Compostable cutlery and waste management: An LCA approach

Compostable cutlery and waste management: An LCA approach

Waste Management 29 (2009) 1424–1433 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Waste Management j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i ...

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Waste Management 29 (2009) 1424–1433

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Waste Management j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / w a s m a n

Compostable cutlery and waste management: An LCA approach Francesco Razza a, Maurizio Fieschi b, Francesco Degli Innocenti c,*, Catia Bastioli c a

No­va­mont, Pi­azz­ale Done­gan­i 4, 05100 Terni, Italy Stu­dio Fie­schi, Via Prin­cipe Tomm­aso 41, 10125 Torino, Italy c No­va­mont, Via Fa­us­er 8, 28100 Novara, Italy b

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history: Accepted 21 August 2008 Available online 25 October 2008 

a b s t r a c t The use of dis­pos­able cut­lery in fast food res­tau­rants and can­teens in the cur­rent man­age­ment sce­nario gen­er­ates mixed het­er­o­ge­neous waste (con­tain­ing food waste and non-com­po­sta­ble plas­tic cut­lery). The waste is not recy­cla­ble and is dis­posed of in land­fills or incin­er­ated with or with­out energy recov­ery. Using bio­de­grad­able and com­po­sta­ble (B&C) plas­tic cut­lery, an alter­na­tive man­age­ment sce­nario is pos­ si­ble. The result­ing mixed homo­ge­neous waste (con­tain­ing food waste and com­po­sta­ble plas­tic cut­lery) can be recy­cled through organic recov­ery, i.e., com­post­ing. This LCA study, whose func­tional unit is “serv­ ing 1000 meals”, shows that remark­able improve­ments can be obtained by shift­ing from the cur­rent sce­ nario to the alter­na­tive sce­nario (based on B&C cut­lery and final organic recov­ery of the total waste). The non-renew­able energy con­sump­tion changes from 1490 to 128 MJ (an over­all 10-fold energy sav­ings) and the CO2 equiv­a­lents emis­sion changes from 64 to 22 CO2 eq. (an over­all 3-fold GHG sav­ings). © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Intro­duc­tion In mod­ern soci­ety, the con­sump­tion of food and drink out-ofhome is increas­ing as a con­se­quence of chang­ing work and rec­re­ a­tional hab­its.1 In fast food res­tau­rants, can­teens, town fes­ti­vals, sport events, feasts, etc., dis­pos­able table­ware is dis­trib­uted to the res­tau­rant guests in place of tra­di­tional dura­ble table­ware in order to sim­plify man­age­ment and avoid wash­ing-up. This practice has the neg­a­tive con­se­quence of both increas­ing the quan­tity and chang­ing the qual­ity of waste pro­duced by each res­tau­rant. Together with food waste (kitchen and guests left­overs, out-ofdate food, etc.), the fol­low­ing wastes are pro­duced: plas­tic cut­lery, plas­tic or lam­i­nated paper dishes, plas­tic or lam­i­nated paper cups, foam con­tain­ers, paper (table­cloths and nap­kins) and plas­tic bot­ tles. No pre­cise global data on the total amount of waste gen­er­ated by fast food res­tau­rants is avail­able to our knowl­edge. Accord­ing to Te­ija Aar­nio, a researcher who stud­ied the waste dis­posal sys­tem in Finn­ish McDon­ald’s res­tau­rants, two-thirds of this waste ended up in land­fills in 2002 (Aar­nio, 2006). In Italy, the con­sump­tion of dis­pos­able table­ware in 2006 was approx­i­mately 8 bil­lion items, a 2.2% increase over the prior year. Of this table­ware, 378 mil­lion items were dis­pos­able cut­lery (a 6.3% increase from 2005) out of which 80% was poly­sty­rene and 5% poly­pro­pyl­ene (Tom­asi, 2007). * Cor­re­spond­ing author. Tel.: +39 0321 699607; fax: +39 0321 699729. E-mail address: fdi@no­va­ (F.D. Innocenti). 1 . 0956-053X/$ - see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2008.08.021

The prob­lem is clearly rel­e­vant and gen­er­ates much con­cern among the inter­ested par­ties (Eco­is­ti­tu­to del Pie­monte, 2002). Cur­rent waste man­age­ment sys­tems are based on the col­lec­tion of mixed waste, which is then dis­posed of accord­ing to regional facil­i­ties; in most cases mixed waste is dis­posed in san­i­tary land­fills. Some efforts are being made in the world to reduce the impact of fast food res­tau­rants. For exam­ple, in Tai­pei City it is reported that such res­ tau­rants pro­duce about 1450 ton­nes of waste a month. How­ever, since 2004 in accor­dance with a spe­cific envi­ron­men­tal pol­icy on waste recy­cling, dis­pos­ing of all left­overs on a plate in the same bin became impos­si­ble at cer­tain fast food res­tau­rants and bins have been intro­duced to enable the dif­fer­en­tial sep­a­ra­tion of waste (YuTzu, 2004). All the major fast food chains are well aware of this prob­lem and have pre­vi­ously been involved in pilot pro­jects to try and reduce the impact on their busi­ness (Anon­ym ­ ous, 1990, 1991). It is also clear that due to the large num­ber of guests and the high rate of meals deliv­ered, the col­lec­tion of waste sep­a­rated at source in fast food res­tau­rants and town fes­ti­vals is not a sim­ple task and is a clear chal­lenge to res­tau­rant man­ag­ers. A very inter­ est­ing pros­pect, which does not com­pli­cate the man­age­ment of res­tau­rants, is to use cut­lery, dishes, drink­ing cups, etc., that are com­po­sta­ble, sim­i­lar to the food scraps. The mixed waste (food waste and cut­lery waste) can be col­lected as a whole homo­ge­neous frac­tion and recov­ered by means of organic recov­ery, i.e., com­post­ ing or anaer­ob ­ ic diges­tion fol­lowed by com­post­ing. Com­post is a valu­able soil amend­ment (De Ber­toldi et al., 1987; Od­lare et al., 2008) whose envi­ron­men­tal ben­efi ­ ts have also been assessed from an LCA view­point (Shar­ma and Camp­bell, 2006).

F. Raz­za et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1424–1433

Sev­eral pro­duc­ers of bio­de­grad­able and com­po­sta­ble (B&C) prod­ucts are cur­rently engaged in devel­op­ing B&C table­ware sets for fast food res­tau­rants. Due to devel­op­ments in the sec­tor of com­po­sta­ble mate­ri­als, drink­ing cups made out of poly­lac­tic acid (Ajioka et al., 1995), paper dishes lam­in ­ ated with bio­de­grad­able plas­tic foils, starch-based cut­lery (IBAW, 2005) and foam clam­ shells (Anon­y­mous, 2000) are avail­able. These prod­ucts are cur­ rently mar­keted as sub­sti­tutes to tra­di­tional poly­sty­rene or poly­ pro­pyl­ene table­ware because of their sup­posed envi­ron­men­tal supe­ri­or­ity. How­ever, pre­cise data are required in order to make the envi­ron­men­tal traits of bio­de­grad­able and bio-based prod­ucts eas­ily appre­ci­ated by users and potential pur­chas­ers. The ques­ tion is very sim­ple: is the use of B&C bio-based cut­lery and eat­ing uten­sils pref­er­a­ble to their tra­di­tional coun­ter­parts? The ques­tion is par­tic­ul­ arly rel­e­vant con­sid­er­ing that the B&C table­ware is typ­i­ cally more expen­sive than the tra­di­tional table­ware. Life cycle assess­ment (LCA) is needed to clar­ify the dilemma which, in most cases, turns into a com­par­i­son between dif­fer­ent prod­ucts: B&C cut­lery vs. non-B&C cut­lery. The com­par­i­son of the envi­ron­men­tal per­for­mance of dif­fer­ent prod­ucts is one of the main scopes of LCA. How­ever, the sim­ple anal­y­sis of the envi­ron­ men­tal “cra­dle to gate” per­for­mance of prod­ucts can be mis­lead­ ing and of very lim­ited inter­est in the under­stand­ing of the actual envi­ron­men­tal prob­lem that soci­ety is fac­ing in a spe­cific sec­tor. The main prob­lem arises in set­ting the sys­tem bound­aries, since in the case of B&C prod­ucts, dif­fer­ent prod­uct chains are involved. For exam­ple, in a study on an out-of-home habit, it is impor­tant to take into con­sid­er­ation all the aspects of waste man­age­ment. All the results are influ­enced by the waste man­age­ment sys­tem avail­able in the spe­cific sit­u­at­ ion and by the pat­terns of waste col­ lec­tion and treat­ment used for the dif­fer­ent flow of mate­ri­als (i.e., plas­tics and food). A typ­i­cal sit­u­at­ ion where dis­pos­able cut­lery and table­ware is really nec­es­sary for meal sup­ply is found in town fes­ti­vals, because typ­ic­ ally indus­trial dish­wash­ing machines are not avail­ able to the organ­isers. Kitchen waste, food scraps and table­ware are col­lected all together in a sin­gle stream. Final dis­posal depends on the local treat­ment for mixed unsorted waste. An expe­ri­ence of sep­a­rated col­lec­tion in a town fes­ti­val is described in the lit­ er­a­ture (Wil­der, 2006). How­ever, sep­ar­ ated col­lec­tion of dif­fer­ent frac­tions is a very dif ­fi­cult task, con­sid­er­ing the usual crowd­ing of town fes­ti­vals. As a con­se­quence the use of dis­pos­able table­ ware and the col­lec­tion of undif­fer­en­ti­ated waste is the most com­mon option. The cur­rent sce­nario of waste man­age­ment in town fes­ti­vals involves the col­lec­tion of a mixed het­er­o­ge­neous waste com­posed of food waste, paper, and non-bio­de­grad­able plas­tics. The waste stream is then treated in the local dis­posal facil­i­ties. In this study the cur­rent sce­nario is com­pared with a pos­si­ble alter­na­tive sce­nario based on the use of B&C table­ware and organic recov­ery. The alter­na­tive sce­nario involves the col­lec­ tion of a mixed homo­ge­neous waste com­posed of food waste and B&C plas­tics. The final waste stream is then com­posted to pro­ duce high qual­ity com­post. This study com­pares the envi­ron­men­ tal per­for­mance of the two sce­nar­ios (cur­rent and alter­na­tive) in order to quan­tify the dif­fer­ences and to inform cater­ing man­ag­ers com­mit­ted to sus­tain­abil­ity. 2. Goal and scope of the study

I municipal waste man­age­ment orga­ni­za­tions that are inter­ested in increas­ing the recov­er­abil­ity of waste (waste man­age­ment plan­ning); I fast food res­tau­rants man­ag­ers and orga­niz­ers of town fes­ti­vals who are required to imple­ment the new sce­nar­ios and increase the envi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­ity of their busi­ness. The main scope was to eval­u­ate the con­se­quences of two dif­ fer­ent sys­tems of cater­ing in fast food res­tau­rants, town fes­ti­vals, etc., fol­lowed by two dif­fer­ent waste treat­ment sys­tems (two sce­ nar­ios): I Serv­ing meals using non-B&C cut­lery, col­lect­ing the total waste in a sin­gle het­er­o­ge­neous stream (non-B&C plas­tic cut­lery and food waste) and dis­pos­ing it by means of incin­er­a­tion and land­ fill­ing; cut­lery made with gen­eral pur­pose poly­sty­rene (GPPS) has been taken into con­sid­er­ation as an exam­ple of this class of mate­ri­als. I Serv­ing meals using B&C dis­pos­able cut­lery, col­lect­ing the total waste in a sin­gle homo­ge­neous stream (B&C plas­tic cut­lery and food waste) and com­post­ing; cut­lery made with Mater-Bi (class YI) has been taken into con­sid­er­ation as an exam­ple of this class of mate­ri­als. The option of using metal cut­lery was not con­sid­ered in this study. Pre­vi­ous stud­ies had shown that from an envi­ron­men­tal view­point the use of metal cut­lery and indus­trial dish­wash­ing machines was the best option since less resources are depleted (Eco­is­ti­tu­to del Pie­monte, 2002). How­ever, there are occa­sions where nei­ther an indus­trial dish­washer is avail­able nor wash­ing cen­tres are acces­si­ble. Other types of waste which are gen­er­ated by fast food res­ tau­rants or town fes­ti­vals were not taken into con­sid­er­ation (i.e., plas­tic or lam­i­nated paper dishes, plas­tic or lam­i­nated paper cups, paper table­cloths and nap­kins). It was assumed that this waste did not influ­ence the com­par­i­son between sce­nar­ios. Also, the food scraps pro­duced by the kitchen were not con­sid­ered. A crit­i­cal review by an exter­nal expert (LCEn­gi­neer­ing, Torino, Italy) was per­formed accord­ing to ISO 14044 require­ments. 2.1. Meth­od­ol­ogy The study was an anal­y­sis of the envi­ron­men­tal impacts of meals sup­plied in fast food res­tau­rants or town fes­ti­vals serv­ing food with dis­pos­able cut­lery, tak­ing into con­sid­er­ation dif­fer­ent waste treat­ment pat­terns. The study was car­ried out fol­low­ing the life cycle meth­od­ol­ogy in agree­ment with the fol­low­ing stan­ dards: I ISO 14040:2006 Envi­ron­men­tal man­age­ment – Life cycle assess­ ment – Prin­ci­ples and frame­work. I ISO 14044:2006 Envi­ron­men­tal man­age­ment – Life cycle assess­ ment – Require­ments and guide­lines.

Table 1 Waste pro­duc­tion referred to the func­tional unit (serv­ing of 1000 meals) Cut­lery

In this paper the LCA of serv­ing food with dis­pos­able cut­ lery made either with B&C plas­tics or with non-B&C plas­tics was addressed. This study had the goal of pro­vid­ing fac­tual infor­ma­tion to: I polit­i­cal plan­ners and pub­lic admin­is­tra­tors who wish to improve the over­all envi­ron­men­tal impact of soci­ety sys­tems;


B&C Tra­di­tional nonB&C plas­tic a


Mater-Bi (YI) Gen­eral pur­pose poly­sty­rene (GPPS)

Mass (kg) Fork and knife


Organic waste

15.7 11.8

1.4 1.2

150.0 150.0

Mater-Bi cut­lery pack­ag­ing is made with a bio­de­grad­able Mater-Bi NF film; in the other case the pack­ag­ing is made with poly­pro­pyl­ene.


F. Raz­za et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1424–1433

MEAL PRODUCTION crude oil raw material production

raw material production


Non biodegradable material production

meal production

Electricity mix of different european countries


Electricity mix Italy+ import

disposable cutlery production

PP granule production PP film production wrapping


meal distribution


meal consumption WASTE (traditional plastic cutlery +organic fraction)










Electricity production Heat production

Fig. 1. Flow chart show­ing the cater­ing sys­tem based on dis­tri­bu­tion of tra­di­tional non-B&C plas­tic cut­lery and final dis­posal of mixed waste in land­fill (84%) or incin­er­a­tion (16%). A sen­si­tiv­ity anal­y­sis has been car­ried out con­sid­er­ing a 50:50 ratio of land­fill and incin­er­a­tion, a value which bet­ter rep­re­sents the aver­age dis­posal sce­nario of most Euro­pean north­ern coun­tries.


raw material production

raw material 1 production

raw material 2 …… production

raw material production


Biodegradable and compostable material production meal production

raw material n production


disposable cutlery production

Electricity mix Italy + import

Mater-Bi granule production film production wrapping


meal distribution


meal consumption WASTE (compostable cutlery +organic fraction)



Compost use

Fig. 2. Flow chart show­ing the cater­ing sys­tem based on dis­tri­bu­tion of B&C cut­lery and com­post­ing of the result­ing waste.

F. Raz­za et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1424–1433

2.2. Func­tional Unit The func­tional unit of this study was the cater­ing of 1000 meals with the use of dis­pos­able cut­lery, which gen­er­ates waste con­sist­ ing of 150 kg of food waste (0.150 kg/meal) and the cut­lery (see Table 1 for details).


In both sce­nar­ios the whole life cycle of cut­lery was con­sid­ered while the meal pro­duc­tion was excluded, as this phase does not influ­ence the com­par­i­son between sce­nar­ios. 2.4. Impact cat­e­go­ries The fol­low­ing impact cat­eg ­ o­ries were used:

2.3. Sys­tem bound­aries The LCA study was car­ried out from “cra­dle to grave”. Two sce­nar­ios were taken into account. The sce­nar­ios dif­fered in cut­ lery type and final waste man­age­ment of the total waste gen­er­ ated: I The first sce­nario took into con­sid­er­ation the use of non-bio­de­ grad­able cut­lery and was named cur­rent sce­nario (Fig. 1). The waste man­age­ment con­sid­ered by this sce­nario was that usu­ ally appli­ca­ble in this case, namely land­fill or incin­er­at­ ion. I The sec­ond sce­nario took into con­sid­er­ation the use of B&C cut­ lery. The sce­nario was named alter­na­tive sce­nario (Fig. 2). The final waste treat­ment con­sid­ered was com­post­ing.

I energy resources, as con­sump­tion of non-renew­able energy resources cal­cu­lated from the energy con­tents of the required resources (MJ eq.); I green­house effect (kg CO2 eq.); I waste pro­duc­tion, as solid waste pro­duc­tion (kg); I eutro­phi­ca­tion (kg O2 eq.); I acid­i­fic­ at­ion (H+ moles eq.). The char­ac­ter­iza­tion fac­tors applied were those pub­lished by The Inter­na­tional EPD Coop­er­a­tion (2008). The char­ac­ter­iza­tion fac­tors for energy resources were those reported in the Impact 2002+ method, avail­able in the Sim­ap­ro soft­ware (The Neth­er­ lands).

Table 2 Source and cat­e­gory of the inven­tory data used in the study Resources/pro­cesses


Data cat­e­gorya (ori­gin of data)


Corn pro­duc­tion

Selected generic data (lit­er­a­ture-cal­cu­lated) Ri­baudo (2002), Au­ds­ley et al. (1997); Eco­in­vent 1.01 data­base (Swit­zer­land) Spe­cific data (cal­cu­lated) Con­fi­den­tial infor­ma­tion from a sup­plier of No­va­mont

Corn starch pro­duc­tion

Source of infor­ma­tion

Cel­lu­lose deriv­at­ ive

Cel­lu­lose deriv­at­ ive pro­duc­tion Raw mate­ri­als & chem­i­cals pro­duc­tion

Other generic data (lit­er­a­ture-cal­cu­lated) Nex­ant Chem Sys­tem (2004) Selected generic data (lit­er­a­ture-cal­cu­lated) ANPA (2000); Eco­in­vent 1.01 data­base (Swit­zer­ land)

Bio-based addi­tives and nat­u­ ral addi­tives

Raw mate­ri­als & chem­i­cals pro­duc­tion

Selected generic data (lit­er­a­ture-cal­cu­lated) Eco­in­vent 1.01 data­base (Swit­zer­land); Nex­ant Chem Sys­tem (2004) Other generic data (lit­er­a­ture) Se­ungdo and Over­cash (2003) Other generic data (lit­er­a­ture) Se­ungdo and Over­cash (2003) Selected generic data (lit­er­a­ture) NREL (2007) Spe­cific data (mea­sured) Con­fi­den­tial infor­ma­tion from a sup­plier of No­ va­mont; Eco­in­vent 1.01 data­base (Swit­zer­land)

Bio-based addi­tive pro­duc­tion Bio-based addi­tive pro­duc­tion Agri­cul­tural phase Nat­u­ral addi­tive pro­duc­tion


Mater-Bi raw mate­ri­als trans­ports

Spe­cific and selected generic data (mea­ sured-cal­cu­lated-lit­er­a­ture)

Trans­port ty­pol­o­gies and dis­tances: No­va­mont; Eco­in­vent 1.01 data­base (Swit­zer­land)

Mater-Bi YI type

Pro­duc­tion (“Gate to gate)

Spe­cific data (mea­sured)


Mater-Bi pack­ag­ing

Pel­lets pack­ag­ing

Spe­cific and selected generic data (mea­ sured-lit­er­at­ ure)

No­va­mont; Plas­tics Europe (2005); Eco­in­vent 1.01 data­base (Swit­zer­land)


Pel­lets pro­duc­tion (“Cra­dle to gate”)

Selected generic data (lit­er­a­ture)

Eco­in­vent 1.01 data­base (Swit­zer­land)

Pel­lets pro­cess­ing

Cut­lery pro­duc­tion

Spe­cific and selected generic data. Other generic data (lit­er­a­ture-cal­cu­lated-mea­ sured)

No­va­mont; Eco­in­vent 1.01 data­base (Swit­zer­ land); con­fi­den­tial infor­ma­tion from a pro­ducer of cut­lery

Wrap­ping pro­duc­tion

Poly­pro­pyl­ene wrap­ping

Selected generic data (lit­er­a­ture)

Mater-Bi wrap­ping

Spe­cific data (mea­sured-cal­cu­lated)

Indus­try data data­base (Sim­aP­ro soft­ware, The Neth­er­lands) No­va­mont


Elec­tric­ity pro­duc­tion Heat and steam pro­duc­tion

Selected generic data (lit­er­a­ture) Selected generic data (lit­er­a­ture)

Eco­in­vent 1.01 data­base (Swit­zer­land) Eco­in­vent 1.01 data­base (Swit­zer­land)

End of life sce­nar­ios

Mater-Bi cut­lery and organic waste to com­post­ing GPPS cut­lery and organic waste to incin­er­at­ ion GPPS and organic waste to land­fill

Selected generic data (lit­er­a­ture-cal­cu­lated) ANPA (2000); Eco­in­vent 1.01 data­base (Swit­zer­ land) Selected generic data (lit­er­a­ture-cal­cu­lated) ANPA (2000); Eco­in­vent 1.01 data­base (Swit­zer­ land) Selected generic data (lit­er­a­ture-cal­cu­lated) ANPA (2000); Eco­in­vent 1.01 data­base (Swit­zer­ land)


In agree­ment with The Inter­na­tional EPD Coop­er­a­tion (2008).


F. Raz­za et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1424–1433

9.79 kWh electricity 0.16 kg steam Starch 4.36 kg Cellulose derivative 7.60 kg Bio-based additive and natural additives 4.37 kg

Mater-Bi virgin pellets 15.76 kg

Mater-Bi "YI" pellets production

Water 0.57 kg (to waste water treatment plant)

Fig. 3. Flow chart show­ing the most rel­e­vant inputs used for man­u­fac­tur­ing the B&C vir­gin pel­lets (Mater-Bi YI).

Coal 1.72 kg

Oil 4.09 kg

Gas 4.49 kg

Energy production Oil 7.47 kg

GPPS pellets production

Gas 3.97 kg

GPPS virgin pellets 11.87 kg

Fig. 4. Flow chart show­ing the most rel­e­vant inputs used for man­u­fac­tur­ing non-B&C vir­gin pel­lets (GPPS).

Fur­ther­more, for the bio-based mate­ri­als, bio­log­ic­ al CO2 and bio­log­ic­ al CH4 were also quan­ti­fied. The source and the cat­eg ­ ory of the inven­tory data used in the study are listed in Table 2. 3. Ref­er­ences, hypoth­e­sis and assump­tions 3.1. Cut­lery The B&C cut­lery was made with Mater-Bi “YI”, a mate­rial pro­ duced by No­va­mont. This mate­rial is mainly con­sti­tuted by: starch, a cel­lu­lose deriv­a­tive, and nat­u­ral and bio-based addi­tives. The mate­rial com­plies with the Euro­pean Stan­dard EN 13432:2000 “Require­ments for pack­ag­ing recov­er­able through com­post­ing and bio­deg­ra­da­tion – Test scheme and eval­u­a­tion cri­te­ria for the final accep­tance of pack­ag­ing“, and cer­ti­fied as “OK Com­post” by Vin­ çotte (Bel­gium). Mater-Bi YI is one of the first mate­ri­als applied in the table­ware sec­tor, and was con­verted by an indus­try located in Italy. The non-B&C cut­lery was made with gen­eral pur­pose poly­ sty­rene (GPPS). GPPS is the most used plas­tic mate­rial applied in dis­pos­able cut­lery, with a 60% share of the mar­ket and, there­fore, used as a bench­mark for cur­rent dis­pos­able cut­lery applied in fast food res­tau­rants. The same mould was applied for both mate­ri­als. Dif­fer­ences in mass were, there­fore, due to the dif­fer­ent den­sity of the two mate­ri­als (YI = 1.40 g cm¡3 and GPPS = 1.05 g cm¡3). The most rel­ e­vant inputs for man­u­fac­tur­ing the Mater-Bi YI and GPPS vir­gin Table 3 Mate­rial and energy inputs needed for man­u­fac­tur­ing B&C (Mater-Bi YI) and nonB&C (GPPS) dis­pos­able cut­lery sets Resources and pro­cesses Mate­ri­als in input Vir­gin pel­lets (kg) Film (pack­ag­ing) (kg)

Mater-Bi YI


15.76 1.4 (Mater-Bi “NF” type)

11.87 1.2 (poly­pro­pyl­ene)

Elec­tric­ity/heat in input Elec­tric­ity, medium volt­age, at grid (kWh) 18.84 53.38 Heat, nat­ur­ al gas, at >100 kW indus­trial fur­nace (MJ) 2.90 Heat, heavy fuel oil, at 1 MW indus­trial fur­nace (MJ) Mate­ri­als in output Dis­pos­able cut­lery set (n)


15.67 44.64 2.43


pel­lets are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respec­tively. The mate­rial and energy inputs needed to obtain Mater-Bi YI and GPPS dis­ pos­able cut­lery sets, start­ing from vir­gin pel­lets, are listed in Table 3. All amounts are referred to the func­tional unit (see Table 1). Table 4 Main inputs and out­puts of com­post­ing organic waste and B&C cut­lery set together (“alter­na­tive sce­nario”) Value Emis­sions to air (g) Bio­log­i­cal CO2 Fos­sil CO2 H2SO4 SO2 HCl NH3 H 2S CO Ben­zene NMVOC Eth­yl­ben­zene Phe­nol Sty­rene Tol­u­ene Xylene Chlo­ro­eth­ene Chlo­ro­ben­zene HF Cd Mn Hg Pb Cu Zn Ni

39,199 6350 0.069 0.180 0.300 3.40 0.026 267.6 0.031 0.768 0.064 0.049 0.015 0.031 0.128 0.008 0.028 0.030 0.004 0.001 0.019 0.019 0.001 0.011 0.004

Emis­sions to water (g) Total nitro­gen TOC COD

1.63 6.86 20.55

Mate­ri­als and energy in input (MJ) Elec­tric­ity, at grid Die­sel

21.06 1.24

Mate­ri­als in output (kg) Com­post Waste mate­ri­als to incin­er­a­tion

71.43 12.00

Sub­stances pres­ent in small quan­tity (less than 1 £ 10¡3 g), have not been reported. Func­tional unit: 1000 meals pro­vided.

F. Raz­za et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1424–1433


3.2. Waste treat­ment Two dif­fer­ent pat­terns of treat­ment were con­sid­ered for the two sce­nar­ios: I Cur­rent sce­nario: dis­posal of the het­er­o­ge­neous waste (non-B&C plas­tic cut­lery + food waste) fol­low­ing the tra­di­tional treat­ment routes. The Ital­ian aver­age was applied: san­i­tary land­fill 84% and incin­er­a­tion 16%. I Alter­na­tive sce­nario: 100% com­post­ing of the homo­ge­neous bio­ de­grad­able waste (B&C plas­tic cut­lery + food waste). A sen­si­tiv­ity anal­y­sis was also car­ried out using a third dis­posal sce­nario: san­i­tary land­fill 50% and incin­er­a­tor 50%, to take into account the typ­i­cal waste man­age­ment of the Nor­dic Euro­pean coun­tries. The end of life inven­tory data of the food waste (emis­sions in water, in air and solid waste pro­duc­tion) was elab­o­rated with the use of the I-LCA data­base (ANPA, 2000). 3.2.1. Com­post­ing The organic com­post­ing record of the I-LCA data­base was applied. This record refers to a cen­tral­ized com­post­ing plant treat­ ing a feed­stock com­posed by organic waste (food and yard waste) sep­a­rated at source together with anaer­ob ­ ic sludge pro­duced by anaer­o­bic digest­ers. The com­post­ing tech­nol­ogy is based on a closed sys­tem with the fol­low­ing fea­tures: pro­cess gases aspi­ra­tion and treat­ment, turn­ing of com­post­ing mass dur­ing the ther­mo­ philic phase, and forced ven­ti­la­tion. Direct air and water emis­sions Table 5 Envi­ron­men­tal ben­efi ­ ts of using 71.4 kg of com­post, obtained from 150 kg of organic waste and B&C cut­lery, in agri­cul­ture Fer­til­iz­ers sav­ings (kg) N 0.261

P 0.021

K 0.086

Water sav­ings (m3)

Substi­tuted peat (kg)

Car­bon seques­tra­tion (kg CO2)




Table 6 Main inputs and out­puts of organic waste bio-sta­bil­iza­tion (126 kg) before land­fill­ ing (“cur­rent sce­nario”) Organic waste Emis­sions to air (g) Bio­log­i­cal CO2 H2SO4 SO2 HCl NH3 CO Ben­zene HF Cd Mn Hg Pb Cu Zn Ni

24,192 0.058 0.151 0.252 2.14 189 0.025 0.025 0.003 0.001 0.016 0.016 0.001 0.001 0.003

Emis­sions to water (g) Total nitro­gen TOC COD

1.37 5.76 17.26

Mate­ri­als in output (kg) Sta­bi­lized res­i­due to land­fill


Energy in input (MJ) Elec­tric­ity, at grid


Sub­stances pres­ent in small quan­tity (less than 1 £ 10¡3 g), have not been reported.

Table 7 The main inputs and out­puts of the over­all waste treat­ment of “cur­rent sce­nario”, exclud­ing bio-sta­bil­iza­tion, are shown Value Emis­sions to air (g) Bio­log­i­cal CO2 Fos­sil CO2 SO2

14,884 6775 0.874

H2 H2SO4 P HCl HF Ba Cd Cu Mn Pb Sn Zn Fe Ca K Na Dust NOx NH3 CO CH4 NMVOC Ben­zene Eth­yl­ben­zene Sty­rene Tol­u­ene Xylene Chlo­ro­eth­ene Chlo­ro­eth­ane

3.05 0.070 0.050 0.492 0.082 0.009 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.012 0.002 0.025 0.014 0.093 0.012 0.007 0.151 31.14 0.507 70.45 455 1.33 0.143 0.011 0.006 0.090 0.014 0.022 0.004

Emis­sions to water (g) TOC COD NH4, NH3 Total nitro­gen Ba Sn V Si Fe Ca Al Cl F PO4 K Mn Na Zn SO4 Tol­u­ene Chlo­ro­eth­ane

65.14 195.0 5.61 116.0 0.036 0.002 0.001 0.320 0.746 0.026 0.027 138.7 0.025 0.425 0.047 0.001 0.050 0.021 117.3 0.001 0.001

Mate­ri­als in input CaO (kg) Ammo­nia (kg) NaOH (kg) Die­sel (kg) Coke (kg) Gas-fired boiler (low-Nox) (MJ)

0.077 0.062 0.003 0.790 0.037 0.287

Mate­ri­als and energy in output Elec­tric­ity (MJ) Heat (MJ) Slag (kg) Ash (kg) Dust (kg)

22.82 8.64 1.86 0.001 0.241

Sub­stances pres­ent in small quan­tity (less than 1 £ 10¡3 g), have not been reported. Func­tional unit: 1000 meals pro­vided.


F. Raz­za et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1424–1433

are taken into con­sid­er­ation by the model. All the com­post pro­ duced is applied in agri­cul­ture as fer­til­izer and/or soil amend­ment. Yield is about 0.40 kg com­post per kg of waste; 0.08 kg/kg of waste res­i­dues after final screen­ing are pro­duced. The screened-off res­ i­dues are incin­er­ated. These data are sim­i­lar to the data col­lected by the Con­sor­zio est di Mi­lan­o (col­lec­tion, trans­port and dis­posal of municipal solid waste of 48 munic­i­pal­i­ties in the Milan area), which con­ducted a sur­vey about the com­post­ing of bio­de­grad­ able waste after town fes­ti­vals in a pilot trial (Cas­tel­la­nza, per­sonal com­mu­ni­ca­tion2). The envi­ron­men­tal ben­e­fits of com­post appli­ca­tion in agri­cul­ ture taken into account were: peat sub­sti­tu­tion, partial reduc­tion of fer­til­iz­ers, car­bon seques­tra­tion, and reduc­tion of irri­ga­tion water (Shar­ma and Camp­bell, 2006). The main inputs and out­puts of com­post­ing of food waste and B&C cut­lery are listed in Table 4 and the envi­ron­men­tal ben­e­fits of com­post appli­ca­tion are shown in Table 5.

Table 8 Envi­ron­men­tal impact of waste man­age­ment in cur­rent sce­nario (84% land­fill and 16% incin­er­at­ ion) and in alter­na­tive sce­nario (100% com­post­ing) due to food waste from the meals (150 g kg) Impact cat­e­gory

Cur­rent sce­nario

Alter­na­tive sce­nario

Non-renew­able energy con­sump­tion (MJ eq.) Green­house gases (kg CO2 eq.) Solid waste (kg) Eutro­phi­ca­tion (g O2 eq.) Acid­i­fi­cat­ion (mol. H+ eq.)



11.1 9.3 2790 1.3

¡26.5 1.5 ¡831 ¡2.0

3.2.2. Land­fill Selected generic data were used for mod­el­ling bio-sta­bil­iza­tion and dis­posal of organic waste in a land­fill (ANPA, 2000). Bio-sta­ bil­iza­tion before land­fill­ing is com­pul­sory in Italy (De­cre­to Leg­is­ la­tiv­o No. 36, 2003). Selected generic data based on the organic frac­tion of the mixed MSW were used for mod­el­ling land­fill/incin­ er­a­tor dis­posal of food waste. The bio-sta­bil­iza­tion pro­cess is akin to a com­post­ing pro­cess in cen­tral­ized plants: a closed sys­tem based on pro­cess gases aspi­ra­ tion and treat­ment, turn­ing of com­post­ing mass dur­ing the ther­ mo­philic phase, and forced ven­ti­la­tion. The amount of final sta­bi­lized organic mat­ter per kilo­gram of humid frac­tion is 0.59 kg (wet weight). The main inputs and out­ puts of the organic waste bio-sta­bil­iza­tion pro­cess are listed in Table 6. This bio-sta­bi­lized mat­ter is then deliv­ered to san­i­tary land­ fill with bio­gas recov­ery which, accord­ing to Smith et al. (2001), is con­sid­ered to be 55%. The bio­gas is burned in gas-engines (60%) and torched off (40%) with low NOx emis­sions. In the scheme, air and water emis­sions dur­ing the first 100 years of activ­ity of land­fill and the envi­ron­men­tal impact of infra­struc­tures are included. 3.2.3. Incin­er­a­tion Three dif­fer­ent tech­nol­o­gies for gas clean­ing were taken into con­sid­er­ation, with dif­fer­ent rel­at­ ive inci­dence: I Dry scrub­ber + bag fil­ter (inci­dence: 40%). I Dry scrub­ber + acti­vated car­bon injec­tion + non cat­al­ ytic deni­tri­ fi­ca­tion sys­tem (SNCR) (inci­dence: 50%). I Wet scrub­ber + elec­tro­static pre­cip­i­ta­tor + cat­a­lytic deni­tri­fi­ca­ tion sys­tem (SCR) (inci­dence: 10%). In Italy 95.8% of incin­er­a­tors pro­duce elec­tric power and 52% also recover the heat (APAT-ONR, 2005). The recov­ery yield of incin­er­at­ ors was deduced from the APAT-ONR report (APAT-ONR, 2005) and is 16% of the lower heat­ing value (LHV) of the feed­stock. The heat recov­ery yield was set at 20%. The elec­tric power pro­duced by the incin­er­a­tor was assumed to substitute the elec­tric grid at medium-ten­sion as pro­duced in Italy. The heat replaces the heat pro­duced by the chem­i­cal and plas­tics indus­try in Europe, start­ing from coal, gas light fuel oil and used for remote heat­ing. The inputs and out­puts of the over­all waste treat­ment of “cur­ rent sce­nario”, exclud­ing the bio-sta­bil­iza­tion impacts (shown in Table 6) are shown in Table 7.


B&C table­ware Spe­cial­ist, No­va­mont.

Fig. 5. Con­tri­bu­tion anal­y­sis of the envi­ron­men­tal impacts of tra­di­tional non-B&C cut­lery (cur­rent sce­nario): (a) green­house gases; (b) acid­i­fy­ing com­pounds; (c) eu­ troph­ic­ at­ing com­pounds; (d) non-renew­able energy con­sump­tion; and (e) solid waste.

F. Raz­za et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1424–1433


2000 1500

MJ eq.

1000 500 0 -500 -1000

Current scenario cutlery

Alternative scenario organic fraction


Fig. 8. Non-renew­able energy con­sump­tion in both sce­nar­ios. The cut­lery, food waste and total life cycle con­tri­bu­tion are shown. Func­tional unit: 1000 meals pro­ vided.

70 60 50

kg CO2 eq.

40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30

Current scenario cutlery

Alternative scenario

organic fraction


Fig. 9. Green­house effect in both sce­nar­ios. The cut­lery, food waste and total life cycle con­tri­bu­tion are shown. Func­tional unit: 1000 meals pro­vided.

25 20


15 10 5 0 Fig. 6. Con­tri­bu­tion anal­y­sis of the envi­ron­men­tal impacts of B&C cut­lery (alter­na­ tive sce­nario): (a) green­house gases; (b) acid­i­fy­ing com­pounds; (c) eu­troph­i­cat­ing com­pounds; (d) non-renew­able energy con­sump­tion; and (e) solid waste.

Current scenario cutlery

Alternative scenario

organic fraction


Fig. 10. Solid waste pro­duced in both sce­nar­ios. The cut­lery, food waste and total life cycle con­tri­bu­tion are shown. Func­tional unit: 1000 meals pro­vided.


4. Results

1000 800

4.1. LCIA results: the food frac­tion

MJ 600 400 200 0

B&C cutlery Feedstock energy

non-B&C cutlery process energy

Fig. 7. Non-renew­able energy con­sump­tion in the pro­duc­tion of the plas­tic pel­lets for both sce­nar­ios. The feed­stock energy and the pro­cess energy are indi­cated.

The envi­ron­men­tal impacts of the food waste pro­duced by the meals are shown in Table 8. Com­post­ing (alter­na­tive sce­nario) was com­pared with the waste treat­ments of the cur­rent sce­nario (i.e., 84% land­fill after bio-sta­bil­iza­tion and 16% incin­er­a­tion, after the Ital­ian waste man­age­ment). In all impact cat­eg ­ o­ries, com­post­ing showed the low­est impacts. In com­post­ing, the impacts were always near zero or were neg­a­tive, whereas in the cur­rent sce­nario the impacts were always positive. In some cases, such as eutro­phi­ca­tion or energy con­sump­tion, the dif­fer­ences were sig­nif­i­cant.


F. Raz­za et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1424–1433 12






moli H eq.

g O2 eq.

3000 2000 1000

4 2 0

0 -1000



Current scenario



Alternative scenario

organic fraction


Fig. 11. Eutro­phi­ca­tion in both sce­nar­ios. The cut­lery, food waste and total life cycle con­tri­bu­tion are shown. Func­tional unit: 1000 meals pro­vided.

Alternative scenario

Current scenario


organic fraction


Fig. 12. Acid­i­fic­ at­ion in both sce­nar­ios. The cut­lery, food waste and total life cycle con­tri­bu­tion are shown. Func­tional unit: 1000 meals pro­vided.

120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%



Waste management: current scenario

Greenhouse gases

Non renewable energy consumption

Solid waste

Waste management: landfill 50% incineration 50%

Fig. 13. Sen­si­tiv­ity anal­y­sis to ver­ify the effect of waste treat­ment. The cur­rent sce­nario (84% land­fill and 16% incin­er­a­tion) is com­pared with the sce­nario that takes into account 50% land­fill and 50% incin­er­a­tion. All the results are nor­mal­ized to 100% for cur­rent sce­nario.

4.2. LCIA results: cut­lery frac­tion

4.3. LCIA results of the whole sce­nar­ios

Figs. 5 and 6 show the con­tri­bu­tion of dif­fer­ent phases of the cut­lery life cycle to the impact cat­e­go­ries. Fig. 5 refers to the cur­ rent sce­nario (use of non-B&C plas­tic) and Fig. 6 to the alter­na­tive sce­nario (use of B&C plas­tic). For nearly all impact cat­e­go­ries, in both sce­nar­ios the most rel­e­vant phase was “gran­ule (pellet) pro­duc­tion” (Figs. 5a–d and 6a–d). How­ever, the “end of life” phase turned out to be the most impor­tant con­tri­bu­tion of GPPS cut­lery to the “solid waste” impact cat­eg ­ ory (Fig. 5e). The “end of life” impacts of B&C cut­lery were mit­i­gated by the com­post usage. The non-renew­able energy con­sump­tion for the gran­ule pro­ duc­tion is shown in Fig. 7. The non-renew­able energy con­sump­ tion was caused in part by the pro­cess energy and in part from the feed­stock energy. Feed­stock energy is the energy con­tent of the raw mate­ri­als used in the man­u­fac­tur­ing pro­cess and cor­re­ sponds to the heat of com­bus­tion of the mate­ri­als. It rep­re­sents a deple­tion of avail­able energy reserves. Under some cir­cum­stances, a frac­tion of this feed­stock energy can be recov­ered at the end of life whenever energy recov­ery is applied (for instance, in case of incin­er­at­ ion or bio­gas pro­duc­tion). The B&C cut­lery showed the low­est energy con­sump­tion, thanks to the pres­ence of renew­able raw mate­ri­als whose feed­stock energy is not counted because it is renew­able.

The dif­fer­ent impact cat­e­go­ries of both sce­nar­ios are shown in Fig. 8 (energy con­sump­tion), Fig. 9 (green­house effect), Fig. 10 (waste pro­duc­tion), Fig. 11 (eutro­phi­ca­tion) and Fig. 12 (acid­i­fi­ cat­ion). Cut­lery, food waste, and total impacts are com­pared. The ­dif­fer­ences between cur­rent sce­nario and alter­na­tive sce­nario with regard to green­house gases (Fig. 9) are under­es­ti­mated, because peat min­er­ali­sa­tion (i.e., emis­sion of fos­sil CO2 in the atmo­sphere) was not accounted. No pre­cise data on peat min­er­ali­sa­tion were avail­able to us at the time the study was fi­na­lised. Over­all, the option that pro­duced the low­est envi­ron­men­tal impacts was the alter­na­tive sce­nario, par­tic­u­larly for energy con­ sump­tion and eutro­phi­ca­tion. The best results of alter­na­tive sce­ nario were mainly due to the organic waste recy­cling. Sen­si­tiv­ity anal­y­sis per­formed using a dif­fer­ent end of life share (50% land­fill and 50% incin­er­a­tion) for the cur­rent sce­nario showed that a dif­fer­ent ratio between land­fill and incin­er­a­tion did not give sig­nif­i­cantly dif­fer­ent results (Fig. 13). 5. Con­clu­sions This study should be con­sid­ered as a preliminary anal­y­sis of the envi­ron­men­tal impact of two dif­fer­ent ways of sup­ply­ing meals with dis­pos­able cut­lery in fast food res­tau­rants, town fes­ti­vals, and

F. Raz­za et al. / Waste Management 29 (2009) 1424–1433

sim­i­lar events, which takes into account dif­fer­ent waste man­age­ ment sce­nar­ios. The results indi­cate that the alter­na­tive sce­nario allows remark­ able sav­ings in all impact cat­e­go­ries. The fol­low­ing reduc­tions can be obtained by shift­ing from the cur­rent sce­nario to the alter­na­tive sce­nario: non-renew­able energy con­sump­tion, a 10-fold reduc­ tion (from 1490 to 128 MJ; green­house effect, a 3-fold reduc­tion (from 64 to 22 CO2 eq.); solid waste, a 10-fold reduc­tion (from 21 to 1.8 kg); eutro­phi­ca­tion, a 5-fold reduc­tion (from 4200 to 790 g O2 eq.); acid­i­fic­ at­ion, a 2-fold reduc­tion (from 11.3 to 5.9 mol. H+ eq.). Less substantial changes are shown if the anal­y­sis only takes in con­sid­er­ation the sim­ple sub­sti­tu­tion of non-B&C cut­lery with B&C cut­lery (“cra­dle to gate”). The best improve­ment is obtained with a 4-fold solid waste reduc­tion (from 1.2 to 0.3 kg). A slight wors­en­ing is found in eutro­phi­ca­tion with a 1.5-fold increase (from 1230 to 1830 g O2 eq.). A num­ber of gen­eral con­clu­sions can be drawn from this study. Firstly, in order to have an over­all pic­ture of the envi­ron­men­tal impacts of prod­ucts or ser­vices, it is nec­es­sary to take into account the whole sys­tem. If the LCA anal­y­sis only con­sid­ers the cut­lery sub­sti­tu­tion, a very partial con­clu­sion about the real envi­ron­men­ tal impacts of the two sce­nar­ios is reached. Com­par­i­son of dif­fer­ ent cut­lery types will only pro­vide an indi­ca­tion about the envi­ron­ men­tal impact of the dif­fer­ent mate­ri­als and dif­fer­ent pro­cesses. On the other hand, the cut­lery type can greatly affect the final waste recov­ery. If the cut­lery is made with B&C mate­ri­als, then com­post­ing is a suit­able recy­cling treat­ment. If the cut­lery is made with non-B&C mate­ri­als, then com­post­ing is not appli­ca­ble and only waste treat­ments with­out mate­rial recy­cling can be adopted (i.e., land­fill and incin­er­at­ ion). The study shows that the use of B&C plas­tic cut­lery and the gen­er­a­tion of a mixed homo­ge­neous waste con­tain­ing only com­ po­sta­ble (food waste and B&C plas­tic cut­lery) frac­tions is the envi­ ron­men­tally pre­ferred option. The homo­ge­neous mixed waste is recy­cla­ble and can be com­posted with the pro­duc­tion of com­post. Com­post is a valu­able soil amend­ment which pro­vides sev­eral envi­ron­men­tal ben­efi ­ ts. The role of the waste man­age­ment pub­lic sys­tem is, of course, very impor­tant. Munic­ip ­ al­it­ ies have to assure the qual­ity of organic waste treat­ment and to increase the avail­ abil­ity of ded­i­cated com­post­ing plants. The cur­rent anal­y­sis has been lim­ited by some sim­pli­fi­ca­tions: only cut­lery (forks and knives with the pack­ag­ing) were taken into account, neglect­ing the other table­ware which typ­i­cally are dis­trib­ uted to the cus­tom­ers (plas­tic or lam­i­nated paper dishes, plas­tic or lam­i­nated paper cups, paper table­cloth, paper nap­kins, etc.). The kitchen waste pro­duced by the cen­tral kitchen was also neglected. Fur­ther stud­ies are required to ver­ify the effects of other table­ware and the kitchen waste. In the near future, the study will be com­ pleted with infor­ma­tion about com­po­sta­ble table­ware made with other B&C mate­ri­als and the aver­age amount of food waste pro­duced by the cen­tral kitch­ens of fast food res­tau­rants and town fes­ti­vals. The study indi­cates that the bio­de­grad­abil­ity and com­po­sta­ bil­it­ y of plas­tic prod­ucts can be instru­men­tal in increas­ing waste recy­cla­bil­ity and improv­ing waste man­age­ment. Whenever the organic “humid” waste is con­tam­i­nated with plas­tics and the pos­ si­bil­ity to avert the plas­tic frac­tion is tech­ni­cally, eco­nom­i­cally or socially dif ­fi­cult, B&C prod­ucts can rep­re­sent a solu­tion to pro­duce uncon­tam­i­nated waste which is recov­er­able via organic treat­ment. The plas­tic bags used to col­lect and bring the organic waste to com­ post­ing, and food pack­ag­ing con­tam­i­nated with food res­i­dues, rep­ re­sent two other typ­i­cal exam­ples of mixed food-plas­tic waste. The same approach could be applied to these exam­ples to fur­ther sub­ stan­ti­ate the envi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­ity of using B&C prod­ucts. Fur­ther­more, the envi­ron­men­tal impact of other organic recov­ery tech­nol­o­gies, such as anaer­o­bic diges­tion fol­lowed by com­post­ing, should also be taken into account in future stud­ies.


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