Gravitational constant Effective gravity (at sea level and 45" latitude) Mean radius of the earth Angular speed of rotation of the earth Gas...
Gravitational constant Effective gravity (at sea level and 45" latitude) Mean radius of the earth Angular speed of rotation of the earth Gas constant for dry air Specific heat of air at constant pressure Specific heat of air at constant volume
G = 6.668 x lo-* dyne cmz gm-* g = 981 crn sec-2 a = 6.37 x lo8 cm = 7.292
R = 2.87 x lo6 crn2 sec-' deg-'
c p = 9.96 x lo6 cmz sec-z deg-' c. = 7.09 x lo6 ern' sec-' deg-'
y = C P / C " = 1.4 K
Universal gas constant Molecular weight of water Latent heat of condensation (at 0°C)
= R / c p= 0.288 R* = 8.317 x lo7 erg rnol-' deg-' m, = 18.016 grn rnol-' L, = 2.5 x 1 0 ' O ergs gni-z