Abstracts for Card Indexes
Effect of aflatoxin on rat liver lysosomes : A. A. Poxltovs>~r, L . V. KRAVCHENgO and V. A. T'irrB,YAN, Toxicon, 1972, 10, 25. (Laboratory of Medical Enzymology, Institute of Nutrition, Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Ustinsky pr., 2/14, Moscow, Abah~actThe effect of a~atoxin oa the activities of 5 rat liver lysosomal enzymes (acid deoxyribonuclease, arylaulfatases A and B, ß-glucuronidase, ß-glucosidase and ß-galactosidase) has been investigated in vivo and in vitro . Three hours after the administration of atlatoxin, activities of most of the enzymes increased significantly reaching maximal levels at 48 hr . The activity of acid DNase increased the most (276 per teat ofthe control level). At the same period (48 hr) the activity of thesoluble lysosomal enzymes greatly increased. Aflatoxinhad alabiliziag effect on lysosomal membranes, causing the release of lysoaomal enzymes into the supernatant. The data are discussed in connection with the biochemical mechanism of aflatoxiaintoxication.
Cardiovascular effects of cnidarian toxins : A comparison of toxins extracted from Chiropsajmus quadrigatas and Chironex,fieckeri : St~,mt E. Fx>1>3rtAN and R. J. T~ttx>~, Toxicon, 1972, 10, 31 . (Australian Defence Scientific Service, Defence Standards laboratories, Melbourne 3032, Australia) . Abstract-A comparison has been made of the pharmacologic properties of toxins isolated from Chlropsalmw quadrigatus and Chironex fleckeri. The effects of the toxins were studied in intact anaesthetized animals and is a number of isolated organpreparations . Toxin extracted from Chiropsalmus tentacle was found to resemble the previously reported Chironex cardiotoxin. However, it was less stable and its activity differed in onset and duration of effects. Toxin from Chiropsalmus caused an initial hypertensive response in animals due to direct vasoconstriction. This was followed by hypotension and cardiac irregularities . Arterial pressure oscillations were frequently seen prior to death. It was not possible to elicit a carotid occlusion reflex during the action of the toxins. Ganglion blocking drugs prevented oscillations by blocking the efferent arm of the vasomotor reflex arc. A stinging by either cnidariaa should produce similar symptoms, but Chironex appears the more dangerous species for man.
Phylogenetic relationships of proteroglyphae toxins : D. J. STRmoM, Toxicon, 1972,10, 39 . ('The National Chemical Research Laboratory, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, P.O. Box 395, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa). Abatrad-The amino acid sequ~ces of eleven Proteroglyphae toxins were used in setting up a phylogenetic relationship between téese toxins . A probable sequence of genetic events leading to this relationship is postulated.
Immuaological and histochemical identity of esterases and other antigens in elapid venons : D. MUNJAL and W. B. Er.~.ioTr, Toxicon,1972,10, 47. (Department ofBiochemistry, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14214, U.S.A.). Abatrad-Anhlwdies were prepared by hyperimmunizing rabbits with N~a naja, Bw~garus jasciatus, Agktstrodon piscivorus and Apis mell~fera (honeybee) venons. By using immunoelectrophoresis, Ouchterlo~y technique and histochemical reactions, the identity of certain antigenic components and eaterases in several elapid v~oma has boon demonstrated. There are a number of pt~ecipitia lines of identity for venom components in Ngja species, while venons of Bulganu, Dendroaspis, Micrurus, BitLs and Agklstrodon species gave mostly lines of non-identity or no precipitin lines with Naja nrtja antiserum. Further, it has been shown that several of the esterases present in Ngja species are immunologically identical, while esterasea from Dendroaspir, Micrurus, Bitis, Agkistrodon species and bee venom are not immuaologically identical to those in the N~a species venons . TOXICON 1973 Yd.10.