Artificial ground freezing in a horizontal direction for digging tunnels beneath transportation ways. In Russian

Artificial ground freezing in a horizontal direction for digging tunnels beneath transportation ways. In Russian

213A both micro-bits and full-scale bits, ere reported. In order to simulate the comditions in a deep hole the hydrostatic pressures as they exist in...

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both micro-bits and full-scale bits, ere reported. In order to simulate the comditions in a deep hole the hydrostatic pressures as they exist in t h e field at t h e hole bottom were simulated. After these tests with single nozzles, laboratc~ bits were d e s i ~ , improved, ar~ developed for field use.

Rock and soil improvement techniques

2114 RAD, PF

OLSO~,RC Tunnelling machine research. Interaction between disc cutter grooves in rocks. Repurt. 12F. US.BUR.M~NES, RI, N7881,1974, 21P. The Bureau of Mines conducted groove cutting experiments in marble, limestone, granite, and quartzite with a 7-inch disc cutter under a nc~u~l thrust of 7,0001b. The values of muck weight per unit length, apeclfic effigy, cutting coefficient, and groove depth for each of these rocks were determined for groove spacings ramglng from 0.i to 4 inches, ar~ from these results the values of optimm~ ard critical sl~cing were computed. The results indicate that compressive strength may be used to prellct some of the cutting characteristics of the indepe~e~t grooves. Considering all the cutting characteristics, particularly those for the interac~i~ grooves, Shore hardness, coefficient of rock s ~ r e ~ , ~ tursion~l velocity ccrrelEte with cuttimg characteristics better than do other physical ~roperties;

2~5 RAD, PF

OLSO~,~C Tunnelling machine research. Size distribution of rock frs~ments produced by rolling disc cutters.



US. BUR.MINES, RI, N.7882,1RT~, 40P. The Bureau of Mines used a linear cutting apparatus equipped with a 7-inch disc cutter to cut grooves in marble, limestone, granite, and quartzite umder a mal force of 7,0001b. The size distribution of t h e muck for various grooves was determined through sieve ar~sis. A statistical search showed that Weibull d~istribution describes the size distribution better than other available functions. Results irdicate that fineness modulus, chip population, ard dimension of the largest chip can be used as indicators of cutting efficiency; The results correlate with those obtained from t h e boring machines amd other laboratory experiment s.

2116 RAD,FF Cc~relation of laboratory cutting data with tunnel boring machine performance; Report. 19F. US.BUR.M~NES, RI, N.7883,1974,19P. The Bureau of Mines conducted rock-ctfcting experim~uts under constant normal farce and constant l~netration in an effort to correlate laboratory data with those obtained in the field. Both indepemdent ar~ interacting groove spacing regions were sttrlied, ar~ ol~ira~ and critical cutter spacings wore determined. For t h e is~oratc~'y work, t h e effects of specific ez=z'Sy, muck weight, groove depth, cutting coefficient, and size distribution of the muck for both independent and interacting grooves were studied. For field operations, fc~ thrt~, torque, advance rate, and muck size distribution were the parameters studied. Satisfactory correlation is obtained between laboratory cutting results ar~ field performance data.

Bolts and anchors 2117 NEELY, WJ MON~AG~'JONES,M PUllout capacity of atralght-ahafted arzl underresmed

g ~ m d anchors.TF. TRANS. S .AFR. INS~N. CIV .ENGS .VI6,~,APR. 1974, P131-134. Theoretical solutions are presented for the ~roblem of the ultimate resistance of stralght-shafted and unlerreamed anchors in clay. These solutions deper~ on anchor geometry amd it is shown that the use of undorre~zs Increases ammhor capacity significantly. 2118 LOUIS, C B.R.G.M.F PIPAUDj J B.R.G.M.F Technology of bolting. Report. In Frer~h. 15F,7R. A.F.T.E.S.WOHKING GROUP R E ~ , M A Y , 1 9 7 4 , 24P. There ere three 1~Tpes of bolts: sin@Is point a~cbcrs, fully bodied bolts and dowels, ribbed bolts forced into the terrain without an individual anchor or b o r ~ agent. Techniques used in placing the bolting system incluling cement bonding, resin bomding, Perfo bolting and use of Dywidag steel e r e briefly discumsed along with methods testing the strer~ch of the anchorage.

2119 FOST~,~E Develo1~ent of hig~ voltage radiograph~ and dual microdensitcmetric techniques for evaluating s~ressed rock specimens. Figs,Refs. MATERIALS EVALUATION, V31, Nil, 1973, P229-236. The paper repcrts a Joint project by the USBM amd Oak Ridge National Laboratory to develop radiogral~hic techniques for assessing the performance of expansion amchor roof bolts in cylindrical rock specimens. H i ~ voltage (2MeV) radiogral~ was performed on specimens of 11.~stor~, shale ard sar~Istone in stressed and unstressed conditions. The stress was ir~luced by one of four selected expansion anchors. A unique micrcdensitcmstric scamming and data processing system usimg cc~relation techniques was developed ar~ applied so that a difference as ,m~11 as 0.01 density unit, prevlc~sly unobse~vable, could be extracted from the background and recorded. Auth.

Grouting and freezing 2120 IAKUBOVICH, DV 2ELMANOVICH, EK Artificial grour~ freezing in a harizontal direction for digging tunnels beneath transportation ways. In Russian. TRANSP. STRO±A~L. NS, MAR, 1974, P59-60.