115 and from that experience I have been led to the conclusion CASE TENDING TO PROVE THE UNEQUIVOCAI that it exerts no particular influence in EFFICIE...

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115 and from that experience I have been led to the conclusion CASE TENDING TO PROVE THE UNEQUIVOCAI that it exerts no particular influence in EFFICIENCY OF THE obliging the uterus to retain the placenta obstinately after expulsion of the foetus. I SECALE CORNUTUM have had frequent opportunities of intro. IN MENORRHAGIA RUBRA. ducing my hand into the uterus, both be.. With adventitious Remarks on fore and after foetal delivery, but the impediments now have not been more numerous ADHESION OF THE OBSTINATE PLACENTA, than before the ergot was generally intro. AND ON FŒTAL EVOLUTION. duced. By RICHARD LANYON, Jun., Esq., My practice furnished me some short time since with rather an extraordinary F.A.S., &c., Lostwithiel. woman who, on her previous obtrude lave obtruded accouchements, had been disposed to fear. IT was not my intention to have on TnE LANCET any further remarks on the ful haemorrhagic discharges, took a full dose the ergot immediately on my entering ergot of rye, conceiving its use to be too firmly established in practice to require 1her room. This was her fifth labour, the further commendation; but the discussion membranes had been ruptured before my to which it some time since gave rise in thearrival, the os uteri was dilated to about Westminster 3ledicul Society, together withthe size of a crown-piece, and was not the contradictory statements which that dis- rigid, with a vertex presentation. The cussion elicited, will, 1 hope, be deemed a parturient efforts had subsided sometime besufficient apology for my wishing’ to place fore 1 arrived, and having waited nearly on record the following case :— two hours after the ergot had been exhibitAbout eight months since a woman ofed before they returned, I then examined, good constitution, the mother of severaland to my astonishment found the vertex children, rot. 40, was the subject of obsti- presentation replaced by-the arm protruding nate sanguineous uterine discharge, whichinto the vagina. Delivery, however, was was suffered to proceed uninterruptedly for very easily effected by the feet. Whether nearly two months. Eventually she be- this evolution was induced by the secale came alarmed, and sought relief, which the cornutum or was spontaneous, is a point which can only be determined by future exusual treatment refused to afford. At this period I saw her, and was in- perience. Oct. 1831. formed that the discharge had intermitted occasionally for a few days, that it had ever been small in quantity, and that she was more alarmed by its continuance than CASE OF byits severity. She had been taking the dilute sulphuric acid,which was recommendFRACTURE OF THE OS PUBIS, ed to be continued in increased doses ; and as her spirits were good, with a pulse indiWITH SEVERE INJURY OF THE cative of considerable constitutional energy, BLADDER AND RECTUM. and, more especially, as she was not a little inclined to the en bon point, it was thought By ROBERT MERRY, Esq., M.R.C.S., and late advisable to institute a decisive general House-Surgeon to the West Herts Infirmary. bleeding. The horizontal position was strictly enjoined, and cold epithems to the GEORGE BEDFORD, ætat. 42, was admitpudenda perseveringly used. After continu- ted a patient of the West Ilerts Infirmary ing this treatment several days ineffectually, On the 3d of June, 1830. Four P.M. I understood from the persons it was determined still to persevere with precisely the same remedies independently who brought him, that whilst adjusting a of the bleeding, and thinking this an excel- stone behind the wheel of a heavily-laden lentopportunity to prove the efficiency or timber carriage, he slipped down, and ere non-efficiency of the secale cornutum, its in- he could regain his feet, the hind wheel fusion was made a vehicle for the adminis- backed over him, and the fore-wheel rested tration of the acid. Two scruples of the for some seconds on his hip. Complains of ergot in rough powder being infused for two severe pain of the right hip, pubic, and hours in four ounces of boiling water, a right renal region; great pain also at the quarter part was directed to be taken every lower part of the abdomen, augmented by hve hours, which in two days arrested the the slightest pressure, with inability to discharge. She regularly continued her move the lower extremities ; about an medicine for three weeks without a relapse. ounce of grumous blood passed per ureFew persons have had more frequent thram;pulse 100, full; has no power to void opportunities of u-dngthe ergot very ex- his urine. Upon minutely examiningthe

tensively than myself,


case. A
