857 a polypus forceps. The operepeated, until all the parts of the fœtus were removed ; the patient gra’ dually recovered strength, and in a fortUSE OF THE SECALE CORNUTUM; night was restored to her family. Four CHILD EXPELLED BY THE RECTUM. ! months have elapsed since the expulsion of the foetus, and she now enjoys perfect Fil. Sebezio, Decem. 1834. By Professor PETRUNTI.
lumn, with
thirty-six years of
age, mother of six children, had, besides a suppression of the menses, every other symptom of her former pregnancies ; in
to these she had violent
pain in and was much agiiated ; tumid and painful. The physicians were unable to agree upon a diagnosis, from the uncertainty of the symptoms. Three months after the first suppression of the menses, the abdominal pains came on with increased intensity, and the patient, who was anected with constant fever, became very thin. A small hard tumour was now noticed above the pubis : it was circumscribed, inclined to the right, and gradually enlarged. This was taken at first for a tumour of the ovary, but after some time the movements felt left no doubt of the existence of pregnancy. The mammæ were much cleveloped, and furnished serum. The patient was affected with a constipation so obstinate, that no purgative medicine could overcome it; the transverse colon was evidently full of fecal matter; the whole abdomen was painful, and the patient constantly delirious. In spite of the cirthe the
abdomen, belly was
just noticed,
denied the existence of pregnancy, and
To the Editor
of THE
SIR,—The public attention having been so much directed, through your pages and
of the non-medical press, to the conof the scalp, it appears to me that 1 may not inappropriately subscribe some useful information on the subject in the shape of a few brief extracts from my forthcoming work on diseases of the skin. I am further persuaded so to do, from the more than usual prevalence of that disease among the children of all classes of society at the present period, and I trust you will find room for their insertion on the score of public utility, if you consider them calculated to promote that end. The columns of THE LANCET are too usefully employed, at all times, to tolerate lengthy dissertations which do not tend With a due conto effect a public good. sideration, therefore, of the utility of my remarks, and the value of your space, I shall endeavour to make what I have to say as short as possible. 1 am, Sir, your very obedient servant, SAMUEL PLUMBE. 14, Southampton-street, March 9, 1835.
tagious ring-worm
supposing the uterus was filled with a quantity of clotted blood, prescribed the ergot of rye; this medicine only augmented the patient’s sufferings, and brought away a little liquid blood from ! the uterus. The tumour now disappeared The ring-worm, that very unmanageinto the pelvis; the motions ceased to be’, able form of porrigo," has been describe felt; and the constipation became still with much circumlocution by differen The patient had a authors, and in some of their descriptions more rebellious. "
consciousness that her rectum was obli-! the features which it is said to exhibit to that disease, unless was constantly tormented by never belonged efforts to go to stool. She passed the they have been tortured into a change of seventh month in this miserable state, ex- character by stimulant and caustic applications. pecting to die every moment. One the tenesmus was so violent, that she was The contagious ring-worm, as seen on forced to introduce a finger into the rec- parts of the body which are not covered by tum as high as she could ; the finger hair, is exceedingly simple in its nature, struck against a hard body. After a se- and easily removeable by the application cond introduction, she had the courage to of a slight stimulant or astringent. Thus, extract the foreign body, which was the schoolboys easily rid themselves of it by lower jaw-bone of a fcetus several months the application of ink or alum. Not so, old. Some very fetid matter now came however, on the scalp. On the skin of away, and M. PETRUNTI on the following other parts, it seldom arrives at the size day succeeded in extracting various bones of a silver penny piece, while it is often of the skull, and the whole vertebral co- not noticed on the scalp before it has ax-
terated, and