Select a suitable tray; place the modeling compound in a vessel to soften; while the compound is softening place your half round guide pins in the half round tubes on the bands in the mouth. The compound should now be in workable condition and ready to take the impression. (This technic I gave during the meeting in Chicago in 1918.) ,4s soon as t.he compound is cool, remove from the mouth; you will find the half Wash the impression in round guide pins in their position in the impression. cold water, dry with cotton and air syringe. Now place the half round tubes over the half round guide pins and allow them to extend high enough to become imbedded in the coccal model material. Now paint the impression with 3 in 1 oil (or any good light oil), use a small camel’s hair brush to paint the impression well; you are now ready to pour the model. Use warm water and mix in the coccal material rather slowly until the mix is a heavy cream consistency, place a small amount of the material in the impression and vibrate to place, adding as required to build the model ; build high enough to form a working base. Ax the coccal starts to harden, trim to approximate shape desired, now remove the tray from the compound, which now because of the heat from the setting of the material has begun to soften the compound around the edges. With a little care start,ing at the distal buccal, you can now begin to remove the compound from the model working around to the other side and the lingual part will come away very easily, giving you a good working model, in about ten to twelve minutes’ time. Jesse P. Keeney, D.D.S. Quincy, Ill.