36A design and the marriage of the soft ground slurry shield and the hard rock tunnelling machine are expected. The potential for automation of the tunnelling process, despite the hostile underground environment, and the problems of shaft sinking are briefly discussed. 861287 Construction of the 'Westtangente' motorway tunnel in Bochum under extremely difficult environmental conditions Steinheuser, G; Maidl, B
Proc of the Eurotannel '83 Conference, Basle, 22-24 June 1983 P29-33. Publ Marlow: Access Conferences Ltd, 1983 The tunnels under construction are under a densely built-up residential and business area. Details of the following are discussed: geological and environmental conditions; planning authority and special proposals; the top cover method in the entrance areas and driving of a pilot gallery with the MiniFull-Facer; failure of the Mini-Full-Facer; changing of the special proposal to top heading and excavation in partial section using the New Austrian Tunnelling Method; execution of the construction work; and blasting work in a built-up area, drilling pattern, length of rounds and ground support methods. 861288 Performance of a full-face tunnelling machine in Coal Measures strata Snowdon, R A; Glossop, N H; Farmer, I W
Proc of the Eurotannel '83 Conference, Basle, 22-24 June 1983 P129-135. Publ Marlow: Access Conferences Ltd, 1983 The performance of a Thyssen FLPI2/35 tunnel boring machine in Coal Measures strata at Dawdon Colliery, Co Durham, UK, is examined. The contrasting performance of the machine in undisturbed mudstones and sandstones and in sheared seatearths is illustrated and the advantages of using a machine in these strata are discussed. Auth.
ranging from the initial trial tunnels to assess the suitability of the application in different types of ground conditions found in Hong Kong, to its full scale use in the development of the first two lines of the Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway during the last decade.
Surface subsidence, caving and rockbursts 861292 Detection of areas with a rockburst hazard on the basis of deposit conditions Leonhardt, J
Gluckanf V121, N14, 25 July 1985, P1069-1075 (german). P322-326 (english) Data from 424 rock bursts in the Ruhr coalfield, West Germany, have been computer analysed in an attempt to determine common factors which may be used to predict areas of rock burst hazard. Mine and seam geometries, properties of the seam and adjacent rock, rock pressure and direction of working were considered. The most commonly found features accompanying rock burst were: (1) seams of high strength or with dirt bands; (2) residual pillars or working boundaries; (3) drivage next to an adjacent panel in the same seam; (4) mine workings, the goaf or a fault in the same seam were approached; or (5) a solid rock bed was formed in the seam floor. 861293 Pressure measurements in the gob Maleki, H; Hustrulid, W; Johnson, D
In: Rock Mechanics in Productivity and Protection (Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Evanston, Illinois, 25-27 June 1984) P533-545. Publ New York." AIME. 1984
Proc of the Eurotunnel '83 Conference, Basle, 22-24 June 1983 P137-143. Publ Marlow: Access Conferences Ltd, 1983
Pressure measurements in backfill materials were made as part of a program to evaluate cave progress and examine the effects of geological structure on caving, load transfer and resulting instabilities. Gloetzl cells were used, due to their robustness and ability to monitor the pressures in a broken medium. Results indicated that cave progress was controlled by frequency of major faults.
The construction methods for the tunnels and stations of the Pre-Metro works in Antwerp, Belgium, are described. For the tunnels, slurry-shield tunnelling is used, and for the stations pipe jacking. The execution and construction technique is examined in detail.
Subjects Peripheral to Geomechanics
861290 Application of extruded steel fibre reinforced concrete tunnel lining on the Frankfurt Metro Bokemeyer,R
861294 Softening response of plain concrete in direct tension Gopalaratnam, V S; Shah, S P
861289 Pre-Metro in Antwerp Aerts, L
Proc of the Eurotunnel '83 Conference, Basle, 22-24 June 1983 P165-172. Publ Marlow: Access Conferences Ltd, 1983 Description of a newly developed tunnel-driving method whereby a steel fibre reinforced concrete tunnel lining is continuously extended at the tail end of a tunnelling machine. A steel fibre concrete tube, almost free of joints, is formed in the wake of the machine by this novel tunnel lining process. 861291 Compressed air tunnelling with special reference to the Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway Haswell,C K; Campbell, J G
Proc of the gurotunnel '83 Conference, Basle, 22-24 June 1983 P173-183. Publ Marlow: Access Conferences Lid, 1983 Compressed air tunnelling is described, from its first use in 1839 through to its present day application, covering the various developments and advances in compressed air working. Specific case histories of work in Hong Kong are presented,
J Am Concr Inst 1:82, N5, May-June 1985, P310-323 Apparatus is described which enables the collection of reliable load deformation data for brittle materials in tension, including the post peak softening response. An analytical expression developed describes the entire tensile response of concrete.
Snow and ice mechanics 861295 Punch indentation of polycrystalline ice Sego, D C; Morgenstern, N R
Can Geotech J V22, N2, May 1985, P226-233 Polycrystailine ice and ice-rich frozen soil show very similar creep behaviour around zero deg C. A generalised flow law is derived for polycrystalline ice and is supported by experimental evidence. Punch indentation experiments are analysed using the generalised law and the expansion of a hemispherical