An Introduction to organic chemistry

An Introduction to organic chemistry

~ -Jr-~ ~ o z x~ m AN INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIC C H ~ I S T R Y Professor Williah H. Reusch, Michigan State University Holden-Day, Inc. (1977) 81...

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AN INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIC C H ~ I S T R Y Professor Williah H. Reusch, Michigan State University Holden-Day,



817 pg.


Professor Reusch has attempted, and approached, the"h minute mile" in writing a textbook on organic chemistry. It is only 817 pages thick (667 pages of actual lecture material, 120 pages of tables and answers to problems, and 27 pages of subject index), and yet covers as much material -- some even better -- as other textbooks which are usually from 950 to ll50 pages thick. Since a one-year lecture course in organic chemistry usually is of 108 lecture hours, a student would need to read only 6 to 7 pages of the book per lecture hour. The result is that this book will easily help the professor to organize his lecture time and material, while at the same time the tyro student will not feel intimidated. The only problem I had with reading the book was with the subject index which was incredibly so full of errors that would have detracted from the true value of the book. However, I understand that a second printing of this book has eliminated the typographical errors that were so rampant in the first printing. This book is very admirable in that it introduces the novice student to the different fields of science in which the study of organic chemistry plays a very important part. Steroids are mentioned and illustrated, as well as are other aspects of biochemistry and medicinal chemistry, such as carbohydrates, proteins, ribonucleotides, and other natural products. This is the best book on organic chemistry for an introductory college course that I have ever read so far, and I recommend it very highly to colleges and universities which would consider adopting it as the textbook of choice. But make sure it is the second printing in which the subject index has been cleaned up.

R. Bruce Gabbard, Ph.D. Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation New Orleans, Louisiana