Journal of Government
Information, Vol. 21, No. 6. pp. 613-6lY. 1994 Copyright Q 1994 Elsevier Science Ltd Printed in the USA. All rights reserved 1352-0237194 $6.00 + ,OO
for Latin America, Spain, and Portugal, University of California.
Los Angeles. CA 900241575, USA
While many of the same themes noted in previous years continue to dominate government publishing, there are a few distinctive publications to highlight in this year’s column. One of the most newsworthy items is the Mexican official text of the North American Free Trade Agreement. This Spanish text is also readily available to United States depositories as part of the U.S. edition of the tri-national agreement. The index to Brazilian periodicals and serials is an important reference work. It should prove invaluable to researchers and librarians alike. While not an entirely unique resource, the biographical work on Indian women Parliamentarians provides a more focussed and well-rounded perspective of the role they have played in Indian politics and government affairs. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Developn~ent stimulated the production of two reports mentioned here: the Brazilian national report and the statistical volume on the Peruvian environment. The role of women and the effect of economic development on their educational, social, and economic status are the subject of reports from Ireland, Morocco, Cape Verde, and Bolivia. Household expenditure and consumption studies have been conducted in many countries, three examples of which are those from Venezuela, Cape Verde, and Niger. Mozambique’s health plan is an important example of sectorial development plans. The publications from Mexico on maquiladoras and the volume on artisans in Chile are examples of the increasing frequency with which government entities collaborate with university, research, or cultural institutions, which may, or may not, be funded by the government. This type of copublishing often promotes wider distribution of the documents through book trade channels, The publications that are described in this column were received during the current year, June 1993 to May 1994. The great majority were received via blanket order dealers who handle sjgnificant official publications along with trade materials.
priority. Toward that end, ONAMFA was created to develop programs addressing the needs of women and youth. This statistical analysis is the first to define quantitatively a profile of the social, cultural, and economic conditions of the Bolivian family. General demographic characteristics of population, fertility, infant mortality, and internal migration are given. Household characteristics include education and language, labor force status, income. and family composition. Additional data on health status of family members and available public services derive from the 1992 census.
BOLIVIA 452. An&is Esta~stico de la Familia en Bolivia. LaPaz, tinidad de Coordinacidn y Monitoreo de1 Plan Decenal, Organism0 National del Menor, Mujer y Familia (ONAMFA), 1993. 32~. With bibliog., fig., ftn., tab. [Available from Editorial Inca, P.O. Box 164900. Miami, FL 33116, U.S.A.]. As part of the “Bolivian Social Strategy” (199l), investment in human resources. particularly in rural families and in the marginalized urban population, has been a stated
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453. La Nueva Politica Social: Discursos, 1992, by Samuel Doria Medina. La Paz, Ministerio de Planeamiento y Coordination, 1993. 105~. With tab. [Available from Editorial Inca]. President Paz Zamora’s “New Social Policy” identifies social policy as a function of economic policy and concentrates social investment on the marginalized poor. This publication is a collection of speeches made by the Minister for Planning and Coordination to promote and define the New Social Policy. Among the speeches are the plans for addressing the needs of women and children. for reforming education, and for dealing with, or “amortizing.” the social debt. Other speeches are on the endorsement of the international community, on the compatibility of the economic model and social justice, and other topics. 454. Testimonio de1 Cambio, 1989-1993. La Paz Ministerio de Planeamiento y Coordinacion, 1993. 146~. With fig., ill, map, tab. (Available from Editorial Inca]. Since taking office on August 6. 1989, President Jaime Paz Zamora has brought both stability and economic growth to Bolivia. This volume is a testimonial to the changes and accomplishments of his administration. Its four chapters discuss the growth in the economy. social policy, modernization of the state, and international relations. Illustrated with color photographs and supported by data. it is valuable, despite its obvious political purpose, as a chronicle of programs, projects, policy initiatives, and historical events. BRAZIL 455. 0 Desafio do Desenvolvimento Sustenhvel: Relathio do Brasil para a Conferhcia das Na@es Unidas sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Comissao Interministerial para Preparacao da Conferencia das Nacoes Unidas sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento. Brasilia, Secretaria de Imprensa, 1991. 204~. With app.. fig., map, tab. ISBN 85-85142-18-9; US$30.00. [Availablefrom Susan Bach, Ltda., RuaVisconde de Caravelas 17. Botafogo. 22271 Rio de Janeiro]. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was hosted by Brazil in June 1992. This is the national report that was prepared for the conference. It addresses the socio-environmental impli-
cations of Brazilian development, analyzing the impact of each economic sector. Chapters 2 and 3 provide both history and context: the former recounts the evolution of environmental policy, and the latter, the current state of principal ecosystems. Chapter 4 deals with Brazil’s role in global issues such as climate change. biodiversity, and degredation of the ozone. The final chapter identifies elements for a strategy of sustained development. The appendix summarizes earlier environmental initiatives. beginning with the Conference of Estocolomo in 1972. 456. Peri6dicos e Seriados Brasileiros, by Juracy Feitosa Rocha, Jaime Robredo, and Nilcea Amabilia Rossi Concalves. Brasilia, Conselho National de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico, Instituto Brasileiro de Informacao em Ciencia e Tecnologia, Fundacao Banco do Brasil, 1988-1993. 2v. With abbrev., bibliog., ind. ISBN v.I:SS7013-016-3; v.2:85-7013-014-7. [Available from Instituto Brasileiro de Informacao em Ciencia e Tecnologia, SAS, Quadra 5, Lote 6, Bloco H. 70070-000 Brasilia, DF]. The long-awaited volume 2 ofthis important reference tool was finally published in 1993. Volume I , GIII’~ e Reprr.ttirio.r G~IYI~.S e Espc~c,irrli=cldos, contains bibliographies, catalogs, and general and specialized guides to periodicals, arranged by type. Most entries contain brief notes. Indexes are by personal author, by corporate author. and by subject. Volume 1 was produced from computer printouts: the main bibliography sections are entirely in upper case and, are somewhat difficult to read. Volume 2, IrdiCPSfmhitlrrcris epoaAs.srrnto, is a bibliography of454 individual serial titles with details of individual indexes down to the volume level. In addition, a bibliography of subject indexes to periodicals, which are linked to the individual serial titles, appears in a separate section. A subject index and a list of abbreviations are included. The typography and printing of the second volume is a considerable improvement over volume I. Both volumes provide a source list of references and institutions consulted. CAPE
Praia, 457. InquCrito 6s Familias, 1988-1989. Direccao de Estatisticas Demograficas e Sociais, Direccao-Geral de Estatistica, 1989 156~. With fig., tab. (Project0 CV1/87/0141
Africa, Asia, Europe. and Latin America [Available from Dire@0 de Estatisticas Demograficas e Sociais. Edificio do Ministerio das Financas e do Planeamento, Bloco B 40. Subsolo, Praia]. Family budget and family consumption are the subjects of this sample survey. Detailed tables on expenditures for food products and transportation are given comparing urban with rural residence as well as residence by island. The structure of the family budget, in terms of the percentages spent on food, housing, hygiene, transportation, etc., and the structure of expenditures on dietary food groups provide some indication of the general socioeconomic condition of the people. CHILE 458. Memoria y Cultura Femenino en 10s Oficios Artesanales,
y Masculine
by Ximena Valdes and others. Santiago, Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo de la Mujer and Fondo de Desarrollo de la Cultura y las Artes, Ministerio de Education, 1993. 112~. With fig., ill., ref. ISBN 9.56-7236-05-4; $21.10. [Available from Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo de la Mujer, Purisima 305, Santiago.] Handicrafts, the product of peasants and indigenous people, constitute an art handed down through generations, an “aspect of the resistance” that survives despite more than 500 years of European dominance. This beautifully illustrated work features basketry, ceramics, and Aymara and Mapuche textiles. Color and black-and-white photographs focus on individual objects of art to display the details of the artisanship. In addition, photos feature the people who made the works and the environment from which the materials are gathered. The text provides details about the materials, the process, and the significance of the objects in the daily lives ofthe people, as well as the socioeconomic context of the communities that produce the handicrafts. DOMINICAN
459. Comuniciones en la Reptibfic Domiqicana, 1972-1992, by Federico Gonzalez Aviles.
Santo Domingo, Oficina National de Estadistica, Secretariado Tecnico de la Presidencia, 1993. 72~. With fig., ill., tab. [Available from Libros Latinos, P.O. Box 1103, Redlands, CA 92373, U.S.A.]. In the modern world, communications in-
frastructure is vitally important to economic development and progress. This compilation provides basic statistics on all types of communication. It covers postal service, telephones, telegraph services, radio and television, highways, roads, and bridges. The years of coverage vary with each table. The latest data appearing on communications-related topics are from 1988; highway and road construction figures include the first half of 1992. Postal service information is provided to the provincial level. HUNGARY 460. Economic and Social Overview of the 1992 Year in Hungary. Budapest, Kozponti Statisztikai Hivatal 1992. 45~. With fig. tab. [Available from Kozponti Statisztikai Hivatal, Budapest]. This brief economic and social assessment is a handy source for key statistical data. In the economic section, industry, agriculture, housing, prices, foreign commerce, and the national budget are covered. It also discusses organizational changes in the national economy and the effect of the new bankruptcy law. At the end of the publication, monthly economic indices are provided. The section on demographic and social processes is very brief, but devotes a few paragraphs each to employment, earnings and minimum subsistence level, and to health care, education, and crime. INDIA 461. Women Parliamentarians in India, by C. K. Jain. Delhi, Surjeet Publications, 1993. 998~. Withapp. tab., ill. ISBN 81-229-00055; Rs1275. [Available from Surjeet Publications, 7-K Kolhapur Road, Kamla Nagar, Delhi, 10007]. This massive volume is divided into four parts. The first gives background information about the status of women in Indian society and highlights the role of women parliamentarians. The second part is a collection of essays on distinguished women parliamentarians that were written by government ministers. governors, parliamentarians, freedom fighters, constitutional experts, jurists, academics. and journalists. Part three consists of interviews with women Parliament members who express their views on many of the key issues facing the Parliament. Profiles of women parlia-
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mentarians, based largely on information from the Who’s Who of the Lok Sabha and that of the Rajya Sabha. make up the bulk (over 500 pages) of the volume. The biographical section includes members of the Central Legislative Assembly, Council of State, Constituent Assembly, the Provisional Parliament, Lok Sabha, and Rajya Sabha. Emphasis is on the individual’s parliamentary, legislative, literary, and social activities, as well as education, honors, and awards received. A statistical appendix concludes the work. IRELAND 462. Report to Government, by Second Commission on the Status of Women. Dublin, Stationery Office, 1993. 535~. With app., ftn., ref., tab. (PL 9557) ISBN 0-7076-02610: 12.00 (Irish) [Available from Government Publications Sale Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 21. The Second Commission was established to review the implementation of recommendations from the first Commission on the Status of Women, which were reported in 1972, and to make its own recommendations on the means by which “women will be able to participate on equal terms and conditions with men in economic. social, political and cultural life .” (Introduction, p. 6). The report is divided into 12 chapters on the following topics: constitutional and legal issues, women in the home. work, child care. situations of disadvantage. rural women, participation and politics, culture and sport. education, training and labor market initiatives, health, and the review of the implementation of the recommendations of the first Commission. Each chapter has its own detailed table of contents, appendixes, and recommendations, which are attractively highlighted in boxes in blue ink. A complete list of recommendations appears at the end of the report. A short guide to the report was published separately.
of the
MALAYSIA 464. The Public Service of Malaysia: Some Reflections on Quality, Productivity, and Discipline, by Ahmad Sarji bin Abdul Hamid.
Kuala Lumpur, National Printing Dept., 1992. 355~. With ill. ISBN 983-9827-00-6. [Available gratis from Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s Dept., 4th Floor Wisma PKNS, Jalan Raja Laut. 50527 Kuala Lumpur]. This is a collection of speeches made by the Chief Secretary to the government, the head of the civil service of Malaysia. The speeches were made during the period between 1990 and 1992. Their arrangement is by subject covering the following topics: improvements in the public service, quality and productivity management, “Excellent Work Culture Movement,” personnel management, financial management, national development, information technology, and vision 2020-management for tomorrow. MEXICO 465. Condiciones de Empleo y Capacitacibn en las Maquiladoras de Exportacibn en MCxico,
JAMAICA 463. Report
lished in November 1992 to advise on appropriate strategies to address the problem of crime and violence and its deleterious effect on the social order and on economic development. The terms of reference of this Task Force were more far-reaching than those of previous task forces and commissions (seven since 1975); they “provide the scope for the question of humanity to be addressed the focus of our report will be on the people, attempting to bring about a change in their social and economic conditions .” (From Preamble, p. 9). The report assembles information on crime. the security forces. and the penal system. The recommendations are ofa social, economic, and political nature, as well as proposals for change in the security forces. Charts that illustrate crime trends follow the four appendixes.
Crime. [Kingston‘?], Minister of National Security and Justice, 1993. 113~. With app., fig. [Available from Libros Latinos]. In response to the waves of violent crime that occurred in Jamaica from late 1991 through 1992, the Task Force was estab-
by Jorge Carrillo V. and others. Tijuana. Baja California, Direction General de Empleo, Subsecretaria “B,” Secretaria de1 Trabajo y Prevision Social and Direction General Academica, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, 1993.285~. , App. v.p. With app., bibliog., fig., ftn., tab. ISBN 968-607551. 8. [Available from Departamento de Publi-
Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America
caciones, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Blvd. Abelardo L. Rodriguez No. 2925, Zona del Rio, Tijuana, Baja California 223201. Based on a sample survey of managers in 357 maquiladoras, Mexico’s in-bond industry plants located along the border with the United States, this collection of reports written by individual members of the research team presents the findings of this extensive investigation. The survey covers primarily electronic, clothing, and autopart plants, located in Tijuana, Ciudad JuBrez, and Monterrey. The reports analyze the workforce, labor demand, occupational structure in the plants, salaries, benefits, quality control, plant capacity, and the formal and informal links with educational centers. Some of the reports include their own conclusions and appendixes. A section includes general conclusions and the questionnaire is in the appendix. 466. Rotacih
de Personal en las Maquiladoras de Exportcih en Tijuana, by Jorge Carillo
V. and Jotge Santibaiiez R. Tijuana, Baja California, Direcci6n General de Empleo, Subsecretaria “B,” Secretaria del Trabajo y Previsi6n Social, and Direcci6n General AcadCmica, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, 1993. 95~. With app., bibliog., tab., 3;” floppy disk containing Sistrrna de Informacicin Estadistica. ISBN 968-6075-46I. [Available from Departamento de Publicaciones, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Blvd. Abelardo Rodriguez No. 2925, Zona de1 Rio. Tijuana, Baja California 22320). High labor turnover in maquiladoras is a problem that has plagued the sector and that has negative social implications. This study focuses on the reasons workers change theirjobs. The survey covers almost 32,000 workers employed primarily in electronic, clothing, and autopart factories. The study provides a sociodemographic profile of the maquila worker population, their housing and working conditions, and their perception of their workplace environment. One question asks how many times the worker has crossed into the United States in the last two weeks and whether the worker has family in the U.S. The second part of the study is a model to explain labor turnover. The appendix gives the methodology used to conduct the survey. 467. Tratado de Libre Comercio de AmCrica del Norte; Texto Oficial. MCxico, Secretaria de
Comercio y Foment0 Industrial, 1993. 1218~. Withapp., ind. ISBN 968-842-412-9. [Available from Books From Mexico, P.O. Box 9, Mount Shasta, CA 96067-0009, U.S.A.]. This is the official Spanish text of the North American Free Trade Agreement, which went into effect on January 1, 1994. This edition includes the side agreements on environmental and labor cooperation. MOROCCO
468. Femme et DCveloppement au Maroc. Rabat, Direction de la Statistique and Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches DCmographiques, 1992. 250~. With app., ftn., tab. (Etudes DCmographiques) [Available from Direction de la Statistique, B.P. 178, Avenue Maa el Ainine, Rabat]. The status of women in Morocco has changed dramatically in recent times. This work discusses the evolution of the condition of women and provides numerous statistical tables to document the change. The first section examines demographic structures, fertility, life expectancy, and the impact of population changes to education and the work force projected to 2012. Separate chapters deal with both the progress and the obstacles in the education and employment of women. The chapter on legal and social issues includes an appendix of the five causes of divorce recognized by the Moudaouanna. The concluding section suggests a sociocultural strategy for the development of women. MOZAMBIQUE 469. Health
Manpower Development Plan, 1992-2002, by Oscar Gish and Enrico Pavi-
gnani. Maputo, MinistCrio da Saude, 1991. 101~. With abbrev., app., fig., ref., tab. [Available from Hogarth Representation. I Birchington Court, Birchington Road, London N8 8JS, England]. This plan includes an assessment of the current situation that “represents almost certainly the most comprehensive analysis of the health manpower situation yet undertaken in Mozambique” (Foreword, p. IO). It covers the structure and employment costs of health manpower. training, utilization of health facilities and services, and the distribution and deployment of health personnel. The plan also sets out budget projections for the decade and describes the
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Agente Polivalente Elementar Programme (APE), which trains “agents” to provide basic health coverage to the population in immunization campaigns, preventive activities, and simple curative care. The latter three sections of the document offer major policy issues, projections, and implementation issues. Appendixes I and 2 describe the Health and Nutrition Project and career structures, respectively. Appendix 3. in Portuguese, describes the criteria for placement of personnel in the sanitary units.
NETHERLANDS 470. Bevolking, Opleiding en Participatie tot 2015: Drie Scenario%. ‘s-Gravenhage, Centraal Planbureau. 1993. 114~. With bibliog., tab. (Netherlands. Centraal fig., gloss., Planbureau. Werkdocument, no. 47) ISBN 90-743-64 IO- I [Available from Hageman Verpakkers, Postbus 28 I, 2700 AC Zoetermeer]. The purpose of this study is to analyze three scenarios on population. schooling, and participation into the next century. The population of the Netherlands is relatively young, and fertility has remained high for longer than in other countries. While schooling participation rates and educational achievement are relatively good, labor force participation is low by international standards. This is partially explained by tax and social security provisions that married participation by discourage women. Women withdraw from the labor force for childbirth or work only parttime. In the case of older men. the generosity of the benefit system partly explains the soaring disability figures and early retirements. Using both international and national information, the report describes three scenarios: “global shift” assumes higher population growth due to increased immigration, highlights the weaknesses of the Dutch economy. and calls for the dismantling of the welfare state: “balanced growth” assumes that competition between industries and nations compels European countries to streamline their welfare states: and in “European Renaissance,” economic agents adhere to the duties and responsibilities of the welfare system. In separate chapters, these scenarios are applied to the educational system and to labor force participation. The appendixes define the terms, describe the models, and provide comparative tables projecting to 2015. The publication contains an English summary
471. Recommendation on Indigenous Peoples, 26 January 1993. The Hague, National Advisory Council for Development Cooperation, 1993. ISp., 121. [Available from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, P.O. Box 20061.2500 EB The Hague]. The 1993 International Year for the World’s Indigenous People focussed attention on the problems and conditions of the world’s indigenous population. The National Advisory Council was asked to recommend ways to alleviate poverty among this group within the framework of the Dutch development cooperation assistance. This letter defines “indigenous peoples” and gives some background regarding the causes of marginalization of so many of these peoples. Several policy areas are identified, among which are the need for Dutch officials to increase their knowledge of indigenous peoples and for dominant groups to have a change in mentality, the desirability of direct diplomatic consultations with representatives of indigenous peoples, and the need to train and educate their representatives to take part in national and international consultations and decision-making. The Charter of the Indigenous Tribal Peoples of the Tropical Forests is included in the report.
NIGER 472. Enqu&te sur le Budget et la Consommation des MCnages au Niger “Phase Urbaine,” 1989-1990: Volet A: Les Depenses, la Consommation et I’ApprochC de la PauvretC en Milieu Urbain. Niamey, Service des Enq&es et des Recensements. Direction de la Statistique et des Comptes Nationaux. Direction G&r&ale du Plan, and Departement de Developpement Economique et Social des Nations Unies. Programme de\ Nations Unies Pour le Developpement, 1992. 87~. With fig.. tab. (Projet PADEM NERi89101 I) [Available from Hogarth Representation]. This household budget and consumption survey was conducted in urban areas to determine levels of household expenditures. Expenditures are analyzed by geographic area and by size of place, by socioprofessional category, and by size of household. Consumption is categorized by food, housing, clothing, health and hygiene. transportation, tobacco, leisure, and education. A special chapter examines the budget and consumption of the poor and very poor. The second phase of the survey, which covers
Africa, Asia, rural areas, was scheduled 1992 to October 1993.
for November
NIGERIA 473. Nigeria’s Democracy: A Learning and Withdrawal Process, by Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida. Lagos, Federal Ministry of Information and Culture, 1993. 17~. [Available from Hogarth Representation]. In this address to the National Assembly on the 17th ofAugust, 1993, General Babangida, President of Nigeria, talks about his administration’s program of “phased transition” and “programmed democratization.” He speaks directly about the annulment of the June 11, 1993, presidential election and the context in which it occurred. He then outlines the elements of the interim national government, the role of the popularly elected National Assembly, and the role of the the armed forces in the interim period. This is an important speech at a defining moment in Nigeria’s history.
and Latin
levels of air pollutants in metropolitan Lima are presented. Most of the data is for the 1990s; the latest monthly figures cover March 1993. Some tables provide time series back to 1987, and a few include extended series back to 1970 (primarily population-related data). While this is a useful first attempt, future efforts will have to be better coordinated if the data is to be useful in analyzing the causes and effects of pollution and environmental degredation. SOUTH
475. Bevolkingsensus, 1991: Ekonomiese Eienskappe van die Hevolking = Population Census 1991: Economic Characteristics of the Population. Pretoria, Central Statistical Service, 1992. 507~. With tab. (SSD-Verslag no. 03-01-23 (1991)) = (CCS Report no. 03-01-23 (1991)) [Available from Central Statistical Service, Private Bag X44, Pretoria OOOl]. As South Africa embarks on its first year of majority rule, pre-election data will be PERU in demand to serve as benchmarks. This volume of the 1991 census contains import474. Perti: Estadisticas de1 Medio Ambiente. ant information on occupation. educational Lima Direcci6n National de Estadisticas attainment, income, work status, and type BBsicas, Instituto National de Estadistica of employer. Data on whites, Coloureds, e Inform~ti~a, and Comisi6n InterinstituciAsians, and Blacks are given in each table. onal de Estadisticas de1 Medio Ambiente, A list of the 26 final reports on the 1991 1993. 317~. With fig., gloss., map, tab. Census, as well as those on the 1980 and (I904-93-S.G.-INEI) [Available from the Inis included on pages 1985 Censuses, stituto, Av. 28 de Julio 1056, Lima 11. xvi-xix of the report. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, which took place in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, called attenVENEZUELA tion to the need for good data on the state of the environment in Peru. As a result, the 476. Encuesta de Seguimiento al Consumo de National Institute of Statistics and InformaAlimentos, 1990-1992. Caracas, Oficina tics, established the Interinstitutional ComCentral de Estadistica e Informiitica, 1993. mission on Environmental Statistics (COM62~. With fig., tab. [Available from EditoIEMA) to advise on the policy for and rial Inca]. standardization of collecting, producing, This report presents the result of a survey processing, and disseminating environmenon household food consumption of 76 prodtal statistics. This compilation includes data ucts that make up the Basic Household that previously were incomplete from both Diet. The survey was carried out over nine public and private statistical sources. Unquarters, which permitted analysis of varifortunately, the data is arranged by the orables that influence changes in consumption ganizational source rather than by topic. such as levels of income, demographic charThe institutions have portfolios for natural acteristics of families, and availability of resources. public health, marine areas and products. Tables provide per capita data by the sea, meteorology and hydrology. air food item for each of the survey quarters pollution, agriculture, transportation, comand compare data for metropolitan Caracas, munication. housing and construction, enother urban areas, and Venezuela. Among ergy and mines, agrochemicals, and geothe data reported are monthly consumption, physics. Diverse topics such as morbidity monthly expenses for groups of food items, by disease, climatological observations. and monthly income compared to expenses fishery catches and species biomass, and for food.