Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America

Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America

0277-9390/82/060599-10$03,00/O Copyright D 1982 Pergamon Press Ltd Government Publicatrons Review, Vol. 9, pp. 599-608, 1982 in the USA. All rights r...

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0277-9390/82/060599-10$03,00/O Copyright D 1982 Pergamon Press Ltd

Government Publicatrons Review, Vol. 9, pp. 599-608, 1982 in the USA. All rights reserved.










Foreign Documents Librarian, Public Affairs Service, University 405 Hilgard


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in this year’s review focus on the theme of development.

The term “development”

has been interpreted in a broad context referring to the process through which a country improves its economic and/or social welfare. Prominent among these publications are national development plans and plans for specific sectors. not necessarily

output of the immediate in acquiring

The citations

the most significant

were selected

from documents

titles for any one country.

in hand, and therefore

Nor are they examples

past year only. Because of the time lag in obtaining

titles, current receipts usually include publications



of the publishing and subsequently

that are several years old. Some of these

were selected for inclusion because of their importance, continuing relevance, and/or appropriateness to the theme of development. Where a particular title was so important for a given country, it was included even if it did not specifically address a development issue. Finally, the selections reflect the fact that foreign official bibliography is among the most poorly controlled areas of the book trade. The bibliographers,

while preparing

some governments

tries have several citations, portant

this column,

and the scantiness


from others.

highly aware of the volume

while others are not represented

titles that would add significantly


of the kind of materials


to draw some attention

of documents

The result is a review that mirrors at all. The publications,

to any library’s collection

on development to these documents

ALGERIA 371. National Charter, 1981. Algiers, Ministry of Culture and Information, 1981. 183~. With gloss. [Available from Ministere de la Culture et I’lnformation, Sous-Directeur de Documentation et des Publications, 119 Rue Didouche Mourad. Algers] This landmark work is a political clarificatton and an expression of ideological progress of the “revolutionary continutty” in Algeria. The refocussing of the nattonal vision with renewed determination wtthin the context of the present socialist option “requires from us a new statement, a revised formula599



on foreign countries

by foreign

that otherwise


this: some coun-


are im-

and are repreThis column

might be overlooked.

tion in which the principles guiding our historical endeavor will be revealed with greater clarity, vigour and firmness.” This statement articulates the Algerian soctalist perspective of society, the state, institutions, national defense, foreign policy, and development policy. After setting out the principles guiding the Government’s actions, the charter formulates a development strategy aimed at modernizing and expanding agriculture; promoting full and intensive industrialization; developing the country’s water resources, economic infrastructure, and tourist attractions; encouraging social and cultural progress.




ARGENTINA 372. Plan National de Transporte: Plan de Corto Plazo: Programa del Sector Transporte, 1980, by Direction National de Planeamiento de Transporte. Buenos Aires, Poder Ejecutivo National, 1980. 302~. With abbrev., charts, graphs, ill., maps, tab. This work is the third short-term transportation plan published by the Argentine Government as part of its continuing effort to formulate a long-term national plan. (The first plan was reviewed in GPR, Vol. 8B, p. 43, 1981.) Like its predecessors, this plan describes developments in the various transportation sectors and identifies objectives for the target year. The present study, however, focuses on probIems connected with major trade routes used for moving principal products and with major inter-urban passenger corridors. A chapter is devoted to energy consumption data, pointing to the importance of the transportation sector in energy planning since it is the second biggest consumer after the industrial sector.

AUSTRIA 373. Mediengesetz. Vienna, Bundesministerium fur Justiz, 1981. 121~. A review of the new law of the media which took effect in January 1982 and protects the privacy of the individual and the freedom of the journalistic profession. There is a treatment of the informational duty of the media vis-a-vis the public and of the media’s accountability. A text of the new law is included as well as of the debate in parliament leading to its passage.

BAVARIA 374. Die Landtagswahl von A bis Z: Zehnte Landtagswahl in Bayern am 10. Oktober 1982. Munich, Bayerisches Statistisches Landesamt und Bayerische Landeszentrale fur Politische Bildungsarbeit, 1982. 217~. With charts, tab. (Beitrage zur Statistik Bayerns, heft 391). A handbook for voters that includes 70 tables of statistics concerning elections mainly for Bavaria, but also for other West German states as well. The data extend back to 1946 and conclude with 1980 information. In addition to the statistics are numerous pages of charts and sections on political parties, including their addresses.

BOTSWANA 375. Women’s Role in Development in Botswana, by Barbara B. Brown. Gaborone, Rural Sociology Unit, Planning and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, 1980. 48~. With app., ftn., tab. (Rural Sociology Report Series; no. 17). This work includes three short papers on some of the socio-economic effects of the development process on women in Botswana. The first paper, “Women’s Role in Development in the Kgatleng District”, presents a social and economic profile of the family in Botswana based upon data derived from household interviews conducted in representative villages in the district. Since this district has had the highest percentage of migrant workers to South Africa of all districts, the information is important in documenting what the author identifies as one of the chief social problems in Botswana todaythe breakdown of the family. The second paper presents information on school achievement of girls while the third discusses family planning attitudes and nutritional differences between boys and girls. Taken together, these three papers provide a brief introduction to development issues as they relate to women.

BRAZIL 376. III PBDCT: III Plano BBsico de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnoKqico, 1980/1985, by Conselho National de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico. Brasilia, Secretaria de Planejamento, 1980. 77~. With introd. A comprehensive plan for scientific and technological development, I PBDCT, was first articulated in Brazil for the period 19731 74. Its principal merit was in calling attention to the importance of scientific and technological activities in various sectors of the government and in society in general, and in promoting a greater commitment of resources to developing a technical infrastructure. The second PBDCT covering 1975/79 began to identify a National System for Scientific and Technological Development (SNDCT) which charged the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico with the task of coordinating the national program. This third plan builds upon the structure identified in the earlier works and states as its main objectives the expansion of scientific capacity by developing the country’s human resources and the


Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America development of a more autonomous nology for the country.


CHILE de Estadisticas Regionales. Santiago, Oficina de Planificacibn National, 1979. 2 Looseleaf v. With tab. In order to assist planners in formulating development plans and in evaluating projects, this compendium of regional and provincial statistics was developed. Time-series data are presented on the productive sectors of the economy such as mining, industry, and agriculture, on transport and communications, on financial institutions, on education and health, and on service industries. Its looseleaf format allows frequent updating.

377. Compendio




378. Ten Year Economic Development Plan for Taiwan, Republic of China, 1980-1989.

Taipei, Council for Economic Planning and Development, Executive Yuan, 1980. 89~. Three factors are crucial to steady economic growth: “the availability of cheap energy; rapid expansion of international trade; and abundant reserves of low-cost labor. Significant changes in the areas of energy, trade, and manpower, however, are expected in the 198Os, and any plan, if it is to be effective, must address the nation’s response to those changes . . . [This publication gives] a brief overview of major problems in these three key areas and measures advocated by the ten-year plan to cope with them.” COLOMBIA 379. 20 Aiios: Desarrrollo de la Comunidad, 1959-1979. Bogota, Direction General de

Integration y Desarrollo de la Comunidad, 1980. 186~. With bibliog., charts, ill., map, tab. In 1958, the Colombian government established a program to promote grass roots participation in solving development programs at the community level. A structure was set up to form popular groups known as “Juntas de Action Comunal” to organize and administer the projects with the technical and financial assistance of the municipal, departmental and national governments. The activities included improving educational and public assistance facilities, disseminating

public health information, building and maintaining roads, and promoting sports and cultural events. The long-term goal was to develop the human resources potential of the country by building leadership skills, encouraging a civic spirit, and promoting educational and training activities. This work commemorates this “Action Comunal” movement and provides a history of its activities from 1959 to 1979. It describes the vast social organization of more than thirty thousand community level groups that has developed, places its development in an historical context, and provides information about its administrative structure and operation, complete with organization charts. A chapter on the sub-program on indigenous people includes useful charts on some sociopolitical and anthropological characteristics of the country’s various Indian groups and a map of their linguistic clusters in Colombia. CUBA 380. Cuba: el Descenso de la Fecundidad, 19641978. San Jose, Costa Rica, Comite Estatal

de Estadisticas, Direction de Demografia and Centro Latino-americano de Demografia, 1981. 98~. With bibliog., charts, gloss., graphs, tab. [Available from CELADE, Apartado Postal 5249, San Jose, Costa Rica]. Based upon information obtained in the 1979 National Demographic Survey, this investigation found that the fertility decline has continued and, in fact, accelerated since 1964 in Cuba. Furthermore, the findings indicate that the urban-rural difference in the fertility rate has been largely reduced and that the fertility decline has reached all age groups of women. The results are significant from a development perspective because lower fertility was found mainly associated with a higher level of formal education among women. The accelerated decline was attributed to socio-economic changes generated by the Revolution which promoted a desire to limit procreation even though no government policy aimed at reducing fertility or on family planning has existed.

ECUADOR 381. Hacia el Desarrollo de la lnform%tica en el Ecuador. Quito, Comision National de

Informatica, 1979. 53~. The transfer of computer science technol-



ogy to Third World countries is critical to their development. In Ecuador, the Government has charged a National Commission on Computer Science with the responsibility for the institutionalization and development of a technological infrastructure in the computer sciences. This publication presents Fame background about the Government’s role and objectives in developing a national policy and identifies the major problems facing the nation; namely, poor organization and administration of data processing functions in the public sector; problems in supply, demand and appropriateness of equipment and products; a scarcity of trained personnel; and operating costs.

EGYPT 382.

White taken 1977. 1978.


White Paper on Treaty of Peace Between Egypt and Israel: Its Annexes and Complementary Agreement on the Establishment of the Self-Governing Authority with Full Autonomy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Signed in Washington D.C. on March 26. 1979. Cairo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1979. 297~. With introd., maps.


White Paper on Afro-Arab Co-operation, 1977-1978. [Cairo], Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1980. 162~. With introd. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has undertaken the compilation of the official documents chronicling the period termed “the Middle East crisis.” The first of this group of White Papers records the initiatives of President Anwar Sadat from February 1971 to his historic trip to lsrael on November 20, 1971, and also includes documents issued during the brief period up to January 19, 1978, during which time the peace initiative faltered. The second volume includes the text of the Camp David Agreements and the Treaty of Peace between Egypt and Israel along with its annexes, maps. and accompanying documents. In the third white paper, a brief history of Afro-Arab relations is followed by basic texts adopted by the Afro-Arab cooperation conferences and bodies since the Afro-Arab Summit in March 1977. All three texts are also available in Arabic.

Paper on the Peace Initiatives Underby President Anwar al-Sadat, 1971[Cairo], Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 256~. ISBN 977-201-599-4.

EL SALVADOR 385. Plan National Bienestar Para Todos: lnforme de Labores, 1977-1979. [San Salvador? ] Ministerio de Planificaci6n y Coordinacibn de1 Desarrollo Econ6mico y Social, 1979. 119~. With ill., introd. In this follow-up report, the development plans of the government of General Carlos Humberto Romero which were introduced in the work, Plan de Desarrollo Econdmic~o v Social: Bienestar Para Todos, are reviewed. It identifies various programs stating their objectives, the responsible agencies, and their accomplishments. The report was published in June, just a few months before Romero was overthrown in a coup.

FINLAND 386. Tilastojuskaisut (Statistical Publications), 1856-1979. Helsinki, Tilastokeskus, 1980. 352~. With introd. ISBN 951-46-5007-7. “This catalogue includes statistical publicatlons appearing In the Officitrl Statuticc of‘ Fmftncf and . . . the Statistrcul Yearbook of‘ Ftdand, the monthly Bdletrn o,f Stutktm, the Stutistmd Slrrvem series, the Sf~dre\ series and the Handhookr serie\. . The main catalogue lists all the publications of the OSF series from 1856 to 1979. . . The second part forms an alphabetical title index. . . . The third part contains an alphabetical author index.”

FRANCE 387. Bibliothi3ques et Archives, Comment se Documenter?: Guide Pratique a I’Usage des Etudiants, de Professeurs, des Documentalistes et Archivistes, des Chercheurs. by Andree Chauleur. 2eme kd. Paris, “PubliP pour l’lnstitut National de Recherche Pkdagogique” by Economica, 1980. 334~. ISBN 2-7178-0322-X. A guide to libraries and archives in France, at the national and local levels, that includes plans of the facilities, descriptions of specialized services, information on holdings and finally a bibliography of bibliographies. This is an indispensable manual for researchers. Urbaine et Dkveloppement 388. Croissance Capitaliste: le “Miracle” Athbnien, by Guy Burgel. Paris, Editions du CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), 1981. 271~. With bibliog. (Memoires et


Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America Documents de Geographie) ISBN 2-22202976-7. “Illustrated by the example of the growth of a wide expanding capital - Athens-the book shows the formation of the national space of contemporaneous Greece, the links of the foreign occupation and its economic subordination, and also the transition from poverty to wealth. Geographical disorder and social disturbances resulting from that cannot be disconnected with the double rising of individual welfare and capitalist and imperialist powers in the world . . . Beyond the interest of the subject and the prestige of the space investigated, the book is useful for all who are thinking over the ambiguous links between urbanization, growth and development.” et I’Informatisation de la 389. L’Education Sock%: Rapport B M. le President de la Republique, by Jean-Claude Simon. Paris, La Documentation Francaise, 1981. 275~. ISBN 2-213-01008-O. “In this report to the President of the Republic, Jean-Claude Simon assembles the conclusions of twelve working groups of the best specialists. It details 21 concrete proposals concerning the teaching of computer science, the education of the general public, the use of computer systems in education: a document indispensible for understanding and mastering the computer revolution taking place in schools as in all of society.” 390. Les Institutions Sociales de la France. Paris, La Documentation Francaise, 1980. 1180~. (Ouvrage collectif rCali& sous la direction de Pierre Laroque) ISBN 2-l l-000427-7. An investigation of the social institutions of France and of their statutory base. This updated and entirely new version of the second edition of 1962 presents thirteen narrative chapters on such topics as planning of urban and rural development, the family and French familial politics, foreigners resident in France, population, social life, etc.



391. Act on the Five Year National Economic Development Plan of the GDR, 1981-1985 (Extracts): Act on the National Economic Plan, 1982. Berlin, Panoram DDR, 1981. 62~. (Political Documents of the German Democratic Republic, 7’1981) Contains the speecn by Willi Stoph, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, in

support of the bills for the development and economic plans, as well as the acts of each plan and the act on the state budget, 1982.



392. DDR Handbuch. Wissenschaftliche Leitung, Peter Christian Ludz unter Mitwirkung von Johannes Kuppe; hrsg. vom Bundesministerium fiir lnnerdeutsche Beziehungen. Kdln, Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1979. 2. vallig iiberarb, und erw. Aufl. 1280~. With bibliog. ISBN 3-8046-8515-3. A new edition of a very thorough handbook for East Germany issued by the West German Government. Arranged alphabetically in dictionary format, the publication was researched by a large staff divided into twenty-two working groups, including law, finance, agriculture, mass media, Marxist/ Leninist questions, the family, the church. art, etc. This is a reference tool of the first order.



393. Environmental Planning, 1939-1969: Volume 3, New Towns Policy, by J.B. Cullingworth. London. HMSO. 1979. 629p. (Peacetime History) ISBN O-l l-630184-8. Volume one of this official history of environmental planning covering to 1947 provided “a general framework for reconstruction and land use planning.” Volume two “dealt specifically with National Parks and countryside recreation up to 1969.” Volume three “traces the evolution of new towns policy from its beginnings in the war years, up to the end of the 1960s. The focus . . is concentrated upon policy-making by central government.” 394. The Official History of Colonial Development, by David John Morgan. Published by permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. London, Macmillan Press, 1980. 5~. (Peacetime History) ISBN o-333-28800-9 (5 volume set); v.1: The Origins of British Aid Policy 1924-1945; v.2: Developing British Colonial Resources, 1945-1951; v.3: A reassessment of British Aid Policy, 1951-1965; v.4: Changes in British Aid Policy, 1951-1970; v.5: Guidance Towards Self-Government in British Colonies, 1941-1971. “The present history attempts to show British policy of Colonial Development




within the context, on the one hand, of the traditional way in which the Colonial Empire was administered and, on the other hand, of the requirements of British economic and foreign policy at a time when both Britain’s international economic position and the attitude towards Colonialism sharply changed.”

INDONESIA 395. The Guidelines of State Policy of the Republic of Indonesia, 1978. Djakarta, Department of Information, 1978. 58~. This document includes the decree of the national Assembly and chapters on the basic plan of national development and of longterm development. In addition, there is a substantial section on the general pattern of the third five-year development plan. The intention is to review and adjust these guidelines every five years.

IRAQ 396. Revolution and Development in Iraq, by Ministry of Planning. Baghdad, Ministry of Culture and Information, 1980. 140~. With charts, ill. This work reviews the development perspective and policies of the Arab Ba’ath Socialist Party on the twelfth anniversary of the July 17-30, 1968 Revolution. It includes the text of the National Declaration, presented by President Hussein in February, 1980, “as a charter regulating the national relations among the Arab countries.” General country information is capsulized as an introduction to the discussion of government development policy in the areas of agriculture, industry, oil, education, health, and women. The work is attractively presented with color photographs and concludes with a calendar of outstanding dates in the history of the Revolution.



397. Economic and Social Policy, 1980-1983: Aims and Recommendations, by National Economic and Social Council. Dublin, Stationery Office, 1980. 116~. ISBN 0-90711672-8. A review and proposals on the Government’s short- to medium-term policy.

ISRAEL 398. The Iraqi Nuclear Threat: Why Israel Had to Act. Jerusalem, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Atomic Energy Commission, Office of the Prime Minister, 1981. 61~. A presentation of Israel’s position that reviews Iraq’s attitude towards Israel, the perceived Iraqi nuclear threat and proposed ineffectiveness of existing safeguards on Osirak. Further considerations include the diplomatic effort and the legal aspects of Israel’s action.

LIBERIA 399. Background to Liberia. Monrovia, Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism, 1979? 160~. With charts, introd., ill., maps. [Free copy from Ministry, Monrovia]. The dedication of this handsome volume indicates that it was produced as a moment0 for the representatives who attended the 16th Organization of African Unity Summit Conference hosted by Liberia in July, 1979. The book is a self-conscious effort to present Liberia to the “outside world,” and does so effectively with a well-written text and beautiful color photographs. It includes background information on Liberia’s people, geography, history, resources, economy and government policies, and provides a capsule description of each of the 15 counties and territories.

MEXICO Plan National de Desarrollo Industrial, 1979-82. Mexico, Secretatia de Patrimonio y Foment0 Industrial, 1979. 2v. With maps. [Unofficial English translation available under the title: Mexico: National Industrial Development Plan. London, Graham & Trotman Limited, 1979. 2v. With maps. ISBN O-86010-182-9]. Mexico’s new oil wealth has created a critical period in the country’s economic and social development. While petroleumgenerated revenue has enabled the country to set more ambitious goals for itself by reducing some of its external constraints on growth, the rapid rate of economic growth has strained the country’s resources and has created bottlenecks. In order to confront these problems with a coherent and consistent strategy for the country’s industrial development, this major planning document


Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America was issued midway through the Lopez Portillo sexenio. It established medium-term goals for the four-year period 1979-1982, and for the long-term 1982-1990. Expanding petroleum production and maintaining a balance between production for internal consumption and production for export are seen as means to achieve a high rate of economic growth with the goal of reducing unemployment. The plan proposes to create new jobs by expanding industrial growth in basic consumer goods industries to satisfy domestic consumption needs and also in high-productivity export industries. In addition to sectoral priorities, the plan proposes economic incentives to reorient investment into priority zones, principally in the border region and in industrial ports, to help stimulate balanced economic development outside the Federal District. A third goal of the plan is to promote small firms to achieve a balance between big and small business, primarily because they tend to be more labor-intensive than large firms. The plan presents a large number of statistical tables, many of which provide projection trajectories to 1990. The second volume is a collection of the legal documents for implementing the plan and is intended as a reference volume. NETHERLANDS 401. Netherlands’ Development Policy, 1980. The Hague,


Development Cooperation Information Dept. of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1980. 244~. (Cooperation Between the Netherlands and Developing Countries, 17). A comprehensive look at Netherlands’ aid and development policy which puts the subject into global perspective although this is but the report of one country’s policy. Sections on structural relations with developing countries and the quality of bilateral aid obtain for many countries. Additional sections on internal re-organization and budgeting for eight specific programatic categories pertain more specifically to the Netherlands, but are indicative of areas of general concern and need.

cation, 1981. 180~. With abbrev., introd., tab. This summary of the economic plan for 1981 provides some insight into both the political and economic policies of the Sandinista government of Nicaragua. The document states that the objectives of the development strategy remain the same as those previously articulated; i.e., 1) to raise the standard of living of the people, 2) to become economically independent, and 3) to arrange and consolidate the state-owned sector (El Area de Propiedad de1 Pueblo) in order to begin the process of restructuring the economy, and to improve its efficiency and productivity. Using the slogan for 1981, “Year of Defense and Production,” the Planning Ministry appeals to the nation to strive for efficiency in production and austerity in consumption in order to overcome the enormous problems facing the nation: an immense external debt, a wardamaged economy, and a total dependence on petroleum imports. In presenting the program for the nation’s mixed economy, the plan provides an evaluation of sectoral performance during 1980 and a statement of the objectives of the 1981 plan for the following areas: agriculture, forestry and fisheries, industry, mining, energy and transportation, trade, labor, social services, investment and finance. NORWAY 403. Norwegian Long-Term Programme 19821985. Oslo, Planning Secretariat, 1981. 289~. (Report no. 79 to the Storting, 198081) “Unofficial translation from Norwegian.” “The programme discusses selected fields which the Government regards as the most important tasks during the programme period. . . . Special emphasis is placed on ~.. . fietds where the objectives and measures cut across traditional sectoral limits, so that the

programme can contribute to placing individual cases and sectoral plans in a broader context. In this Long-Term Programme, the Government presents its evaluation of the challenges that will confront Norway, the values that should be realized and the choices that should be made.”

NICARAGUA 402. Programa Econbmico de Austeridad y Eficiencia, 1981: ABo de la Defensa y la Producci6n. [Managua? 1, Ministerio de Planifi-

OMAN 404. The Second Five Year Development




1981-1985. Muttrah, Development Council, 1981. 253~. A review of the first five year plan and targets and policies of the second form the first two chapters. Sources and uses of government funds and investments constitute the third and fourth chapters. The remaining nineteen chapters further elaborate on targets and policies for each sector, including oil, gas, mining, industry, health and housing.

PERU 405. Situacih de la Documentacih e Informacih Educational en 10s Paises Andinos Signatarios del CAB, 1980, by Instituto Nacional de Investigation y Desarroilo de la Education and Organization de 10s Estados Americanos. Lima, Centro National de Documentacibn e Information Educational, 1980. 103~. With introd., tab. This is a collection of reports on the state of documentation and educational information that were presented at a workshop held in Lima in October 1980 under the auspices of the Centro National de Documentation e lnformacion Educational of Peru with the participation of the OAS and signatory countries of the Convenio And& Bello. The which cover Colombia, country reports, Chile, Ecuador, Panama and Peru, provide a description of major institutions and agencies responsible for promoting the development of information systems, of projects and services, and of the training of librarians and other technical personnel.

RWANDA 406. Discours, Messages et Entretiens de Son Excellence le CC&al-Major Habyarimana JuvCnal, Phident de la Republique Rwandaise et PrCsident-Foudateur de Mouvement Rholutionnaire National pour le Dicvelopment. Kigali, La Prisidence de la Republique, Service des Affairs Sociales, L’Office Rwandais d’Information, 1980. 423~. With ill. This collection of speeches, messages, and interviews of Rwanda’s president is a source of information on the country’s foreign policy and development goals. The selections are from 1980 and are arranged in three sections: the first contains speeches in French; the second, messages and interviews in French; and the last is a selection from parts

one and two translated into the second official language of the country, Kinyarwanda.



407. Third Development Plan, 1400-1405 A.H. - 1980-1985 A.D. Riyadh, Ministry of Planning, 1980. 503p. The plan consists of three main parts: “First, the general guidelines and policies for development during the Third Plan plans Period. . . . Second, the operational for each government ministry and public sector agency. . Third, the analysis and projections of the whole economy, its manpower resources, levels of economic activity, and sectoral composition of output and expenditure.”



408. Economic Co-operation in Southern Africa. Pretoria, Publications Div., Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Information, 1981. 80~. With ISBN O-7970-0098-4. ill., introd., map. [Available from the Department, Private Bag X152, Pretoria OOOI]. The purpose of this work is to publicize the extent and nature of South Africa’s assistance to Southern African states. It discusses the Southern Africa constellation of states, comprising South Africa and the independent Black national states of Transkei, Bophusthatswana and Venda, and covers briefly the origin of the constellation concept and its development strategy. The rest of the work is devoted to describing a number of cooperative endeavors and links, both overt and covert, between South Africa and the countries of the subcontinent despite their official hostility toward South Africa’s internal policies. for example, the chapter on transportation describes the crucial role that South Africa’s railroads play In transporting landlocked Zambia’s copper IO ports for export. Other chapters cover labour, education, emergency and refugee aid, science and technology, trade, tourism, and monetary and fiscal cooperation. health.

TOKYO 409. Tokyo at a Glance: Facts and Figures 1981. Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Government,


Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America 1981. 160~. (TMG Municipal Library no. 16). “The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is trying to satisfy the needs of Tokyo residents and to develop the city into a home town where people can enjoy a safe and active life. In order to attain this far-reaching goal, the first indispensable step is to obtain an accurate picture of the city, including the livelihood of its residents, the standard of metropolitan administration, and the environment surrounding Tokyo. This data book was edited on the basis of “Tokyo TOday,” a document full of charts and figures.” URUGUAY 410. El Comercio Exterior del Uruguay, by Roberto Horta and And& Jung. Montevideo, Comision Coordinadora Para el Desarrollo Economico, 1978-80. v.l: 1971-1977; v.2: Analisis de la Politica Comercial, 19731980. With tab. The present study is an analysis of the foreign trade of Uruguay during the critical period in which exports achieved a rapid rate of growth. Volume one has a chapter on the historical evolution of the country’s international trade from 1830 to the 1970’s. It is followed by analyses of imports and exports by principal product groups and by geographic structure. The second volume focuses on government development policies affecting trade such as tariff policy. Both volumes contain statistical tables with time series data summarizing aspects of Uruguay’s foreign trade.

VATICAN 411. Le Saint Sikge et la Cuerra Mondiale, Janvier 1944-Mai 1945, by Secretary of State. Vatican, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1981. 787~. (Actes et Documents du Saint Siege Relatifs a la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, 11) ISBN 88-209-1366-6. The present volume, eleventh in the series, “pursues and ends the series of volumes 1, 4, 5 and 7 dedicated to the diplomatic initiative.” The earliest begins with 1939-1940 (second edition) and extends chronologically through this last. Other volumes in the series consider letters of Pius XII to the German bishops, the religious situation in Poland and the Baltic States, and the Holy See and the victims of the war.

VENEZUELA 412. VI Plan de la Nacibn, 1981-1985. Caracas, Gficina Central de Coordination y Planification, 1981. 3v. in 4 pts. v. 1: Dessarrollo Global; v.2: pt.l-2: Desarrollo Sectorial; v.2, pt. 3: Desarrollo Social; v.3: Desarrollo Regional. With charts, maps, tab. The stated long-term objective of this sixth plan is the advancement toward a more democratic and egalitarian society with a better distribution of income. Each volume of the plan provides background information and identifies existing problems, states the objectives of the plan, and then discusses the strategy and policies of the Government to overcome the country’s development problems. The work is attractively published with color maps and charts.

ZAMBIA 413. Third National Development Plan: Annual Plan, 1980. Lusaka, National Commission for Development Planning, 1980. 196~. With charts, graphs, maps, tab. [Available free from the Commission, P. 0. Box 50268, Lusaka]. Following a three year period of declining domestic production, this 1980 plan sets as its main objective a revival of the economy through increased domestic production, employment and incomes. It outlines the strategy for achieving the goal of a 4% growth rate in real terms in domestic production above 1977 levels and analyzes the major economic constraints. The sectoral development programs, covering agriculture and mining for example, include tables that show investment levels and evaluations comparing 1980 plans with goals previously set in the Third National Development Plan. The second half of the plan deals with the regional development strategy for reducing regional imbalances and largely consists of tables of allocations for specific projects arranged by province.

ZIMBABWE 414. Business Centres in Tribal Areas: A Guide to Their Planning and Layout. Salisbury, Dept. of Physical Planning, 1980. 2d ed. 60p. With app. [Available free from the Department, P. 0. Box 8176, Causeway]. The purpose of this guidebook is “to assist



those agencies involved with the planning and layout of business centres in Tribal areas.” The Government has given some attention to this area because the tribal trust lands play an important role in the country’s development. The publication states: “Failure to achieve a satisfactory rate of growth and development within tribal areas is likely

to have an adverse effect on the rate of development of the country as a whole.” This how-to manual defines terms, identifies basic planning principles and establishes procedures for developing business centers. The appendices include drawings of layouts, sample forms, and listings of technical requirements.