To: Members of the ISDCI Education Committee, Dr. J.J. Rimmer (Past-Secretary: Education), Prof. E.L. Cooper, Dr. R.K. Wright, Prof. M.J. Manning,
Dear Edwin, Professor Cooper informs me that you have been elected to the Education Committee of the International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology; I have recently been elected to the office of Secretary: Education for the Society. We have no funds (nor, I imagine, the time for world travel) to arrange to meet together except at our International Congresses, so I expect that most of our business will be carried out by correspondence. Our brief as a Committee is to "propose short term courses for graduates/postdoctoral fellows; job placement". My purpose in writing now is to ask for any suggestions or ideas about how we can fulfil this brief, and for any other, related ideas. I have asked Claude Langlet for a timetable slot at Reims for an Education Workshop. Other ideas which I have considered include: a) space in DCI for details of job vacancies. b) space in DCI for abstracts of doctoral and masters' theses c) the compilation of a collection of key slides for reproduction and sale at cost price, on subjects related to developmental and comparative immunology. Please let me have your preliminary thoughts about Committee's work; can meet at Reims to formulate a few more definite ideas. With best wishes and the compliments of the coming season: Yours very sincerely,
Richard D. University Department Colchester England