Core recovery,
logging, probing,
boring and sampling
816208 INTER~TIONALM'NUALFOR THE SAMPLINGOF SOFT cOHEsrVESOILS Tokyo:Tokai UniversityPress for the InternationalSocietyof Soil Mechanics ani FoundationEngineering, 191, 129P Describesthe samplingof soft cohesivesoils: (1) preparatory work for tilsturbed sampling in Soreholes,(2) undleturbedsamplingby thinwalled samplerswith fixed pistons,(3) other variousssmplersuseclfarurdlsturbedsampling, (4) hazxLll%of urdisturbedsamples,(5) hami carvingundisturbedssmplesfor pits or trenches (blocksampling),(6) metho;is of disturbedsoil sampling. 816209FREEZE-SAMPLINGTECHNI~ aSUITABLE FOR COARSE RIVERBED-MATERIAL.SHORT NOTE Car&g, P A; Reader,N A SedimGeol, V29, N2-3, JULY 1931, P233-239 Samplesare obtainedby carbon dioxide freezing of a saturatedor partiallysaturatedmibatratum to a copper stani-pipedriven into the atrezm bed. The techniquehas been used for sampling coarsegravelsuxrlerflowi~w&er. 816210WIRE LINE DOWN LCGS EVALUATED- 2. DATA PRCCESSINGCHARACTERISTICSREvIEwED Hartley,K B Oil Gas J, Vi'g,Ng, 2 March 1581, p99-100 In Part 1 (See item 815246)dovn logs, ard the possibilityof runningthem at Increased speeds withoutimpairingdataquality,werereviewed. Part 2 deals with data processingby the new digitalcomputerlsedsurfaceleggingunits in the St-of porosltyanilog speeddepenience of log vslue variations. 816211 BOREHOLETELEVISIONSURVEY Lau, J S 0 1n:UniergrourdRockEnglneering(hp?rsto 13th CanadianRock Machanlcs Syn%~,aium, Toronto,28-29Mey l$)O),P204-210.Pub1 Montreal:CIMM, 190 Describesa boreholetelevisionsurveymethod ard equipmentused to measureorientation, depth, width arxlapertureof any plansrdlscorrtlrndties intersected by a bxehole. 816212 BASIC i9CGRP.M FM BO%%X $\-JOT!K; OF COAL MEASURE SEQUENCESUSING MICRCCQ@UTERS Mallet,C W; Banner,G W CSIRO Divisionof AppliedGecmechanics, reportGCM 31, March 1581, 16~ Gives the codingproced~e indetailaxdincludes the irdivldualcodes as appendzlces. Avail:CSIRO Ditisionof AppliedGeaaechanics, PG Box 49, Mount Waverley,Vie 3149, Australia
816213 APPL.IED GEOPHYSICSFOR GEOLCGISTS.cNDENSINEFRS. THE ELEMENTSOF GFOPRYS1C.ZPROSPECTING(2ND EDITION) Grlffiths,D H; King, R F Oxford:Pergamon,1981, 23OP Discussesgeophysicalmethodsused by geologists ani civil engineers:seismicsurveys.electrical resistivity surveying, other electil&.l me+oir;, gravitysurveying,magneticsurveying,geophysical boreholelegging,radiometricsurveysand remote sensing. 816214MAGI IC SOUNDINS=OD [MFmroDS IN .-------GEOZHEMSTRY AXD GEOPHYSICS,15) Kaufman,A A; Keller,G V Amsterdam:Elsevier, 191, 596P The bock alms to providea descriptionof the mathematical analyseswhich lead to an unierstarkdlng of the use of the magnetotelluric methodwhen the geometryof the sourcefield, the cxn-vature of the earth,and the 3-dimensionalpropertiesof the subsurfaceelectrical structuresmustbetakeninto account.Chapters on measurementtechrdquesand interpretation arrlcase historiesare included. 816215ACOUSTICWISSION/MICROSEISC ACTIVITYIN GEOLOGICSX'RUCTURESANDMATERIALS Hardy,H R; Leighton,I W (editors) Proc 2nd Conference,Pennsylvania State University,13-15 NW 1978. Pub1 Rockport,MA: Rans Tech Publications, 1580 Of the 27 papers,18 deal with a wide range of field applicationsard techniques,7 with laboratorytests and 2 with theoreticalaspectsof the subject. 816216RAPID SEISMICREFRACTIONDELAY*TI!4E PROFILING -_---_ TECHNIOUEFOR SHALLCWBEDROCKSFUDIES Pant; P R; Murty, B S R Geoexploration, ~18, Nk, Jan 191, ~269-280 A selsxdcrefractiondelay time traversing techniquehighly suitablefor a speedydellnation of shallw bedrocktopogramy is described. This technique quicklybringsout the bedrock Tofile withoutlaboriouscomputationsaxl is less expensivefor the purposethan the normal seismicrefractionsoundingmethod.The principle of the method is based on the determination of the overburdendelay time associatedwith a 'shot-detector1 arrangement with constant separationalong a traverse.The effectof the lateralvelocityinhomogeneities on the measured delay times ard the methodfor correc:ting this effecthas been described.A hanmer-source single-chsnnel seismictimer is ideallysuitable for the survey.Auth.