Aqueous conveyor washers

Aqueous conveyor washers

MANUFACTURERS UTERA1'URE New Catalogs. Data Sheets. and Videos I. . . . . . . . COIU Titan MetaL Fabri('ator.~ Inc.. Oxnard. CaLif. The "Titan Quic...

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New Catalogs. Data Sheets. and Videos I. . . . . . . . COIU

Titan MetaL Fabri('ator.~ Inc.. Oxnard. CaLif.

The "Titan Quick Reference Guide to Immersion Coils," a 2-page, color information sheet, contains information on sizing heating and cooling coils, stan• dard coil features, and coil op• tions. A chart for determining your Titan coil model number is also included in the literature. Circle 301 on the relder service clrd COMPAIIV CAPAIIluna


Pavco. Warrensville Heights. Ohio

A 14-page, color company bro• chure gives an overview of the company's history and the variety of innovative products available. Featured are zinc brighteners; chromates; cleaners; sealers, spe• cialty products, pollution control, and dyes; and lacquers. Circle 302 on the relder service cerd


George Fischer Inc., Tustin. Calif.

George Fischer Inc.'s 1,100 page "Engineering Handbook" covers its complete piping system prod• uct range. The handbook includes all necessary components for the conveyance, measurement, and control of liquids. The book in• cludes product information on the company's PVC, CPVC, polypro• pylene, natural polypropylene, and SYGEF-PVDF pipes, valves, and fittings, as well as secondary containment pipe, valve actua• tors. rotameters, thermoplastic pipe joining equipment, tank lin• ings, heat exchangers, custom• machined and welded compo• nents, and the +GF+ Signet line of measurement and instrumen• tation products. Technical data on material and system selection and 74

piping installation is also in• cluded. Circle 303 on the r.ader service Clrd AQU. . . COIIIVIYOil . . . . . . .

Hydro-BLast Inc., Vancouver, Wash.

Hydro-Blast is offering an easy• to-use CD showcasing a variety of custom units. The company's cus• tom multistage conveyors can fea• ture multiple prewash, wash, rinse, final rinse, and drying sec• tions. Bag filters, air knives, re• generative blowers, duct heaters, spray nozzles, hydraulic doors, and many other features are showcased.

products, Aquapure waste treat• ment chemistry, phosphates, Black Magic conversion coatings, Hallstrip electronics processing chemistry, and Laser chemical polishing and deoxidizing, are in• cluded in a 4-page brochure. Circle 307 on the reader service card TllIIIIMOPLASTlC UNIN_

Atlas Minerals & ChemicaLs Inc.• Mertztown. Pa.

Atofina's 24-page, color corporate brochure, "A World of Solutions," features the company's intermedi• ate and fine chemicals, perfor• mance chemicals, and perfor• mance polymers. The company's production facilities are also listed.

An 8-page, color brochure, from Atlas Minerals & Chemicals, Bul• letin P-04, describes the compa• ny's Anchor-Lok thermoplastic linings, featuring an integral an• choring and connecting system that protects concrete structure against corrosion and abrasion. The brochure outlines the various benefits afforded by Anchor-10k, including chemical and thermal resistance, elongation properties that allow Anchor-10k to bridge small concrete cracks, hydrostatic head resistance, abrasion and im• pact resistance, and spark-testing for verifiable protection.

Circle 305 on the relder service card

Circle 308 on the relder service Clrd


CIIlITRI. . . . . 1IAIIIIIIL .......1. . MACHIN.

Circle 304 on the r.lder service Clrd


Atofina ChemicaLs Inc., PhiladeLphia

Grav-i-Flo Corp., Sturgis. Mich.

A 20-page brochure features Grav-i-Flo's Spin-Finishing semi• automatic machines, Gyra Fin• ishing centrifugal barrel finishing process, Rapid Finish centrifugal disk finishing machines, vibra• tory equipment, and tumble fin• ishing equipment. Photographs and cross sections of the machin• ery are included. Circle 306 on the reader service Clrd ....ClALn PIIODUC1'S

Hubbard-Hall Inc., Inman. S.C.

Hubbard-Hall's line of specialty products, including Aquaease aqueous cleaners, heat transfer salts, Aquamill mass finishing

Tipton US Corp., Hamilton, Ohio

HS Centrifugal Barrel Finishing Machines are the subject of a 2-page, color flyer. Specifications for Models HS-1-2V, HS-1-4V, HS-R30X, HS-RBOX, HS-R150X, and HS-R240X are included along with a finishing comparison chart. Circle 309 on the relder service card """",IIACIIINIS

ALmco Inc.• Albert Lea. Minn.

A 6-page, color brochure with complete details of the company's 5-modelline of long-radius round• bowl finishing machines is now available from Almco Inc. The Metal Finishing