06575 Catalytic science and technology for environmental issues

06575 Catalytic science and technology for environmental issues

15 The air preheater. A component for the emission 96106562 reduction (CO, and SOJ VGB Kraj&rkstech., 1995, 75, (ll), Mueller-Odenwald, H. et al., 97...

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The air preheater. A component for the emission 96106562 reduction (CO, and SOJ VGB Kraj&rkstech., 1995, 75, (ll), Mueller-Odenwald, H. et al., 972-979. (In German) Describes the possibilities and limits of temperature reduction of flue gases from coal-fired boilers regarding heat savings. Presents additional measuring results and theoretical examination of the SO, separation depending on the heating surface temperature and coal type.

Analysis of quartz exporuro data obtained from underground and surface coal mining operations


Tomb, T. F. et al., Appl. Occup. Environ. Hyg., 1995, 10, (12), 1019-1026. Reports that the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) yearly performs quartz analysis on -9ooo respirable coal mine dust samples collected for various occu ations in US coal mines. All occupational quartz exposure data collecte s by MSHA since 1985 have been compiled and analyzed to characterize current occupational exposures to quartz.


(pollution, health prootection, safety)

Carbon dioxide production from coal-fired power plants for enhanced oil recovery: A feaslblllty_ study- in Western Canada


Tontiwachwuthikul, P. et al., Energy, Oct. 1996, 21, (lo), 857-869. In order to sustain the current production ca acity of conventional oil in Western Canada, enhanced oil recovery ( l$OR) technologies must be increasingly applied. Among these, CO, flooding is a highly attractive alternative. A large amount of CO, is bemg produced by coal-fired power plants in this region. The CO, is currently discharged into the atmosphere and could be a major contributor to the greenhouse effect, which may lead to global warming. Thus, the concept of capturing CO, and utilizing it as a flooding agent in EOR processes is currently generating much interest among oil, utility and coal companies. The authors demonstrate how cogeneration conce ts, together with process optimization strategies, help to reduce CO?-pro Buction cost by utilizing low-pressure steam and water heat from various sections.

Carbon emission tax and Its impact on a developing country economy - A case study of India


Apparatus and method for treatment of boiler flue gasee from coal-fired power plants 96106664

(Assigned to) Babcock Hitachi m Komuro, T. et al., JP.O8,33,826, Feb. 1996.

JAP. Pat.

Assessment of the radiation field from radioactive elements In a wood-ash-treated coniferous forest in Southwest Sweden


Ravila. A. and Helm. E. J. Environ. Radioactivirv. ,I Jul.-Aue.Y 1996. ,I 32. (l), l+-156. The distribution of natural and antrophogenic radioactive elements in soil and wood was investigated in a 30-year-old forest stand of Norway spruce. Forest plots treated w$h a single dose of granulated wood ash in 198g were compared with untreated control plots. It was observed that the retention of radiocaesium and radiostrontium by the forest soil is rather strong in spite of the high annual precipitation and the relatively acidic conditions of the soil. Most of the deposited nuclear weapons fall-out of radiocaesium and radiostrontium is still residing in the forest soil.

Batteries escape the scrap heap 96106566 Barthorpe, F. Prof. Engng., Apr. 1996, 9, (7), 26-27. Reports that a working group under the auspices of the European Portable Battery Association has carried out trials which show that it is technically feasible to use metal industry processes to recycle household batteries at only a fraction of the cost of dedicated battery recycling processes. The behavlour In bomb-derived caesium-137 fallout In catchment soils


Owens, P. N. et al., J. Environ. Radioactivity, 1996, 32, (3), 169-191. The use of “‘Cs measurements for investigating soil erosion and sediment redistribution within the landscape is now well established. However, for this ootential to be fullv realised. and to intemret the results obtained from such’investigations in ; meaningful manner ‘it is im ortant to understand how bomb-derived “‘Cs fallout interacted with partic Pes at the soil surface. Furthermore, as it is the surface soil which is tiobilised by most wind and water erosion processes, it is important to determine how the “‘Cs content as the surface as changed over time. The oaoer renorts a series of field and laboratory experiment which were carridd but td provide empirical information on the fate of “‘Cs applied to different soil types to simulate fallout during individual storm events and over a 10 month period. 96106566 Better balanced buildings Wyatt, T. Heat. Air Cot&t.. Aor. 1996. 14-18. Tde author points out that if reduced energy consumption leads to an inadequate indoor climate, the consequent productivity losses will be many times more expensive than the energy costs. A diagram presents order of magnitude of absenteeism from workplaces due to respiratory ailments. Research shows that the small cost of roviding the ideal indoor climate is about the same as that of providing Pree tea or coffee to the workforce. Describes design features of better buildings.

The big clean 96106569 Nicholls, G. Hear. Air Condit., Jul. 1996, 22-23, 26-28. Discusses how the new UK health and safety legislation which came into force in 1996 is having a dramatic impact on end-user’s habits, according to the ventilation hygiene experts. Brown coal minln and water resource management in the Rhenlsh district. B rotectlon of water supply In a heavy strained erea


Briechle, D. Forum Staedte-Hyg., 1996, 47, (1). 33-35. (In German) Discusses the problems of protection of water supply and water resource management in the brown coal mining area of the Rhenish district.

1995 carbon dioxide fact sheet 96106571 Walsh, J. H. Energy Studies Review, 1995, 7, (3), 273-275. Discusses the world emissions of carbon dioxide.

Jayadevappa, R. and Sumedha, C. The J. of Energy & Development, 20, (2), 229-246. Giobal climate change has become one of the most important of recent issues. It is estimated that roughly 60% of projected global climate change will be caused directly by the energy &or.-Develzping nations are tf;e fastest rowing reenhouse gas (GHG) emission sources. The restricted focus o P the GH E problem to fossil fuels and carbon dioxide emissions in particular frightens the developing countries. Most studies on global climate change neglect the impact of proposed measures of carbon tax on the economies of developing bloc. In this paper the authors examine the impacts of implementing a carbon emission tax on the economy of India using an input-output model. After discussing the economywide impacts of a carbon emission tax, possible measures for combating global climate change are examined.

96106674 Catalytic hot gas cleaning of gasification gas Simell, P. et al., Catal. Toai~y, 1996, 27, (l), 55-62. Discusses how dust-containing gasification gas can be efficiently purified from tars and NH, with Ni monolith catalyst.


Catalytic science and technology for environmen-

tal issues Zamaraev, K. I. PureAppl. Chem., 1996, 68, (2), 357-366. In the first part it is demonstrated how knowledge that comes from studies of catalysis at the molecular level helps to design new, more efficient catalysts and catalytic processes. In the second part the importance of catalytic technologies for solving environmental issues and providing sustainable development is discussed.

96106676 Clean-up of urban areas in the CIS countries contaminated by Chernobyl fallout r;;_+Ii and Andersson, K. G. J. Environ. Radioactivity, 1996, 33, (2), Earlier investigations in the CIS (the former Soviet Union) showed that the radiation from urban surfaces contaminated by Chernobyl fallout was almost entirely due to 13’Cs. Following a series of small-scale tests, several decontamination methods were selected for field trials in Russia and Ukraine. The trials revealed that, even after 7 years, up to 75% of the ‘“Cs could be removed at relatively little cost and more could be removed if necessary.

96106677 CO alarms Gas Engng. Mgmnt., Apr. 1996, 36, (3), 10-14. Discusses the recent issuing of the new British Standard BS 7860 covering carbon monoxide alarms and examines some of the issues involved.


CO concentration inside the Cross Harbor Tunnel

In Hong Kong Chan, L. Y. et al., Environment Int., 1996, 22, (4), 405-409. Carbon monoxide concentration within the Cross Harbor Tunnel in Hong Kone was investieated. Non-air-conditioned double deck buses travelline throlgh the tunnerwere used in the study to monitor the CO concentratio; and the distribution of CO in the tunnel.

Combinatlon of desulfurization by ammonlacal wet scrubbing with denltriflcation by selective catalytic reduction


VGB Tech. Ver. Grosskraftwerksbetr. (Tech. Huevel, B. and Rink, M. Ber.) VGB-TB 313, 1995, 53-55. (In German) Presents the experience from 30,000 hours of operation of a combination of desulphurization by ammoniacal wet scrubbing installation retrofitted on a coal-l,.;d boiler.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts November 1996