A long-term plate test on Bunter sandstone

A long-term plate test on Bunter sandstone

162A SOILS A~D FOUNDATIONS, V13,N4,DEC.1973,~61-73. It has been fotunl, from etatistical analysis, that the interrelationship between shear moduli fo...

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SOILS A~D FOUNDATIONS, V13,N4,DEC.1973,~61-73. It has been fotunl, from etatistical analysis, that the interrelationship between shear moduli for sm~]S shear strains and N-values of the stamdard per~hration test may be expressed by a simple expression regardless of the soil type ar depth frc~ the ground surface. The statistical aspects of d ~ c Poisson's ratios of soil deposits are discussed.

i~ AI~CHISON, GD PETER, P MARTIN, R The q~antitative description of the stress deformation behavlo~r of expanaive soils. Conference: PROC.3RD INT.CONF.ON EXPANSIVE SOILS, HAIFA, PAPERS

1-8,1973. A sat of eight papers presented to this conference reviews the results of studies undertaken at the Btdlding Fourdationa Research LaboratcaV, Adelaide~ of the Division of Applied Gecmechanlcs, CSIRO, on the stress deformation properties of exparsive soils in relation to the behavlour of structures built on such soils. The aim of these stt~dles is to defir~ (a) soil response to changes of stress amd suction components amd (b) sets of simple ls~s govermlmg relationships between soll properties, stress a~i inlivldual suction cc~r ponents. The us@ of a m~brane oedc~etcr f~r stresspath st~dles az~ far the measurement of matrix suction is described, together ~rlth a simple psychrometer for routine determlnatio~s of the total suction.

the boreholes using close-circuit telewision sho~ed the intact groumd to be more contirmous. Contact stresses (to 5.6 MN/sq.m) were provided for many months by 360,000 kg Km~tledge on a 0.91m diameter loading p~d. The complete load-settlement behaviour is described. Of the total settlement of nearly 4 ram, 25 per cent was due to creep. The distribution of vertical strain with depth below the loaded surface sug~sts a modulus increasing with depth. Auth. 1572 NEWLAND, PL An experimental study of the stress-straln characteristics of a wet clay and their relevance to settlement amalysis. Relx~.~ CSIRO, DIV.APPL. GEO~ECH.TECH. REPORT, N15,1973. The report describes a detailed experimental stilly of the stress-straln characteristics of a Ksolln clay in the 'wet' state using constant rate of strain triaxlal compression tests. The first part of the report deals with a comparison of the various state boundary surfaces which are obtained, while in the secord part, the all-importaz~ stress-atraln properties are discussed in detail. The effects of creep under various teat corditions were extensively investigated anl s h ~ n to have an important bearing on the ensuing stress-strain behaviour. Finally, a method of settlement analysis is proposed which combines s~ne of the features of a unique state bourdary surface with those of a stress path method.

Permeability and capillarity Friction in rocks 1569 RCMERO, sU LAB.TRANSBDRT Y MEC.DEL SUELO, MADRID,ES MOLINA, R LAB.TRANSPC~T Y MEC.DEL sL~LO,MADRID,ES Kine~atlc aspects of the Valont slide. Congress. Pr eprlnt: 6F. THIRD IETERNAT.CONGRESS ON ROCK MECHANICS,THEME 3, SURFACE WORKINGS, DENVER, SEI=f.1974, 6P. The explanation of how the great sliding mass veloelty in the Mt. Toe slope slide into the Vaion% reservoir occurred is discussed considering the relatively high residual int~rr~ul friction aDgles, up to 22 deg, if the effect of the water heatir~ in the friction zone ~ the subsequent p~re pressure increment is taken into ac coI/~.

Granular materials and influence of interlocking 1570 COWIN, SC TULANE UNIV. NEW O P J ~ S , USA A theory for the flow of granular materials. 2F, 38R. POWDER TECHNOL.Vg, N2-3,FEB-MAR.1974,~61-69. A continuum theory for the flow of grar~sr materials with incompressible gras~les is described. The theory is intended to describe the flow of granular materials at low stress levels wh~re p r ~ i c effects of the contained gas phase are negligible.

Time-dependent behavior 1571 MOORE, JF BUI-LDING RESEARCH STATION WATFORD, GB A lomg-term plate test on Bunter sandstone. Congress. Prel~rlnt; 13F, 1T, 9R. THIRD INTERNAT.CONGRESS ON ROCK M E C H A N I C S , T ~ 3, SUP/ACE WORKINGS, DENVER, SEI~. 197~, 69P. Ground explcratlon amd loading arrangements are descrlbed far a long-term in-sltu test. Conventional cores were considerably Jointed but detailed examination of

1573 HARFER, TR UNIV.ABERDE~, SCOTLAND, GB A technique of field permeability testing employing a sir~e packer susperded by wire llne. Congress. Preprlnt. 6F, 1T, 1R. THIRD INFERNO. CONGRESS ON ROCK MECHANICS,THEME 3, SURFACE WORKINGS,DENVER, ~l~f.1974,8P. This technique enables a recard of permeability variation for the length of the drilled section to be generated by falling head tests in the cavity formed between the surface cawing amd a single packer suspended in the borehole by wire llne. The system is suitable for use in stable bore_holes which were drilled prlmsr~ly for purposes such as mlraral exploration ard thus the knowledge of permeability distribution gained inexpensively, can add to the return fr~n the major investment represented by the b~rehole.

Compressibility,swelling and consolidation See also abstracts: 1593,1595,1739.

1574 VALLEE, RP COLLINS ASSOC. CAMBRIDGE, MASS, USA ANDERSIAND, OB MICHIGAN STATE UNIV.EAST LANSING, USA Field co~solidatlon of high ash papermill sl~dge. 15F, 1T, 16R. J. GEOTECH. ENGNG. DIV. VlO0, N.GT3, MAR. 1974, P309- 327. 1575 NTXON, JF UNIV. A~.;S~TA,EDMON2ON, CDN MORGENSTERN, NR ~. A L ~ A , EDMONTON, CDN Practical extensions to a theory of consolidation for thawimg soils. Conference. In P~rmafroat - N c ~ kmerican contribution to the 2rzl Internat. Conference.

9F, RR. NAT .ACAD. SCI .WASHINGTON, 1973, P369-377 • The one-dinmnslomal theory of consolidation of thswlng soils is exterzled to consider separately problems where the thaw depth is not simply proportional to the square root of time arh problems where the change of void ratio of the soil bears a semilogarithmlc rel~tlonship with the change in effective stress.