Electric power generation
and utilisation
policy, supplies, forecasts)
PYRAMID - Dlgltal control technology for a llQ-kV 95102740 switchyard Hampel, P. and Stepken, A. ABE Review, 1995, (2), 35-43. Modern substations are equipped with numerous secondary systems for handling functions such as local and remote control, monitoring, measurement, logic operations and interlocking. To give substation operators total control of these functions ABB developed PYRAMID, a digital control system based on microprocessor technology, fibre optics and bus communications. ABB installed PYRAMID in the IlO-kV Bergedorf switchgear of HEW, an electric utility based in Hamburg, Germany, during a recent substation upgrade. The success of the project engineering and commissioning as well as initial operating ex erience with the installed system show that PYRAMID ensures the km ,I! of substation reliability and performance that can be expected with advanced digital control technology. 95102741 Quadratic spllne formulation of llghtnlng stroke inclination effects on insulator strlng overvoltage8 Wahab, M. A. Electric Power Systems Res., Jan. 1995, 32, (I), 63-69. Digital simulation is imperative for insulation coordination which necessitates evaluation of the various overvoltages likely to be imposed on systems. In this paper the experimental results of the effects of lightning stroke inclination on the insulator string overvoltages of a 500 kV transmission line have been represented as empirical formulas by quadratic splines. The overvoltages have been obtained as ratios of the overvoltage peaks to the peaks of the stroke currents. The formulas have been derived for practical values of stroke current waveshapes and tower footing resistances. 95102742 Reliable and economic control of energy networks wlth S.P.I.D.E.R. MlcroSCADA Bernard, P. and Herack, M. ABB Review, 1995, (l), 22-28. Energy consumers have, over the years, come to expect absolute reliability of public supply services. Such reliability, however, presumes total control of the distribution networks. S.P.I.D.E.R. MicroSCADA is a control system especially developed by ABB for different kinds of energy distribution network. Good economy is ensured for operators through transparent, reliable operation. Micros&ADA can be used for the remote control of switchgear and energy distribution systems, local control of substations and electrical generating plant, network monitoring, and energy and load management. It unites standardized, user-friendly operation with a wide range of data processing functions for performing complex calculations and organizing the network documentation. 95102743 Scale model experlmental study on the effect of lightning stroke lncllnation on the overvoltages across Insulator strlngs Wahab, M. A. and Matsubara, I. Electric Power Systems Rex, Jan. 1995, 32, (l), 55-61. An experimental study on the overvoltages across insulator strings resulting from inclined lightning strokes has been carried out on a 500 kV double-circuit vertical-suspension transmission line using a scale model. 95102744 Superconductivlty In Ba intercalated C Kraus, M. et al., Fullerene Science & Technology, 1995 3 ?2), 115-125. Magnetization measurements of samples with Ba,C, majbriiy phase show superconductivity at a critical temperature of T, = 6.5 K. In the samples, X-ray diffraction analysis reveals having a nominal composition of Ba,C, an additional phase Ba,C with x<6. Possibly this phase could be responsible for the occurrence of@superconductivity. 95102745 Temperature Rb&, superconductor Fujtmoto, T. et al., Fullerene
of local
Science & Technology,
1995, 3, (l), 69-77.
95102746 Transport property of C, and C,, single crystals Ochiai, Y. er al., Fullerene Science & Technology, 1995, 3, (l), 79-84. Temperature dependence of resistance was measured for the C, and C,e single crystals prepared by a sublimation method. Transport property focusing on the acttvation energy and the phase transition was discussed. 95102747 Transputer Implementation of adaptlve control for a turbogenerator system Brown, M. D. et al., Inf. J. Elect Power&Energy Systems, 1995, 17, (l), 21-38. The paper describes the design and implementation of digital self-tuning automatic voltage regulators for excitation control of a synchronous generator. Practical aspects such as controller robustness and processing power are discussed. Conventional microprocessor technology is unable to achieve the sampling periods required for industrial a plication. A parallel architecture using INMOS transputers combined wit,l! an advanced VME bus-based measurement system provide an open-ended solution to this problem, and enable the adaptive controllers to operate within the required 10 ms sample period. The scheme was initially evaluated on a computer simulation of a three-phase turboalternator. A laboratory model turbogenerator was then controlled to test the performance and reliability of the system under realistic conditions.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
May 1995
Policy, Supplies,
95102746 An analysls of electrlclty contract trial consumers In the United Klngdom Lucas, N. and Taylor,
prices to Indus-
Utilities Policy, Oct. 1994, 4, (4), 309-313.
The price of electricity paid by industrial consumers has been a source of contention between government and industrialists ever since privatization. The discussion about contract prices has been hampered by a lack of published information, with the two sides unable to agree on the level of prices or the size of price increases. In this paper the authors used price surveys from both government and industry to examine prices during two corresponding quarters of 1991 and 1992. From the data the authors empirically derive a pricing formula for the unit costs of electricity and find that it is mainly dependent on load factor and volume of electricity purchased, although a wide discrepancy was found between the prices paid by equivalent consumers.
95102749 Queensland 8-9.
Electric’s Queensland
Mining J., Feb. 1995, 96,
Reports that AUSTA Electric, Queensland’s newly established electricty generating body, had a vision of becoming Australia’s leading electricity suppliers, stated AUSTA chairman Clive Hildebrand.
Building envelope use In Hong Kong
95102750 electricity Lam, J. C.
and commercial
Energy, Mar. 1995, 20, (3) 189-194.
The overall thermal transfer value (OTTV) concept has been extended to correlate it with the chiller load through DOE-2 computer simulations. A survey of 83 commercial buildings completed between 1982 and 1992 indicates that about one-third of the existing building-envelope designs will not meet a proposed 35Wlmr O’ITV limit, which will be introduced in late 1994. Impacts of this legislation on electricity use in the commercial sector are assessed.
95102751 opments
Competltive bidding for Independent In the United States
Kliman, M.
Revue de [‘Energie, Jan.-Feb.
power: Devel-
1995, (465), 55-65.
In the United States electric utilities are using competitive bidding programmes to procure power supplies for non-utility generators and, in some cases, to establish contracts with energy service companies for the implementation of demand-side management projects. Such programmes are viewed as a path to efficient contracts in the private power industry. But bidding programmes are complex, subject to pttfalls, and are developing very quickly. The paper reports on that development as of the early 1990s and, as an illustration, briefly describes and analyzes the bidding programme of an electric utility in the State of New York.
Diversification of electric power Industry organlza95102752 tlonal models worldwide: A perspective view Finon, D.
Revue de [‘Energie, Jan.-Feb.
1995, (465)
3-15. (In French)
In the reform currently under way, some see an inexorable broad-front movement toward deregulation and privatization in electric power industries. However! while radical reforms have in fact been made in the direction of competmve deintegration in some ten industrialized and developing countries, most of these changes do not overturn the basic principles of central organization governing electric power industry operations (with its strong short-term coordination, long-term planning), even though they do not contain attenuated forms and incentives to competition. This is especially true with the breakup of the production monopoly, allowing independent producers to enter the fray. So what were are witnessing IS a diversification of organizational models.
95102753 Rubinstein,
DSM opportunltles
for India. A case study
E. et aZ., Utilities Policy, Oct. 1994, 4, (4), 285-301.
The paper reviews the outlook for electricity demand growth in India, establishes a role for DSM programs in meeting the country’s energy needs, identifies which types of program are most appropriate for India, provides estimates of the theoretical maximum energy and peak demand savings that may be achieved through DSM programs, and gives program design and implementation suggestions. DSM options, including efficiency measures, wgeneration systems, and load management strategies, are presented. Barriers to the successful implementation of DSM programs are identified, and strategies for overcoming these barriers are proposed. Demonstrates how secondary data sources can be effectively used for a good first-level assessment of energy-efficiency options in India, and suggests that this approach may be appropriate to other developing countries as well.