seemed to infer the viscosity depended on the temperature, mass fraction of plastic intermediate and interaction between plastic intermediate and the other components.
Analysis of the pressure drop characteristics and 9alQQQ92 method for calculation of gas and gas-solid flow in horizontal pipes of coal pulverization system Pan, W. et al. Zhejiang Dame Xuebao, Ziran Kexueban, 1996, 30, (6), 704712. (In Chinese) The paper analyses the pressure drop characteristics of gas and gas-solid flow in horizontal straight run of a pipe, and an empirical formula for calculating friction factor in the horizontal straight run of pipes transporting air-coal powder suspensions was obtained based on experimental results from the coal pulverization system of a large-capacity boiler in a power plant. Hydrogen evolution during low-temperature coal 98100093 oxidation-a previously unknown cause of explosion? Marzec, A. Karbo-Energochemical-Ekol., 1996, 41, (4), 143-144. (In Polish) Previous publications have proved hydrogen evolves during low-temperature oxidation of coal, which usually takes place during coal contact with air, e.g. during _ storage- or mine ventilation: The hydrogen concentration may in some cases reach a level when explosions become a danger. A numerical simulation of spontaneous combus98100094 tion of coal in goaf Wactawik, .I. et al. Proc. Int. Mine Vent. Congr., 6th. 1997, 313-316. Edited by Ramani, R. V., Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Littleton, Colorado. A mathematical model of concealed fire is presented and a porous medium (goaf, coal fissures) through which the air flows is given attention. A set of equations is constituted by transient, two-dimensional mass, momentum and energy balance equations with sources describing oxygen loss and heat generation caused by coal oxidation. Several examples illustrating the phenomenon of spontaneous heating in goaf areas behind longwall faces are reported. The optimization of the nitrogen infusion technol98lQQQ95 ogy Adamus, A. and Vicek, J. Proc. Int. Mine Vent. Congr., 6th, 1997, 337-340. Edited by Remani, R. V., Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Littleton, Colorado. The main source of nitrogen in the Ostrava-Karvina Coal Basin (OKB) is now a central pipeline. Gas nitrogen is used for the prevention of spontaneous combustion in gobs of longwall faces. Nitrogen infusion technology has been applied in the Czech coal mines since 1982 and can be optimized by calculation of mixing two gas streams in the filtration space. The intake airflow of longwall face is divided into the airflow passing through the face and a part of air losses passing through the gob. Air leaks through the gob and the nitrogen is injected into the gob mix there. The principles of gob aerodynamics are used to solve the main problem of air leakages into the gob. 98lQQQ96 Pressure fluids for face hydraulic systems provide microbial stability, good lubrication, and corrosion prevention Jungbluth, H. et al. Gfueckauf-Forschungsh, 1997, 58, (2). 82-87, 89. (In German) Due to increasing corrosion damage incidents to coal-face hydraulic systems. new hvdraulic fluids and new test criteria were develooed. Novel Lvdraulic fluids of the HFA E tvoe were described exhibitin’e excellent Iibrication properties, high l&is of corrosion protection -and good microbial stability. The anti-corrosive properties were studied by electrochemical methods, and information on the effective range of corrosion inhibitors were obtained by cd.-potential measurement, with element current measurements to investigate the characteristics of the various corrosion prevention agents. P87AF and PS9SBF had excellent corrosion inhibitor properties for steel even at a mass % concentration of 1.0, while conventional hydraulic fluids exhibited corrosion under these conditions. 98lQQQ97 Research into the problem of spontaneous combustion of coal Ren, T. X. and Edwards, J. S. Proc. Int. Mine Vent. Congr., 6th, 1997, 317322. Edited by Ramani, R. V., Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Littleton, Colorado. Despite extensive research into spontaneous combustion of coal, it continues to be a problem in coal mining. The Department of Mineral Resources Engineering of Nottingham University has been conducting fundamental research into this problem. Standardized adiabatic oxidation tests have been traditionally used to identify coals and other carbonaceous materials prone to spontaneous combustion. Based on intrinsic coal properties, geological settings and mining techniques the self-heating potential of coal can now be evaluated with the apparatus which has been
Solid fuels (transporl, storage)
computerized and coupled with an expert system known as ESSH. A numerical model has been developed to study the aerodynamics of airflow in the wastes of longwall coal faces. This approach is being explored for airflow behaviour and nitrogen inertization processes simulation within the goaf. Such a model would be used in locating the areas most liable to spontaneous combustion and improving the utilization of nitrogen. The most likely path ways of combustion/heating products could also be determined to provide an indication of the most appropriate locations for fire detectors. 98lQQQ98 Spontaneous ignition of coal in pressurized lockhoppers; safety aspects Rautalin, A. and Wilen, C. Proc. Int. Tech. Conf. Coal Util. Fuel Syst., 1995, 20, 109-120. Coal, as well as other fuels, have a tendency to produce heat through oxidation and consequently, to ignite spontaneously during storage. The tendency of coal to spontaneous ignition was studied with the pressurized dynamic research equipment in the Energy Production Technologies Unit of VTT Energy. It is possible to study spontaneous ignition oven at 100 bar pressure with this equipment. Results of tests carried out with granular coal (Dso = 0.95 mm) and pulverized coal (55% ~200 mesh) at normal 1 bar pressure and 25 bar piessure are disc&sed. Self-ignitidn determinations were also carried out for different biofuels, like forest residue and straw. The results indicated that the coal ignited at much lower temperature than the wood fuels. The results are reported. The results obtained can be utilized in dimensioning fuel bins, in selecting and designing preventive safety systems, and in monitoring and controlling processes. 98100099 Wet-milled coal in preparation of water-coal suspensions for transport through a pipeline Trubetskoj, R. N. Russ. RU 2,080,354 (Cl. ClOL1/32), 27 May 1997, Appl. 93,038,969, 6 Aug 1993. From Izobreteniya 1997, (15), 116-l 17. (In Russian)
Clean coal technologies in Japan Yeshida, R. Energy Sources, 1997, 19, (9). 931-943. The Japanese long-term energy supply and demand outlook in Japan, prepared and revised in June 1994 by the Advisory Committee for Energy, estimates that coal will provide 16.4% of the energy in 2000 and 15.4% in 2010. Japan currently imports one-third of international coal trade and depends heavily on overseas coals. In FY 1993, Japan imported 112 million tons of overseas coals and depended on foreign countries for about 94% of coal used. Owing to the stable supply of coal and its economic efficiency for the middle and long term, technologies for coal utilization such as clean coal conversion, including liquefaction, gasification, etc., and efficient combustion processes are being developed in Japan as the chief substitute for petroleum to reduce the excessive dependence on petroleum. Clean coal technologies being developed in Japan will spread widely throughout the world and are expected to create sustainable growth while solving energy and environmental issues.
98/QQlQl The current status and prospects for production of coal engineering Sidorenko, V. A. Ugol’ Ukr., 1996, (l), 7-12. (In Russian) The current status and prospects for production of equipment for coal mining and processing in Ukraine is reviewed.
98lQQlQ2 Economics of coal fines utilization Hathi, V. et al. Proc. Int. Tech. Conf. Coal Util. Fuel Syst.,1995, 20, 571582. Today, coal provides a third of the world’s energy requirements and coal use for power generation has seen steady growth since the oil embargo in 1973 and has seen an even faster rate of growth in recent years. The global demand for new coal will increase by more than 1500 million tons by the vear 2000. However. this has its drawbacks. includine the concomitant production of coal waste. The most economical near-teri approach to coal waste recovery is to utilize the waste coal fines currently discarded with the refuse stream, rather than attempt to recover coal from waste impoundments that require careful prior evaluation and site preparation. A hypothetical circuit was designed to examine the economics of recovery and utilization of waste coal fines. The circuit recovers products from 100 tons per h (tph) of coal waste feed recovering 70 tph of fine coal that can be used in coal-fired boilers. The present analysis indicates that the coal waste recovery is feasible and economical and offers significant potential environmental benefits. 98IQQlQ3 German coal industry Ivanov, P. N. Ugol’ Ukr., 1995, (11). 46-48.
(In Russian)
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
January 1998