FROM THE PRESIDENT Audrey N . Bell, R.N. The Executive Committee met with the Con- ture Congresses : Concinnati, 1969; Anaheim, gress Committee Chairman in Cincinnati in 1970; and Chicago, 1971. April to explore problem areas. Tentative We have been advised that Mrs. Ethel I. plans for a wide variety of subject matter in- West, President, ORN Foundation, has redicate the 1969 Congress committee is vigor- signed by order of her physician. Mrs. West ously pursuing the theme of the Congresshas given both the Association and the Foun“The World of OR Nursing.” Many ideas for dation many hours of strenuous labor and the program are being examined. we hope this enforced rest will soon permit Activity relative to formation of local chap- her to be back with us. In the meantime, ters for operating room technicians continues Kathryn O’Donnell will receive the correto mount. Policies have not been finalized. spondence and oversee projects. I n an effort to expedite the activity, the AORN In this issue of the Journal, Mrs. Carolyn Board of Directors is proceeding with the Rogers, Chairman of the Membership Comappointment of persons to serve on the first mittee, reviews the procedure for renewal of National Advisory Board for the AORT. Until membership. Problems can be expected when the Advisory Board can begin active deliber- instituting changes in procedure. However, ations, the Executive Committee of AORN if members follow the directions and renew has prepared specific recommendations which on time, we can accomplish this change with have been sent to AORN chapter presidents. a minimum of confusion and without disCopies of these recommendations and the rupting Journal mailing. Local chapter treaproposal for the organization are available surers have been supplied with complete infrom our headquarters office on request. structions and can be of much assistance in The Board of Directors announces that answering individual questions. Do not Mrs. Marion H. Parker is no longer assohesitate to get in touch with headquarters for ciated with the organization. We wish her additional information. success in future endeavors. During the time The Journal staff has compiled the Antholthat the position is vacant, Mrs. Julie E. Miale, ogy of Journal articles to complement the Journal Editor, and Miss Myra K. Slavens, manual, Teaching The Operating Rooin TechEducational Director, are assuming additional responsibilities for management of the head- nician. The Anthology is now available and quarters office, while Mr. Gordon Marshall may be ordered from AORN headquarters. Positive steps have been taken to reinforce is managing the technical details related to our relations with other professional organithe 1969 Congress. Selected as the site of the 1972 Congress, zations. By working together more closely, we Las Vegas, is added to the locations of fu- hope to upgrade hospital teaching programs.
June 1968