EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS dence in their ability to make independent decisions. This educationally sound objective is achieved thru an interactive approach that will hold the attention of teens as they explore the alternatives to their decisions related to smoking . Although somewhat lengthy-it is estimated that it takes from 20-35 minutes to run the entire program-the program is technically efficient. This creative approach to increasing knowledge and awareness of adolescents would be a valuable educational tool in a teen health education program. Priscilla Naworski, M.S ., Director, Nutrition Resource Center, Vallejo School District, 321 Wallace Avenue, Vallejo, CA 94590, and Linda Frommer, MPH Candidate, Berkeley, School of Public Health, University of California, CA 94720.
Can Exercise Lead to Menstrual Problems?, Hiatt, J., 1984. From Network Publications, ETR Associates, 1700 Mission St., Suite 203, Box 8506, Santa Cruz, CA 95061, 3-fold brochure, 15¢ each, bulk prices available , minimum order $1. add 15% postage and handling. Now that women have traded corsets for athletic bras, a new area of research has come to the fore: special concerns of the female athlete. This brochure addresses one of these issues, sports amenorrhea and menstrual irregularity. The author discusses possible causes, potential reversibility of the conditions, and when to seek medical advice. But the brochure also includes a description of some of the benefits of athletic involvement, which helps to balance the pamphlet's tone. This booklet will be informative for any female athlete who has a fairly good science background. (The author assumes that the reader will understand terms such as "endocrine" and "menstrual functioning.") The brochure is well organized and accurate, and it includes highlighted typeface. I was disappointed, however, that it did not include a discussion of some of the nonreproductive effects of sports-induced menstrual irregularity and amenorrhea, such as reduced bone density. It also did not include one very pertinent fact: Sports amenorrhea is not a surefire method of birth control. Thus, I 210
would suggest this brochure as an introduction to the subject but not as a full explanation of the issue. Leslee R. Carver, R.D., M.S.P.H., Outpatient and Sports Nutritionist, 626 W Surf, 3B, Chicago IL 60657. NEW PUBLICATION
Consumer Health & Nutrition Index, Bernoff, B., ed .. vol. 1. no . 1, July 1985. From Oryx Press, 2214 North Central ap Encanto. PhoeniX. AZ 85004. quarterly, approximately 47 pp., $75 plus postage and handling. This publication indexes thirty-five consumer health periodicals and lists all articles and other materials from these periodicals that may help answer consumers' specific, practical healthcare questions . The first issue includes material published in the first quarter of 1985 from the following magazines and newsletters: ACSH News and Views, Accent on Living, Alcoholism. American Baby, American Health, Commitment/Focus (from Cystic Fibrosis Foundation). Dairy Council Digest, Diabetes Forecast. East West Journal. Environmental Nutrition Newsletter. FDA Consumer, Food and Nutrition News . Harvard Medical School Health Letter, Health, Health Facts, Health Values. Healthline, Journal of Health and Healing, Lawrence Review of Natural Products, Leukemia Society News, MDA News (from Muscular Dystrophy Association), Mayo Clinic Health Letter, Medical Abstracts Newsletter, Medical Self-Care, Medical Update, National Arthritis News, Network News (from National Women's Health Network), Nutrition Action, Nutrition News, Nutrition Today, Prevention, Tufts University Diet and Nutrition Letter, Vegetarian Times, Weight Watchers, and Well ness Letter (University of California at Berkeley). PAMPHLET
Facts About Down Syndrome, Tjossem, T., F. De La Cruz, and J. Muller, 1984. From Office of Research Reporting, NICHD, NIH, Bldg. 31, Rm . 2A32, 900 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20205,16 pp., pamphlet, single copies free . This pamphlet summarizes current information about Down Syndrome, for parents, families, and caretakers of children with this disorder. Topics include genetic and physical aspects; outlook; health and development; elementary school years; adult years; mental retardation research centers supported by the National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development (NICHD); and a table showing incidence of Down Syndrome relative to maternal age. This is a good, concise summary of the condition and the major physical, social. and emotional factors involved. The discussion of the genetic defect in chromosome pair 21 may be too technical for many readers. Otherwise, this pamphlet is a good reference for informed consumers and health and education professionals. FILMS
Health, 1983. From Woody Clark Productions, Inc., 943 Howard St., San Francisco, CA 94103, 26 min., VHS, Beta, 3/4" video, $300 plus $16 shipping, 16 mm., $500 plus $16 shipping. Also available, Hearl Attack, 1983, 26 min., VHS, Beta, 3/4" video, $300 plus $16 shipping, 16 mm. , $500 plus $16 shipping; and Cancer, 1984, 26 min., VHS, Beta, 3/4" video, $300 plus $16 shipping, 16 mm., $500 plus $16 shipping; 10% discount when all three films are purchased together, $800 plus $16 shipping for any videocassette format, $1350 plus $16 shipping for 16 mm.; prepaid orders, deduct 5% from either single or series price.
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Many people are familiar with the picture of Norman Cousins "curing" himself from major disease using such nontraditional techniques as laughter and positive mental attitudes. His experiences and personal philosophy of health and rehabilitation, which have been chronicled in his books, Anatomy of an Illness and The Healing Heart, are highlighted in this three-part series adapted from the film, The Healing Force. While Cousins has a very positive message about the individual's role in the fight against disease, an interesting aspect of these films is his insistence on cooperation between doctor, patient, and family. The emphasis on personal responsibility for both rehabilitation and prevention becomes increasingly important as modern science tells us that much of the premature VOLUME 17 NUMBER 5