ASORN news
n February 10, 1996, 26 registered nurses from all over the United States passed a 250-question, four-selection, multiple-choice examination to reveal their competency as ophthalmic registered nurses. Of the group, 11 are newly certified and 26 are recertified. Congratulations to all of you! And thank you for the expertise and professional interest you display with your certified registered nurse in ophthalmology (CRNO) credential. You assure the public they are receiving the very best!
Joan C. Ascalon, RN, CRNO* Regina E. Boess-Lott, RN, CRNO* Donna Bolcar, RN, CRNO
Eileen M. Bonsignore, RN, CRNO Cheryl A. Carr, RN, CRNO Norma Cecconi, RN, CRNO* Susan Dapcic, RN, CRNO Margaret R. Dickerson, RN, CRNO* Carole J. Eells, RN, CRNO* Julie M. Ferguson, RN, CRNO Re M. Go Buena, RN, CRNO Terri L. Gowin, RN, CRNO Ann G. Groves, RN, CRNO* Robbie Hughes, RN, CRNO* Nancy King, RN, CRNO* Betty Ann Kirchhofer, RN, CRNO* Patricia A. Lamb, RN, CRNO* Cathy McCarrick, RN, CRNO* Barbara A. McDonald, RN, CRNO* Diana M. Meashey, RN, CRNO” Alysse M. Ohara, RN, CRNO
RNs Michelle R. Pamer, RN, CRNO Pamela J. Schultz, RN, CRNO* Gloria Setiawan, RN, CRNO Sharon Sjulstad, RN, CRNO Marguerite Stanton, RN, CRNO” *Recertified.
for Journal
December Journal September
4, 1996
March Journal December
4, 1996
Please submit all items to Sarah Smith, RN, MA, CRNO, Editor, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, 200 Hawkins Dr., Iowa City, IA 52242-1091.
as a wink...
Dry eye relief
A new over-the-counter drug may reverse the ocular surface changes of dry eyes. TheraTears ATF Formula, from Advanced Vision Research, Woburn, Massachusetts, features a patented electrolyte balance that promotes healing and provides dry eye relief, according to Advanced Vision Research. Research for TheraTears was conducted by the Schepens Eye Research Institute and sponsored by the National Eye Institute. Call (800) 9-RXTEAR. Lacrimal
Explain to patients the placement of the punctum plug and collagen implants inserted in the punctal opening with a free fourcolor diagram offered by Eagle Vision. Call (800) 222-7584. Resource
The Seeing Eye, the nation’s oldest guide dog school, is offering a biSlciHT
The Journal
of the American
comprehensive multimedia package for newly blind people, their families, and friends. Included are Choices: Living with Vision Loss, a 23-minute video, and If Blindness Occurs, a largetype booklet that also contains sources for related materials. Since its founding in 1929, The Seeing Eye has matched more than 11,000 seeing eye dogs with men and women from across the United States and Canada. Call (201) 539-4425. Poster ciency
on acquired syndrome
The Jewish Guild for the Blind is offering free single copies of a poster explaining acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-related eye disease. An accompanying brochure describes the grim statistics: up to 80% of people with AIDS will have an ocular manifestation of the disease. Patients are encouraged to see an ophthalmologist of Ophthalmic
or to contact the guild. Single copies are free. Multiple copies are $1.80 for each set. Call (212) 769-0493. Spring contest
Spring Grove Seminars, a nurseowned and -operated company dedicated to the education and encouragement of nurses, is holding its first annual writing contest. Entries are being sought for manuscripts about nurses or written by nurses. Anyone is eligible to enter. Entries in nonnurse and nurse-only categories will be awarded first, second, and third place prizes of $500, $250, and $100, respectively. A $10 entry fee covers the costs of prizes and judging. The contest submission deadline is July 31, 1996. To obtain an application contact Spring Grove Seminars, P.O. Box 1126, Lakewood, CA 90714-1126.
2, June