New Zealand Pharm. Soc. of New Zealand-G.W. Jack· man. registrar. P.O. Box 6329, Wellington.
Asociacion de Quimica y Farmacia del Uruguay-J. Aros Potns, secy.·gen., Agra· ciada 1464 Pisco 14, Montevideo.
Nicaragua Asociacion Farmaceutica NicareguenseMasricio Palla is Lacayo, secy., Calle 15 de Septiembre 712 Oeste, Managua, D.N.
Venezuela Colegio de Farmaceuticos del Distrito Federal-Luis E. Hinojosa, secy ., Apartado de Correos 224, Caracas.
Nigeria Pharm. Soc. of Nigeria-A.O. Ransome· Kuti, pres ., P.O. Box 456, Lagos . Northern Ireland
Yugoslavia Union des Societes Pharmaceutique de Yugoslavia-Zoro Blagojevic, secy.·gen., rue Mosa Pijade 12, Belgrade.
Pharm. Soc. of Northern Ireland-W. Gorman, secy., 73 University St., Belfast. Norway Norges Apotekerforening-L. secy., 3 Arbiens Gate, Oslo.
Norsk Farmaceutisk Selskap-Harald Kris· tiansen, secy., Inst. of Pharm., U. of Oslo, Blindern. Pakistan Pakistan Chemists and Druggists Association-Syed Mohammed Idrees, secy., 28 Aziz Chamber, City Court, Karachi. Panama Colegio Nacional de FarmaceuticosValentin Moreno, secy., Apartado 7623, Ave. Balboa , Panama City. Paraguay Colegio Quimico Farmaceutico Paraguayo -Jose A. Bergues, secy., Caja Postal 191, Asuncion. Peru Federacion Nacional de Quimicos Farmaceuticos-Gilberto de la Guarda, secy. , Cas ilia 2568, Lima. Sociedad Quimica del Peru-Juan de Dios Guerara R., secy.·gen., Apartado 891, Lima. Philippines Philippine Pharm . Assn.-Emilio D. Es· pinosa, exec. secy., 223 Isabel Bldg., Isabel St., Sampaloc, Manila . Poland Polskie Towarzystwo, FarmaceutyczneE. Szyszko, gen. secy., 16 Dluga St .. Warsaw. Portugal Sindicato Nacional Dos FarmaceuticosJ.L. Oliveira Peru, pres., 18 Rue de Socie· dade Farmaceutica, Lisbon . Romania Union des Soc. des Scis. MedicalesZotta Victor, secy., 10 str., Progresul, Bucha· rest. Spain Consejo GeneralIde Colegios Oficiales de farmaceuticos-Juan de Comenge y Gerpe, secy., Villanueva 11, Madrid. South Africa Pharm. Soc. of S. Africa-J.H. de]Jager, secy., 80 Jorissen St ., Braamfontein, Johan· nesburg. Sweden Apotekarsocieteten-S. Eklund, exec. dir., 26 Wallingatan, Stockholm. Sveriges Farmaceutforbund-H . Arvidsson, pres., 26 Vallingatan, Stockholm. Switzerland Schweizerischer Apoth e ke rve re i n-J . Bider, J. Metzger, secies ., Sihlstrass e37, 8001, Zurich. Thailand Pharm. Assn. of Thailand-Saladaeng Villa, Bangkok. Tunisia Conseil del'Ordre des"" Pharmaciens de Tunisie-A. Zouiten, pres., 6 Bis Rue d'Athenes, Tunis. Turkey Turkish Pharm. Assn.-Salahattin Tandal, pres., Cagaloglu, Ortaklar Han, Istanbul.
Colleges of Pharmacy
Fraternities, Sororities and Honor Societies Alpha Zeta Omega-Nathan L. Pack, secy., 25605 Grand Concourse, Southfield, Mich. Directorum: Robert Kirschner, Brooklyn 18, N.Y.; Sub-Directorums: Herbert S. Garde, Bala·Cynwyd, Pa.; David P. Rosen· field. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Exchequer: Benjamin Pinsky, Philadelphia, Pa.; Bd. Mem.·at· Large: Harold M. Goldfeder, Washington, D.C.; Ed., The Azoan: Marvin D. Dorskind, 84·35 Lander St., Jamaica, N.Y.; Chaps.: 32. Delta Sigma Theta-Donald La Ruffa, suo preme royal scribe, 139-16 73rd Terr., Flushing, N.Y . Supreme Royal Chancellor: Frank Consoli, Brooklyn, N .Y.; Supreme Royal V. Chancellor: Lou Demonsthenous, Springfield, Mass .; Supreme Royal Treas.: Les Trau· ner, Elmhurst, N.Y.; Chaps.: Active, 18; Alumni, 3. Kappa Epsilon-Carol Ann Richardson, secy., 1901 Elizabeth Drive , Brownwood, Tex. 76801. Pres.: Jean Hersh Barshay, Scottsdale, Ariz.; V.Ps.: Metta Lou Henderson, Battle Creek, Mich.; Loui se Mues Olson, Co· lumbus, Ohio; Beverly Pralguske , Mil· waukee, Wis.; Treas.: Laurene Johnson Rick, Minneapolis, Minn.; Ed.: The Bond of Kappa Epsilon: Joanne B. Branson, 4800 Davenport N .W., Washington, D.C. 20016. Chaps.: Collegiate, 30; Alumnae, 13. Kappa Psi-Gerald C. Henney, exec. secy., 310 S. Euclid Ave ., St. Louis, Mo. Regent: Glen J. Sperandio , Lafayette, Ind.; V. Regents: Walter R. Williams, Storrs, Conn .; Wallace L. Guess, Austin, Tex.; James P. Vacik, Fargo, N.D.; Historian: Leo A. Sciuchetti, Corvallis, Oreg.; Ed., The Mask of Kappa Psi: Nicholas W. Fenney, 62 Broadfield Rd., Hamden 17, Conn. Chaps.: Active, 54 ; Graduate, 22. Lambda Kappa Sigma-Pat Tanac, secy., 18533 Burke Ave . N., Seattle 33, Wash. Pres.: Mary Gilbert, Wethersfield, Conn .; V.P.: Carolina GalaSSI, Belmont, Mass.; Treas.: Ethel Herdlicka, Chicago, III.; Ed., The Blue and Gold Triangle: Donna Michael, 7729 Chapoton St., Utica, Mich. 48087. Chaps.: 39. Phi Delta Chi-Rand P. Hollenback, secy., 3134 N . High St., Columbus, Ohio 43202. Pres.: Dale W. Doerr, Indianapolis, Ind.; V.P.: William J. Sheffield, Austin, Tex., Ed., The Communicator: Conrad A. Blom· quist, Col. of Pharm., U. of III., 833 S. Wood St., Chicago 12, III. Rho Chi-William L. Blockstein, secy.-treas., School of Pharm., U. of Wis., Madison, Wis. 53706. Pres.: Edward J. Rowe, Indianapolis, Ind.; V.P.; John G. Adams, Storrs, Conn .; Council Mems.: Gilbert S. Banker, Frank M . Goyan, John W. Schermerhorn, Taito O. SOlne; Report of Rho Chi: William L. Block· stein, School of Pharm., U . of Wis. Madison, Wis. 53706. Rho Pi Phi-Philip Ritzlin, secy., 5532 W . Monroe St., Chicago, III. 60644. Councilor: Howard Schwartz, N. Syracuse, N.Y.; V. Councilors: Bernard B. Brody, Chicago, III.; Ascher B. Kauffman, Phila· delphia , Pa .; DaVid Brown, Buffalo, N.Y.; Robert E. White, Dorchester, Mass.; Exchequer: Joseph Litchen, Toronto, Ont., Can. ; Legal Advisor: Bernard B. Brody, Chicago, III. ; Pres., Rho Pi Phi Foundation: Myer HurWitz, Syracuse, N.Y.; Ed., Rope News: Irwin H. Kauffman, Bala·Cynwyd, Pa. Chaps.: Active,20: Alumni,20.
Alabama Auburn U.-School of Pharm ., Auburn 36830. Dean: Samuel T. Coker. APhA·APA Joint Student Chap.-Faculty Advisor: J.M. Rash; Pres.: Jimmy E. Ray; Secy.: Glenda McCartha. Howard Col.-Div. of Pharm ., 800 Lakeshore Dr., Birmingham 35209. Dir.: Woodrow R. Byrum . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: John E. Wintter; Pres.: Mike James; Secy.: Byron Randall.
Arizona u.
of Ariz.-Col. of Pharm ., Tucson 85721. Dean: Willis R. Brewer. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Joseph A. Zapotocky; Pres.: Philip H. Cogan; Secy.: Sharon Arentz .
Arkansas u.
of Ark.-School of Pharm ., Med. Center, Little Rock 72201. Dean: Stanley G. Mittel· staedt. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: James E. Dusenberry ; Pres.; Marion Berry; Secy.: Gayle Fowlkes.
California u. of Calif.-School of Pharm ., Med . Center, San Francisco 94122 . Dean: Troy C. Daniels. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Vincent Gardner; Pres.: Kenneth Horo· witz; Secy.: Judith Broock . U. of the Pacific-School of Pharm ., Stock· ton 95204. Dean: Ivan W. Rowland. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Charles W. Roscoe; Pres.: William A. Cody; Secy.: Pamela Bruno. U. of Southern Calif.-School of Pharm., 3518 University Ave ., Los Angeles 90007 . Dean: Alvah G. Hall. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Orville H . Miller; Pres.: Harold Washington; Secy.: Carole Fujita.
Colorado u. of Colo.-School of Pharm ., Boulder 80304. Dean: Harold C. Heim. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Francis C. Hammerness; Pres.: GeorgelR . Wilson; Secy.: Dolores Bononcini.
Connecticut u. of Conn.-School of Pharm., Box U·92, Storrs 06268. Dean: Harold G. Hewitt. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: John G. Adams; Pres.: Frederick Dobson ; Secy.: Karen Johnson .
District of Columbia Howard U.-Col. of Pharm ., Washington 20001. Dean: Chauncey I. Cooper. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Theodore B. Zalucky; Pres.: Terry M . Watts; Secy.: Joan M . Edwards.
Florida Fla. A and M U.-School of Pharm., Tal· lahassee 32307. Acting Dean: Murphy D. Jenkins. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Robert S. Scarbough, Jr.; Pres.: Evans Ward, Jr.; Secy.: Frances Carr. U. of Fla.-Col. of Pharm ., Gainesville 32602. Dean: Perry A. Foote. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Oscar Aranjo; P res.: Marsha A. Hesoun ; Secy.: Mary Lynne:Ketchey.
Georgia Mercer U.-Southern Col. of Pharm ., 223 Walton St. N .W., Atl a nta 30303. Dean: Oliver M . Littlejohn . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Cl ifto n F. Lord , Jr. ; Pres.: Wayn e H. Presto n; Secy.: Jo hn McLa in . U. of Ga.-Sc hool of Ph a rm ., Ath e ns 30601. Dean: K enn eth L. Wat ers . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Ben . F. Coo p er; Pres.: Albert F. Schwam· lei n ; Secy.: Ro bert Goodson .
Idaho Idaho State U.-Col. of Pha rm ., Pocate llo 83201. Dean: John V. B erge n . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Ch arl es F. Ba rfkne c ht; Pres.: Eugene Pa in e; Secy. : Su sa n Eva ns.
o f Ph a rm ., 636 Lomba rd St. , Ba ltimore 21201. Dean: Noel E. Foss . APhA-MPA Joint Student Chap .-Faculty Advisor: Dean E. Leavitt; Pres.: William Edmond son ; Secy.: M ic hael Walsh .
Massachusetts Mass. Col. of Pharm.-179 Lon gwood Ave ., Boston 02115. Dean: Howa rd L. Ree d . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Jo hn W. Sc h ermerh o rn ; Pres.: Jose ph A. Ba ll iro, III ; Secy.: Bar ba ra J . Haynes. Northeastern U.-Col. of Ph a rm. , 360 Huntin g ton Ave. , Boston 02115. Dean : Le Roy C. Keagle. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: O. Ja mes In ash ima; Pres.: Albert Gaul· t ie ri; Secy.: John Razzoto.
Michigan Illinois u.
of III.-Col. of Ph a rm ., 833 S. Wood St., Chi cago 60612. Dean: George L. Webste r. APhA·IPhA Joint Student Chap.-Faculty Advisor: H erbert M. Emig; Pres.: Ca thy Zwierzyna; Secy.: Michael W. Booth .
Indiana Butler U .-Col. of Ph a rm ., W. 46t h St., India n a polis 46207. Dean: K a rl L. K a uf m a n . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Melvin Wei n swig ; Pres.: Thom as L. Sc hen· del ; Secy.: Patrici a Lee rka mp. Purdue U.-Sc hool of Ph arm ., W. La f ay ette 47907. Dean: Gl e nn L. Je nkin s . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Robert Eva nson ; Pres.: Way ne Proff it t; Secy. : Beverly Zelnis.
Iowa Drake U.-Col. o f P ha rm. , versity, De s Moin es 50311. Benton . APhA-IPhA Joint Student Advisor: W.H. So utha rd ; Sm a ll ; Secy.: Kay Sm ith.
25t h a nd Uni· Dean: By rl E. Chap.-Faculty Pres.: Charles
State U. of Iowa-Col. of Ph arm ., Iow a City 52241. Dean: Louis C. Zopf. APhA-IPhA Joint Student Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Wendl e L. Kerr ; Pres.: Willi am Nash; Secy.: Cherie Sweeti ng.
Ferris State Col.-901 S. Sta t e St. , Bi g Ra p ids 49307. Dean: Edwa rd P. Cla us. APhA-MSPA Joint Student Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Will ia m C. Sunke s ; Pres.: Cra ig Ro se; Secy.: Ca ro l Green. U . of Mich.-Col. of Pha rm ., Ann Arbor 48104. Dean: Thom as D . Rowe. APhA- MSPA Joint Student Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Ja mes Rich ards; Pres:.Larry Burn ste in ; Secy.: Mary G. Asprin. Wayne State U.-Col. of Ph a rm ., 4841 Ca ss Ave ., Detroit 48202. Dean: M a rtin Ba rr. APhA-MSPA Joint Student Chap.-Fac"lty Advisor: M elvin F.W. Dun ker; Pres.: Willi am Smith; Secy.: Barba ra Pa v ic h.
N.E. La . State Col.-School of Ph a rm ., Monroe 71205. Dean: Ra lph M . Wilson . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: T ed Eick ho lt; Pres.: Edward C. Vocke , III; Secy. : Ray F. Foster, Jr. Xavier U.-Col. of Pharm ., Palmetto a nd Pin e Sts ., N ew Orlea ns 70125. Dean: Charles J . K elly. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Adv i sor: Law ren ce F. Ferrin g; Pres.: Ed mo nd Fran kl in ; Secy.: Beverly Guidry.
Fordham U.-Col.of Pha rm ., Bro nx 10458. Dean: Albert J . Si ca . APhA-PSSNY Joi nt 5tudent Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Bab u N . Patel; Pres. : David Bieber ; Secy.: Christ ina Al exa nder. Long Island U.-Brooklyn Col. of Ph arm ., 600 Lafayette Ave ., Brooklyn 11216. Dean: Arthur G. Zupko . APhA-PSSNY Joint Student Chap.-Faculty Adviso r: Edwa rd Ste m pel. Pres. : Haro ld Co hen ; Secy.: Michae l R. Harris. St. John ' s U.-Col. of Ph a rm ., Gran d Ce ntra l a nd Utopia Pkwys., Ja m aica 11432 . Dean: Andrew J . Ba rtilu cc i. APhA-PSSNY Joint Student Chap.-Faculty Adviso r: Jo hn Scia rra ; Pres.: Michael Barletta ; Secy.: Marga ret Montalba no.
Mississippi U. of Miss.-Sc hool of Ph arm ., Unive rsity 38677 . Dean: C h arl es W. Hartm a n . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Raym on d J. Benn ett ; Pres.: Arth ur K ibble ; Secy.: Su sa n Tutor.
Loyola U.-Col. of Ph a rm. , 6363 St. C h a rl es Ave., N ew Orl ea ns 70118. Dean: Edwa rd J. Irela nd . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Edward J. Irel a nd ; Pres.: Clement Ch ar· bonn et; Secy.: June David .
New York Columbia U .- Col. of Ph arm . , 115 W. 68th St., New York 10023. Dean: E. Em erson Le u a ll en . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Gilbert J . H ite; Pres.: Barry S. Rei ss; Secy.: Monica Co nte.
Union U.-Al b a n y Col. of Pha rm. , 106 N ew Scotla n d Ave ., Alba ny 12208. Dean : Fra n ci s J . O'B rien . APhA-PSSNY Joint Student Chap.-Faculty Advisor: R.V. DeNuzzo ; Pres.: Jam es Morrissey ; Secy.: Sa lly Lembc ke.
of Ph arm ., Minn ea polis 55455 . Dean: George P. Hage r. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Hu g h F. Kaba t ; Pres.: Kat h erin e J . Cam· pio n ; Secy.: Mario n E. Ca rl berg.
U. of Mo. at Kans. City-Sch ool of Pha rm., 5100 Roc khill Rd ., K ans . Ci ty 64110. Dean: Lesli e L. Eisenbra ndt. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Wi lliam J . Ro st ; Pres.: Hubert C lint on McC lary; Secy.: Dian a Arno ld.
of Ky.-Col. o f Ph arm. , Gl adstone a nd Wa sh . Sts. , Lex in gton 40506. Acting Dean: A rthur C . Gla sser. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Howa rd Ho p kins; Pres.: Fred Norris ; Secy.: Wilm a Winkler.
Mex.-Col. o f Ph a rm ., Albuqu erqu e 87106. Dean: Elmon L. Ca t a li n e . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Ken neth H . St ahl ; Pres.: Dea n P. Merritt; Secy.: Willi am H . Caldwell.
State U. of N .Y. at Buffalo-Sc hool of Ph arm. , Buffalo 14214. Dean: Da n ie l H. Murray. Student APhA Chap .-Faculty Advisor: M . E. Monteit h ; Pres.: Robert Barto ; Secy.: Pat r ic ia Mu sia l.
St. Louis Col. of Pharm.-4588 Pa rkvi ew PI., St. Louis 63110. Dean: Cha rle s W. Bli ssitt. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Fra nk L. Mercer ; Pres.: Roger Ball ; Secy.: Ma ry Alice Sc hwin ke.
New Mexico u. of N.
Minnesota u. of Minn.-Col.
Kansas u. of Kans.-Sc hool
of Pha rm ., Lawre nce 66045. Dean: Du a n e G. We nzel. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Ro bert A. Wi ley ; Pres.: Danny L. Latt in , Secy.: Sh erryl L. Strunk.
Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Jo hn L. Voig t ; Pres.: Bernh ard Sc hmidt ; Secy.: J ea nn e Ha rm on.
Maryland u. of Md.-Sc hool
Montana Mont. State U.-School of Pharm ., Missoula 59801. Dean: Robert L. Va nHorn e . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Donald H . Ca nham ; Pres.: Jerry Short; Secy.: Colleen Ad am s.
Nebraska Creighton U .-School of Ph arm. , 1406 Dav e nport St., Om a ha 681!l2. Dean: Sal· va tore J . Greco. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: James M . Crampt on ; Pres. : F. Michael Klein e ; Secy.: Mart ha Berga n. U. of Nebr.-Col. of Pha rm . , Lin c oln 68~08 . Dean: Robert D. Gibson . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Patric k Wells ; Pres.: Ron a ld Hospo d ka ; Secy.: Su sa n Todd .
New Jersey Rutgers State U .-Col. of Ph arm ., 1 Lin c oln Ave., N ewa rk 07104. Dean: Roy A . Bowers .
North Carolina u.
of N.C.-Sc hoo l o f P ha rm ., Cha p el Hill 27515. Dean: L A . Brecht. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: A.W . Jow dy ; Pres.: Neil M . Whit e; Secy.: Sa ndra Sim p so n.
North Dakota N. Dak. State U.-Col. of Ph arm ., Sta te U . Sta ., Fargo 58103 . Dean: Clifton L Mill er. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Muriel C. Vin cen t ; Pres.: Robert Irwin ; Secy.: Margaret Joh n.
Ohio Ohio Northern U .-Col. of Pharm ., Ad a 45810. Dean: Robert P. Fischelis. APhA-OSPA Joi nt Student Chap.-Faculty Advisor: David St uart ; Pres.: Jame s Schaf · fer; Secy.: Marian Barger. Ohio State U.-Col. of Pha rm., 1958 Neil Ave., Columbus 43210. Dean: Lloyd M . Parks . APhA-OSPA Joint Student Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Phil ip J . Rogers ; Pres.: Sheldon Sin ge r; Secy.: Paul An t hony. U. of Cincinnati-Col. of Pha rm ., Cincinn ati 45221. Dean: Jose ph F. Kowa lewski. APhA-OSPA Joint 5tudent Chap.-Faculty Advisor: C. Dwa yn e Ogzewall a; Pres.: Dav id Gac ke nhe im er; Secy.: Pam Leffel. U . of ToledO-Col. of Pha rm ., 2801 W . B an· croft St., Tol edo 43606. Dean: Ch arl e s H. La rwood . APhA-OSPA Joint Student Chap.-Faculty Advisors : Jose Apo nte and Wilma Aponte ; Pres.: To m Karpin sk i; Secy.: Caro le Foley.
Vo l. NS5, No. I, Ja n uary 1965
National Pharmacy Publications
Oklahoma Southwestern State Col.-School of Pharm., Weatherford 73096. Dean: W.D. Strother. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Walter L. Dickison; Pres.: John W. Thames; Secy.: Pat Payne.
American Col. of Apothecaries Secy.'s Newsletter-Hamilton Ct., 39th and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia , Pa. 19104; Robert E. Abrams , secy.
U. of Okla.-Col. of Pharm ., Norman 73069 . Dean: Loyd E. Harris. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: John B . Bruce; Pres.: Dennis A. Camp; Secy.: Marilyn Hadding.
American Druggist-1790 Broadway , New York, N.Y. 10019; Robert A. O'Malley, publ.; Dan Rennick, ed .; Dan Kushner, exec. ed .; Harry Goldstein, pharm. ed.
American Journal of Hosp. Pharm.-2215 Constitution Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037; Don E. Francke, ed.; George P. Provost, assoc. ed.
Oreg. State U.-School of Pharm., Corvallis 97331. Dean: Charles O. Wilson . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: H. Wayne Schultz; Pres.: Dave Heitz; Secy.: Pamela Ting.
Pennsylvania Duquesne U.-School of Pharm., Pittsburgh 15219. Dean: John S. Ruggiero. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Mitchell L. Borke; Pres.: Patrick Birmingham; Secy.: Raymond A. Giudici. Philadelphia Col. of Pharm. and Sci.-43rd St. and KingsessingAve., Philadelphia 19104. Dean: Linwood F. Tice. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Robert E. King; Pres.: William Crouthamel; Secy.: Richard Brown. Temple U.-School of Pharm., 3223 N. Broad St., Philadelphia 19140. Dean: Joseph B. Sprowls. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisors: Harry Kostenbauder and Charles Peterson; Pres.: Irwin S. Gibbs ; Secy.; Jay L. Pollock. U. of Pittsburgh-School of Pharm., 3550 Terrace St., Pittsburgh 15213. Dean: Joseph A. Bianculli. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Joseph D. McEvilla ; Pres.: Richard Rosen; Secy.: Michael Wetzel.
Rhode Island U. of R.I.-Col. of Pharm. , Kingston 02881. Dean: Heber W. Youngken. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Michael Jacoff; Pres.: Eric Cramer; Secy.: Maureen Grabbert.
South Carolina Med. Col. of S.C.-School of Pharm . , 80 Barre St., Charleston 29401. Dean: William A. Prout. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: William H. Golod ; Pres.: Radford Rich; Secy.: Tseng Pengo U. of S.C.-School of Pharm ., Columbia 29208. Dean: Robert W. Morrison . Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisors: R.L. Beamer and D.A. Galgano; Pres.: Sher· rell Bullock ; Secy.: Elizabeth Rogers.
South Dakota
Dak. State U.-Col. of Pharm., Brookings 57007. Dean: Guilford C. Gross. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Gary W . Omodt; Pres.: Rodney Parry; Secy.: Ruth Ann Hendricksen.
American Journal of Pharm. Education-Col. of Pharm., Drake U., Des Moines, Iowa 50311; C. Boyd Granberg, ed.
Journal of Medicinal Chem.-Dept. of Chem· istry, U . of Va ., Charlottesville, Va. 22903; Alfred Burger, ed.
Journal of Pharm. Scis,-2215 Constitution Ave . N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037; Edward G. Feldmann, ed. ; S.W. Goldstein, assoc. ed.; J. Boraks, asst. ed.
APhA Newsletter-2215 Constitution Ave . N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037; Donald Prescott, ed.
Lloydia-quarterly journal of pharmacognosy and allied biological sciences (Lloyd Library and Museum and American Soc . of Pharmacognosy)-U. of Conn., Storrs, Conn.; Arthur E. Schwarting, ed.
Bulletin of Pa renteral Drug Assn.-916 W. Saving Fund Bldg. , Broad & Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia 7, Pa.; Robert E. King, ed . Chain Store Age for Drug Execs.-2 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016; Arnold D. Friedman, publ.; David Q. Mahler, publ. dir.; Godfrey M. Lebhar, ed .-in-chief; Arthur R. Schwalb, ed., drug editions.
NABP Bulletin-77 W. Washington St., Suite 404, Chicago, 111.60602; Fred T. Mahaffey, ed. NACDS Executive's Newsletter-1625 I St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 ; J. Robert Giffen, dir. comm.
Drug and Allied Inds.-1796 Ponce de Leon Ave. N .E., Atlanta, Ga. 30307; O.J. Wlilough· by, ed. and publ.
NARD Journal-1 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago, III. 60601; Willard B. Simmons, publ. and ed'i dir.; Peter J. Sletterdahl, ed.
Drug and Cosmetic, Inc.-101 W. 31st St., New York, N.Y. 10001; Joseph Kalish, exec. ed. ; Mary Anne Leone, mng. ed.
NWDA Exec. Newsletter-220 E. 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10017 ; Harry A. Kimbriel, exec. V.p.; F.J. Mankey, dir. of publ. reI.
Drug News Weekly-7 E. 12th St., New York, N. Y. 10003 ; Morton Stark, ed.
Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter-100 Church St., New York, N.Y. 10007; William S. Auchincloss, ed. and publ. ; Arthur R. Kavaler, mng. ed.
Drug Topics-155 E. 44th St., New York, N.Y. 1001 7; Louis E. Kazin, ed .; George Klinger, mng. ed,
Pharm. in History-Pharm . Bldg., Madison, Wis. 53706; Glenn Sonnedecker, ed.
Drug Trade News-155 E. 44th St., New York, N .Y. 10017; Louis E. Kazin, ed . dir.; Paul C. Olsen, ed.; William V. Toffey, Jr., mng. ed.
Pharmindex-P.O. Box 1029, Portland, Oreg . 97207.
F-D·C Reports ("The Pink Sheet")-1152 Nat'l Press Bldg.; Washington, D.C. 20004; Wallace Werble, ed. and publ.
PMA Bulletin-1144 14th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005 ; Austin Smith, pres.; George E. Connery, ed .
Federal Pharmacist-2 Lexington Ave ., New York, N.Y. 10010; Ray Schlotterer, ed .
Proceedings of Sci. Sec. of Toilet Goods Assn. -Rockefeller Center, New York, N .Y. 10020; H .D. Goulden, ed.
Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Lindley A. Cates; Pres.: Galen Johnson; Secy.: Jimmie G. O'Brien.
Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: William T. Sharp; Pres.: Stephen C. Johnson ; Secy.: Patricia A . Mcintyre.
U. of Tex.-Col. of Pharm ., Austin 78712. Dean: Lee Worrell. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Bill D. Jobe; Pres.: Tim Von DOhlen; Secy.: Janet Hunt.
West Virginia u. of W.Va.-School of Pharm., Med . Center,
Utah u. of Utah-Col .
Med. Col. of Va.-School of Pharm., Rich· mond 23219. Dean: Warren E. Weaver. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Milton L. Neuroth; Pres.: David E. Jones; Secy.: Carey B. Gordon.
Journal of American Pharm. Assn.-2215 Constitution Ave. N .W., Washington, D.C. 20037 ; George B. Griffenhagen, ed.; E. Doro· thea Olson, assoc. ed .
American Prof. Pha rmacist-1447 Northern Blvd., Manhasset, N.Y.; Irving Rubin, ed . ; Margot Bockus, assoc. ed.; Lucrecia Monteiro, assoc. ed.
U. of Houston-Col. of Pharm., 3801 Cullen Blvd ., Houston 77004. Dean: Noel M. Fergu· son.
International Pha rmaceutical Abstracts2215 Constitution Ave . N. W., Washington, D.C. 20037; Don Francke, ed.
Journal of New Drugs-660 Madison Ave., New York, N .Y.; McKeene Cattell, ed.
Tex. Southern U.-School of Pharm., 3201 Wheeler Ave., Houston 77004. Dean: Edward J. Eugere. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Eugene Hickman; Pres.: Cleophus L. Kennedy; Secy.: Jacquelyn F. McMillan.
FWD A News Capsule-2 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. 10010; Ray Schlotterer, ed.
American Journal of Pharm.-43rd St. and Kingsessing Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104; Linwood F. Tice, ed.
of Pharm., Salt Lake City 84112. Dean: L. David Hiner. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Ewart A. Swinyard; Pres.: James B. Williams; Secy.: Elsie Yamada.
of Tenn.-Col. of Pharm . , Box 169, Mem· phis 38103. Dean: Seldon D . Feurt. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: W.B. Swafford; Pres.: Paul R. Powell; Secy.: Bettie E. Kirk.
Food Drug-Cosmetic Law Journal-4025 W. Peterson Ave., Chicago, III. 60646; Bernard L. Oser, scientific ed.
of Wash.-Col. of Pharm., Seattle 98105. Dean: Jack E. Orr. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: E. Roy Hammarlund ; Pres.: Gerald L. Van Pevenage; Secy.: Sandra Patterson. Wash. State U.-Col. of Pharm., Pullman 99163. Dean: Allen I. White.
Morgantown 26506. Dean: Raphael O. Bachmann. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: C. Larry Thomasson; Pres.: Max D. Adams; Secy.: Linda McMichael.
Wisconsin u. of Wis.-School
of Pharm., Madison 53706. Dean: Arthur H. Uhl. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Ernst W. Stieb; Pres.: Robert D. Hall; Secy.: Susan M. Petersen.
of Wyo.-Col. of Pharm., Laramie 82071. Dean: David W. O'Day. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Lola V. Hopkins; Pres.: Don Porter; Secy.: Kathy Shotwell.
Puerto Rico
of P.R.-Col. of Pharm., Box 21836, UPR Sta ., San Juan 00931. Dean: Luis Torres· Diaz. Student APhA Chap.-Faculty Advisor: Leo B. Lathroum; Pres.: Luis Alvarez Secy.: Olga Colon·Febles.
Proprietary. Assn. Execs. News. Letter-l717 Pennsylvania Av~ . N.W., Washington, p.C .; Howard A. Prentice, exec. v.p. ; Frankie B . MacCormick, ed . Voice of Pharm.-Hamilton Ct., 39th and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104; Robert E. Abrams, mng. ed . Weekly Pharm. Reports ("The Green Sheet " ) _1152 Nat ' l Press Bldg. , Washington, D.C . 20004 ; Wallace Werble, ed . and pub!,
Mich. Pharmacist-181 2 Mich . Nat ' l Towe r, Lansing, Mich. ; Robert C. Johnson , ed. Mid-Atlantic Apothecary-375 Broadway, Boston 11, Mass.; Leavitt C. Parsons, ed. and publ. Midwestern Druggist-P.O. Box 7123, Kans. City 13, Mo.; J. Leo McMahon, publ. and ed.
Minn. Pharmacist-2388 University Ave., St. Paul 14, Minn.; Henry M. Moen, mng. ed. Mo. Pharmacist"":"'601 Central Trust Bldg., Jefferson City, Mo . 65101; Cora D. Cox, ed. and mgr. Nat'l Capital Pharmacist-Suite 5, 143 Ken · nedy St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20011; M . Eileen Brooks, ed. and bus. mgr.
Section, State
Nebr. Mortar and Pestle-1001 Anderson Bldg., Lincoln, Nebr. 68508; Cora Mae Briggs, ed.
and Local
Nev. State Pharm. Assn. (Ietter)-P.O. Box 2307, Reno, Nev. 89505; Peter Codner, secy. N.J. Journal of Pharm.-118 W. State St. , Trenton, N.J. 08608 ; Harold Kushel, ed.
N.Y. State Pharmacist-117-119 E. 69th St., New York, N.Y. 10021; Nicholas S. Gesoalde, ed.
North Western Druggist-2642 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn.; J. R. Bruce, publ. Ohio Pharmacist-40 S. Third St., Columbus Ohio 43215; John F. Kirwin, ed.
Allegheny Co. Pharmacist-731-732 Jenkins Arcade Bldg., Pittsburgh 22 , Pa.; David A. Boyd, ed.
Okla. Pharmacist-Box 510, Stillwater Okla. ; E.R. Weaver, ed.
The Apothecary-375 Broadway, Boston 11 , Mass. ; Leavitt C. Parsons , pub!,; Martin Barr, prof. ed.
Oreg. Pharmacist-1178 Chemeketa St. N.E., Salem, Oreg. ; Henry A. Speckman, ed . and bus. mgr.
Ariz. Pharmacist-1426 N. First St., Phoenix 4, Ar iz .; Mildred H. Scott, ed.
Pacific States and Rocky Mountain Druggist2400 Curtis St., Denver, Colo. 80205; Allen Bell, ed. and publ.
Ark. Pharmacist-609 Wallace Bldg. , Little Rock, Ark. ; William G. Smith, ed . Bronx Pharmacist-1215 Gerard Ave. , Bronx 52, N.Y. ; Louis Schneider, ed. Brooklyn Pharmacist-26 Court St., Brooklyn 1, N .Y.; Moe Weiss , ed. and mgr. Calif. Pharmacy-234 Loma Dr., Los Angeles , Cal if . 90026 ; Cecil A. Stewart , exec. publ. and bus. mgr.; James W. Gentry, ed. and publ. Carolina Journal of Pharm.-Box 151, Chapel H i ll , N.C. ; W.J. Smith , ed .
PARD Bulletin-2017 Spring Garden St., Phila · delphia, Pa. 19130; Morris E. Blatman, ed. and bus. mgr. Pa. Pharmacist-508 N . Third St., Harrisburg, Pa.; Max L. Miller, mng. ed. Pharm. USC-School of Pharm., U. of Southern Calif., University Park. Los Angeles 7, Calif. Phorum-School of Pharm., Duquesne U. , Pittsburgh 19, Pa. ; Charlotte Sanders, ed.
Central Pharm. Journal-221 N. LaSalle St., Chicago 1, III. ; Joseph J. Shine, ed. and publ.
Revista Farmaceutica de P.R.-Apartado 206 , Roosevelt, P.R . 00929 ; Lydia A.M. Rivera , dir.
Cleveland Acad . of Pharm. Journal-1935 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 15, Ohio ; Larry A. Shatten , bus. mgr. and ed.
S.Dak. Journal of Med. and Pharm.-711 N. Lake Ave., Sioux Falls, S.Dak. ; Robert Van Demark, MD, ed.; Gary Omodt , pharm. ed .
Colo. Journal of Pharm.-School of Pharm. , U . of Colo., Boulder, Colo. ; F.C. Hammerness, ed .
Southern Pharm. Journal-P.O. Box 7123, Kansas City 13, Mo .; J. Leo McMahon, ed. and publ.
Conn. Pharmacist-Babcock Ave ., Plainfield , Conn .; Raymond E. Mercier, ed.
St. Louis Pharms. Assn.-6112 Easton Ave., St. Louis 33, Mo.; Jack Samuel, ed .
CRDA News-32 W. Randolph St., Chicago, III. ; Michael J. Mankowski, bus. mgr. and ed.
Tenn. Pharmacist-406 Vendome Bldg., Nash ville, Tenn.; Tom C. Sharp, Jr., ed .
Del. Co. Pharmacist-239 E. Lancaster Ave., Wayne, Pa. 19087; Richard Oski, ed.
Tex. Pharm.-Austin Savings Bldg. , Austin , Tex.; Luther R. Parker, mng. ed.
Del. Pharmacist-800 Hillside Rd., Wilmington 7, Del.
Utah Pharm. Digest-1086 E. 21st South, Salt Lake City 6, Utah; H. Ward McCarty, ed. and mgr.
E. Boticario-122 Harvard Dr. S.E., Albuquerque , N. Mex. ; Nelda Orme, ed. Fla. Pharm. Journal-Fort Myers, Fla .; R.Q. Richards, ed. Idaho Pharmacist-303 McCarty Bldg., Boise , Idaho. III. Pharmacist-222 W. Adams St., Suite 546, Chicago, III. 60606; Richard S. Strommen, ed. Ind. Pharmacist-54 Mountain Circle, Indian apolis, Ind. 46204 ; James D. Hawkins, ed. ; Mary Lou Bryn, assoc. ed.
Wash.-Alaska Pharmacist-6639 White-HenryStuart Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 98101; Reed Be ment, ed.
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West Coast Druggist and Western Pharm.2900 Rowena Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., 90039; Newt Todd, ed.
Wis. Pharmacist-202 Price Place , Madison Wis. 53705; W. Allen Daniels, ed.
Journal of N.H. Pharm. Assn.-Peterborough , N.H .; Grace E. Hannan, ed .
Wis. School of Pha rm. Bulletin-Extension Servs. in Pharm., 190 Pharm. Bldg. , U. of Wis., Madison, Wis. 53706 ; Ernst W. Stieb, ed.
Md. Pharmacist-650 W. Lombard St. , Balti more , Md . 21201 ; Nathan I. Gruz, ed.
Luxuriously bound Contains 1600 pages
Merck & Co., Inc. Rahway, New Jersey Dept. JAP-l
Journal of Kans. Pharm.-824 Kansas Ave. , Topeka, Kans. ; John L. Rose, ed.
La. Pharmacist-P.O. Box 5193, Station B, New Orleans, La. 70115 ; William P. O'Brien , ed .
THE MERCK INDEX-outdating previous editions-is now ready for your reference. Published as part of a program of professional service, it is completely updated, increased in size, and expanded by 2,300 chemical monographs. New cross-indexing quickly leads you to concise information on any given substance-regardless of whether you look it up under brand name, generic name or chemical name. Send coupon now for your copy.
Voice of Serv.-304 Thomas Jefferson Hotel , Birmingham, Ala.; Launia Barranco, ed.
W.Va. Pharmacist-P.O. Box 119, Oak Hill, W.Va . 25901; Phyllis E. Surbaugh, ed. and bus. mgr.
Ky. Pharmacist-335 W. Main St., Frankfort , Ky .; E. Murphy Josey, ed.
Greatly Expanded in Size and SeD pe
Va. Pharmacist-ll05 E. Clay St. , Richmond, Va. 23219; J.O. Hubbard, Jr., mng. ed.
Iowa Pharmacist-302 Shops Bldg., Moines 9, Iowa ; Robert G. Gibbs, ed.
Bulletin San Deigo Co. Pharm. Assn.-940 National Ave., National City, Calif.; John Findley, ed.
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Vol. NS5, No.1 , January 1965