Pharmacy Colleges and Their Equipment
George Washington University Opens Dispensing Laboratory J February of this year, dispensing pharmacy N
George Washington University Opens Dispensing Laboratory J February of this year, dispensing pharmacy N
students of the George Washington University School of Pharmacy began their work in the modern laboratory pictured on this page. While designed as a teaching laboratory, it provides all the features of a modern prescription room. The furniture is of ash-stained birch wood with an alcohol-resistant finish. All working flieas are formica covered and all shelves are adjustable. The laboratory proper is 28 by 24 feet and provides work areas for 18 studen~s. In addition, cabinets along two walls provide an additional 75 square feet of working space. - The wall cases above the cabinets, which are inclosed with plateglass sliding doors, provide a,bout 150 running feet of shelf space. The cabinet ·tops are lighted by fluorescent lights concealed beneath wall cases. Ample stotage space is available in the wall cabinets where forty-eight four-inch-deep drawers provide 78 square feet of space. Beneath the dr-awers is additional storage space of 121a by 11/ 2 by 50 fe~t dimension. Three stainless steel sinks provide each student ready access to this facility. Waste receptacles are included beneath each of the sinks. The table units are 4 by 8 feet and provide working space for four students, each having his
April, 1951
own prescriptio.n balance. For storing equipment, each student has available three drawers P/2 by P/6 by 2/a feet and has access to a common cupboard 2 1/2 by P/a by _P/2 feet in dimension. On each end, just beneath the table top, is a pull-out ointment slab. Four shallow drawers provide storage space for powder papers, filter papers, spatulas, etc. One feature of the laboratory is a stand-up telephone and reference desk .(not shown in picture). This unit is 2 feet deep by 3 feet in width and provides four drawers for 3 by 5 index cards and four letter-size drawers for literature regarding new products. Directly beneath the top is space, the width of the unit, for reference texts, and directly above the unit is a bulletin board approximately 3 by 3 feet. Through the use of the telephone, presc'riptions can be called into the laboratory from any office within the School. Students will become fami liar with the names and uses of the ~pecialty products of the various manufacturers ~hrough incorporation of prescriptions on these items with the laboratory work. Ample lighting is provided by six fluorescent units and adequate ventilation is assured through an exhaust fan with a capacity of 2500 cubic feet of air per minute. 217