Author Index Adams, J.V., 166, 187,405 Aladin, N.V., 520 Alleman, L.Y., 509 Allen, J.D., 187 Allen, M., 78 Andraso, G.M., 397 André, L., 509 Arora, S., 456 Back, R.C., 11 Balshine, S., 68 Benner, M., 1 Bergé-Nguyen, M., 520 Bierman, Jr., V.J., 32 Bowen, A., 414 Breedon, T., 1 Breneman, D., 135 Bronte, C.R., 426 Brown, E.A., 306 Bullerjahn, G.S., 219, 236 Bzdusek, P.A., 174, 456 Cáceres, C.E., 245 Cardenas, M.P., 373 Cardinal, D., 509 Caruso, J., 105 Cazenave, A., 520 Chant, V., 68 Christensen, E.R., 174, 456 Ciborowski, J.J.H., 135, 333 Cingolani, J., 482 Claramunt, R.M., 492 Clark, B.J., 253 Cocquyt, C., 509, 535 Coghlan Jr., S.M., 386 Corkum, L.D., 78 Crétaux, J.-F., 520 Curtis, G.L., 414 de Lafontaine, Y., 367 DePinto, J.V., 32 Descy, J.-P., 509 Desorcie, T.J., 267 Dettmers, J.M., 245 Dietz, T.H., 87
Dilks, D.W., 32 Don, H., 1 Dykstra, C.R., 227 Eadie, B.J., 373 Edil, T.B., 306 Edsall, C.C., 187 Eimers, M.C., 322 Ellrott, B.J., 492 Feist, T.J., 32 Fitzsimons, J., 1 Fitzsimons, J.D., 492 Flores, A.E., 405 Fodor, G., 1 French III, J.R.P., 405, 414 Garling, D.L., 87 Gilroy, D., 1 Gray, B., 1 Greil, R.W., 11 Grigorovich, I.A., 135, 333 Guildford, S.J., 439, 547 Harvey, C.J., 426 Hecky, R.E., 439, 547 Herrick, B.M., 277 Higgins, S.N., 439, 547 Hoff, M.H., 360, 426 Holuszko, J.D., 267 Hondorp, D.W., 267 Howell, E.T., 547 Hrabik, T., 426 Hunnicutt, D.W., 482 Ingram, R., 253 Irvine, K.N., 105 Ivan, L.N., 466 Jacobus, J., 466 Jenkins, T.M., 22 Johnson, K.L., 405 Johnson, T.B., 78, 125,426 Jonas, J.L., 492 566
Kang, M., 333 Kaur, J., 32 Kennedy, A.J., 11 Kimirei, I., 509 Kinnunen, R.E., 360 Kisel, D.S., 343 Kitchell, J.F., 426 Klarer, D.M., 56 Klassen, W., 166 Kleinheinz, G.T., 116 Kouraev, A.V., 520 Krueger, C.C., 296 Lamon, E.C., 426 Langen, T.A., 219, 236 LaRussa, M., 288 Lee, V.A., 78, 128 Lewis, T.W., 210 Li, J., 174 Limén, H., 97 Lozano, S.J., 426 Lu, J., 456 Lynn, J.W., 87 MacIsaac, H.J., 97 Madenjian, C.P., 267 Makarewicz, J.C., 210 Marsden, E., 492 Mason, D.M., 426 Matisoff, G., 56 McCorkhill, G., 105 McDermott, C.M., 116 Meyer, M.W., 227 Mgonella, M.K., 174 Mickelson, D.M., 306, 343 Mills, E.L., 135 Muzzall, P.M., 405 Nicholls, K.H., 322 Nichols, S.J., 87, 187 Pangle, K.L., 144, 360 Papa, F., 520 Paterson, A.M., 253 Peacor, S.D., 144
Perrelli, M.F., 105 Pla, S., 253 Plisnier, P.-D., 509 Plotnikov, I. S., 520 Rasmussen, P.W., 227 Richards, C.B., 135 Ringler, N.H., 386 Rockwell, D.C., 236 Rose, J.B., 22 Sampson, R.W., 116 Sawada, M., 155 Schaeffer, J.S., 414 Scheider, W.A., 322 Schram, S.T., 426 Schreiner, D.R., 426 Schwab, D.J., 373 Scott, T.M., 22
Silverman, H., 87 Sinyinza, D., 509 Smith, R.E., Smol, J.P., 253 Strakosh, T.R., 296 Sutton, T.M., 11, 360 Swiatnicki, S.A., 116 Theysmeyer, T., 68 Thomas, M., 414 Thompson, E., 210 Trebitz, A.S., 426 Twiss, M.R., 219, 236 Twohey, M.B., 166 van Overdijk, C.D.A., 97 Vanderploeg, H.A., 144 Verma, A., 68 Vermette, S., 288
Voss, M.A., 482 Vyverman, W., 535 Walker, G.K., 187 Warnke, D.K., 227 Watmough, S.A., 322 Whiting, P.J., 56 Wilhelm, S.W., 219, 236 Wilkes, G., 155 Williston, B., 1 Wilson, C.G., 56 Winkel, A.M., 405 Winter, J.G., 322 Witt, A.M., 245 Wolf, A.T., 277 Woodall, M.R., 22 Wu, C.-H., 306
Subject Index alevin, 296 alewife, 210 algae, 535 Ameiurus, 482 amphipod, 97, 333 Aral Sea, 520 Ateshian, 155 Atlantic salmon, 386 bald eagle, 227 beach monitoring, 116 behavior, 166 benthic algae, 439, 547 bioenergetics, 125 bioindicators, 482 biomagnification, 210, 397 biomass, 78 bio-volume, 322 birds, 219 blue-green algae, 32 bluff recession, 306 body size, 360 brown bullheads, 482 Buffalo, 288 census methodology, 219 Cercopagis, 210
Cercopagis pengoi, 245 Cestode, 405 chemical mass balance model, 456 Chinese mitten crab, 367 Cladophora, 439, 547 climate change, 288 climatology, 288 coastal wetlands, 277 combined sewer overflow, 105 condition, consumption, 125 corbiculid, 87 coregonines, 426 Coregonus artedi, 360 Daphnia mendotae, 144 DDE, 227 dechlorination model, 174 decoys, 166 deepwater, 1 deepwater sculpins, 267 density, 78 depths, 405 development, 187 diatoms, 253, 509 diet overlap, 397 diets, 414 567
diked wetlands, 277 Diporeia, 405 dissolved oxygen, 105, 322 Dreissena, 397, 547 dreissenid, 87 E. coli, 116 ecological indicator species, 219 ecosystem, 32 education, 236 embryo, 187 EMS, 1 energetics, 386 Enterococci, 22 erosion, 155 European valve snail, 135 eutrophication, 439 factor analysis, 174 fecal coliform, 105 filter feeding, 87 fish-habitat relationship, 466 fluvial, 343 food partitioning, 97 food web, 210, 267 forage fish, 466 fractionation, 509
freshwater bivalve, 87 fry emergence, 492 gene introgression, 482 geostatistics, 155 Great Lakes, 166, 277, 333 Great Lakes coastal marsh, 466 Great Lakes exotic invasive species, 68 growth, 386 growth model, 439 habitat, 492 Hamilton Harbour, 68 Holocene, 343 hydroacoustics, 426 ice boom, 288 innate, 296 inquiry teaching, 236 interactions, 386 interpolation, 155 interspecies competition , 68 invasion, 333 invasive species, 277, 367, 414 kairomone, 144 Keuka Lake, 1 kriging, 155 Lake Erie, 56, 78, 97, 288, 439, 482, 547 lake herring, 360, 426 Lake Huron, 405, 414 lake level, 306, 343 Lake Michigan, 135, 144, 245, 306, 343, 373 Lake of the Woods, 253 Lake Ontario, 68, 210, 219, 236, 296 Lake Simcoe, 322 Lake Superior, 116, 135, 227, 426 Lake Tanganyika, 509, 535 lake trout, 1, 187, 492 larval fish, 296 learned, 296 Lepomis gibbosus, 397 Lepomis macrochirus, 397 Les Cheneaux, 466 limnology, 236 littoral zone, 439
mating disruption, 166 metals, 105 Microcystis, 32 mirex, 210 model, 32 modeling, 373 mortality, 296 mtDNA control region, 482 Mysis relicta, 144 native and exotic fishes, 405 nekton, 333 Neogobius melanostomus, 78, 125 New York, 288 nonindigenous species, 97, 135, 333, 367 non-siphon feeding, 87 nutrient status, 322 Old Woman Creek, 56 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, 11 Oneida Lake, 135 PAHs, 456 patches, 466 PBDE, 227 PCB, 227, 397 PCB congeners, 174 phenology, 245 phenotypic plasticity, 144 pheromones, 166 phosphorus, 322 phytoplankton, 32, 322, 535 pink salmon, 11 population dynamics, 414 population structure, 11 predation, 267 R factor, 155 radar altimetry, 520 radionuclides, 56 rainbow smelt, 426 rainbow trout, 386 rainfall erosivity, 155 rapid cooling event, 360 receiving waters, 105 recreational water quality, 116 reproductive rate, 227 respiration, 125 restoration, 267, 492 round gobies, 405 round goby, 78, 125, 414
Saginaw Bay, 32 Salvelinus namaycush, 187 scanning electron microscopy, 187 sculpins, 1 sea lamprey management, 166 seasonality, 535 sediment, 56, 456 sediment budgets, 56 sediment transport, 373 sediments, 174 shore erosion, 306 silicon isotopes, 509 slimy sculpin, 267 soil loss, 155 source apportionment, 456 source tracking, 22 spatial patterns, 253 spawning, 1, 492 spawning migration, 11 species composition, 535 species invasions, 267 St. Lawrence River, 367 St. Marys River, 11 stable isotopes, 97 stomach analysis, 210 stratigraphy, 343 substrate, 78 temperature, 187, 386 total phosphorus, 253 trapping, 166 Typha beds, 333 underground water, 520 unionid, 87 USLE, 155 Valvata piscinalis, 135 vertical distribution, 296 vertical migration, 144 viruses, 22 water balance, 520 water quality, 22, 253, 547 watershed planning, 105 wave-impact height, 306 wetland, 56 zebra mussels, 32 zooplankton, 245
Reviewer Index Ackerman, J.D. Aday, D. Assel, R.A. Barbiero, B. Barton, D.R. Berg, M.B. Birkett, C.M. Brazner, J. Breck, J.E. Bronte, C.R. Burkhard, L.P. Camp, J. Chen, C. Chipps, S.R. Corkum, L.D. Croley, T. Domske, H. Doskey, P.V. Fisher, S.W. Fitzsimons, J. Fox, M. Francoeur, S.N. Furey, P. Glymph, T. Hallerman, E. Harvey, B.C. He, J.X. Hecky, R.E. Herendeen, R.A. Honeyfield, D.C. Horns, B. Hudon, C. Hudson, P.L. Hynes, H.B.N. James, B.
Janssen, J. Jude, D.J.
Pillsbury, R. Pinowska, A. Power, M. Prasch, A.
Kaur, J. Kayle, K. Kehew, A.E. Kelsey, D. Kerfoot, W.C. Kling, H. Krueger, C.
Reid, D. Rise, M. Robbins, J.A. Rudstam, L.
Lamon III, E.C. Landrum, P.F. Lauer, T.E. Lavrentyev, P. Leon, L. Letcher, B. Lowe, R.L. Lozano, S.J. Mackie, G. Makarewicz, J. Mandrak, N.E. Marsden, J.E. Matisoff, G, McGowan, K.J. McLellan, S. Means, J. Mickelson, D.M. Millie, D. Miner, J.G. Mode, W. Morrison, B.J. Murphy, T.J.
Savin, J. Schaner, T. Schertzer, W.M. Schlieder, E.G. Schultz, K. Shamsi, S. Shutt, L. Silverman, E. Sloan, L.C. Sonzogni, W.C. Standridge, J. Stieglitz, R.D. Strange, R. Strayer, D. Sturtevant, R. Sutherland, D. Swackhamer, D.L. Trebitz, A. Uzarski, D.G. Vaughn, C.C.
O’Neil, S.
Washburn, B. Weilhoefer, C.L. Weseloh, C. Whitledge, G. Wilcox, D. Wright, S.
Painter, S.
Yule, D.
Nalepa, T.F. Neilson, M. Nichols, S.J.