Additional Experiments Verifying the Presence of Treponema Pallidum in the Cornea in Experimental Interstitial Keratitis

Additional Experiments Verifying the Presence of Treponema Pallidum in the Cornea in Experimental Interstitial Keratitis


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An emulsion from the syphilitic testicle of a rabbit was injected subconjunctivally into two other rabbits that subsequently developed interstitial keratitis. The corneae showed active treponemata and an emulsion from them when injected into the testes of other rabbits induced induration and swelling, in which the organism could again be demon­ strated. Stained specimens from both corneae and testes were also positive for tre­ ponemata. From the Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Read before the American Ophthalmological Society, New London, June 10,1932.

In 19281 I made a preliminary report (Amer. Jour. Ophth., v. 11) upon this work before the Ophthalmological Sec­ tion of the Baltimore City Medical So­ ciety. At that time I showed that there was a divergence of opinion among vari­ ous authors and investigators as to the presence of treponema in the cornea in this condition. For example, Collins and Mayou2, as well as Spicer8, state that the treponemata have never been found in the human cornea in cases of intersti­ tial keratitis. In 1925 Jaeger4 studied the corneas of a patient,^ twenty-one years of age, who had a typical case of interstitial keratitis and who had died suddenly from influenza. He was unable to demonstrate the organism in either cornea. On the other hand v. Hippel5 appar­ ently demonstrated the treponemata in the cornea of a stillborn syphilitic child by the use of Levaditi's stain; Igersheimer*, in a section of cornea removed. from an active case of interstitial kera­ titis in a patient fourteen years of age ; and Clausen7, in the cornea of a fourand-a-half-months-old child who had had active keratitis and who had died from a general syphilitic involvement of the internal organs. Igersheimer8 also reported the presence of the organisms in the cornea of rabbits that developed metastatic interstitial keratitis follow­ ing a testicular inoculation as well as in cases that resulted from a more direct inoculation into the anterior chamber. The presence of the treponema in ex­ perimental interstitial keratitis was seemingly confirmed by Bertarelli9, 10 Greef and Clausen , as well as by Chesney and Kemp11, the latter of whom demonstrated the organisms by use of the dark field.

In 1927 Löwenstein12 studied the question and came to quite different conclusions. He stated that a spontane­ ous keratitis often developed in rabbits from six to eight months after receiving a testicular inoculation. Also if a syphi­ litic rabbit received an intracorneal in­ jection of normal serum an interstitial keratitis would develop. The same con­ dition resulted if the conjunctiva was incised or the superior rectus and its vessels were severed. Microscopic stud­ ies revealed a round-cell infiltration about the anterior ciliary vessels, which condition he believed caused a disturb­ ance of the nutrition of the cornea that resulted in interstitial keratitis. In view of these conflicting opin­ ions, both in clinical cases and experi­ mental investigations, my experiments were undertaken. In the preliminary re­ port previously mentioned I conclusive­ ly demonstrated that a typical intersti­ tial keratitis would almost universally develop in about six weeks following an injection of a testicular emulsion which showed treponemata when examined by the dark field, whether the injection was made into the anterior chamber or given subconjunctivally close to the limbus. The keratitis may start at the point of injury or may start upon the opposite side of the cornea. Sections of the corneas stained by Levaditi's method showed short sinu­ ously curved bodies which we believed were the treponemata pallida. The same specimens were examined by a syphilologist who gave it as his opinion that the bodies were artefacts instead of or­ ganisms. In view of this difference of opinion as to the presence of the treponemata in the cornea in interstitial keratitis, the




question was further studied as follows : A testicle of a rabbit that had been inoculated previously with the treponemata and that showed well-marked orchitis, was removed and small por­ tions ground up in a mortar with normal saline solution. The fluid was then ex­ amined under the dark field and ac­ tive treponemata pallida were demon-

killed. Both corneae were removed and divided into two parts. One-half of each cornea was placed in formalin for hard­ ening, sectioning, and staining, while the other half was ground in a sterile mortar with normal salt solution. The resulting fluid from the right cornea was then injected into the right testicle of rabbit No. 6, while that from the left


Nov. 21, 1930, Bilateral subconjunctival injection of 1/10 c.c. testicular emulsion containing treponemata pallida. Jan. 2, 1931, Bilateral interstitial keratitis. Jan. 9, 1931, Sacrificed. O.D.


\ Ground in mortar and injected into right tes-« tide, rabbit No. 6. Feb. 20, 1931 No re­ action. March 13, 1931 Orchi­ tis. March 19, 1931 Sacri­ ficed.


Sectioned and stained Warthin-Starry meth­ od. A few treponemata were found.

strated. One-tenth cubic centimeter of this fluid was then injected subconjunctivally above each cornea of rabbit No. 1 (light brown) on November 21, 1930. No reaction occurred until December 19, 1930, when a slight injection was noted over both superior recti muscles. On January 2, 1931, bilateral keratitis with vascularization was present in each cornea at its upper margin. The keratitis was more pronounced on January 9, when the animal was

Ground in mortar and injected into right tes­ ticle, rabbit No. 7. Feb. 20, 1931 Orchitis. March 19, 1931 Sacri­ ficed. Dark-field ex­ amination showed ac­ tive treponemata.

Sectioned and stained Warthin-Starry meth­ od. Numerous t r e p o n e ­ mata present.

cornea, which had been similarly treated, was injected into the right testi­ cle of rabbit No. 7 (table 1). Rabbit No. 6 developed an orchitis on March 13 with enlarged inguinal glands. Rabbit No. 7 showed swelling and induration of the inoculated testicle on February 20, forty-two days after the inoculation. This condition gradu­ ally increased until March 19, when the rabbit was killed and a section of the testicle was placed in a ten-percent solu-



Fig. 1 (Clapp). Photomicrograph of left cornea of rabbit No. 1, show­ ing numerous treponemata.

tion of formalin and a portion of the remainder ground in a mortar and the fluid examined under the dark field. Numerous treponemata pallida were found in active motion. The corneas of this rabbit were sectioned and stained

by the Warthin-Starry method and the treponema demonstrated (fig. 1). Sec­ tions of the testicles were also stained by the same method. The treponemata could also be demonstrated in these sec­ tions but their number seemed to be

Fig. 2 (Clapp). Photomicrograph of right testicle of rabbit No. 7, showing indistinct treponemata near center of field.



fewer than in the corneal sections (fig. 2). Rabbit No. 2 (white) was also inocu­ lated with one-tenth cubic centimeter of the testicular emulsion containing trep­ onemata on November 21, 1930. Three days later there was a rather marked iritis with exudates into both anterior chambers. The iritis had subsided by

inoculated into each testicle of rabbit No. 8 (table 2). The left cornea was also divided and similarly treated, using rabbit No. 9 for the inoculation. By February 20 both testicles of rabbit No. 8 and the right of rabbit No. 9 were swollen and indurated and the animals were killed. Dark-field examination of the right testicle of each of these rabbits

Table 2 W H I T E RABBIT

Nov. 21,1930, Bilateral subconjunctival injection of 1/10 c.c. testicular emulsion containing treponemata pallida. Jan. 2, 1931, Bilateral interstitial keratitis. Jan. 9, 1931, Sacrificed. Each cornea divided and utilized as follows: O.D.

Ground in mortar and injected into right and left testicle, rabbit No. 8. Feb. 20, 19.11 Orchitis. March 19, 1931 Sacri­ ficed. Treponemata demonstrated in dark field.

Sectioned and stained Warthin-Starry meth­ od. Few treponemata dem­ onstrated.

November 28 and the exudates had been absorbed. The eyes remained quiet until December 26 when some injection ap­ peared above each cornea and by Janu­ ary 2, 1931, keratitis was found to be present in each eye. The infiltration into the cornea began to subside on January 8 and the animal was killed on Janu­ ary 9. The right cornea was divided, one portion being placed in formalin, and the other prepared in the mortar and


Ground in mortar and injected into right tes­ ticle, rabbit No. 9. Feb. 20, 1931 Orchitis. March 19. 1931 Sacri­ ficed. Dark field showed active trepo­ nemata.

Sectioned and stained Warthin-Starry meth­ od. Numerous trepone­ mata demonstrated.

revealed active treponemata pallida and sections oi both the corneas and the testicles stained by the Warthin-Starry method were positive (figs. 3 and 4). Rabbit No. 3 was inoculated subconjunctivally with one-tenth cubic centi­ meter of the testicular emulsion on No­ vember 21, 1930. No reaction occurred until January 30, 1931, when beginning redness was noted above the left cornea. By March 13 both corneas presented



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Wat ;« **; Fig. 3 (Clapp). Photomicrograph of left cornea of rabbit No. 2, showing numerous treponemata.

typical pictures of acute interstitial keratitis. The reaction gradually sub­ sided and on September 25, 1931, the slitlamp showed a nodular opacity in each eye with new-formed vessels at the

lower margin. The animal was killed on October 1, 1931, and each cornea di­ vided. One portion of the right cornea, prepared as previously described, was injected into the right testicle of rabbit

Fig. 4 (Clapp). Photomicrograph of testicle of rabbit No. 8, showing numerous organisms.



No. 333 and a portion of the left cornea cornea has apparently been demoninto the left testicle of the same rabbit, strated with staining by v. Hippel 5 , No induration o'r swelling occurred in Igersheimer 8 , and Clausen 7 . It would, either testicle and the rabbit was killed therefore, seem logical to believe that on January 20, 1932. The corneas were their active presence in the cornea is a fixed in formalin, sectioned and stained, determining factor in active, luetic, inbut, other than the evidences of an old terstitial keratitis. keratitis, no lesion could be demonMy final problem is to obtain some strated. corneal tissue in the active stage of inW e have therefore definitely proved terstitial keratitis and to repeat this bioby the use of both staining and biologi- logical test, as well as to make darkcal methods, that the treponemata are field examination, thus proving beyond present in the corneas of cases of active, question the presence of the treponeexperimental, interstitial keratitis. The mata in human luetic keratitis. presence of the organism in the human 513 N. Charles street. Bibliography 1

Clapp, C. A. Preliminary report upon experimental investigation as to presence of trep­ onema pallidum in luetic interstitial keratitis. Amer. Jour. Ophth., 1928, v. 11, p. 527. ' Collins and Mayou. Pathology and bacteriology of the eye, Ed. 2, 1925. 'Spicer, W. T. H. Parenchymatous keratitis; interstitial keratitis; uveitis anterior. Brit. Jour. Ophth., 1924, Mon. No. 1. * Jaeger, E. Ein histologisch untersuchter Fall von Keratitis parenchymatosa. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., 1925, v. 44, p. 488. * v. Hippel, E. Ueber Keratitis parenchymatosa und Ulcus internum corneae. Arch. f. Ophth., 1908, v. 68, p. 354. ' Igersheimer, J. Die Keratitis parenchymatosa eine echtluetische Erkrankung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., 1910, v. 36, p. 938. ' Clausen, W. Aetiologische, experimentelle und therapeutische Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Keratitis interstitialis. Arch. f. Ophth., 1912, v. 83, p. 399. * Igersheimer, J. Ueber die experimentelle metastatisch-luetische Keratitis und die Bedeutung der Spirochäten für den syphilitischen Prozess an der Hornhaut. Arch. f. Ophth., 1922, v. 109, p. 265. * Bertarelli, E. Ueber die Transmission der Syphilis auf das Kaninchen. Cent. f. Bakt., etc., 1906, v. 41, pt. 1, p. 320. "Greef and Clausen. Spirochaeta pallida bei experimentell erzeugter interstitieller Hornhautentzündung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., 1906, v. 32, p. 1454. u Chesney and Kemp. Studies in experimental syphilis. Jour. Exp. Med., 1925, v. 42, p. 33. " Löwenstein, A. Tierversuche zur Frage der Entstehung der Keratitis parenchymatosa. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., 1927, v. 78, sup., p. 73.