04471 Preliminary study of correlation between fine coal characteristics and properties and their dewatering behavior

04471 Preliminary study of correlation between fine coal characteristics and properties and their dewatering behavior

01 Electrostatic beneflclation of coal 95104458 L.indquist, D. A. et aL, Proc. Mater. Res. Sot Symp. Advances in Porous Materials, 1995, 371: 459-463...

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01 Electrostatic beneflclation of coal 95104458 L.indquist, D. A. et aL, Proc. Mater. Res. Sot Symp. Advances in Porous Materials, 1995, 371: 459-463. Electrostatic beneticiation is being investigated as a dry precombustion cleaning method for removing pyritic forms of sulphur from coal. The coal is ground to a fine powder and then electrostatically charged. The pyrite particles adopt a ne ative charge and the carbon particles a possible charge. The pyrite and carbon fractions can then be separated in an electrostatic separator based on their charge differences. The efficiency of the beneficiation process is determined by quantitative sulphur analysis of the feed and processed coal. Experience wlth the manufecture of pretreated brl95/04459 queta from central German llgnlte and with their appllcatlon In small flrlng units Mall, L. and Neudert, J. Energienwend, Energ.-Umweltrec& 1994, 43, (12), 473-476, 479. (In German) Film flotation - Fractloned rurface flotatlon (a new 96lO4460 method for testlng coal surface hydrophoblclty) Wierzchowski, K. Przegl. Corn., 1994, 50, (ll), 15-19. (In Polish) Presents the origins and fundamental theoretical principles of testing coal surface properties by the film flotation method. The procedure for de siting the film flotation reagents on the surface of coal grains outsi.c?e the flotation environment is described. 95lo4461 Further davelo ment of coal utlllratlon technology expected In the light of moPecular lnformatlon about coal Nomura, M. Kagaku Kogyo, 1995, 46, (I), 44-52. (In Japanese) Describes current and future technology on carbonization, liquefaction, thermal decomposition, gasification, and combustion of coal. 95lQ4462 Grlndlng and drylng of coal Kindelan. A. Ina. Quim. (Madrid). 1994. 26. (2991. 95-98. (In Soanish) &d diying 02 Describes an indu
sulphur was oxidized to sulphate as the reaction progressed to completion. 95104468 Manufacture of ecologlcall acceptable fuel from low-grade coal b the Gravlmelt metho cy Mevers. R. A. et aY., Elektr. Sa.. 1994. 67-70. (In Russian) De&&es deashing &d desul hur&ation of coal gy the Gravhelt process and the use of the treated coa P for combustion in electric power plants and as an adsorbent for removal of heavy metal and organic impurities from wastewaters and ground waters.

Solid fuels (preparation)

95104469 Nadwlalanaka Coal Company S.A In Tychy - productlon ?!allty and coal,cleanlng process &riko;rsk~,W. and Slocinsh, J. PrzegL Corn., 1994,50, (5). 36-43. (In The quality parameters of coal from the eight mines of the Vistula Valley Coal Company S.A., Poland, are given. A new technology of lower oxide and eaally raducl95/04470 ble alnter Frantsenyuk, I. V. et al., Proc. Second In,. Symp. Metall. Processes Year 2000 Beyond TMS Extr. Process MetalL Meet., Miner. Met. Mater. Sot., Warrenable, PA, USA, 1994. 2, 879-888. Raw fluxes and some of the solid fuel are jointly ground in rotary hammer crushers. The joint grinding of solid fuel and raw fluxes in impact crushers provides for combining or, at least, joining of geometric parameters of the reactive zones of carbonates and CO, decomposition due to solid carbon gasification. 95104471 Prellmlnary study of correlatlona between flna coal characterlatlca and propertlea and their dawaterlng behavlor Ron& R. X. and Hitchins, J. Miner. Eng., 1995, 8, (3), 293-309. Discusses the dewatering performance of 25 fine coal samples taken from 21 Australian coal preparation plants. Coal equilibrium moistures, surface. properties, quantity of superfine particles, mineral matter and water properties influence the behaviour of filters or screen bowl centrifuges more directly than do any other coal properties. 95104472 Praparatlon planta of Gllwlce Coal Company S.A colllerlea Cieslak, W. and Kabut, A. Przegl. Corn., 1994. 50, (5). 10-19. The Gliwice Coal Company S.k produces both power and coking coals in a wide spectrum of types from 32.1 to 35.2A. Discusses the problems posed by modernization of the existing preparation plants. Processes for deaulfurlzlng coal 96JO4473 Lee, S. et aL, PCT ht., WO.94,29,411, Dec. 1994. A process for removing organic sulphur from coal in which the coal is dispersed in perchloroethylene in the presence of a catalyst which is effective to disrupt C-S bonds and thereby liberate sulphur species from the coal. 95104474 Reactlon of phoaphorylatlng reagents wlth ?? ubaUtutad phenols and coals, using mlcrowave haatlng Monsef-Mini, P. et al., Fuel, Jul. 1995, 74, (7), 1004-1008. Attempts have been made to accelerate the direct reaction of coal OH with phosphorylating reagents, e. $i”%amc% Et0 ,PCl, by use of microwave heating. I!&%?~ rp” compounds, e.g. 2,4,6-tri-t-butylphenol and 2-phenylphenol, show that various reactions are accelerated. The data obtained 1s discussed. 95/04476 Results of Induatrlal atudlea of new coal flotatlon aaent8 Olszowka, J. et aL, Prsegl. Corn., 1994, 50, (7). 31-33. (In Polish) Describes the combination of a new collector and a new frother which gave good results in industrial coal flotation tests. 95/04I76 Salectlve agglomeration of coal: Analyala of laboratory batch teat results Petela,R. et al., Fuel, Aug. 1995, 74, (8), 1200-1210. The results of 206 batch laboratory tests on selective agglomeration of three coals are reported. ‘The effectiveness of the agglomeration process is analysed with the use of some new indices descrihmg rejection of sulphur and mineral matter as well as recovery of coal matter. The influence of the process variables was examined by multiple linear regression. Correction calculus for measurement errors was used to estimate the accuracy of the experimental results. 95104477 Solvent reflnad coal - Studlea on the behavlor of an Iron catalyst Dwivedi, S. R. et aL, Fuel Process TecknoL, 1995. 42, (l), 19-33. An attempt has been made to study the effect of solvent extraction on coals from Assam, South Karanpura, and Singrauli Coalfields of India. Bxperiments were carried out in an autoclave under H, pressure in the presence of hematitite catalyst, anthracene oil solvent, and sulphur promoter. The yield and quality of solvent-refined coal was improved substantially by the effect of the catalyst. 95104478 State and develo ment of cleaning process at the Rybnlk Coal Compan SA coa preparatlon planta wlth regard to the coal market raquYrementa p Zajac, K. et aL, Przegl. Corn., 1994, 50, (5). 50-60. The 7 mines of the Rybnik Coal Company produce high calorific value power coal and high quality coking coal and also coal blends. Noteworthy among the modernization projects undertaken in the concentration process for coal fines is the column flotation process, applied for the fit time in Poland, for concentration of the finest power coal grains.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts September 1995