BREVETS Procede et agent permettant la dCcontamination au moyen de microorganismes (U Kludas, DE) ltu Innovative Gesellschaffir Technik und Urnwelt, TDA Technische Die&e und Anlagenbau GmbH & les inventeurs,N” WO 9Yl5788, PCT
Boardof Regents & theUniversity of Texas System, N” WO 95/l 2660, PC?:
... L’invention concerne igalement des compositions et pro&d& dans lesquels sont impliqut% de nouveaux produits d’assemblage d’adt!novirus ~53, y compris des proct!dt!s permettant de re’tablir la fonction ~53 et Composition et procCdC detraite- d’e’liminer des tumeurs dans des celmentdeseauxd’egoutsau moyen lules et chez des animaux ri fonction d’enzymes fongiqueset bactt? p53 anormale.
an enhancer for expression offoreign DNA are also claimed.
biologicalfluid, and within a method for producing antibodies to a selected microorganism.
A modifiedtherm0resistantDNA polymerase (REMoses, US) TheOregonStateBoardof Higher Education, the Oregon Health Sciences University& theinventor, NoWO95/14782, PCT. Novel, modified TaqDNA polyme-
litilisation de bactCriesthermophilespour produire desnucICosidestriazoles(G Opacicetal, YU & CA) GOpacicetal,N” WO 95/16785, PCT
rases and genes encoding for them riennes(L Jimenez& EM Cooney, are disclosed. The modified TaqDNA Cellulessouchesembryonnaires polymerases of the invention are the US) Eastman KodakCo& lesinventeurs, capablesde se diffirencier en same size, have the same heatstabiligneescellulairesdCsirt!es(JH lity and synthesis rate as the native N” WO 9YlS924, PCT. Dinsmore & J Ratliff,US) enzyme, but lack the 5’-3’ exonuOn a constate’queles enzymes extraPCT cellulairesprovenant de culture du Diacrinlnc,N” WO95/12665, clease activiiy.. Bacillussppcombin& avec de la cel- ... Ladite cellule souche embryonnaire de vecteurs peut etre produite avec de 1’ADN Vecteurset systPmes lulase fongique d&adent la cellucomprenant desgenescodantpour lose de manitre synergique. La com- codant pour une prote’ine ou un polydes protCinessuppressitesde position selon l’invention est &alepeptide qui promeut la diffirenciation ment utile pour digrader les hydrates de la cellule souche en une lignie cel- tutneurs et cellulesproductrices (GA Beaudryet lulaire sp&cifique, telle qu’une ligne’e ainsitransformkes de carbone, les graisses et les procellulaire neuronale, une lignie cellu- al, US) te’ines,d’oli leur utilite’ dans le traiteInc , N” WO 9Y16771, laire musculaire ou une lignie cellu- Pharmagenics ment des eaux d’igout. PCI: laire h&natopoZtique...
ProcJdde’de production de compose’s pharmaceutiquement actifs comprenanl un groupe de ribose fix& li un triazole, consistant li faire Gagir un triazole avec undonneur de ribose en prisence d’une source de phosphate inorganique, constitutant un catalyseut; et d’une bac&ie thermophile.
ANALYSEDUGiNOME Amplification of nucleicacidsin cells(RHSingeretal, US& AU) BectonDickinsonandCo& Universityof Massachusetts MedicalCenter, N” 657548, EP Strand displacement ampl$cation for
Tumorsuppressor WAFl (B Vogel- Procedepermettantd’induire la amplification of nucleic acid target BONNESPRATIQUES synthese d’ADK dansdesneurones sequence in situin cells in suspenstein& KW Kinzler,US) sion, on slides or in tissues... The JohnsHopkinsUniversity,N” (HONornesetal, US& JT’) SpinalCordSociety& theinventors, Deinkingof wastewaterpaperby wo 95113375,P&I: Process for structurally analyzing treatment with starch degrading A human gene, WAFl,has been identi- NoWO 95/16774, PCT the genomeof viral and subviral enzymeegamylase (M Sharyoetal, fied which is induced by wild-type but pathogens (G NunoBarbosaet al, not mutant ~53 in human brain tumor GiNIECELLULAlRE JR PT&ES) NovoNordiskAIS, N” WO95/14807, cells... The WAH gene and protein are lnstitutoNationaldelnvestigacion y PCT. usefulinter aliafor diagnosis and Tecnologia, Agrariay Alimentaria, N” Souches bacteriennes phylogCnCtitreaDnent of human tumors. quement proches du genreLuctoba- 663448, El? Treatmentof pulp with a mannanasein a bleachingprocess(A Tie2, a novel receptor tyrosine cillus et du genreBacillus,pro&d6 oligomers in a prode culture et applications(Y Useof antisense kinase(WRisau,DE) Suurniikkietal, FI) cessfor controllingcontamination Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur FiirdeCombet-Blanc et al, FR) VahionTeknillinenTutkimuskeskus in nucleicacidamplificationreacEv N” WO lnstitutfraqais derecherche scienti& the inventors,N” WO95114809, rungderWissenschaften tions(DNLudtkeetal,US) 95113387, PC?: ji$e pour le diveloppement en coopb PC?: CibaCorningDiagnostics Corp,N” N” 2715166, FR. Genetically engineered host cells ration(Orstom), ..* theinvention relates to a process wo 95114790, PCT. hat express tie-2may be used fo eva- ... Ces souches sont modt!rement iherfor enhancing the enzymatic treatment of a cellulose pulp prior to bleaching, whereby the cellulose pulp is treated with an enzyme preparation having mannanase activity... The obtained pulp is bleached after the enzymatic treatment, preferably by a bleaching sequence totally free of chlorine chemicals.
luate and screen drugs involved in tie-2activation and regulation. The invention relates to the use of such drugs as agonists or antagonists of tie-2 activity,
Vectorsystems for thegeneration of adeno-associated virusparticles(R Kotin etal, US) Government of theUnitedStates, the Secretq of theDepartment of Health andHumanServices & GeneticTherapyInc, N” WO 95/14771, PCT
TranslationalenhancerDNA (YL Chernahjovsky, UK) GroupLtd & the Nouveauligandpolypeptidique, sa BritishTechnology priparation,composition pharma- inventor,N” WO 95/14775, PCZ ceutiquele contenant, et sonappli- The gene which expresses the light cationg la productiondethrombo- fi- chain of kinesin contains at its pdibtine(DL Eaton & F De Sau- 5’-end a region of DNA of high vage,FR) secondary structure which provides a strong enhancer of translation. In the Genentech Inc , N” 2714670, FR. Proct?d&et compositions relatifsB I’adCnovirus ~53recombine (W-W Zhang& JA Roth,US) 50
human kinesin gene it forms a double hairpin loop. The secondary structure, optionally with flanking sequence, is claimedas isolated DNA. Constructs in which it serves is
mophiles, possident des propriM amylolytiques et/au sont capables de produire du L(+) lactate...
Humanhematopoieticstemcells Transgenicmousepreparedusing (LW Terstappen etal, US) yeast artificial chromosomes BectonDickinson andCo,N” 662512, (YACs)andhomologous recombiEP nation(J Hardy& K Duff, US) Celllines,maturationfactorsand Universityof SouthFloridaN” WO useof saidcelllinesandfactors(R 95/14769, PCT. Ceredig& A Fisher,FR & UK) Cellulessouchesembryonnaires Inserm, N”663444, EP d&i&es de cellulesdu stadepr& The invention deals with bipotent blastocyste d’ongulbet leurutilisaimmature mammalian haemopoietic tion pourproduiredesongul&chiprecursoc pure stem cell culture... mereset transgkniques clon6s(N Strelchenko & S L Stice, US) Methods for utilizing cell lines ABS GlobalInc, N” WO 95/16770, which lack humanclassII histo- PCT. compatibilityantigens (R Nowinsky etal, US& FR) Zette mbriqw estCtablie encollaboration avec Institut Pasteur& GeneticSystems ‘Institut national delapropri&indusfrieile, et Carp,N” 664337, El? WClescollseils d’autres experts quand n&es.. The cell lines may be utilized whitin aim. brevets peuvent &ITobtenus gllnpi(26bis, a methodfor propagating microorgauedeSaint-Pkersbourg, 75800 Paris Cedex nisms, such as viruses, for determiB) ohdescopies peuvent &trefoumies sur ning [he presence and/or amount of selon lestarifs envigueur. antibody to a microorganism in a
- OCTOBRE 1995