em hasis on linear and nonlinear pressure-strain models. Pmproved toe !fl*clents for the Choi and Lumley return-to-isotropy expresd bx the authors. These coefficients are valid for a s$m:rh;;pz de&x e currently used coeffhzients. Pressure-strain and transport model components are compared to the experimental data for the jet, and a ement is very good, indicating that the models are reasonably correct. !zi, ictions using the linear models are generally as good as those obtained using nonlinear models, indicating that nonlinear models may not be necessary for engineering accuracy for this flow. Role of onllne mass rpectrometry for studylng thr Q5lO1033 ~tlcturelresctvlty relatlonrhlps snd converslon proceeser of Meuzelaar, H. L. Prepr. Pap,-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1994, 39, (l), 36-41. Discusses the use. of pyrolysis mass spectrometry for studies of coal structure and structure-reactivity relationships in coal conversion. Scanning tunnellng mlcroecopy of pyrlte surfsce -1034 Liao, L. ef al., Diqiu Kaue, 1994, 19, (1). 39-42. (In Chinese) The authors carried out a study in order to understand the existing state of occurrence of sulphur in coal.