01159 Organic structure components within the Argonne premium coal sample

01159 Organic structure components within the Argonne premium coal sample

95/011% Nondeetructhro teetln of the nuln rupportlng alementa of heavy-duty tranrporl fat RHlw 1994,55, (2), 80-83. Fuchs,D. and Noeller, H. Glueckuf-...

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95/011% Nondeetructhro teetln of the nuln rupportlng alementa of heavy-duty tranrporl fat RHlw 1994,55, (2), 80-83. Fuchs,D. and Noeller, H. Glueckuf-Forschungslr, n German) !b c paper discusses nondestructive testing methods for equipment (drift tmnsport facilities; mainly of structural steel) used in coal and potash mines to identify developing cracks even at places inaccessible to direct visual inspection.

Thr rolr ot mod.1 compound StudIoa In coal ZKZ Buchanan, A. C. and Britt, P. F. Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. SM., Div. Fuel C&m., 1994, 39, (l), 22-26. Discusses the use of model compounds in studies of coal processing, e.g. liquefaction and pyrolysis. Topics include compounds containing heteratoms, retrogressive reaction pathways, interfacial chemical, and hydrogen transfer chemistry.

%lollsg Organic etructuro componontr wlthln thr Argonnr Premium coal rmplee Winanq R. E. Prepr. Pap&m Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1994,39, (l), 27-30.

%/Ott% Solublllzatlon ot coal by Polyporue verelcolor and Candldr ML13 Han, W. et al., Shengwu Gongcheng Xuebao, 1994, 10, (l), 87-92. (In Chinese)

osK)ll% Apere 0 on the ?? tatua of coal reerrch from rhlpmonte ot ump ?ee Vornq K. S. et al., Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1994, 39, (1). 1-6. Sup hers involved in thii study include: the Argonne Premium Coal Samplegro gram, the Illinois Basin Coal Sample Program, the SBN and several ups of samples from the Pennyslvania State University Coal Sam le I!?ank. The number of samples shipped from each supplier over a rio of one over years would indicate something of the relative amounts of work gcB that period. The paper provides an insight into this measure of work.

%I01 170 Solutlon ?? tructuro of coal macromoleculee In pyrldlno: Smallrnglo neutron ecatterlng malyele ot unweated and 0-mothylated coal extracte Cody, G. D. et aL, Energy & Fuels, Nov.-Dec. 1994,8, (a), 1370-1378. Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) has been applied to investigate the solution state characteristics of pyridine extracts obtained from three Argonne Premium coals: APCS No. 3,2, and 8. In order to investigate the role of specific solvent-solute interactions. both untreated and O-methylated extracts were investigated.

A plant tluuo orlgln for ulmlnltee A and B In Sac95/01181 katchewan II nltee and Impllcatlono for R Sykes, R. et a! , Energy & Fuels, Nov.-Dec. 1894, 8. (6), 1402-1416. The papr describes the petrography and organic geochemistry of Taxodiaceae wood and bark tissues within Paleocene lignites of southern Saskatchewan, canada. Potentlrl for amor hou8 korogen tormatlon vlr %I01162 urface8 adoorptlon ot or rnlc metorlrl aP mlnonl ?? Bishop, A. N. and !*help, R. P. Energy & Fur.%, Nov.-Dec. 1994, 8, (a), 1494-1497. The traditional model for the formation of kero en in sediments is that biopolymers undergo biochemical degradation, fo l!owed by polymerization and co-ndensation, ?esul x’ in an i&luble grodua.Aaal&+ivemethod n postulated, ased on observations that cerof kerogen formation has tain biooolvmers mav be hi&lv resistant to microbial detuadation. indicating that-&se components &n be selectively preserved. diay mine& have strong adsorption and catalytic properties, with a high effective surface area.-and ti commonly abtitit &mponents of org?mic-rich sediments. Hence, clays are likely to adsorb organic matter in sediments. A prlorl 8Imulatlon ot coal pyrolyrlr ?? xporlmonto Q5mll63 bared on coal ?? lomental compoeltlonr zhao, Y. et al, Prepr. Pap.-Am Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1994,39, (2), 569-575. An interpolation method was proposed to correlate the input parameters of up depolymerixa~on-vaporixaa coal devolatilixation model, functional was conceptually a licable to tion-crosslinin~, for untested coals, an lY” other devolatibzation models. The method uses a set of well- &e ed coals to form a hia@ar mesh in the van Krevelen diagram. The validity of the method was demonstrated by comparing the tar yield measurements and predictions for 27 coals under a wide range of pressures and heating rates. For most of the coals, the predictions compared very well with the data. Radlatlon4lmulated proceeeee ot deetructlon and %I01 164 polycondoneatlon ot coal@ Mustafaev, L. et aL, J. RadioanaL NucL Chem., 1994, 187, (S), 355-365. The regularities of destructive and crosslinking processes in lignites of the Soma coal field, Turkey, were investigated by ESR and IR spectroscopy, derivatogmphy (thermogravimetry), and chromatography. RollabIlIty and ro roduclblllty of Ieachlng proc+ %I01 1% lemente In duree to eetlmato the modee oPoccurrence of trace ?? CQOI Palmer, C. A. et al, Prepr. Pap.-Am Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1994, 39, (2 514-518. Same ?es of the Illinois No.6 coal were leached individuallv and/or seauentiallj -with 1 N CH COONH,, 2 N HCl. 48% HF, and i N HNO,.’ The concentrations of 43 elements were determined by analyzing the lea&ate by inductively coupled argon plasma-at. emission spectros+y and/or the residue by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Rovlow of reoent con1 exploration rctlvltloe %lOll% Mathesoa S. Queensland Government Minintt J., Dec. 1994, 95, D. 15. A short report

Fuel and Enorgy Abetracte March I%5

%I01 171 Spllttor II major stop torward In nonexploelve excavation Anderson, S. AMC Journal, Nov. 1994, 80. (ll), p. 10. Describes the Bureau of Mines new radial-axial splitter. QSIOI172 Structural charactorlzatlon of the organic polymere comprlrlng a Ilgnlto’r matrix and megafoerllr Stout, S. A. and Boon, J. J. Org. Geochem., 1994, 21, (8). 953-970. The geochemical and ~ttogmphic character of the matrix of the Oligocene, an ‘ospem~ous Brandon h@e. Vermont, is examined and compared to samp Pes of a common fossilized angiosperm wood and fruit endcearp contained within the lignite. QSlOll73 Studlre on allphatlc portion of coal organic materlal breed on ruthonlum Ion catelyzed oxlddlon Murata. S. et al. Enerpv & Fuel. Nov.-Dec. 1994. 8. (61. 1379-1383. Analysis of the ;IliphatiFportion df coal carried out by using ruthenium ion catalyze ca able of c&ver&g alkyl side chaii attached to ammatic moieties in CBM to aliphatic carboxylic acids, whose sp’ carbons come from their aromatic carbons. Studlre on chomlcal etructuro of coal. %I01 174 IIGomprrlron of carbon dletrlbutlon breed on pyrolyele data olld-eteto NMR data wlth thooo from ?? Hama, H. et aL, Nippon Enerugi Gakkaishi, 1994, 73. (3). 177-184. (In Japanese) 95IOll75 Surface compoeltlon and chemical 8tato of Fo and MO Impregnated eubbltumlnouo coal Ni, H. et aL, Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem, 1994,39, (2),

537.541. The paper investigated the surface composition and chemical states of

elements in samples of Wyodak subbituminous coal im and MO. The concentrations of Fe, MO, S, Al, Si, Ca, E!?Ezz determined by XPS in samples impregnated with 0.7.2.b9b’Fe and 5001000 ppm MO. Suecoptlblllty to ?? pontanooue combuetlon of 95lOl178 Indian coal0 and llgnltre: An organic petrographic autopey Misra, B. K. and Singh, B. D. Int. J. Coal GeoL, 1994.25. (3), 265-286. Discusses how a critical analysis of various genetic and physical factors associated with certain Early and Late Permian and 0 ’ ocene coal seams and Early Eocene lignite seams of India revealed that% c high secondary porosity and small particle six+ irrespective of petrographic and rank properties in sub-humid climate, favour spontaneous wmbustion. A scheme for indexing spontaneous combustion susce tibility, based on the present study, has been proposed which is particularPy suited to the Indian context. 95m1t77 Tlmo ecalee ot gar ?? mloolon zone and ga8 ?? rolerlonr rate Koppe, U. Glue&auf-Forschungsh, 1994, 55. (2), 66-70. (In German) Comparison of gas emission from seam 2 and seam 54 at Preussag Anthraxit GmbH, Germany has shown that with extraction work moving to greater depth the gas emission equilibium is reached later than witb mining emission with primary and secondary at shallower depths. Scale of extraction of nanels 721 and ?as 23 showed that nrunarv extraction oanels exhibited mo; marked p emission under the &me g&logical wn&tions. Examination of the emission rate in the roof led to a gas emission rate mean curve which takes into account the age of underlying workings, or the time elapsed since such workings occurred.