210 THE VETERINARY JOURNAL much-noticeable hiatus which, considering the advance in the production of fur-bearing animals and the value of their fur...

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much-noticeable hiatus which, considering the advance in the production of fur-bearing animals and the value of their furs, is important. Dr. Heidegger writes with the authority of over 10 years' experience in the fur domain so his teaching is describable as mature. Four chief sections in the book deal with hygiene and diseases of the silver fox, mink and nutria. The illustrations in the book are excellent and the binding and printing good.

THE Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries have approved the use of the well-known antiseptic " Dettol" for veterinary purposes. " Dettol" may be confidently used as a disinfectant for diseases notifiable under the Diseases of Animals Acts and Orders of the Ministry. The official dilution given for these cases is one part of " Dettol " to 19 parts of water.

Publishers' Notices All communications should be addressed to 7 an d 8, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London, W .C.2. Telephone: Temple Bar 8568. Telegrams:" Bailliere Phone. London." Letters for th e Journal, literary contributions, reports, notices, books for review. exchanges, new ins truments or materials, and aU matter for publication (except advertisements) should be addressed to the Edito r. Copy of advertisements should be in the hands of the publishers-BailJiere, Tindalt and Cox-not later than the 25th of the month, or if proof is required, not later than the 23rd. Binding Cases for Volume 94 and any other previous volumes can be obtained from the publishers. Price 2s. 9d. post free. Ann ual Subscription, 215. ($5.00 U.S.A. currency), post free.

WANTED The Publishers are desirous of obtaining a few copies of THE VETERINARY JOURNAL for March and April, 1938. Subscrihers who have these numbers for di sposal should communicate with Messrs. Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 7-8, Henrietta Street, London, W.C.2.