Oceanographic Abstracts
Though the larvae are capable of swimming, they do not usually do so, but crawl about and soon attach themselves to rock surfaces near the tubes of their parents, particularly when stimulated by the presence of the coralline alga Lithophyllum incrustans. They will not settle on Fucus serratus. S. rupestris is found typically on rock surfaces in well-illuminated places throughout the lower half of the shore, generally associated with Lithophyllum. It is abundant on the shores of south-west Britain, except where there is scouring by wave-borne particles. GIBSON, B. W. 1962. The nature of the sea surface as deduced from composite temperature analysis. Deut. Hydrogr. Zeits. 15(2): 72-77. A technique is described for preparing detailed sea surface temperature analyses for large ocean areas utilizing injection temperature observations from commercial ships. The inadequacies of analyses based on averaged data are discussed, as well as some of the difficulties inherent in contouring scalar fields. Sea surface temperatures are interpreted according to some concepts derived from cross sectional profiles and surface current data. Isotach analyses of mean current drift are considered as flow patterns to aid temperature analysis in areas where data are sparse. Die Schwankungen der Oberfltichentemperatur des Meeres nach der zusammengesetzten Temperaturanalyse (Zusammenfassung). Es wird eine Methode beschrieben, die geeignet ist, mittels Temperaturbeobachtungen von Handelsschiffen aus die Vorarbeiten zu detaillierten Analysen yon Oberflttchentemperaturen in groBrttumigen Meeresgebieten durchzuftihren. Die Unzultinglichkeit von Analysen gemittelter Werte sowie einige Schwierigkeiten bei der graphischen Darstelhing yon Skalarfeldern werden besprochen. Gem~il3 den Vorstellungen, die yon Querschnittsprofilen und Oberfltichenstromwerten abgeleitet wurden, werden Oberfltichentemperaturen gedeutet. U m die Temperaturanalyse in Gebieten mit geringen Beobachtungen zu erleichtern, werden Isotachen-Analysen mittlerer StrSmungswerte als Str6mungsvorbilder benutzt. La nature de la temp6rature superficielle de l a m e r suivant l'analyse compos6e de la temp6rature (R.6sum6). L'article actuel d6crit une m6thode propre/t pr6parer, au moyen des observations de la temp6rature fares au bord des navires marchands, des analyses d6taill6es de la temp6rature superficielle dans de grandes 6tendues oc6aniques. I.'impropri6t6 de l'analyse des valeurs moyennes ainsi que plusieurs difficult~s que l'on rencontre en repr6sentant des champs scalaires sont expos6es. Suivant les conceptions d6duites des coupes transversales et des courants de surface, on interpr&e les temp6ratures superficielles des courants de l'oc6an. Dans le but de faciliter l'analyse des temp6ratures dans de grandes zones oc6aniques off des observations sont rares, on se serve comme mod61e de courant des analyses des isotaches des valeurs moyennes de courants. * Submitted October 1961 for publication in Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift. GOODRICH, F. C. 1962. On the damping of water waves by monomolecular films. J. Phys. Chem. 66(10): 1858-1863. Some features of a generalized theory of monolayer rheology are described, with particular reference to the problem of wave damping by surface active substances. Experiments on wave attenuation by fatty alcohols and acids are reported and discussed in terms of the theory.
GORSLINE,D. S. and R. A. STEWART 1962. Benthic marine exploration of Bahia de San Quintin, Baja California, 1960-1961. Marine and quartenary geology Pacific Naturalist, 3(8): 282-319. San Quintin Bay is a small " Y " shaped bay located approximately ninety miles south of Ensenada on the Pacific Coast of the Baja California Peninsula. The western arm is a coastal lagoon formed by a tombolo connecting a volcanic cone, Mt. Mazo, with a central group of volcanic hills located in the seaward edge of the Santa Maria Plain. The eastern arm is a drowned estuary of the Santa Maria Plain. The volcanics have controlled the pattern of the drainage on the coastal plain surface and also are a resistant bulwark against wave attack which has strongly influenced the pattern of development of the present shore. The sediments of the bay system form a continuous textural sequence representing the end product of wave and tidal current sorting of the present sediment contribution. This sediment is predominantly detrital and may be almost entirely derived from local erosion and reworking of coastal plain sands, silts and clays and older dune sands. The sediments are quite uniform mineralogically. Percentages of organic content are similar to values determined for shelf sediments in the California area except in the bayshore marshes where large concentrations of organic matter are preserved. No important carbonate deposits or authigenic deposits are present in the bay system. Thus, texture is probably the prime sedimentologic factor in the development of biologic communities of the bay floor. The present form of the bay is concluded to be the result of wave and tidal processes operating over the la:~t 5000 to 6000 years. GRASSHOrF, K. 1962. Investigations on the determination of soluble oxygen in sea water. Part 1.
Kieler Meeresf. 18(1) : 42-50. D u t c h zweckmaBig angesetzte Experimente wurden die systematischen Fehler der chemischen Sauerstoffbestimmung in Meerwasser nach der WiNKtER-Methode aufgedeckt und die Fehler der