Copyright©JFAC Control Problerru and Devices Budapest, Hungary. 1980
A PROCESS CONTROL OPERATING SYSTEM WITH INTERRUPT DRIVEN SCHEDULING I. Bach, E. Farkas and L. Megyeri Computer and Automation Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Abstract. In process control application due to concurrency and resource sharing quite a few tasks has to be performed by the operating systen. This is usually solved by special programs like schedular and by the implementation of well known software tools like semaphores, critical regions etc. In a given application for machine tool control special effort has been made to shift as many duties of the OS as possible to the sophisticated interrupt handling of the modern computer hardware. To achieve this goal that principle was kept in mind when partitioning the whole program that processes should not need new resources once already activated. This led to the fact that at all points of synchronization the process was terminated and a new process was founded. Besides each process was associated by a
interrupt level. Although due to hardware restrictions there principles could not be carried out perfectly the gain in speed and structure clarity is significant. rupt for synchronization not only of external
but also of internal processes. Due to the In process control systems one of the most
facilities of the interrupt handling of the
difficult problems is the organization of the
modern hardware it turned out that a big part
cooperation, synchronization, commucation
of the scheduling task was performed by the
between both internal computational and ex-
hardware support automatically and both pro-
ternal peripherial (industrial) processes.
cessor assignement and process switching be-
One has to take into account both external
came much faster and easier.
(real time) and internal (resource sharing) conditions. To meet these requirements plenty of software tools like semaphores,
of the operating system was based
upon the idea that the partition of the whole
queues, monitor concept, critical regions
etc. has already been developped. As far as
activity oriented and processes should be
the synchronization with external processes
is concerned the interrupts have been always
system the processes are
playing big role.
package should be resource rather than by interrupt levels. So in our handlin~
the resour-
ces, and conmunicating with each other. Unfortunately
hardware constraints prevented
In an operating system devoted to machine tool
us to apply everywhere this phylosophy but
control special effort has been made to ex-
even so the gain in speed and 1n clarity of
the structurE was obvious and wc are convinced
the advantageous features of the inter77
I. Bach, E. Farkas and L. Megyeri
that for a large class of operating systems
Every process is associated with a given in-
and hardwares these principles can be used
terrupt level. This means that a process when
running is executed at the interrupt level associated with it. Of course when establishing
the correspondence between processes and interrupt levels special attention
It is nlcost
compulsory to divide the whole
must be paid
on their importance. Processes performing more
program into sub tasks or using the generally
urgent functions should be associated with
accepted term into processes. \1hen partitio-
higher interrupt levels ensuring the correct
ning that principle was kept in mind that
each process at the moment of its activation should possess all the resources it needs
The execution at the interrupt level concludes
during its whole lifetime. The term resource
to the situation that a process can be preemp-
referes here not only to physical reusable re-
ted only by higher priority and therefore more
sources like disc but also to consumable ones
urgent processes. No additional measure is
like messages or interrupt stimuli, too. That
needed to achieve this 20al it is merely the
means that a process once activated may run
consequence of the hardware architecture of
upto its termination without being synchroni-
the computer.
zed by other concurrent internal or external processes. At the same time the activation of
For synchronization special processes can be
other processes is allowed at any moment of
the lifetime of a process. Applying this principle consistently with each process a different interrupt level should be
EJ 6 6 8
associated. Unfortunately the hardware constraints of the computer did not allow us to be so perfect. Its consequence is - as it will
be shown later - that some scheduling work is
still done by the software.
THE SCHEDULING 11ECHANISM For the time bein2 let us suppose that the whole system is built up according to the above described philosophy. This means that no process needs additional resource during execution and with each process a
Making the partition according to this principle a process may be characterized by the
terrupt level is associated. The problems concerned the exceptions will be treated later on.
resources it possesses rather than its activity, by the service rendered. This may be called resource oriented partition. This philosophy
was kept strictly during the whole
plementation only few exceptions were made due to hardware restrictions.
To each process i.e. to each interrupt level belongs a message queue. As soon a process intends to activate an other process it sends a ffiessage to the latter's message queue and provokes a prograomed software interrupt at the level associated with the process to be activated.
A Process Control Operation System Depending upon the priorities of the sender
of those few registers which participate in
rsp. receiver processes either the necessarily
the hardware context saving action. No other
physically running sender proceeds its execu-
part of the memory may be shared between pro-
tion and the interrupt may becoce effective
only after the sender will be already terminated or the sender will be preempted by the receiver.
This is not a severe restriction, for the processes are not
only reusable. Re-
entrancy is automatically excluded since the As for external sticuli i.e. hardware inter-
interrupt stimulus remains valid during the
rupts the stimulus itself and the status byte
whole lifetime of the process therefore the
furnish the necessary information for the
interrupt level can not be stimulated and
identification of the event. Looking at the
the process activated again before terminated.
status byte as a special location for the message queue and its content as a possibly
empty message both external and internal stimuli may be referred through the same ter-
Concurrency and resource sharing motivate the
of the operating system. Al-
though physically only those processes may When the process isn't activated the program
be running which have a processor assigned to
counter of each interrupt level points to a
them from the operating system's point of view
small program called GET. When activated the
the number of conceptually concurrently run-
GET looks at the message queue and if not
ning processes may be different.
empty passes both message and control to the process associated with the interrupt level
In usual operating systems a process may be in
in question. After the process is terminated
one of three disjoint states RUNNING, READY,
the control is given back to the GET prograo
BLOCKED. In non preemptive systems each pro-
of the corresponding level which in turn checks
cess goes through in a cyclic way the states
again the message queue. So due to a new
message the process may be reactivated again.
the process is waiting for certain condition
In case of empty message queue the GET acknow-
message or stimulus etc. \Jhen READY the pro-
ledges the interrupt stimulus and the level
cess has all the resources it needs but pro-
becomes dormant.
cessor and when RUNNING in addition a proces-
to become true for instance the receipt of a
sor in assigned to it. It is the operating Of course if the process is preempted the
system's duty to manage all these state tran-
program counter of that level remains where
sitions and make the necessary bookkeeping.
it is pointing to a certain location of the process. So after all higher level interrupts
In preemptive systems in addition to the for-
having been acknowledged the process will re-
cer state transitions a couple of
suce exactly at the point where it was preemp-
to and back state transitions is performed as
soon as a preemption takes place.
Since the process switching is performed by
For the present operating system one can
interrupt stimuli and interrupt acknowledge-
hardly construct an analogous model. There is
ments the process context saving and restoring
no such thing like process description block
is made by the relevant hardware interrupt
and process state bookkeeping and so on. If
mechanism. The context consists of the content
one wants to characterize this system through
I. Bach, E. Farkas and L. Megyeri
a nodel it will have only two states let us call them RUNNING and
but care must
be taken on the fact that the analogy between
Even simpler in the transition from RUNNING to
state. The process having done its
duty just dies out beconing dormant without
the three state of the usual model and the
getting any help from the operating system.
new ones is far fron being perfect.
To be precise it is the GET program who finally "kills" the relevant interrupt level.
From the resource oriented partititon it fol-
It should be mentioned that also here there
lows that a process having once been activated
is no bookkeeping which is inevitable in the
never needs any new resource never waits. So
case of a usual operating system.
a process may not be blocked. The only difference between the running and The transition from
to RUNNING happens
dormant processes is that in former case a
in two steps. First a message and a stimulus
corresponding interrupt level is living. To
are sent and later the GET program passes both
be honest the above statement is true only
information and control to the process. The
if one regards the GET program as a part of
whole action is performed without any book-
the process. It is only the hardware which is
keeping. From the operating system's point of
aware of the stimulated or dormant state of
view as far as an interrupt level is living
the different interrupt levels. And it is the
i.e. the interrupt stimulus has not yet been
built in hardware interrupt mechanism who ma-
acknowledged the level and therefore the pro-
kes both scheduling and processor switching.
cess is in RUNNING state. It means that not only one but many processes can be at the same
As far as resource sharing is concerned the
time in RUNNING state. There is absolutely no
only resources where conflicts may occur are
difference in the treatment of conceptually
the message queues. When manipulating on
and physically running processes although on-
message queues it could happen that due to an
ly a single process the one with the highest
external interrupt an other process is acti-
priority proceeds really in its activity.
vated which also intends to interfere with the very same queue. This may lead to a situation that the message queue will not be in proper condition. To avoid such improper use of message queues the ENQUEUE function which forms a part of the supervisor first disables the interrupts and afterwords enables it again. The same situation is with that part of the GET program which analyzes the queue calling the DEQUEUE supervisor function with in an disable-enable bracket. This solution is quite common for establishing critical regions
in a one processor environment.
A Process Control Operation System PRACTICAL LIMITATIONS
sociate those processes with the same level which may not run concurrently due to the lo-
As it has already been mentioned hardware
gical structure of the whole system. This was
restrictions prevented us to associate each
our principle when associating more then one
process with a different interrupt level. So
process to a given interrupt level.
there must be interrupt levels with more than one process belonging to it. This was not in-
Another point to be mentioned here is. the qu-
dicated only by the number of the levels but
estion of those processes which do need addi-
there are levels having more the one periphe-
tional resources during their lifetime. There
ral devices.
are peripherals which allow only one byte information exchange at once. When the informa-
The one to one correspondence between proces-
ses and message queues is still kept even in
send one byte as many times as many bytes the
this case. That means that the GET program
of more than one byte one has to
has to investigate all the message queues belonging to the interrupt level. Furthermore
In these cases our principle was violated and
it must decide which of the possible proces-
a single process was created to perform the
ses should be started depending upon the queue
whole function. Such a process needs unfortu-
where the message has been found.
nately additional resources namely the acknowledgement of the receipt of the byte sent.
The strategy applied when checking the different queues may lead to a certain secondary
The GET program of that particular level has
priority among the processes belonging to the
to take over practically all the duties of a
same level. The two priorities are of course
real schedular. It has to save and restore
not equivalent since processes with the same
context and in addition to avoid reentrancy
primary but different secondary priorities
it has to mask the queue belonging to the
may not preempt each other.
blocked process. The masking and demasking the queue corresponds to the putting the process
Few words about the philosophy applied when
into the BLOCKED and the RUNNING state. The
making the correspondence between processes
READY state has still no equivalent even in
and interrupt levels. Peripheral equipments
this case.
are always communicating through a given interrupt level. This is a feature of the hard-
At the same time we allowed the activation of
ware environment. The process handling a phe-
an other process at the same level. If the
ripheral equipment i.e. owing the equipment
GET finds a message in a not masked queu i.e.
as a resource is always associated with the
belonging to a different process of the same
interrupt level of the communication. This
level it will start it. So within the level
seems to be a logical and natural solution
we perform multiprocramming of course at the
since their message - in form of a status
expense of establishing under the nickname
word - will be found by the GET program of
GET almost a complete schedular.
that level. The third and last problem to be treated here The processes possessing as a resource a mes-
is the question of synchronization. According
sage sent by an other software process may be
to the principles of the original model this
associated with any interrupt level. Processes
may be solved by special processes checking
of the same level can not run from hardware
the presence of usually two messages sent by
reason concurrently. So it is advisable to as-
two different processes. It will activate the
I. Bach, E. Farkas and L. Megyeri
third synchronized process only if both mes-
In our implementation among the GET
sages has already arrived. In opposite case
8 belong to type
the synchronization process will terminate
C. It means that in the majority of cases the
without activating the third process.
pure system could be preserved.
From practical point of view these synchroni-
The GET programs are very simple because
to type Band 2 to type
zation processes can be built into the GET
through supervisor calls they use the facili-
program. It is now the GET programs duty to
ties of the supervisor. The system has a su-
fulfil the above mentioned functions and de-
pervisor which is a collection of commonly used
cide whether the process to be synchronized
basic functions like queue handling, interrupt
should be activated or not.
enable, disable, peripheral handling, interrupt status handling ect.
IHPLEMENTATION The whole system forms an experimental manu-
An operating
has been built according
to the above described principles for machi-
facturing system at the Technical University of Budapest.
ne tool control purposes. It consists of a Hungarian made R-10 computer and two turning-
The technological system should manufacture
lathes and will be supplemented by a drilling
elements according to their technological des-
machine and an industrial robot.
cription written on a special language by hand or translated from description written in a
The computer has a word organization contai-
high level language like EXAPT.
ning two 8 bits bytes and the configuration contains a 800 K disc, two a1fanumeric displays, a punched tape reader and a tape puncher. The machine tools are driven by turning
~ lathe
Machine Tool Controllers which in turn communicate with the computer through British
Standard Interface channels.
machIne tool controller
~// robot controUe-r
From the potentially available 32 interrupt levels
for hardware reasons only 12 could
Ic=rr- EJ
be used. The whole program was divided into
Display 2
26 distinct processes. The processes were lo-
gically and not evenly distributed among the levels. To the most populated one belongs 4 processes while six levels have 1 process each. The GET programs may be characterized by their
The computer system's duites can be summarized
function rendered. Type A only checks queues
as follows.
- possibly more than one - and activates processes. Type B organizes multiprocessing
It must manage the dia10g with the dispatcher
within the level. Finally type C performs in
through the first display. He can fed via tape
addition synchronization duties, too.
reader technological descriptions into the computer. He can arrange programs for manufacturing.
A Process Control Operation System
It must manage the dialog with the worker
The system can manage only static priorities
through the tastature of the MTC. He can ope-
determined in implementation phase. Where for
rate the machine tool by hand via MTC-compu-
some reason for instance due to the tight re-
ter. He can set the machine tool and finally
al time requirements of the enviroment dyna-
he can start the program for manufacturing.
mic priorities are needed the method can not be applied.
The computer when manufacturing takes the technological description from its date base trans-
Even when priorities might be static one has
late in run time each sentence into instruc-
to face a lot of restrictions. The processes
tions for the }ITC and synchronized by the
communicating with hardware devices should be
machine tool itself sends the instructions to
associated with the level where the communi-
the MTC. The worker can of course interfere
cation takes place. When more than one process
at any time and take over the control.
has to be associated with one level the logical choice also denotes a constraint. Al-
The fulfillment of the real time requirements
together priorities can not be chosen arbitra-
of the industrial process is ensured by the
adequate priorities of the urgent functions
but this does not usually mean a serious
and by the relatively high speed of the computer. No additional measure has been made.
From the program structure point of view it is not very sympathetic that the GET programs
Due to the experimental nature of the system
whose task is usually and logically performed
its facilities should be extended in the futu-
by the supervisor belong to the user program.
re i.e. new processes must be introduced.
The multiplication of the GET programs i.e. the distribution of the scheduling does not
mean a big burden since the normal GET program consist of few instructions mainly supervisor
Exploiting the sophisticated interrupt hand-
ling facilities of the modern hardware one can build an effective operating system of clear
The biggest problem was what we described as
structure where scheduling, process switching
practical constraints. We have chosen a com-
and bookkeeping can be done by the hardware.
puter which was available. When using a com-
This solution decreases the overhead of sche-
puter with more flexible hardware the advan-
duling both in program and running time.
tages were even bigger. So when using these principles in the micros where everything de-
We think that the advantages are trivial and
pends upon our decision the advantages can be
they are fully described in the report.
exploited totally.
To mention few drawbacks first of all we have
Having stated all the disadvantages we had to
to call the attention of the fact that this
face or we could imagine we are still enthu-
method can be applied only for a certain class
siastic and we are going to apply this method
of software systems. The information flow must
in the future as many times as the enviromen-
be unique in the system so where a resource
tal conditions make it possible.
may be consumed by more than one process the principles may not be used because here it is the sender who determines the destination of the information and not the receiver.