American filtration & separation society

American filtration & separation society

’ American Filtration & Separation Society CALL FOR PAPERS Advancing Filtration and Separation Solutions for the Millennium Twelfth Annual Technical C...

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’ American Filtration & Separation Society CALL FOR PAPERS Advancing Filtration and Separation Solutions for the Millennium Twelfth Annual Technical Conference & Expo Hynes Convention Center Boston, Massachusetts April 6-9, 1999 The American Filtration & Separations Society is planning its Twelfth Annual Technical Conference & Expo. Sessions for the technical conference are being planned on a variety of filtration and separation topics in solid/gas and solid/liquid applications. The conference will provide a forum for presentation of recent developments and technologies that will help meet the challenges of filtration and separation for the coming millennium. Student contributions are being sought, as well. Contact AFS Headquarters for details. The following is a list of the proposed session topics:



& Separation

Automotive Cabin Air; Automotive Engine Air; Automotive Separation (exhaust); Automotive Separation (crankcase); Indoor Air; Industrial filtration/separation; Vacuum Cleaner Filtration; Respiratory Protection; Air Filtration Theory; Filter Modeling; Filter Media for Air Filtration.



& Separation

Reverse Osmosis and Ultrafiltration Applications; Wastewater Treatment using Ultrafiltration; Microfiltration Applications; Bio-Medical and BioTechnology Separation; Inorganic Membranes Fundamentals and Development; Inorganic Membranes Applications; Filter Media Testing and Selection; Vacuum Filtration; Centrifugation Technology and Applications; Cake Filtration Fundamentals and Applications; Solid-Liquid Separation Applications; Oil/Water Separation or Produced Water Separation; Liquid/Solid/Gas Separation; Fine Particle Separation and Filtration; Fiber Filtration; Filtration & Separation Fundamentals; Flotation; Environmental Solids Dewatering and Handling; Control and Operation of Separation Equipment; Pressure Filtration Applications; New Technologies in SolidLiquid Separation.

Conference So/id/Gas



& Separation

Thad Ptak, Purolator Products, 3200 Natal Rd., Fayetteville, NC 28306, 910-426-4805, 910-425-9953 (fax), E-mail: Thad-PtakQmarkivafLcom So/id/Liquid

Wallace 02071-9103,



& Separation

Bird Machine



P.O. Box 9103, S. Walpole, MA E-mail: (fax),


[email protected] Abstracts and/or questions must be directed to: Conference Coordinator, Charlotte Stripling, AFS Society Headquarters, P.O. Box 1530, Northport, AL 35476-6530, 205-333-6111 205-333-6446 (fax) Submission Deadlines ABSTRACTS, Absolute deadline: Abstracts due by January 15, 1999. PAPERS. Absolute deadline: Complete papers due by February 22, 1999.

CALL FOR PAPERS Air Filtration Conference Minneapolis, MN October, 1999 The American Filtration & Separations Society is seeking technical papers for a focused conference on air filtration.The following is a list of the proposed session topics:

DAY 1 Environment and Health; Chair: Tom Kuehn, Univ. of Minnesota. Luncheon: Panel Discussion on Standardization; Moderator - Ben Liu, Univ. of Minnesota. Fibers and other Media for Air Filtration; Chairs: Chuck Rose, AAF International; Wilson Poon, Univ. of Minnesota Modeling; Chair: DaRen Chen, Univ. of Minnesota

DAY2 Automotive Air Filtration; Chair: Tad Jaroszczyk, Nelson Industries. Luncheon. Keynote Speaker: William Wilson, EPA “New EPA Standards and Problems Associated with Measurement of Pollutants: Implications for Filter Manufacturers” Instrumentation and Methods for Measurement; Chairs: Tim Johnson, TSI, Inc.; KC Hsieh, Particle Tech, Inc. Special Topics Deadlines: Abstracts should be submitted to both session chair and conference coordinator by June 20, 1998.

Dr Bernie Scheiner,

BCD Technologies,

first Vice-C&& Dr Kenneth L. Rubow, Motl Corporation,


Alabama Connecticut


Mr John Finley, Membrane

Products Corp., Utah



in Filtration

at Eurochem/ET


Two special half-day seminars are scheduled by the Filtration Society to dovetail into major events at the NEC on June 3 when Eurochem ‘98 and ET ‘98 are staged simultaneously. The two seminars together will form a one-day event with the theme ‘Current Trends in Filtration’, the morning devoted to dust and gases and the afternoon to water and aqueous effluents. Visitors to the exhibitions will be able to make on-thespot credit card payments to attend part or the whole of either or both seminars. Each seminar comprises three papers presented by recognised independent authorities or senior representatives of major equipment suppliers. The topics and speakers for the morning gas seminar are: P84 Compact Filtration of Coalfired Flue Gases (Tal Golesworthy, EDT), Industrial Ceramic Media (Dr Keith Morris, AEA Technology), and An Overview of Filter Media (consultant Derek B. Purchas). Those for the afternoon water/effluent seminar are: Particle Monitoring in Filtered Water (Professor John Gregory, UCL), High Pressure Filtration (Shane Sullivan, Svedala Pumps & Process), and The Re-use of Wastewater by Membranes (Brian Birkenhead, USF Memcor). For full details contact the secretariat in Horsham.


in Separation


Lappeenranta, Finland August 16-19, 1998 The Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) is holding a workshop in Separation Technology in August. The workshop will be made up of 5 sessions in total: Session 1 (Monday 17th am) - Crystallisation; Session 2 (Monday 17th pm) - Use of Ion-Exchange Materials in Industrial Separations; Session 3 (Tuesday 18th am) - Membrane Technology; Session 4 (Tuesday 18th pm) - Solid-Liquid Separation; Session 5 (Wednesday 19th am) - Separation in Pulp and Paper Technology. Each session will comprise of presentations from a range of industry and academic experts from around the globe. The workshop will conclude on the Wednesday afternoon with a round-table discussion on Membranes in the Pulp and Paper Industry chaired by Professor Bill Eykamp. For further details please contact: LUT Centre for Separation Technology, PO Box 20, FIN 53851, Finland. Tel: +358 5 621 2160. Fax: +358 5 621 2199; E-mail: [email protected]




8 - Call for Papers

Brighton, UK April 3-7,200O Papers are being called for World Filtration Congress 8 to be held in Brighton, UK in April 2000. The Congress will be of interest to all academic and industrial engineers and scientists concerned with filtration and related particle/fluid separation technologies. The scope of the Congress includes fundamental and practical developments, testing and equipment selection procedures and standards, and practical aspects of separation equipment and processes. Papers are invited concerning the science/technology of, for example: air and gas cleaning; centrifugation; clarification; classification; coagulation and flocculation; coalescence; cyclones & hydrocyclones; degritting; depth filtration; electrostatic precipitation; fabric filtration; filter media; flotation; fluid/fluid separations; flue gas clean-up; gravity separators; high temperature/ceramic filtration; highly selective separations; membrane separations; novel separation techniques; physico-chemical aspects; preand post treatment; screening; scrubbing; sedimentation; sludge handling; solid/liquid separations, Three hundred word abstracts on any of these aspects of filtration and separation should be sent to Professor Richard Wakeman, Department of Chemical Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leics., LEI 1 3TU, UK. Tel: +44 1509 222506. Fax: +44 1509 223923. E-mail: R.J. Wakeman@lboro,

The Filtration


Chairman Prof. John Gregory Immediate Past Chairman Dr Keith Morris Vice-Chairman Ken Sutherland Honorary Secretary Mike Taylor 48 Springfield Road Horsham, W. Sussex RH12 2PD, UK Tel: +44 (0)1403 257594 Fax: +44 (0) 1403 265005, Email: filtech.exhibitions @ Honorary Treasurer Tal Golesworthy 20 King George Close, Charlton Park, Cheltenham Ordinary


of Council

Dr Caroline Fitzpatrick Vie Hughes Frank Johns Dr Patrick Nield


Derek Purchas Dr Paul Spencer Dr Ceri Williams




Page,uk/pes/fiIts/index.htmI Argentine


Mino Covo, President, Mino Covo Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel. +54 814 4724, Telex: 17650 MCOVO-AR.

Flemish Chairman: Ir. An Faseur, Desguinlei 214, B-2018 Fax: +32 3 216 0689.

SA, Rio Bamba 1236-8-C, (1116) 1 814 4730/4731/4732, Fax: +54 1


Technologisch Antwerpen,


Belgium Instituut, K-VIV, Ingenieurshuis, Belgium Tel: +32 3 216 0996,


Secretary: Mr Ashok Puranlk, Adpec Filters (India) Private Floor, Dhootapapeshwar Prasad, 240 J S Road, Mangal Bombay 400 004, India Fax: +91 22 457296.



Professor Emeritus M Shirato, Nagoya Industrial lnstltute, Noa Yotsuya Building ZF, Yotsuya-dori Nagoya 464, Japan. Fax: +81 52 781 1884.


Ltd, 18 Ground Wadi, Girgaon,

Science Research l-13, Chikusa-ku,


Professor Ramlan Abd. Azir, Department of Chemical Engineering, IacuIty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, University of Technology, Jalan Semarak, 54100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +60 3 290 4358, Fax: +60 3 293 7921.



‘rans de Vreede, V&T Group BV, PO Box 7089, NL-3286 ZH Klaaswaal, The Netherlands. Tel: +31 186 574151, Fax: +31 186 573722.



Torleiv Bilstad, His, PO Box 2557, 4004 Stavanger, 518 31750. E-mail:






Chairman: Prof. Dr. Ing. Agustin Macias Machin, Grupo EMA, ETSII de Las Palmas, Universidade de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Tafira Baja s/n, E85017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. Fax: +34 28 610029.

Russian Secretary: pereulok,


Dr Alexandre Gozman, 101000 Russia. Fax: +7 095 975 4281




As a service to readers who understand German, French English, the abstracts for the Refereed Papers in this issue Comments on Fluid-Intrusion Determining the Pore-Size Media by Peter R. Johnston:

Measurements for Distribution in Filter Pages 455-459

Stellungnahme zu Fkissigkeitsintrusionsmessungen zur Bestimmung der PorengroSenverteilung bei Filtermedien von F! R. Johnston Die PorengriiBenverteilungen bei Filtermedien werden durch Fltissigkeitsintrusionsmessungenermittelt. Zahlreiche Messungen lassen allerdings auf Verteilungen schlierjen, die nicht den Erwartungen entsprechen. Das vorliegende Referat untersucht, mit welcher Art von Verteilungen bei einem Filtermedium zu rechnen ist, das eine willkijrliche Anordnung von Partikeln enthalt bzw. bei einer feinporigen Membran, die nach der LbsungsmittelguBmethode erzeugt wurde. Das Referat fijhrt schlief3lich eine Reihe von Beispielan auf, bei denen eine bestimmte Art von Flijssigkeitsintrusion nicht die erwartete willkurliche Verteilung aufweist, wahrend die zweite den Erwartungen entspricht, solange bestimmte Bedingungen erfullt sind. (5 sn., 6 abb., 15 ref.) Commentaires sur les mesures par intrusion de fluid pour la determination de la distribution porometrique des medias filtrants par J. R. Johnson Les distributions porometriques dans les medias filtrants sont determinees par mesure d’intrusion de fluide. Mais beaucoup de mesures conduisent a des distributions qui different de ce qui est attendu. Cet article examine quelles sortes de distributions sont attendues dans un milieu contenant un ensemble aleatoire de fibres ou de particules, ou dans une membrane microporeuse produite par la methode d’inversion de solvant. Nude se poursuit en montrant des exemples oti un type de mesure par penetration fluide echoue a montrer la distribution porometrique attendue alors qu’un autre type reussit, pour autant que certaines conditions soient realisees.(5 pags., 6 figs., 15 refs.) Comentarios sobre medidas con la entrada de fluido, para determinar la distribution de tamafios de poros en medios filtrantes. por P R. Johnston Se determinan las distribuciones de tamaiios de poros en medios filtrantes por medidas de entrada de fluido. Muchas de indican distribuciones diferentes de estas medidas expectation. Esta ponencia resena 10s tipos de distribuciones esperadas en un medio de cojunto aleatorio de fibras 6 particulas, 6 en una membrana microporosa, producida de metodo de vaciar con solventes. Se muestran ejemplos, en 10s cuales una medida no revela la distribution aleatoria esperada; otro exhibe este fenomeno mientras se llena 10s requisitos necesarios. (5 pags., 6 figs., 15 refs.) High Temperature Filtration in the Process Industry by Dr. -Ing Wolfgang Peukert: Pages 461-464 Hochtemperaturfiltration in der weiterverarbeitenden lndustrie von Dr. Ing. Wolfgang Peukert Die Hochtemperaturfiltration bietet bei der industriellen Weiterverarbeitung verschiedene Vorteile im Hinblick auf die Erhohung der Verarbeitungseffizienz, die Warmertickgewinnung und den Schutz von Geraten und Anlagen. In der weiterverarbeitenden lndustrie gibt es eine Reihe von interessanten und anspruchsvollen Anwendungsgebieten. Das vorliegende Referat enthalt eine Beschreibung der experimentellen Untersuchungen mit einem Keramikund zwei Metall-HochtemperaturFilterelementen (gesintertes Vlies und Gewebebeutel). Alle drei Arten von Filterelementen sind auf einer Pilotanlage im Labor bei verschiedenen Filtrationsgeschwindigkeiten bis zu 2.5 m/Minute und Temperaturen zwischen Raumtemperatur und 600°C getestet worden. Betriebstechnische Unterschiede zwischen den

or Spanish better than follow in these languages.

Keramik- und Metallfiltermedien werden von Messungen des sowie des Restdruckabfalls der Druckabfallverhaltens Filterelemente abgeleitet. In Bezug auf Metallfilterelemente ist ein zusatzlicher Parameter zu berucksichtigen, d.h. die Anderung der Struktur des Filtermediums im Verhaltnis zur Temperatur. Zur Sicherstellung eines auf lange Sicht stabilen Betriebs van Hochtemperatur-Kerzenfiltern ist ein gut ausgelegtes Pulsostrahl-Regenerierungssystem von ausschlaggebender Bedeutung. Gravimetrisch und optisch durchgefuhrte Reingasmessungen zeigen bei Vliesstrukturen aul3erst niedrige Reingaskonzentrationen im Bereich von nur wenigen pg/m3. Hijhere Werte im Bereich von IO mg/m3 wurden unter Verwendung von gewebten Metallbeutein erzielt. Gewebte Metallbeutel sind urn einiges billiger als gesinterte Metallvlieselemente.(4 sn., 6 abb., 4 tab., 3 ref.) Filtration a haute temperature dans I’industrie des procedes par Dr. Ing. Wolgang Peukert. La filtration a haute temperature dans les processus industriels offre divers avantages comme I’augmentation de I’efficacite du pro&de, la recuperation de chaleur et la protection des installations. Des applications extremement interessantes sont trouvees dans I’industrie des procedes. Cet article decrit les recherches experimentales effect&es avec un ceramique et avec deux types d’elements filtrants metalliques pour hautes temperatures (structure de molleton fritte et poches tissees). Les trois elements ont ete testes sur un filtre pilote de laboratoire a differentes vitesses de filtration jusqu’a 2.5 m/min et a des temperatures variant entre la temperature ambiante et 600°C. Les differences de comportement entre ceramique et medias filtrants metalliques sont deduites des mesures de la montee de la chute de pression ainsi que de la chute de pression residuelle des elements filtrants. Dans le cas des elements filtrants metalliques, un parametre additionnel doit etre consider& a savoir les modifications de la structure du media avec la temperature. Pour un fontionnement stable a long terme des filtres a bougies a haute temperature, un systeme de regeneration a jet pulse de bonne conception est essentiel. Des measures gravimetriques et optiques operees sur gaz epure montrent pour les structures des molletons des concentrations extremement basses de I’ordre de quelques pg/m3. Des valeurs plus elevees de I’ordre de 10 mg/m3 ont ete obtenues avec les poches en metal tisse. Celles-ci sont raisonnablement moins cheres que les elements metalliques frittes. (4 pags., 6 figs., 4 tab., 3 refs.) Filtacion a alta temperatura de gases en las industrias de proceso por Dr. Ing. Wolfgang Peukert Filtration a alta temperatura de gases en 10s procesos industriales ofrece ventajas en terminos de eficiencia creciente, recuperacion de calor, y protection de instalaciones de planta. Se hallan aplicaciones muy interesantes y absorbentes en las industrias de proceso. Este articulo presenta investigaciones experimentales con elementos de ceramic0 a alta temperatura y dos tipos de metal (vellon fusionado y sacos tejidos). Se han examinado en un laboratorio 10s tres tipos de elementos en un filtro piloto, con diferentes velocidades de filtration hasta 2.5 m/min, y temperaturas en el rango entre ambiente y 600°C. Se derivan las diferencias entre medios filtrantes de ceramic0 y de metal, de medidas de la caida de presion, y de la caida residual de presion de 10s elementos filtrantes. En el case de elementos de metal, se debe considerar un pardmetro adicional - el cambio de estructura del media con temperatura. Una cosa esencial para el funcionamiento firme a la larga de filtros de vela a alta temperatura, es un sistema bien arreglado de regeneration con chorro pulsado. Medidas por metodos gravimetricos y opticos, de gas limpio dan, con las estructuras vellon, concentraciones muy bajas de gas limpio, en la gama de unos pocos pg/m3. Se han obterido valores mas altos (unos 10 mg/m3) con sacos de metal tejido. Los sacos tejidos son was baratos que elementos de metal fusionado. (4 pags., 6 figs., 4 tab., 3 refs.)