Ceetak celebrates its 40th anniversary

Ceetak celebrates its 40th anniversary

NEWS seals, together with associated fluid sealing products. Its operations comply with the ISO 9001:2008 quality management standard. Contact: Ceeta...

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NEWS seals, together with associated fluid sealing products. Its operations comply with the ISO 9001:2008 quality management standard.

Contact: Ceetak Ltd, Fraser Road, Priory Business Park, Bedford MK44 3WH, UK. Tel: +44 1234 832200, Fax: +44 1234 832299, Email: [email protected], Web: www.ceetak.com

Contact: Moontown Ltd, Unit 16D, Unity Road, Lowmoor Business Park, Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottingham NG17 7LE, UK. Tel: +44 1623 751515 Fax: +44 01623 753167, Email: [email protected], Web: www.moontown.co.uk

Conferences and Meetings News

Ceetak celebrates its 40th anniversary

Conference covers elastomers, thermoplastics and thermo-composites


ealing products company Ceetak Ltd of Bedford, UK, celebrated its 40th anniversary in January this year. The company was established in January 1974. Founder and owner Ray Baron initially set up the business, which supplied mechanical seals on behalf of French manufacturer Ropak, in a spare room. Two years later it moved to its first official premises – a small house in Grove Place, Bedford. In the same year, an exclusive distributorship agreement was negotiated and signed with Parker-Praedifa Germany, which until then had no presence in the UK market for its range of seals. This partnership is still in place today, and enables Ceetak to specify and sell the Praedifa range of pneumatic and hydraulic seals, and O-rings within the UK market place. To accommodate further growth the business relocated to the outskirts of Elms Farm Trading Estate in 1985 to a larger, purpose-built building with more office and warehouse space. In the early 1990s the heat-sealing technology division of the company was founded and it began developing the different film sealing technologies it designs for customers and retrofits today. The next expansion was in January 2000, with the formation of the Aberdeen branch of Ceetak, which was established to exclusively service the ever growing requirements of the oil and gas industry of the North Sea and surrounding areas. In 2007, continued success and growth brought the inevitable move to larger premises in Priory Business Park and in 2011 a further internal extension was required to bring a total of just over 1300 m2 (14 000 ft2) of office and warehouse space. The company invested in carousel and storage technology; an independent test and design area for heat-sealing technology research and development and machine build; a dedicated quality control and inspection department, housing specialist measuring and material testing machines and equipment; and an engineering design office with simulation and CAD software.

March 2014


fter sixteen years of dedication to the non-metallic materials industry, Smithers Rapra’s High Performance Polymers for Oil & Gas conference is returning on 15–16 April. The event, which is being held in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, is devoted to high performance elastomers, thermoplastics and thermo-composites. This year’s line-up of speakers will focus on the developments and use of elastomers, as well as research and application of composites in the oil and gas market. The full conference programme can be downloaded from the Web-site at the address given below.

Contact: Rachel Montgomery, Conference Producer, Smithers Rapra, Shawbury, Shropshire SY4 4NR, UK. Tel: +44 1939 252421, Email: [email protected] Web: www.oilgasconference.com/home.aspx Web: http://downloads.smithersrapra.com/hppog14_brochure

SAE 2014 World Congress takes place in April


he Society of Automotive Engineers’ (SAE) 2014 World Congress & Exhibition takes place on 8–10 April 2014 in Detroit, Michigan, USA. This year’s congress includes technical sessions that cover: UÊ UÊ UÊ UÊ UÊ

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IN BRIEF Guide to selecting fluid-dispensing equipment published Nordson EFD has published a new guide to dispensing fluids for automotive applications. Entitled ‘Recommendations for High Performance Dispensing in the Automotive Industry’, the thirteen-page publication explains how to maximise the use of precision dispensing equipment. According to the company, automotive manufacturers are using more adhesives, sealants, oils and coatings than ever before. Precision is critical as many of these deposits seal components from environmental damage and general wear and tear. The document provides examples of automotive applications, describes how customers can benefit from precision dispensing, and gives a detailed explanation of the types of dispensing equipment recommended for each application. Specific recommendations cover dispensing sealants onto hydraulic pumps, motor housings or drive shafts. More information: Web: www.nordsonefd.com/AutomotiveGuide Flowserve acquires Innovative Mag-Drive Flowserve Corp, one of the world’s leading providers of fluid-motion and control products and services, recently acquired Innovative Mag-Drive Llc, a privately owned US-based manufacturer of sealless magnetic drive centrifugal pumps used primarily in the chemicals and general industries. Flowserve says this acquisition will provide it with additional sealless, zero-emission pump technology that is used increasingly in the global petrochemicals, organic chemical and pharmaceuticals industries, which are core markets for the company. Beele flyer focuses on shipbuilding and offshore industry Beele Engineering Bv of Aalten, The Netherlands, has published a flyer that covers all of its products and systems for the shipbuilding and offshore industry. Entitled ‘Products of choice: sealing systems for cable and pipe transits’, it features links to the installation videos on the firm’s Web-site. The flyer can be downloaded at the address given below. More information: Web: www.beele.eu/web/images/stories/ File/News/Flyer%20shipbuilding.pdf STLE Webinars scheduled for April US-based Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) is running a series of Webinars during 2014. Those scheduled for April include: ‘Flushing a Lubrication System’ and ‘10 Cardinal Sins in Hydraulic Fluids’ on 16 & 23 April, respectively. More information: Web: www.stle.org/events

Sealing Technology