Different optical density of RIBA bands in RIBA-positive blood donors with normal or elevated transaminases

Different optical density of RIBA bands in RIBA-positive blood donors with normal or elevated transaminases


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RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NRARENAL VASCULAR RESISTANCES AND PLASMA LEVELS OF ENDOTHELINS I AND 3 (ET-l AND ET-3) AND NlTRATESMITRlTES IN LIVER CIRRHOSIS C.Trombiio. V.Sctamanna*. M.Pompili, E.Menini*, E.Capoluongo , m.Guuo P~rozzo,V.Mimnte, F.Pwz&nte, ‘P Angeli, G.Gastini, G L.Rapeccini. Ishhlto di Medicina lntema e Geriatria e l Scrvizio An&i Omtonali, Universlt& Cattolica Roma ‘Clinica Me&a 5. Universitidi Padova A role for endothelins (ET-I, ET-3) in the physiapathology of portal hypxtension has been supposed in recent studies. It is well known that nimc oxide (NO), released by endathelial cells, detemkes relaxtion of smooth muscular ceUs and subsequmt vascdilation. Aim of this study VBF to evaluate eventual collations between sane cimdadng substances, iwolved in the rmtboaenesisof natal hvuertcnsion cmnolicatinn liver cirrhosir and chances of k&u&d vascul& resist&s meawed 6 mlor&p+kr ultraskmd (US). We studied 26 cinhotics ( Child A: 8; Child B: lo; Child c: 8). I4 witit and 12

LesinigoE. !&j&. Rocca E. Rocca F U. 0. MEOUNA 1: Azkmda Os@&m

3USTC ARSIi’IO: Bust0A. “A

Sackaround: Deep pelvic endometdosis (DPE) is define as presence of functional endometrial tissue in vesdcouterine space and in rectovaginal septim. It can imilbate the rectc+ sigmold wall in 3-37% of cases. The primary treatment is surgical and this lnilbation can be difficult to diagnose preoperating. EUS seem to be a promising method in identify this MtraUon. This study report our experience on feature of DPE with EUS. &&Q& from January 93 to March 01. 12 women (7 with DPE and 5 ti bulging of redo-siimoid wall observed at cdonscopy) underwent EUS fDr suspected recto-dimdd endorneWsis. EUS was executed wfth Oiympus M-20 instrument. Three different paltems of lesion were defmed: no Mon. endometriotk lesion without cdonic wall Infikration and endomebiotic lesion with colonic wall imXlration at least until the fourth layer. The EUS diagnosis was compared with the final diagnosis obtained by surgical spedmens. or dlnical follow-up. &g& ‘lb resuits are expressed in the table. The surgery has confinned infiltration of the intestinal wall in all the cases

presence of infiltration it can put the suspect layer is observed in pain, ematichezia and

of GI wall in course of endomstiosis. Also of disease when an infiltration of the fourth young v&men with indeUnite abdominal endoscopic evidence of bulgin wall.


64 DIFFERENT OPTICAL DENSITY OF RIBA BANDS IN RIBAPOSITIVE BLOOD DONORS WITH NORMAL OR ELEVATED TRANSAMTNASES Salerno M(l). Amuso M(I), Peri V(l) Muratore M(2), Perkone D(2), Di Paola P(2), Gentile R(2). U.O. di Gastmenterologia (I), and Servizio di Immunoematologia e Me&&a TraslksionaIe (2) e, A.O. Vii Sofia-CTO, Palermo, Italk. Background. RIBA essay is used as a conlirmation analysis in anti-HCV positive donors. Aim of the present study is to investigate if analysis of RIBA bands allows prediction of HCVRNA status in patients with normal or elevated transaminases levels. Materials and methods. Ansiysis of optical density (OD) of RIBA in anti-HCV positive, RIBA-positive, HCV-RNA positive blood donors was performed. Patients were stratified according to ALT IeveL Results. Twenty-three donors were tested: 8 had elevated ALT level, end 15 had normal ALT level. Donors with elevated ALT led ad uormd AL.T v&es diGred regarding both meau number of fmitive bands and mean optical density. elevated normal ALT levels Mean no ofpas ban& 3.75 3.20 N” of pts m’th 4 pas bana5 6 (75%) 6 (40%) 2 (25%) 6 (40%) No of pts with 3 pas bad No of pts with 2 pas bands 0 3 (20%) Mean C 100 OD 4.64 3.71 4.77 4.55 Mean C 33 c OD 7.16 5.84 Mean C22 OD 2.10 Mean C NS5 OD 3.02 Conchwioas. RIBA positive, HCV-RNA positive donors with elevated traosamiaases show a highcr nnmter of positive bands in RIBA assay, and mean OD is higher than donors with normal WS.


Ahout mites. Tea nmmrd subjects wae the contml group. The hemdymmic EtudyWBSpexfomxd usina the US scanner EsaoteAU-5 Harmonic at the level of i&renal &etlobar art&s, of hepatic artery, of splcnic anay, and of sup&or me%mezic artay (meawmnent of Resistance b&x-RI), and of portal vein (mcasunmmt of mean flow velocity and of flow volume). We evaluated the common renal function tests and we assayed the plasma levels of renin, aldostemne, endodtelins (mdioimmuoologic mahod, Tema ricnca), rthtahititas (c&rim&c method Cayman). Stistical anatysis WBs made us;np non panrme(nc tests @k&all-Wallis and Mam-Whitney). The RI of inuarcMl ald spbmic arteries pmgrcwively inacased sEoordiog to the worsenbtg of Child classikaiion; RI of hepatic artcay was h&bet in ckrhotics compared to normals but did not change sigtlificantiy in the differeat Child’s claws. Tile plasma levels of ET-1 mtd ET-3 wem in& in cin-hotics campared to normals but did not vary significantly in the differmt Child’s classes Tbe rettin and the nitratesJ&rites plasma kvels were inaased in Child’s B and C cirrhotic patients vdweas the aldoaemne planna level was hi&a in cb-chotiaxthan in control, DUP. We did not found any comlation baween the endotbelim and NO levels and the Rls. On the conh’wy. a positive correlation was observed between the pkma levels of mdotbelins and of rain in B and C cbThotics Our results did not confvm a correlahon between the plasma levels of endotbelins and the increase of intmrenai vascular resistsnccs: ondotbdins mainly act in a pzwahw’autocrine manner and that their plasma levels is not be dimly bdicmive of me cnncctltmtiotls at the renal tissue level. In normal subjeds ET-I inhibits I&I releae: the positive correlation between endothelks and renin observed in Child’s B and C cinhotics suggests the loss of such regulatory mechanismin these patients.




Lesinim E, Lcda L. Rocca E. Rocca F U. 0. MEO/C/NA I’. Azienda Ospedaliera “BUST0 ARSIZIO: Bust0 A. VA

Backaround: ERCP is the gold standard for the diagnosis of choledocholithiasis; it is associated with a substantial failures and morbidity even in a diagnostic tool. The current tendency is to execute therefore, only operating ERCP. EUS is a diagnostic method with accuracy similar to the ERCP. The. aim was to evaluate if the use of EUS in the diagnosis of choledochdiiasis can modify the management of the patients and it was cost-ef&tiveness. Methods: from January 99 to December 00, 276 patients with a of choledocholithiasis underwent EUS. 113 patients with documented choledocholitiasis and 15 with not diagnostic EUS has subsequent ERCP (group A). The collected data has been compared with a previous set of data of patients at similar risk of common bile duct stones, submitted to single ERCP from July 97 to December 98 (143 pz. group 6). The average costs of the procedures for patient, the number of the complications for the diagnostic ERCP and the differences of management between the two strategies has been compared. Results: The results are expressed in the table.

Conclusions: The use of EUS turns out useful in the patients at risk of choiedocholithiasis, reducing the number of diagnostic ERC and related complications. It can modify the management of this patients introducing an advantage in terms of costseffectiveness.