Classic pages in
Obstetrics and Gynecology JOHN STUBBS PARRY
Extra-uterine pregnancy: its causes, species, pathologica, anatomy, clinical history, d...
Extra-uterine pregnancy: its causes, species, pathologica, anatomy, clinical history, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. Philadelphia, H. C. lea, 1876.
nW.o~llillal ey~t i•ll rnueb lehem'li&t. This t!ISOl ;vas reportedLy Rouesoau,' and tbe child WM removed ~y enuterlZt~ticn of tlre a?domen, a me tho~ of delivery which will be sepurately oonsJdered. Every effort hu been made to hl follo.wing talmlated a~tem~nt of the resultfi of ~trotomy, P<11'1Y applied. It i• ~'"~'Y difli. cult to avoid crroN of this kind. ThoUJrh we bdievc thiu to be tlte lat~t collection which has ever l>ee11 made, it is tlnubt! incomplete. \V'e luwe exdudet!!OO which have hoon beli.:.ved by others to l>e genuine gs.sti'OtomiM. Am~ong these is that of Buhl, inclmled bv Keller' in his list. The original aooount could oot oo pmet;red, hut the cxnmiuation of ah&trnei!J of t h e - led to the couclu3iolt that it lut
trotomy. T.taLE atww.n~lft.t'8 of $2 thstooromcs..,. TUB RBMovAL oP Jlnu.u'RI!atJIWI. a. Primo.rg ()perolit»tll, in wlllch ""' inclwkd all Operatifms r-· /wmed d~;rirtg or at IM, end~( GeiiiGtion.