gliakFsedo,S.DesidrriC.Manolino,A.TononM.~~.~. &soctiione Itierdiiiplii per gli studi in Gastmen~embgia ed E~atoloziaWISGE).Abam TermdPDIItalv. &g& to w&ate the impmvhtek oi IBS symptoms in outpatients using high fibre diet or taking PHGG fibre. Methods: 188 (49 males and 139 females, 40.3 f 14.6 years old) consecutive patients with IBS were included in an multicenter randomized open trial. They were assigned to high tihre diet (A, N=94) or
PHGG~group(B,N=94).At4wecls,thosepatientswhodidmt impmve symptomatobgy were cros.sd over ad assigned to the fdtemtivc LTO”D IA to B N=l6 and B to A N=lO: ~9.0011. At baseline. 4.8 and 12&ki tm IBS CUE symptoms(boAhabit&d dd0minai
~)wenasscssdandpstb~w~bvivdtoexpresstheif&ling about the overall impmwment of the treatmat. !&g!& At baseline all patimts had mild to seven abdominal pain and altered bowel habit. Table1 shows the persistcna of abdominal pab, altered bowel habit and patients subjective evabatbn of impmwmatt in the diet group (%otb diet itI; end A to B) ad PHGG @aup @oth PHGG only and B to A). ~~mabtiadb8sofowshadywrethatahighfibe cmentmbn in germal (both diet and PHGG fib@ improved IBS i%tyqtorns (abdombal pain and akucd towel habit) and @buts hwted with PHGG fibre self-reported si&icatltly higher blpmvement.
A.P.: Abdominal Pain; A.B.H.: Altered Bowel Habit; 0.1.: Ovaall Improvement
ANALYSIS OF OPTICAL DENSITY OF RIBA BANDS CAN PREDICT HCV-RNA STATUS IN RIBA-POSITIVE BLOOD DONORS Amuse M(l), Pen’ V(I), Salerno M(I), Mumtore M(2). Perricone D(2), Di Paola P(2), Gentile R(2). U.O. di Gastroeuterologia (I), and Servizio di Immunoematologia e Medicina Trastksionale (2) e, A.O. Villa Sofia-CTO, Palermo, Itdia. Background. RIBA essay is commonly used as a cordkmation analysis in anti-HCV positive blood donors. Aim of the present study is to investigate if analysis of RIBA batxis allows prediction of HCV-RNA status in such patients. Matetiah aad methods. AnaIysk of optical density (OD) of RIBA in anti-HCV positive, RIBA-positive patients was performed. HCV-RNA status was detected by PCR. Re~uIts. Thirty-two anti-HCV positive, RIBA-positive blood donors were tested: 23 were HCV-RNA p&t& and 9 were HCVRNA negative. HCV-RNA positive and negative donors difkred regarding both mean number of positive bands and mean optical density. HCV-RNA Status Mean no of pos bands E2 iz5 N” of pts wirh 4 pas bands 12 (52%) l(ll%) N” of pts wirh 3 pas bad 8 (34%) 4 (44%) No of pts with 2 pas bands 3 (13%) 4 (44%) Mean C 100 OD 4.02 2.85 Mean C 33 e OD 4.56 1.30 Mean C22 OD 6.30 4.45 Mean C NS5 OD 2.42 0.04 Conclusions. HCV-RNA positive blood donors show a higher number of positive bands in RIBA assay, and mean OD is higher than HCV-RNA negative patients. Analysis of band reactivity and OD values can help predicting RNA status.
26 A COMPARISON BETWEEN MONOCLONAL AND POLICLONAL ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY FOR ASSESSMENT OF H. PYLORI INFECTION IN STOOL AFTBR ERADICATION TREATMENT. O.Pieramico, R.Vendmmin*, M.V. Zanetti’. Division of Internal Medicine and L&oratory of Microbiology’, GeneraI Hospital ,,F.Tappeitter”, Merano. Stool test is actually together with the 13C-urea breath ted (UBT) the nokktvasive diistic test with the highest accuracy for assessmettt of H.pybri infection Prwbu studies have shown that the stool test Lmxd on policbnal antibodies is associated with high sensibility and spe~iticity in the assesmerd of the infection before therapy. However, some recent data have reported that the dittostic power of stool test might he reduced after eradication therapy. Recently, a second ge-mmtbtt of etlzytne imtmmwaybasedontbeuseofmottocbml mtibodbshnsbeettpmposedtutits accuracy atkr eradication is preaetltly still unclear. &Q of this study has beat therefore to compare the accuracy ofpolicbnal and tmnocbntd stool tests 8s teqect to UBT for post-e -rd of H.pybti ittf&ioe Patients and M&Q&: Thirty @ettts (16 F, 14 M, age 17-73 years) have been inclttded itt this study. All subjects bad prevbusly uadergotte Bastroscopywithbiopsbstaken~mantrumancorpusforrapidurease test,histobgytmdcukure.Fwhpatbntzeceiwdtbmanemdbatbn treatment based on ompruob 20 mg bid, cbtithmmycb 500 mg bid and tnetmttkbmb 500 mg bid or atmxyc.iUb 1 g bid for 1 week. Posttreatment assessment of H.pybri infection was paformed 8-12 weeks alter ttwtmerd by tttwtts of UBT. Stool specimens waz mIbcted,
stored at -20 c and then tested with pdicbttd
(H&ISA, M&Iii)
monocbttaI stool tests (FemtoLab, Conaex) according to the manifacturers protocols. If results of UBT and stool tests were not in agtwme.ttt,asecondgtistmscopywasthenperformedaccordingtothe
These prelimimy
results show that both stool tests are
assocbted with mod senst%iIitv and smciiicitv in the mwsment H.pybri infectb~t&r treatm&t. z .
REACTIVITY OF RIBA BANDS IN ANTI-HCV POSITIVE BLOOD DONORS VARIES ACCORDING TO ALT LEVELS AND HCV-RNA STATUS Peri V(l), Amuse M(I), Salerno M(I), Muratore M(2), Perricone D(2). Di Paola P(2), Gentile R(2). U.O. di GastroenteroIogia (l), and Servizio di Immunoematologia e Medicina Trastisionale (2) e, A.O. Villa So&CTO, PaIermo, It&. Background. The exact sequence of antibodies reactivity loss in patients infected with HCV wbo clear the infection is not known. Aim of the study is to determine ifRIBAbandreactivityanalysii in blood donors can give information about this sequence. Mate&s and methods. Amdysis of optical density (OD) of RIBA in anti-HCV positive was performed in 39 blood donors. Patients were s%rdied according to ALT Ieve1 (normal or elevated), RIBA status @ositive or hdhmhate) and HCV-RNA status (positive or negative). Four groups were ana@ed: A. RIBA pas, RNA pas, ekmtcd ALT (n=S); B. RIBA pas, RNA pus, normal ALT (n=lS); C. RJBA pas, RNA neg (n=9); D. RIBA indet, RNA neg (n=7). RcsuIts. Mean OD for ClOO, C33c, C22 and NSS bands are shown inthefigure. Group Cl00 C33c C22 NS5 4.64 4.77 7.16 3.02 ;: 3.71 4.45 5.84 2.10 C 2.45 1.35 4.85 0.33 D 0.06 0.23 2.66 0.52 Conclusions. RIBA bands analysis shows that OD vale are higher in patknts HCV-RNA positive with elevated transaminases levels than HCV-RNA positive pat&n& with normal e Ievek, or than in HCV-RNA negative patients. These data suggest that loss of reactivity of individual bands can be an ordered and progressive process related with HCV clearence.