ticularlv vaIuabIe in that it emphasizes the mechaiistic problems involved. We note that the author makes mention of brachial plexus pressure by the first rib, a condition described first by his felIow-townsman, Bramwell, the neuroIogist, and treated surgically by Stiles, also of Edinburgh, but concerning which there has been exceedingly Iittle in American literature. The description of subdehoid bursitis is in se\-craI respects faulty and appears to indicate a very limiteci experience with that affection. It gives the reader an erroneous impression concerning the significance and location of sometimes associated lime deposit and of its rationa treatment.
fracture as a factor in the earIy rehabilitation of the patient. Where traction was necessary, as in the case of fractures of the thigh or of the upper part of the arm, he apparentIy prefers skeIeta1 traction to skin traction. In practicaIIy a11 types of fractures, the principIe of “functional treatment” was adhered to rigidly wherever possibIe. This invoIves aImost immediate institution of massage and mechanotherapy and the early active use of the injured limb. In cases treated in this manner, before the deveIopment of a firm bony callus, the author shows that the tota period of treatment was seIdom more than two or three weeks longer than the time required for the appearance of a firm callus. In this manner, the long periods
SURGICAL DIAGNOSIS FOR STUDENTS .~ND PRACTITIONERS. By F. de Quervain, Prof. of Surgery and Director of SurgicaI Clinic, Univ. of Berne. Trans. by J. Snowman, M.D. EngIish Ed. 4, 8~0. $14. Pp. 937; 750 illus., 7 PI. N. Y. WiIIiam Wood & Co., 1926.
of neurasthenic disabiIity are avoid& and the hopeful mental attitude of the patient is maintained. To achieve such resuhs, it is the author’s opinion that the fundamenta1 principle of immobilizing both the joint above and beIow the site of a fracture must be completely disregarded and the use of circular pIaster bandages must be compIeteIy discarded.
This is a transIation of the as yet unpubIished ninth German edition. As its title indicates, the work emphasizes chnical as contrasted with laboratory diagnosis. It bears the individuality of the author and both in its profusion of iIIustrations and in its text it refIects the Iarge experience of this Swiss master of surgery. BEOBACHTUNGEN UND ERCEBNISSE BEI EINER FUNFJAHRIGEN FRAKTURENBEHANDLUNG. (h’linische und unfallmedizinische Feststellungen). By Dr. Hans ScheffIer, Assistenzarzt am Krankenhaus BergmannsheiI in Bochum. 8~0. Price, M. 3. Pp. 85; 18 iIIus. Berlin: Juiius Springer, 1927. This brochure appeared first in the twentyfourth voIume of the Archiv fiir Ortbopedische und Unfall-chirurgie. It was written with the purpose of presenting accurate information on the etiology, the type of treatment and the tota period of disabiIity of the various kinds of fractures exclusive of fractures of the peIvis, the skuI1 and the spina coIumn. Though the author’s materia1 was drawn entireIy from a mining population subjected to the injuries common in mines, many of the concIusions reached may with confidence be appIied to the fractures ordinarily seen in any Iarge city. The author Iays particuIar stress on the importance of immediate treatment of the
ORGANISATION UND ORDNUNGSGEM~SER BETRIEB DES OPERATIONSSAALS. By Prof. Dr. Max Kappis, Hannover. Paper. r6mo. Price, M. 4.80. Pp. rgg; 28 illus. Leipzig: Georg Thieme, r 927. As a resuIt of his efforts in the construction of a new surgica1 pavilion at the hospita1 with which he is connected, the author has had to formuIate definite opinions on the details of construction and management of the operating theater. The probIems of sterilization, the type of instruments to be used, the linen, suture materia1 and the thousand and one minutiae, which every surgeon expects in the operating room without knowing in particular how they are prepared, are discussed in this IittIe work with a thoroughness and conciseness which shouId recommend it both to the surgeon and to the hospita1 executive. The work is the crystallized thought of many years of active surgica1 practice and the opinions are practica1. DRINGLICHE OPERATIONEN. By Prof. Dr. AIexander Tietze, Primararzt am AIIerheiIigenhospita1 in Breslau. Ed. 2. Cloth. 8~0. Price, M. 33. Pp. 872; 384 illus., some COI. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1927. This volume on “ urgent operations ” is concerned not only with traumatic surgery but aIso with conditions of any sort in which the