A Comparison of Glandless Cottonseed Meal and Soybean Meal in Laying Diets Supplemented with Lysine and Methionine1

A Comparison of Glandless Cottonseed Meal and Soybean Meal in Laying Diets Supplemented with Lysine and Methionine1

OXYCAROTENOIDS I N BROILER Poultry Sci. 48: 767-779. Waldroup, P. W., C. R. Douglas, J. T. McCall and R. H. Harms, 1960. The effect of Santoquin on t...

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Poultry Sci. 48: 767-779. Waldroup, P. W., C. R. Douglas, J. T. McCall and R. H. Harms, 1960. The effect of Santoquin on the performance of broilers. Poultry Sci. 39: 1313-1317.



Wilkinson, W. S., and C. Barbee, 1968. The relative value of xanthophyll from corn gluten meal, alfalfa, coastal bermudagrass and pearl millet for broiler pigmentation. Poultry Sci. 47 : 1S79-1S87.

A Comparison of Glandless Cottonseed Meal and Soybean Meal in Laying Diets Supplemented with Lysine and Methionine1

(Received for publication May 28, 1970)


HE use of cottonseed meal in poultry rations, especially rations for laying hens, has been limited by problems due to cyclopropenoid fatty acids and to the cottonseed pigment commonly called gossypol. Phelps et al. (1965) and Phelps (1966) have published extensive reviews of compounds in cottonseed products which alter the performance of poultry or cause discoloration of eggs. The recent development of low gossypol glandless cottonseed meal resulting from the genetic studies of McMichael (1954, 1959, 1960) has presented the possibility of increased use of glandless cottonseed meal in laying hen rations. Johnston and Watts (1964, 1965a, b) compared laboratory-prepared glandless cottonseed meal, a commercially processed, prepress, solvent extracted, glanded cottonseed meal, and solvent extracted soybean meal in broiler diets. Lysine supplementation produced a growth response in all diets, but the greatest response was with the glanded cottonseed. The authors concluded that the glandless cottonseed meal was equal to soybean meal in supporting chick performance. Both soybean meal and

'Journal Article 357, Agricultural Experiment Station, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, N.M. 88001.

glandless cottonseed meal were superior to the glanded cottonseed meal. Waldroup et al. (1968) supplemented broiler diets containing several combinations of a direct solvent extracted glandless cottonseed meal and solvent extracted soybean meal with graded levels of lysine. The results indicated that glandless cottonseed meal could replace part or all of the soybean meal in a practical broiler diet. Lysine supplementation was necessary for optimum performance only when more than 75 percent of the soybean meal was replaced by glandless cottonseed meal. Anderson and Warnick (1966) reported that lysine was the most limiting acid in commercially prepared glanded cottonseed meals followed in order by methionine, isoleucine, threonine, and leucine. Lysine and methionine were about equally limiting in glandless cottonseed meal. Heywang et al. (1965) reported discoloration of stored eggs from hens fed glandless cottonseed meal prepared in a pilot plant by hexane extraction. Discoloration of stored eggs did not occur when the glandless cottonseed meal was prepared in a pilot plant screwpress. The authors stated that the experiment was not designed to furnish comprehensive data on egg production.

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R . H . ROBERSON Agricultural Experiment Station, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001



soybean meal. The composition of the experimental diets is shown in Table 1. The % of Diet diets were isocaloric and isonitrogenous. 1 2 3 The commercial solvent (hexane) exMi!o 47.90 47.90 47.90 Yellow Corn 20.00 20.00 20.00 tracted soybean meal contained 46.9 perSoybean Meal (46.9% Protein) 16.75 8.375 0.00 Glandless Cottonseed Meal cent protein. The glandless cottonseed meal (45.9% Protein) 0.00 8.58 17.16 Oat Hulls 0.38 0.165 0.00 was from seeds grown in California and Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal (18% Protein) 3.00 3.00 3.00 processed in a direct solvent extraction mill Distillers Solubles with Grain 2.00 2.00 2.00 Dried Fish Solubles 1.00 1.00 1.00 as described by Waldroup et al. (1968). Delactosed Whey Product 0.50 0.50 0.50 Fermentation Product The cottonseed meal was divided into lots (Borden's Fermacto 500) 0.05 0.05 0.05 Oyster Shell Meal 5.95 6.02 6.05 in the order in which it was sacked from Defluorinated Rock Phosphate 1.75 1.69 1.62 Microingredients 1 0.30 0.30 0.30 the mill. The analysis of each of the lots of Salt 0.42 0.42 0.42 glandless cottonseed (Table 2) was sup100.00 100.00 100.00 plied by the National Cottonseed Products Calculated Analysis Association. It is apparent from the analy16.00 16.00 16.00 Protein % sis that the glandless cottonseed meal was (Kcal./Kg.) 2 ,792 2,792 2 ,792 Calcium % 3.00 3.00 3.00 contaminated with gossypol during growth Phosphorus (available) % 0.46 0.46 0.46 Lysine % 0.72 0.62 0.53 and processing although precautions were Methionine % 0.26 0.25 0.24 taken to prevent contamination. Small ad'Supplies per kg. of diet: 8800 I.U. Vitamin A; 1100 I.U. Vitamin Ds; 5.5 mg. Vitamin E; 13 meg. Vitamin B12; 4.4 mg. justments in the formulas of the basal diets riboflavin; 26.4 mg. niacin; 11 mg. d-Pantothenic Acid; 880 mg. Choline; 2.2 mg. Menadione; 0.22 mg. Folic Acid; 100 mg. were made as different lots of meal were Ethoxyquin; 60 mg. Manganese, 45 mg. zinc; 2.5 mg. Copper; used. 1.24 mg. Iodine, and 0.5 mg. Cobalt. The Arkansas Extension Service Amino The objective of this research was to de- Acid Composition Values (1966) for all intermine the effect of supplemental lysine gredients except lysine and methionine of and methionine in rations containing vari- the glandless cottonseed meal were used in ous combinations of soybean meal and formulating the diets. The epsilon aminoglandless cottonseed meal on the perfor- free lysine (EAF) values for the glandless mance of laying hens and on egg character- cottonseed meal determined by the Naistics. tional Cottonseed Products Association (Smith, 1966, 1967) were used in estimatEXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE ing the quantity of lysine which the glandThree supplemental protein combina- less cottonseed meal contributed to the tions (100% soybean meal; 50% soybean diets. All diets were analyzed for protein meal and 50% glandless cottonseed meal; and 100% glandless cottonseed meal) two TABLE 2.—Analysis of glandless cottonseed meal levels of supplemental lysine (0% and Percent 0.1%) and two levels of supplemental D-L B D E C methionine (0% and 0.05%) were utilized Moisture 7.78 8.30 7.16 9.86 in a 3X 2 X 2 factorial experiment (Table Crude Protein 45.9 45.9 47.2 46.1 Fat 2.6 2.3 2.4 2.2 3). Fiber 11.3 11.3 10.7 11.4 0.011 0.009 0.008 0.007 Gossypol—Free A practical layer diet was formulated in Gossypol—Total 0.050 0.044 0.040 0.036 Epsilon amino—free lysine which soybean meal contributed 7.9 per(% of Protein) 3.58 3.72 3.66 3.65 amino—free lysine cent crude protein. Two other diets were Epsilon (% of Cottonseed Meal) 1.64 1.71 1.73 1.68 formulated in which glandless cottonseed Data supplied by the National Cottonseed Products Associameal replaced 50 and 100 percent of the tion (Smith 1966, 1967). TABLE 1.—Composition of basal diets

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COTTONSEED MEAL FOR LAYERS TABLE 3.—Experimental outline' Treatment rea men JNo -




100 SO 0 100 50 0 100 50 0 100 50 0

0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100

0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.1

% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05



0.72 0.62 0.53 0.82 0.72 0.63 0.72 0.62 0.53 0.82 0.72 0.63

0.26 0.25 0.24 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.31 0.30 0.29 0.31 0.30 0.29

T> . , 3 4 (56da s)

56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4


3 X 2 X 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Two replications of 28 pullets housed on litter floor. Twenty eggs per treatment for each period were stored plain in 1967 for 0, 1, 2 and 3 months. Eggs were stored 6 months for periods 3 and 4 only. 4 Twenty eggs per treatment for each period of 1968 were stored plain, oiled and bagged for 0, 2, 3 and 6 months. 2


(N X 6.25) by the Kjeldahl procedure and were in close agreement with the calculated values. Each of the twelve experimental diets was fed to two litter floor pens of 28 pullets each. The pullets were of a commercial strain and were reared on a litter floor and fed a diet free of cottonseed meal. The experimental diets and tap water were supplied ad libitum throughout the experiment. Each of the two experimental years was divided into four 56-day periods. During each 56-day period in 1967 and 1968, twenty randomly selected eggs per treatment were broken fresh and after storage in a regrigerator at 2°C. for one, two, three, and six months. Eggs were weighed and broken for the determination of shell thickness, Haugh score, discoloration of the yolk, and discoloration of the white. Discoloration of the yolk and white were measured visually as described by Kemmerer et al. (1961). The pH of the white and yolk were measured with a pH meter during 1968 only.

The data were subjected to the analysis of variance (Snedecor, 1956), and significant differences between treatment means were determined by the multiple range test described by Duncan (1955). Because there were no observable differences among period means, only the pooled data for each year is presented. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Replacing part or all the soybean meal of the diet with glandless cottonseed meal did not significantly affect hen-day egg production (numbers of eggs), hen-day egg production adjusted for egg weight, feed conversion ratio, mortality, body weight gain, egg weight, or shell thickness during either year (Tables 4 and 7). The glandless cottonseed meal was of high protein quality and was approximately equal to soybean meal in supplying amino acids to the laying hen. These results agree with Johnston and Watts (1964, 1965a, b), Anderson and Warnick (1966) and Waldroup et al. (1968) who determined tht glandless cottonseed meal protein was of excellent qual-

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g 0 y ^ e a n Cottonseed Supplemental Supplemental Total Total -KT , 1 T Meal Meal1 Lysine "--' ™-~ -™ : — Methionine Lysine Methionine p ^ J



TABLE 4.—The effect of source of protein, lysine and methionine on egg production, feed efficiency, egg weight, mortality and body weight gain of laying pullets, 19671 Basal Treatment R a t i o n No. Number 1 + 2+ 3 + 1 + 2+ 3+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 1+ 2+ 3+

8Egg S P r P r o d u c t i o n 2 A °duction 3

% None None None Lysine4 Lysine Lysine Methionine 6 Methionine Methionine Lysine+Methionine Lysine+Methionine Lysine+Methionine

75.8 74.9 82.1 77.1 77.3 73.2 76.4 77.4 75.1 77.7 83.5 73.4

80.8 79.2 86.7 80.1 82.7 77.7 82.5 82.5 78.3 84.4 91.6 81.0

2.53 2.40 2.32 2.58 2.49 2.67 2.40 2.42 2.46 2.42 2.36 2.61

60.9 69.7 60.2 59.6 61.0 60.6 61.4 60.5 59.8 61.8 62.5 61.4

7.4 8.4 16.7 11.6 0.0 7.1 8.3 23.4 8.3 19.9 0.0 20.0

200 191 173 154 277 186 236 191 263 209 245 232

Main Effect Treatment Means Soybean-Cottonseed Meal Levels 100% Soybean Meal 50% Soybean Meal+ 50% Cottonseed Meal 100%, Cottonseed Meal







78.3" 76.4"

84.0" 80.9"

2.42" 2.51"

61.2" 60.5"

7.9" 13.0"

227" 213"

Supplemental Lvsine % 0 0.1

77.0" 77.4"

81.7" 82.9"

2.42" 2.52"

60.6" 61.2"

12.8" 9.8"

221" 218"

Supplemental Methionine % 0 0.05

76.7" 77.6"

81.2" 83.4"

2.50" 2.44"

60.5" 61.2"

8.5" 13.3"

195" 232"

1 Means within each column sub-group followed by the same superscript do not differ significantly (P<0.05). 2 Hen day egg production. 3 Hen day egg production adjusted to 60 gram eggs. 4 0.10 percent lysine (lyamine -50, Merck and Company, Rahway, New Jersey). £ 0.05 percent DL-Methionine.

ity for growing broiler chicks. Haugh score (Table 8) decreased (P < 0.05) in treatments containing all glandless cottonseed meal in 1968. The decrease in Haugh score may have been a result of the residual oil in the glandless cottonseed meal. Kemmerer et al. (1967) reported a decrease in Haugh score with some cottonseed meals which were higher in residual oil. In each instance of reduced Haugh score the supplemental oil or residual oil in the cottonseed meal had a higher content of cyclopropenoid fatty acids. The discoloration of the yolk and incidence of pink white were higher (P < 0.01) for glandless cottonseed meal for

both years (Tables 6 and 8). The discoloration of the yolk was greater than expected from the glandless cottonseed meal. It is apparent that the 2.2 percent residual oil in the glandless cottonseed meal is higher than the ranges of 0.45 to 1.91 percent free lipid content for nine commercial solvent extracted cottonseed meals reported by Kemmerer et al. (1966). The cyclopropenoid fatty acids in the residual oil of the glandless cottonseed meal probably increased the incidence of discoloration of the yold. These results agree with Kemmerer et al. (1962, 1967) who reported that the incidence of discoloration of the yolk was higher with cottonseed oil levels high

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Body Egg Kg. Feed/ Weight Mortality Weight Gain Adjusted Kg. Eggs (Fresh) gm. gms. % Egg

Additions t0 Easal


COTTONSEED MEAL FOR LAYERS TABLE 5.—The effect of source of protein, lysine, methionine, and length of storage on egg characteristics, 1967 {Periods 1-4 Combined) -1 Basal Treatment Ration No. Number 1+ 2+ 3+ 1 + 2+ 3+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 1+ 2+ 3+

None None None Lysine 2 Lysine Lysine Methionine 3 Methionine Methionine Lysine+Methionine Lysine+Methionine Lysine+Methionine

Egg Weight gm.

Haugh Score

59.7 59.2 59.0 58.8 60.5 59.3 60.4 59.5 58.7 60.3 61.7 60.2

71.8 70.6 70.8 70.1 71.7 72.2 69.2 69.6 71.5 67.0 70.8 71.4

Shell Thickness mm.

Yolk Discoloration

0.333 0.340 0.340 0.338 0.335 0.328 0.333 0.335 0.343 0.338 0.330 0.338

0.6 1.8 10.6 0 6.2 9.4 0 6.2 9.4 0 1.9 8.1

Pink White

% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Main Effect Treatment Means Soybean-Cottonseed Meal Levels 100% Soybean Meal 50% Soybean Meal+50% Cottonseed Meal 100% Cottonseed Meal

59.8" 60.2" 59.3"

69.5" 70.7" 71.5"

0.335" 0.335" 0.338"

0.2" 4.6" 11.4"

0 0 0

Supplemental Lysine % 0 0.1

59.4" 60.1"

70.6" 70.6"

0.338" 0.335"

4.8" 6.0"

0 0

Supplemental Methionine % 0 0.05

59.4" 60.1"

71.2" 69.9"

0.335" 0.335"

4.8" 6.0"

0 0

Storage Length (Months) 0 1 2 3

60.9" 59.7" 59.4" 59.1°

80.3" 71.1" 66.4° 64.6 d

0.338" 0.335" 0.335" 0.338"

0.2" 0.6" 3.2" 17.4"

0 0 0 0

1 Means within each column subgroup followed by the same superscript do not differ significantly (P<0.05). 2 0.10 Percent lysine (Lyamine-50, Merck and Company, Rahway, New Jersey. 3 0.05 Percent DL-Methionine.

enough to cause pink white discoloration. Some yolk discoloration occurred in stored eggs from hens fed soybean meal in 1968. The discolored eggs included eggs that were mottled and eggs that were somewhat darker than usual. The eggs probably would not be objectionable to the consumer. It is not always possible to distinguish a mottled yolk resulting from storage and one resulting from gossypol, cyclopropenoid fatty acids and storage. Yolk discoloration of eggs from hens fed soybean meal was previously reported by Reese and Heidebrecht (1966) but the discoloration

was not considered objectionable to the consumer. The pH of the white decreased (P < 0.01) and the pH of the yolk increased (P < 0.01) with the addition of cottonseed meal to the diet (Table 8). Supplemental lysine increased (P < 0.05) mean egg weight for fresh plus stored eggs in 1967 (Table 6) but not in 1968 (Table 8). This increase in mean egg weight of fresh plus stored eggs in 1967 but not the fresh eggs alone was due to the large number of eggs which comprised the mean. The small increase in egg weight was not great enough to significantly affect ad-

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Additions to Basal


R. H . ROBERSON TABLE 6.—The effect of source of protein, lysine, methionine and storage length on egg characteristics {1967 Periods 3-4 Combined)1

Treatment Basal Ration No. Number 1 + 2+ 3+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 1 + 2+ 3+ 1+ 2+ 3+

None None None Lysine2 Lysine Lysine Methionine 3 Methionine Methionine Lysine+Methionine Lysine+Methionine Lysine+Methionine

Egg Weight gm.

Haugh Score

61.7 61.4 61.5 61.S 62.3 61.7 62.5 61.4 61.1 62.6 64.0 62.6

67.9 66.2 65.7 64.7 68.0 67.5 65.3 65.5 67.4 62.6 65.7 67.0

Shell Thickness mm.

Yolk Discoloration

0.348 0.345 0.353 0.353 0.348 0.340 0.345 0.348 0.353 0.351 0.345 0.348

0 6.0 18.0 0 15.0 17.0 0 15.0 20.0 0 12.0 29.0


Pink White

% 0 0 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 5.0 0 1.0 4.0

Main Effect Treatment Means Soybean-Cottonseed Meal Levels 100% Soybean Meal 50% Soybean Meal+50% Cottonseed Meal 100% Cottonseed Meal

61.1" 62.3" 61.7"

65.1" 66.4" 66.9"

0.348" 0.348" 0.348"

0" 12.0 b 21.0"

0b 0.4 b 2.2"

Supplemental Lysine % 0 0.1

61.6 b 62.4"

66.3" 65.9"

0.351" 0.348"

9.8" 12.2"

0.8" 1.0"

Supplemental Methionine % 0 0.05

61.7 b 62.3"

66.7" 65.6 b

0.348" 0.348"

9.4" 12.6"

0.2 b 1.6"

Storage Lengths (Months) 0 1 2 3 6

64.7" 63.5 b 63.3" 61.4" 57. l d

77.5" 68.6 b 64.2" 61.6 d 58. >

0.348 b 0.345 b 0.345b 0.376" 0.353"

0.4" 1.2° 3.4= 19.6 b 30.4"

0b 0b 0b 0b 4.6 s

1 Means within each column subgroup followed by the same superscript do not differ significantly (P<0.05). 2 0.10 Percent lysine (Lyamine-50, Merck and Company, Rahway, New Jersey). 3 0.05 DL-Methionine.

justed egg production. A significant (P < 0.05) protein source X lysine interaction indicated that the weight of eggs from pullets fed glandless cottonseed meal diets was increased by lysine supplementation but the weight of the eggs from pullets fed soybean meal was not improved by suplemental lysine. The glandless cottonseed meal appeared to be mildly deficient in lysine for the laying pullet. These results agree with Anderson and Warnick (1966) who stated that for the growing chick, lysine was a limiting amino acid in glandless cottonseed meal. Supplemental lysine did not signifi-

cantly (P < 0.05) affect egg production, adjusted egg production (egg production adjusted for differences in egg weight), feed conversion ratio, mortality, body weight gain, Haugh score, shell thickness, or incidence of discoloration of the yolk and white in either year. Egg weight increased (P < 0.05) with the methionine supplementation of the diet in 1967 (Table 5) but not in 1968. The increase in egg weight with methionine supplementation was small and did not affect the egg production adjusted for egg weight. The absence of a protein source X methio-

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Additions to Basal


COTTONSEED MEAL FOR LAYERS TABLE 7.—The effect of protein source, lysine and methionine on egg production, feed efficiency, egg weight, mortality and body weight gain, 19681

Treatment Basal Ration No. Number 1+ 2+ 3+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 1+ 2+ 3+

None None None Lysine Lysine Lysine Methionine Methionine Methionine Lysine+Methionine Lysine+Methionine Lysine+Methionine

74.6 78.0 76.4 75.6 74.4 78.4 78.3 78.3 78.2 77.6 78.5 73.3

79.8 82.0 82.6 80.2 79.5 83.0 84.1 84.4 84.9 82.6 85.7 80.6

.67 .47 .40 .61 .49 .44 2.33 2.31 2.37 2.32 2.31 2.50

60.3 60.4 60.9 59.8 60.3 59.8 60.3 60.4 61.1 59.8 61.5 61.9

Mortality %

Body Weight Gain gm.

21.7 13.2 10.7 8.9 12.9 21.4 17.8 12.8 22.2 12.6 11.1 16.4

186 113 104 118 109 123 118 118 141 132 136 146

Main Effect Treatment Means Soybean-Cottonseed Meal Levels 100% Soybean Meal 76.5" 50% Soybean Meal+50% Cottonseed Meal 77.3" 100% Cottonseed Meal 76.6"

81.7" 82.9" 82.8"

Supplemental Lysine % 0 0.1

77.3" 76.3"

83.0" 82.0"

2.42" 2.44"

60.6" 60.5"

16.4" 13.9"

132" 127"

Supplemental Methionine % 0 0.05

76.3" 77.3"

81.2" 83.7"

2.51" 2.36"

60.3" 60.9"

14.8" 15.5"

123 132

2.48" 2.39" 2.43"

60.1" 60.7" 60.9"

15.2" 12.5" 17.7"

136" 118" 127"

1 Means within each column subgroup followed by the same superscript do not differ significantly (P<.05) 2 Hen day egg production. 3 Hen day egg production adjusted to 60 gram eggs.

nine interaction indicated that all the diets containing glandless cottonseed or soybean meal were mildly deficient in methionine. Haugh score declined (P < 0.05) with methionine supplementation in both years. The reason for this decline in Haugh score with methionine supplementation is not apparent. The decrease was more evident during the latter part of each laying year when the hens were producing larger eggs. Supplemental methionine did not significantly affect egg production, adjusted egg production, feed conversion ratio, mortality, body weight gain, egg shell thickness, and discoloration of the yolk and white in either years (Tables 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8). Egg weight and Haugh score declined (P < 0.05) as the length of storage in-

creased from 0 to 6 months. A significant (P < 0.01) protein source X storage length interaction for Haugh score indicated that the decline in Haugh score with an increase in length of storage was greater with cottonseed than with soybean meal diets. The decline in interior quality with cottonseed meal was greater than the decline in Haugh score indicated. The thin white in the eggs from hens fed the cottonseed meal was much thinner than that from hens receiving only soybean meal. Shell thickness increased (P < 0.05) in 1967 as storage length increased, but shell thickness significantly decreased (P < 0.05) in 1968 as storage length increased. The reason for the converse change in shell thickness with storage length and year is not apparant.

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Additions to Basal

Egg Feed Egg Produc- ConverEgg Production sion Weight 3 tion2 Adjusted Kg. Feed/ gm. % % Kg. Egg


R . H . ROBERSON TABLE 8.—The effect of protein sources, lysine, methionine, storage length and packing method on egg characteristics, 19681

Treat- Basal merit Ration Additions to Basal No. Number 1+ 2+ 3+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 1+ 2+ 3+

None None None Lysine 2 Lysine Lysine Methionine 3 Methionine Methionine Lysine -(-Methionine Lysine+Methionine Lysines-Methionine

61.3 61.4 61.6 61.4 61.3 60.7 61.1 62.1 61.9 60.7 62.2 62.5

Haugh Score 66.6 66.6 62.0 64.9 65.9 63.5 65.6 62.4 62.2 65.0 64.4 61.6

Shell Thickness mm.

PH of White

pH of Yolk

0.343 0.343 0.343 0.340 0.345 0.343 0.338 0.343 0.348 0.343 0.348 0.343

8.2 8.2 8.0 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.3 8.2 8.0 8.3 8.2 8.0

Yolk Discoloration

Pink Whites



6.9 6.9 7.4 6.9 6.9 7.3 7.0 7.1 7.4 6.9 7.0 7.4

4.4 12.2 53.4 3.8 12.6 51.4 3.8 24.0 54.0 4.8 14.4 50.4

0 0 11.6 0 0 7.4 0 0.8 12.2 0 0 8.8

Main Effect Treatment Means Soybean -Cottonseed Meal Levels 100% Soybean Meal 50% Soybean Meal+50% Cottonseed Meal 100% Cottonseed Meal

61.1" 61.7"

65.5" 64.8"

0.340" 0.345"

8.3" 8.2 b

6.9 b 7.0 b

4.2" 15.8 b

0 0.2 b


62.3 b






Supplemental Lysine % 0 0.1

61.6" 61.5"

64.2" 64.2"

0.343" 0.343"

8.2" 8.2"

7.1" 7.1"

25.4" 22.8"

4.0" 3.0"

Supplemental Methionine % 0 0.05

61.3" 61.8"

64.9 b 63.5"

0.343" 0.343"

8.2" 8.2"

7.1" 7.1"

22.8" 25.2"

3.4" 3.8"

Storage Length (Months) 2 3 6

61.8" 61.7" 61.0 b

67.4" 65.2 b 60.0°

0.345" C.345" 0.338 b

8.2" 8.1 b 8.2"

6.9° 7.1" 7.4"

9.4° 21.8 b 40.8"

0.2 b 0.8 b 9.6"

Packing Method Plain Oiled Bagged

60.6° 61.5 b 62.5"

61.6" 65.5" 65.6"

0.345" 0.345" 0.340 b

8.8" 8.2 b 7.6"

7.6" 7.1 b 6.6°

26.2" 20.4 b 15.6«

2.2 b 3.4 b 5.5"

1 Means within each column subgroup followed by the same superscript do not differ significantly (P<.05). 2 0.1 percent lysine (Lyamine-50, Merck and Company, Rahway, New Jersey). 3 0.05 percent DL-Methionine.

Discoloration of the yolk and white increased with the increase in length of storage. The incidence of discolored yolks was greater after three and six months of storage. It was observed that the size of the discolored yolks increased with storage length although this trait was not measured. Many of the yolks from hens fed cottonseed meal exhibited a viscous upstanding spherical condition for both fresh

and stored eggs. The height of the yolk subsided as the yolk increased to room temperature. These observations agree with Sherwood (1928); Almquist and Lorenz (1933); Lorenz et al. (1933); Lorenz and Almquist (1934); and Kemmerer et al. (1966) who described as rubbery, pasty, custard-like, putty-like, viscous or gelled. The viscous condition was the result of a higher content of stearic acid and a lower

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Egg Weight



very low residual oil content. The commercial practice of oiling eggs affords some protection against the effect of gossypol on yolk but may actually increase pink white discoloration or yolk discoloration resulting from cyclopropenoid fatty acid in the ration. SUMMARY Three supplemental protein combinations (100% soybean meal; 50% soybean meal and 50% glandless cottonseed meal; and 100% glandless cottonseed meal), two levels of supplemental lysine (0% and 0.1%) and two levels of supplemental D-L methionine (0% and 0.05%) were utilized in a 3 X 2 X 2 factorial experiment with twelve treatments applied to two litter floor pens of twenty-eight pullets each during each of two years. Egg production, egg production adjusted for egg weight, feed conversion ratio, body weight gain, mortality, egg weight, Haugh score, shell thickness, yolk discoloration, pink white incidence, pH of white and pH of yolk of eggs stored for 0, 1, 2, 3, or 6 months were measured. Haugh score was decreased whereas incidence of yolk discoloration and pink whites increased but the other criteria were not affected as soybean meal was replaced by glandless cottonseed meal. Supplemental lysine increased egg size in one year only but the other criteria were not affected. Supplemental methionine produced a small increase in egg weight in 1967 and a decrease in Haugh score in both years. The other criteria were not affected by supplemental methionine. Egg weight and Haugh score declined but yolk discoloration and pink white incidence increased with an increase in length of storage. Eggs stored oiled or in bags had a greater egg weight, Haugh score, and a lower pH of the yolk than eggs stored plain. Oiling and storage of eggs in bags were effective in reducing yolk discoloration but pink white

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content of oleic and linoleic acid. This change in fatty acid composition of the yolk resulted from the cyclopropenoid fatty acids in the cottonseed oil (Evans et al., 1961; Framton et al, 1961, 1962, 1966). The pink whites occurred only in eggs stored for six months in 1967. Discoloration of the white occurred in 1968 in eggs stored for two, three, and six months with the highest incidence at six months. The discolored whites in both years were a very light pink. During 1968 the pH of the yolk increased (P < 0.01) with storage length and the pH of the white decreased to three months then increased. York discoloration increased with the increase in the pH of the yolk and with an increase in length of storage. A protein combination X storage length interaction for pH of the yolk indicates that the pH increase was greater for eggs from hens fed cottonseed meal and stored for the longer period. Egg weight and Haugh score were maintained at a higher level in eggs bagged or oiled before storage. The pH of the yolk and white was maintained at a lower level in eggs stored in bags than in oiled eggs. Yolk discoloration was higher (P < 0.01) in eggs stored plain than in oiled eggs or in eggs stored in bags. Yolk discoloration was also significantly (P < 0.01) lower in eggs stored in bags than in eggs oiled prior to storage. The increase in pH of the yolk in eggs stored plain was accompanied by an increase in the incidence of yolk discoloration. Pink white incidence was greater in the eggs stored in bags than in eggs stored plain or oiled before storage. The higher incidence of pink whites in eggs stored in bags was accompanied by a lower pH of the whites. The use of large amounts of glandless cottonseed meal in rations will require that the meal not only be low in gossypol but also that the meal be solvent extracted to a



incidence was greater in eggs with these storage methods than in eggs stored plain. The protein of the glandless cottonseed meal was of excellent quality and was about equal to soybean meal in sustaining the performance of the laying hens. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

REFERENCES Almquist, H. J., and F. W. Lorenz, 1933. "Pink whites" in stored eggs. U.S. Egg Poultry Mag. 39:28-30,52. Anderson, J. O., and R. E. Warnick, 1966. Sequence in which essential amino acids become limiting for growth of chicks fed rations containing cottonseed meal. Poultry Sci. 45: 8489. Anonymous, 1966. Analysis of common feed ingredients. Agricultural Extension Service, University of Arkansas. Duncan, D. B., 1955. Multiple range and multiple F tests. Biometrics, 11: 1-42. Evans, R. J., F. A. Davidson and S. L. Bandemer, 1961. Fatty acid and lipide distribution in egg yolks from hens fed cottonseed oil or sterculia foetida seeds. J. Nutrition, 73: 282-290. Frampton, V. L., B. Piccolo and B. W. Heywang, 1961. Discoloration in stored shell eggs produced by hens fed cottonseed meal. J. Agr. Food Chem. 9 : 59-63. Frampton, V. L., F. L. Carter, B. Piccolo and B. W. Heywang, 1962. Cottonseed constituents and discolorations in stored shell eggs. J. Agr. Food Chem. 10: 46-48. Frampton, V. L., J. C. Kuck, A. B. Pepperman, Jr., W. A. Pons, Jr., A. B. Watts and C. John-

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The author expresses his appreciation to Dr. Morris Finkner for assistance in the statistical analysis of the data. Appreciation is also expressed to The Borden Company, Elgin, Illinois for the Fermacto 500 and defluorinated rock phosphate, to Hoffman LaRoche, Inc., Nutley, New Jersey for the vitamin supplement, to Merck and Company, Inc., Rahway, New Jersey for the Lyamine, and to the National Cottonseed Products Association, Memphis, Tennessee for the glandless cottonseed meal.

ston, 1966. Some physiological properties of halphen-positive cottonseed oils. Poultry Sci. 45: 527-535. Heywang, B. W., A. A. Heidebrecht and A. R. Kemmerer, 1965. Discoloration in stored eggs when layers at two locations were fed cottonseed meals made from glandless and glanded seed. Poultry Sci. 44: 573-577. Johnston, C , and A. B. Watts, 1964. The chick feeding value of meals prepared from glandless cottonseed. Poultry Sci. 4 3 : 957-963. Johnston, C , and A. B. Watts, 1965a. The infrared spectra of glandless cottonseed meals of varying nutritional value. Poultry Sci. 44: 302303. Johnston, C , and A. B. Watts, 1965b. The characterization of a growth inhibitor of glandless cottonseed. Poultry Sci. 44: 652-658. Kemmerer, A. R., B. W. Heywang and M. G. Vavich, 1961. Effect of sterculia foetida oil on gossypol discoloration in cold storage eggs and the mechanism of gossypol discoloration. Poultry Sci. 40: 1045-1048. Kemmerer, A. R., B. W. Heywang, H. E. Nordley and R. A. Phelps, 1962. Effect of cottonseed oil on discoloration of cold storage eggs. Poultry Sci. 4 1 : 1101-1103. Kemmerer, A. R., B. W. Heywang, M. G. Vavich and E. F. Sheehar, 1966. Effect of iron sulphate on egg discoloration caused by gossypol. Poultry Sci. 45: 1025-1028. Kemmerer, A. R., B. W. Heywang and B. W. Lowe, 1967. Effect of cottonseed oil on egg production and egg quality. Poultry Sci. 46: 1165— 1167. Lorenz, F. W., and H. J. Almquist, 1934. Effect of malvaceous seeds on storage-egg quality. Ind. Eng. Chem. 26: 1311-1313. Lorenz, F. W., H. J. Almquist and G. W. Hendry, 1933. Malvaceous plants as a cause of "pink white" in stored eggs. Science, 77 : 606. McMichael, S. C , 1954. Glandless boll in upland cotton and its use in the study of natural crossings. Agron. J. 46: 527-528. McMichael, S. C , 1959. Hopi cotton—a source of cottonseed free of gossypol pigments. Agron. J. 57: 630-632. McMichael, S. C , 1960. Combined effects of glandless genes gh and gl3 on pigment glands in the cotton plant. Agron. J. 52: 385-386. Phelps, R. A., F. S. Shenstone, A. R. Kemmerer and R. J. Evans, 1965. A review of cyclopropenoid compounds: biological effects of some derivatives. Poultry Sci. 44: 358-394. Phelps, R. A., 1966. Cottonseed meal for poultry:


COTTONSEED MEAL FOR LAYERS from research to practical application. World's Poultry Sci. J. 22 : 86-112. Reese, N.A., and A. A. Heidebrecht, 1966. The effect of feeding various cottonseed meals with and without ferrous sulfate to laying hens. Proceedings Conference on Inactivation of Gossypol with Mineral Salts. New Orleans, Louisiana. Apr 4-5 pp. 147-157. Sherwood, R. M., 1928. The effect of various rations on the storage quality of eggs. Texas Agr. Exper. Sta. Bull. 376, 12 pp. Smith, K., 1966. Personal Communication. Na-

tional Cottonseed Products Association, Memphis, Tennessee. Smith, K., 1967. Personal Communication. National Cottonseed Products Association, Memphis, Tennessee. Snedecor, G. W., 1956. Statistical Methods, 5th ed., The Iowa State College Press, Ames, Iowa. Waldroup, P. W., E. G. Keyser, V. E. Tollett and T. E. Bowen, 1968. The evaluation of low-gossypol glandless cottonseed meal in broiler diets. Poultry Sci. 47 : 1179-1186.

F. N. REECE, J. D. MAY AND J. W. DEATON U. S. Department of Agriculture, State College, Mississippi 39762 (Received for publication May 28. 1970)


WO physiological parameters of special interest to environmental researchers are body temperature and biopotentials that relate to heart action. It is frequently desirable to be able to measure these variables from a relatively unrestrained and free-moving subject. Although biotelemetry radio receivers and associated recording equipment are commercially available, it is usually necessary for the researcher to fabricate the radio telemeters for specific applications. Previous work by Reece and Deaton (1968, 1969) describes a short-range, amplitude-modulated radio transmitter for temperature and a longer-range, frequencymodulated transmitter also for temperature. Both transmitters are based on circuits by Mackay (1965). Frequency-modulated radio transmitters for biopotentials have been described by Deboo et al. (1965), Stattleman and Buck (1965), and for temperature by Fryer et al. (1966). *Trade names are used in this publication solely to provide specific information. Mention of a trade name does not constitute a guarantee of warranty by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not signify that the product is approved to the exclusion of other comparable products.

The purpose of this paper is to describe a frequency-modulated radio transmitter which, with simple modifications, can be used for either body temperature or biopotentials. The transmitters are designed so that a minimum of electronics expertise is required for construction and operation, and the components are readily available from most electronics suppliers. Basic transmitter—The schematic diagram for the high-frequency oscillator which serves as the frequency-modulated radio transmitter is shown in Figure 1. Parts for construction are given in Table 1. The stable and predictable operation of a high-frequency oscillator such as this depends upon arrangement of the components and length of wire between components. Figure 2 shows an arrangement of the parts given in Table 1 which results in stable performance. The transmitter, constructed as shown, can be received on any standard FM radio at about 104 mc. The operating frequency can be changed somewhat by minor stretching or compressing of the coils ofL-3 (Figs. 1,2). Biopotential



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Radio Telemeters for Temperature and Biopotentials*