However, fsllouts of rock in suchtunr~+lsare not uncamnon ani in many case6 have been attributedto eroeion of shear6 ani seams. A case hi6tcay of Such a fallout iS described. Anappraisal of the cotition6 pertaining to the fsJJ_outled to the comlusion that rapid changes in the water Pressure in the tunnel resulting from operating coniitionswere significaxtfactors in initiatingthe fallout. Other factors thatcontributedtothefallout are slso described. Auth. 782075 AS-BUILTGEXXECHNICAL REFQRT: ITSUSE FOR
DESIGN CF SUPPORT FOR THRLE ROCK STATIONS, WASHINGTON,DCMEl'RO Bock, C G Proc Rapid Excavation ami Tunuelling Conference, Las Vegas, 14-17 Juue 1976, P430-447 The three rock station srea6 have been explored by crown pilot tunnel6 & an as-built report, with geologic map6 ani 6eCtiOu6,ha6 been prepared, for use by the design engineer a6 the basis Of design for support of the 6tructure6. The report describe6 the geolcgic Btructure in detail ard relates it to excavation ard support of thethree crown pilot tunnels ard the runriing tunnels. The informationwas complete enough to permit the design eugineer to visualize the geologic structure ard compute loads for the various types of rock corditiolls. It was therefore possible to determine the size ani SpaCiXg Of the steel Set6 for the Several different conditions of rock structure encountered in the pilot tunnels. 782076 PRECAST CONCRETE sM;MEW LINING FOR BUCKSKIN
MOUNTAINS WATER CONVEYANCE Groseclose,W R; Schoemsn, K D Proc Rapid Excavation ani Tunnelliw Conference, Las Vegas, lb-17 June 1976, ~448-463 The 22-foot, mecast colvlretesegment6 are being used a6 a Single SySt,@Il initial SUpport ti fiu2.llining in the tunnel being excavatedby a tunuel boriug machine specially designed aIllbuilt for the job by The Robbins Conqxmy. 782077 AUS-IXANMEI'HODOFTUNNELBU'JXDINGINVERY
HEAVILY SQUEEZING GROUND INMOUNlXINCUS TERRAIN- THMlRYAND PRACTICE Pochhacker,H Proc Rapid Excavation atxlTunnelling Conference,Las Vegas, 14-17 June 1976, F464-512 the ~EthCd in d&ail ati refer6 particularlyto the Tauern tunnel in Auetria, eni the exceptional support measures required, including (intheworstgrouni)4manchors, steel fabric mat, tunnel arch and 25cm shotcrete.
782078 HIGH PRESSURE WATER JET ASSISTED TUNNELING Wang, FD; Miller, R Proc Rapid Excavation and Tunnelling Conference,Las Vegae, 14-17 June 1976, p64P676 Testswereconductedinagranlte quarry. A 7-f% dismtunnelboring m6chinew6.6modified ani equipped with high pressure water jets. There was an aver e increased sdvax%cerate of 50 per cent to ?!0 per cent. For some tests, the advance rate was more than doubled. A comprehensiveeconomic anslysishas shown that SignifiCa& SaVbgS are possible. At a 50 per cent increase in advance rate, co6t
savirggeof 14 per cent at-d24 per cent were projected far 10-f% ard 20-ft dism tunnels respectively.These benefits were seen to be relatively insensitiveto water jet equipment Costs. 782079 FEASIBILPR'OF DEVELOPING ARCTIC OIL AND GAS WSERVES BY TUNNELING McCusker, T G; Tarkoy, PJ Proc Rapid J3xcavationand Tunnelling Conference,Las Vegas, 14-17 June 1976, g77-696 Discusses the geology and eUvirormentof the North American Arctic axrlgives a brief geotechnicalevaluation of the types Of grouni encountered,sedimentsryrocks, uncon6Olidatadg?ElIllllsr 6edim66lt6 ard Silt, With permafrost effects. Finally diSCUSSe6 COIT structionproblem6 peculiar to the area. 782080 BEHAVIOR SIUDIES FOR A HIGHWAY TUNNEL Misterek, D L; Slebir, E J; Ring, G W Proc Rapid Excavation and Tunnellirg Conference,Las Vegas, 14-17 June 1976, P715-721 During the constructionof the second bore of the NisenbcwerHighway Tunnel, in situ tests, instrumentationprogr6m6,s.rdlaboratoryinve6tigations sre to be performed.The data obtaimd relate to the reaction of the rock ma66 when subjectedto constructionsctitities,the extent of the zone of influence, and the responses of the support snd liniw components. Together with thetunnelconstrUctionmonitarirg program, the investigationis expected to provide a better tierstaniing of the behavior of a large diameter tunnel, before, during, an3 after construction. 782081 CONSTRUCTIONCONTROL INSL'RUMENCATION USCD DURINGTUNNEL ENLARGEMEIVI Robinson, R A; Miller, R P; Monson, D L Proc Rapid Excavation and Tunnellixg Conference,La6 Vegas, 14-17 June 1976, p742-758 A geotecbnicalinstrumentationprogrsnme ComiStiw Of borehole eXtenSoUk%%S and portable tape extensometerstationswas effectivelyused to monitor concrete liner &formation6 ani guide cOI&Xu&iOn procedures during enlargementof a 75-year old Union Pacific R6ilro6.dtunnel in Wyoming.Enlargement involved excavation of the old concrete invert ard placement of 5,941 feet of new concrete invert 6 feet lower in squeezing shales, fault zone6 and water-bearing saniston?6.Instrumentationdata were used to guide procedure6 for utcav6tingthe old invert, installationof temporary interior struts, unierpinningexistirgliner Wsll.6,and placirg the nsw concrete invert. Auth. 782082 URBAN TUNNELING TECHNOLOGY - EUROPEAN EXPERIENCES Jacob, E J Proc Rapid Excavation and Tunnelling Conference,Las Vegas, 14-17 June 1976, p?g4-808 Surveysbothhsrdrock ard soft graurrltunmellinI& and dLS0 diSCUsse6 tunnel 1inilngS.