Computer graphics curricula for a wide range of disciplines

Computer graphics curricula for a wide range of disciplines

Cornput. & Graphics, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 327-330, 1995 Copyright 0 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd Printed in Great Britain Pergamon 0097-8493195 $9.50 ...

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Cornput. & Graphics, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 327-330, 1995 Copyright 0 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd Printed in Great Britain




+ .OO

0097~8493( 94)00160-x Education






WERNER HANSMANN Universitit Hamburg, FB Infotmatik/ANT Vogt-KBlln-Str 30, 22527 Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, e-mail: [email protected],de Abstract-The present paper discusses the position of computer graphics education within the framework of computer science education at Hamburg University. Starting from a survey of the current situation, where education in advanced areas of computer graphics has been influenced mainly by the scientific backgrounds of the persons who happen to be teaching computer graphics, a new set of curricula is being suggested which aims individually at the different possible target groups of computer graphics education at Hamburg University. 1. INTRODUCTION

The FachbereichInformatik (computer sciencedepartment)at HamburgUniversity is one of the larger computersciencedepartmentsat Germanuniversities. It is arrangedin three major areas[5] : Theoretical ComputerScience,Practical ComputerScience,and Technicaland Applied ComputerScience. These areasare representedby different working groupsspecializingin respectivedisciplines.The disciplinesare: 1. Theoretical Foundationsof ComputerScience, 2. Applied andSocially OrientedComputerScience, 3. Data Basesand Information Systems, 4. Computer Science Applications in Humanities and Science, 5. TechnicalFoundationsof ComputerScience, 6. Computer Science Applications in Science and Technology, 7. ComputerOrganization-Distributed Systems, 8. Cognitive Systems, 9. Natural LanguageSystems, 10. Knowledge Representationand Language Processing, 11. Programming, 12. Software Engineering. The namesof thesegroupsin a way reflect the major areasof researchat the departmentas well as the primary direction of computerscienceeducation. The ComputerScienceDepartmentis oneof twenty different departmentsat HamburgUniversity someof which aresubdividedinto severalsections.In addition, thereare the TechnicalUniversity especiallyfor engineeringeducation,the School of Economicsand Policy, the Schoolof Fine Arts, andthe Schoolfor Music andTheatrewherestudentscan obtain academiceducation in various different fields.

Any memberof the computergraphicscommunity will certainly agreethat a certain knowledgeof computer graphicsis useful not only for applicationin the above mentioned disciplines of computer science[ 1 ] [ 31 but also for most, if not all, of the other 327

disciplinestaught at the variousinstitutionsof higher educationin Hamburg[ 21. 2. COMPUTER




The computersciencedepartmenthasdevelopeda curriculumfor computersciencestudentsthat consists of two parts, a four-semester(two-year) period of undergraduateeducation and a six-semester(threeyear) period for graduatestudies. The undergraduatecurriculum comprisesspecial classesof mathematicsfor computersciencestudents (e.g., algebraic structures, linear algebra, calculus, logic, andstochastics),principal featuresof computer science(ie., fundamentalconceptsand methodsof practical, theoretical,and appliedinformaticsas well astechnicalfoundationsof informatics,and designof digital systems),practicaltraining (programmingand electronics),andintroductory classesin somesupplementary subject(cf: below). During the secondperiod, studentsattendadvanced classesin the four core subjectsof computerscience (i.e., theoreticalcomputerscience,practicalcomputer science,technicalcomputerscience,andappliedcomputer science) andonesubjectout of thesethey choose for further specialization.In additionto this computer sciencepart of their education,they continueto study their chosensupplementarysubject.During the final year, they write a diplomathesis(usually in a chosen field of specialization). The mandatorystudy of a supplementarysubjectis a specialfeatureof the computerscienceeducationat HamburgUniversity. As supplementarysubject, any subjectmay be chosenthat canbe studiedat Hamburg universities.“The goal of studying a supplementary subjectis to becomeacquaintedwith the specificcontent and the ways of reasoning

a computer


needsto know in order to beableto work productively asa computer scientist in the respective field’ ’ ( Article 6 of the StudyRegulationsof the Departmentof Computer Science at Hamburg




Education in a supplementary subject is offered by all the institutions of higher education mentioned above. Each one of them offers a curriculum for at least one subject. Not only computer science students are required to study a supplementary subject. Students from other departments can study computer science as a supplementary subject, too. Special curricula have been developed for students from other departments so they can study computer science as a supplementary subject. 3. CURRENT



But where does computer graphics education come into the computer science curriculum of the Fachbereich Informatik at Hamburg University? In one of the four core subjects taught during the second period of their education, the students have to attend a two-hour-per-week lecture in fundamental computer graphics for one semester (Le., 14 weeks). The primary topics of this lecture are: Computer Graphics Hardware Physiology of Visual Perception Colour Models Transformations Perspective and Orthographic Views Windowing and Clipping Introduction to Graphics Standards Interpolating and Approximating Functions Graphical Interactive Systems. Beyond this, members of the working group that deal with computer science applications in science and technology offer special lectures and classes in various graphics-related fields; e.g., l

periodic lectures and classes on: -

Geometric Modelling Foundations higher order curves and surfaces topological structures

l l


Modelling and Visualization of 3D (Technical) Objects


But is all this satisfactory? Does this offer an appropriate computer graphics education to the various groups who are possibly interested in some knowledge of computer graphics, people ranging from post graduate computer science students specializing in computer graphics to graphics system applicants from any non-science discipline? Is it at all possible to design such “customized curricula” particularly when the fact of limited resources (both hardware/software and manpower) as well as limited time within the scope of the total computer science curriculum are taken into consideration? 4. DEMAND-ORIENTED



l l



modelling of sculptured surfaces special details (e.g., blends, contouring, textures ) hidden line and hidden surface removal techniques lighting models and shading photorealism (ray tracing, radiosity, hybrid methods) Differential Geometry for Geometric Modelling additional (irregularly taught) lectures and classeson: Processing Geometrical Data CAD-Foundations and Application Parallelism in Computer Graphics Animation



Of course, an encyclopaedic education in computer graphics within the scope of any other academic education is practically impossible, since computer graphics comprises only part of the respective curriculum. Consequentially, it is necessary to develop tailor-made curricula for individual educational target groups. These curricula should be supplementary to each other where necessary. Some suggestions for demand-oriented computer graphics curricula are presented in the following subsections. In this context, it is assumed that within the scope of a specific education (e.g., computer science[5]) computer graphics is a special subject, which means that within the entire curriculum, it is located at the graduate level [ 61. 4.1. Cbmmon introductory


A commonintroductory coursefor all studentswho needto learn about the basicsof computer graphics shouldcontainthe following topics: l l l l l l l l


Hypermedia Object-Oriented Graphics.

l l

physiology of visual perception computergraphicshardware graphicssoftwarecomponents coordinatesystemsandtransformations perspectiveand orthographicviews windowingand clipping presentationgraphics(graphs,charts) graphicaluserinterfaces basicelementsof hypermedia introduction to graphicsstandards.

4.2. Graphics programming

Specialclassesshouldintroduce into state of the art graphicsprogrammingmethodssuch as: objectorientedgraphicsprogramming,exploiting parallelism in computergraphics,etc. andthe useof “standard” graphicssoftwarepackages. 4.3. Introduction

to scientific visualization

Some knowledge of scientific visualization is of equal interest particularly for sciencestudentsand computersciencestudentswho have chosena science subject as supplementarysubject. They should be given an introduction comprising:

Computer graphics curricula l l l l l l


foundations and systems interpolation and approximation visualization of 2D/3D scalar fields visualization of vector fields volume rendering visualization of large data sets.

4.4. Geometric and solid modelling foundations Geometric and solid modelling should be mandatory subjects for an education aimed at CAD in architecture, civil and mechanical engineering, even in fine arts, and also for an education relating to virtual reality (VR) systems as geometric and solid modelling are fundamental to these fields. Respective topics to be treated are: l l l l l l l l

CSG vs B-rep polyhedral objects higher order curves and surfaces topological structures data structures differential geometry blends contouring.

4.5. Introduction to CAD Application of CAD systems is no longer an exclusive domaine for engineers and architects. Computer scientists for instance who develop control systems for autonomous robots need appropriate tools for modelling virtual environments for their simulations. Artists can make effective use of CAD systems to support their design work. Some basic understanding of the following topics should be achieved l l l

foundations and applications product data exchange state of the art CAD systems.

4.6. Introduction to photorealistic rendering Photorealistic rendering is without doubt one of the highlights of computer graphics and generally very popular because of spectacular results. Since it is of central importance in VR systems and increasingly for CAD systems, a basic knowledge of photorealistic rendering should be acquired by everybody who intends to deal with photorealistic imagery. This includes of course everybody who wants to specialize in computer graphics. Topics to be dealt with are:


4.7. Introduction to virtual reality Virtual reality (VR) is one of the great challenges of our time, and computer graphics can contribute considerably to this field. However, an introductory course in VR should address not only those who are potential designers of components of VR systems like artists, engineers, and computer graphics specialists. Potential users like educators, physicians, etc., and beyond them social scientists and psychologists should learn to know the properties of this evolving technology to be able to judge its effects. The following topics should give an overview, principles of simulation and animation components of VR systems (hardware and software) . application of VR systems (3D modelling, simulators, learning, etc. ) .

l l

4.8. Integratron of computer graphics courses into the general computer science curriculum As computer graphics is assumed to be located at the graduate level of the computer science curriculum, the introductory course cannot be offered before the third year. Hence, a period of only two years (i.e., semesters 5 to 8/9) is available for computer graphics education. This means that as many topics as possible have to be taught in parallel. On the other hand, this implies that students have aheady acquired sufficient knowledge of some mathematical foundations of computer graphics (e.g., calculus. vector and matrix algebra, analytic geometry), and of course of programming and electronics. Given this situation, the following order of courses is suggested, where subsequent courses are based on courses taught in previous semesters: Semester 5 Common Introductory Course (lecture and exercises) l

Semester 6 Introduction to Scientific Visualization Geometric and Solid Modelling Foundations

l l

Semester 7 Introduction to Photorealistic Rendering Introduction to CAD l l

Semester 8 Graphics Programming Introduction to Virtual Reality.

l l

5. CONCLUSION l l l l l l l l l

hidden line and hidden surface removal colour models lighting models antialiasing shading ray tracing radiosity fractal geometry texturing.

There are rnany different target groups for computer graphics education at Hamburg University. The main group consists of computer science students specializing in the field of Applied Computer Science, and here primarily in computer graphics. For them a thorough and comprising education in computer graphics is desirable[4]. It seems possible to build this upon an introductory course which can also serve as introduction to computer graphics for all those groups who



introductory course which can also serve as introduction to computer graphics for all those groups who will use graphics as a tool in their own fields. An individual follow-up course could give them the necessary insight into the use of special graphics tools for their application areas. This foundation should enable individuals, who need advanced knowledge in graphics in their respective fields to gain that independently with some appropriate effort. REFERENCES

1. S. Cunningham, Computer graphics in computing curriculum 1991, Computer Graphics 25, 208-210 ( I99 1)

2. J. D. Foley, Computer graphics in higher education, Computer Graphics 17, 3 I-33 ( 1983). 3. h4. R. Ohlson, The role and position of graphics in computer science education. In 17rh SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 18, 232-237 ( 1986). 4. CL S. Owen, Considerations in teaching a two quarter computer graphics sequence, Computer Graphics 25, M7-150


M. Jantzen, A. Hogrefe, and S. Giehl (Eds.), Studien&her INFORMATIK, UniversitSit Hamburg, Fachbereic h Jnformatik, Hamburg ( 1993). 6. J. C. Teixeira, A computer graphics curriculum at the University of Coimbra, Computers & Graphics 18,30!5.

314 (1994).