Energy (supplies, policy, economics, forecasts)
Crude-oil and natural-gaa ?? uppliea and demands 95lOlO55 up to AD2010 for the unlflad Germany Mackay, R. M. Applied Energy, 1994, 49, (3), 255-274. A novel technique for forecasting the supply and extraction life-cycle of depleting fossil-fuel resources has been applied to crude-oil and natural-gas productions in the unified Germany. The supply side utilises a ‘skewednormal production-profile’ model, that yields a better representation than earlier approaches. A simple model for extrapolating crude-oil and naturalgas demands for unified Germany has also been devised and based on the so-called ‘modified logit function’. The pro’ected crude-oil and natural gas . d.lcate the increasing disparities balances for the period up to AD 2010 m between both the indigenous crude-oil and natural-gas productIons and the future consumption requirements for Germany. The magnitudes of these forecasts depend on current estimates of the remaining oil and gas reserves. 95ior 057 Beedie, M.
Cuttlng coats In bualnaaa
Financial Times Managemenet Reports, London, f280.00 (UK), f290.00 (Overseas) 1994, 172 pp.
Dacompoaltlon of Induatrlal energy consumption. 95lO1065 The energy lntanalty approach Ang, B. W. Energy Economics, Jul. 1994, 16, (3), 163-174. Two recent papers have dealt with several methodological and application issues related to the technique of decomposing changes in industrial energy consumption. In this paper, the author examines these issues in the context of another commonly adopted approach to decomposition, ie decomposing changes in aggregate energy intensity for industry. The scope of the study includes two general parametric Divisia methods, a unified decomposition framework, f&e spec!fic decomposition methods and method selection in actual application. Also shows that decomposition can be done in an infinite number of ways and some previously proposed decom osition methods using the energy intensity approach are special cases oft g e two general parametric Divisia methods. Also compares the energy intensity approach with the energy consumption approach to decomposition in actual applications. Dlatrlbutlon of control 95/01059 Van Der Meu, P. and Schotman, W. Gas (Netherlands), Oct. 1994, 114, (lo), 532-535. (In Flemish) Cooperation within the energy sector brings about other organisational structures. Peter van der Meij and Wm Schotman distinguish six models, each model representing a different way of implementing control distribution. 1s decision making a largely central or decentral process? And is authority in the hands of a small or large group of shareholders? In selecting an organisational structure the energy distribution companies should know what they want to achieve by cooperation or a merger. A matter of weighing criteria. Domestic energy and affordable warmth 95/01070 Markus, T. A. E & F N Spon, London, 1994, 147 pp. The book discusses efficient domestic use of energy. 95/01071
With the UK Government’s Nuclear Review in full swing this book is of articularly interest to those in the nuclear industry. It takes an independent Pook at the likely costs of nuclear fuel for reactors that could be commissioned around the year 2000. The affects of energy taxes on the Kanyan acon95/01072 omy. A CGE analyala Haji Hatibu Haji Semboja, Energy Economics, Jul. 1994, 16, (3), 205-215. The paper utilizes a computable general equilibrium model to evaluate the impact of the second oil price shock and consequent energy tax policies on the Kenyan economy. Simulations show that dramatic change in energy prices and consequent changes in domestic energy consumption generate sequential feedbacks in the production process and affect economic structures. Terms of trade deteriorate; the balance of payments deficit increases and national income falls. Energy import tariffs and a sales tax are effective policy instruments in controlling energy consumption and increasing government revenue. Both energy policies have net negative effects on other economic activities similar to those observed under the oil price shock. Energy 2: The cutting edge Hasell, N. Management Today, Jul. 1994, 73-74. Describes how energy management is helping industry to reduce fuel bills.
Energy demands In the next century
Proc. Enerav Policy in the 199Os, The Transition to the Comuedtiw Market Confy Oxford Economic Research Associates, 1994, 3 pp.-
The author discusses the factors that will affect energy demand in the next century. Enarg afflclancy yaarbook 1994 %I01 075 Energy Systems Tra f!e Association, Stroud, UK, 1994, 50 pp. The yearbook provides information on energy efficiency accreditation schemes, phase out CFC refrigerants, facilities integration, NEMEX 93 review, and a directory of ESTA members. 95101077
Energy In developing countrlaa: analyala IEA and OECD, Paris, France? 1994, 130 pp. An analysis of energy demand m developing countries.
A aactoral
Energy map ot the North Saa 95/01070 Price Waterhouse, Perroleum Economist Ltd., London, 1994. The map shows oil and gas reduction for the UK, Norway, Denmark, and the Netherlands. Indicates t1 e oil and gas fields, pipelines, terminals and refineries, and coal fields. 95/01079
Enargy pollclaa for anar y afflclancy In offlca aqulpmant. Case atudlaa from Europa, 9open and the USA Dandridge, C. B. er al., Energy Policy, Sep. 1994, 22, (9), 735-747. The paper compares licies and rogrammes in several European countries, Japan and the U? A that coul B enhance the energy efficiency of office technology. Different programmes are examined, including federal govemment programmes. In some cases target values for power usage of office equipment have already been set through these federal government programmes. Large customer procurement programmes, industry involvement with emphasis on voluntary labeling programmes, and research projects are also examined. Procedures that provide energy consumption measurements of various types of equipment are important for providing information to emerging procurement programmes. Energy pollclaa of the European Union 95/01090 Lyons, P. K. EC Inform, 13 Aldershot Road, London NW6 7LD, f265.00, S&r. 1994, 160 pp. . A comprehensive, detailed and up-to-date report on European Union policies. Provides full details on all current European Union policies and major issues affecting energy, and generous background information on past policies and negotations.
The accnomlca of the nuclear fuel cycle
OECD, Paris, France, FF260.00,
Ens y conaumptlon and aconomlc growth In the 95101074 African countriaa‘R orth and South of Sahara Girod, J. Revue de I’Energie, Sep. 1994, (461), 449-456. (In French) Using data series of national origins, the authors compare the final energy consumption with the GDP evolution, during the 80’s, for about 20 African countries. In the five countries north of Sahara, the particularly high elasticity coefficients express the strong intensity of the connection between the two variables. In the countries south of Sahara, the past trends are much more irregular, and national trajectories are various. At least three configu rations must be distinguished within the 16 countries selected to show the relation between energy consumption and economic growth during this period.
Energy aarvlcaa market: Will compatltlon be left to ::tE
Gwen, G. and King, M. London, 1994, 33 pp.
Gas Consumers Council, Energy Saving Trust,
A report on a survey on the competition in the energy services market. The survey suggests that in the short and medium term, there will be no place for energy efficiency as consumers and providers aim for a single goal of lower prices. Energy use In a tranaltlonal economy. The caaa of Meyers, S. et al., Energy Policy, Aug. 1994, 22, (8), 699-713. The paper provides a sectoral analysis of how energy use has changed in Poland since the 197Os, with particular emphasis on changes since the country began its transition from a centrally planned to a market economy in 1990. Total final energy use in 1991 was 25% below that in 1988 and the lowest since the mid-1970s. The most important factor behind the large decline in Polish energy use in 1990 were a sharp fall in industrial output and a huge drop in re&ential coal use driven by higher prices. Energy Lse declined bv onlv 2% in 1991. which was less than the fall in GDP of 8%. Key factoi thai lessened the decrease in energy use after 1989 were a rise in enemv intensitv in manv heavv industries and a shift toward greater use of cars&d truck in passenger &d freight transport. Higher en&gy prices have had an evident Impact on residential coal use. 95lOlO93 Energy: The new price Carr, E. Economisr, Jun. 1994, 6-20. A survey on world energy markets and the future demands from developing countries.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts January 1995