Concise Encyclopedia of Environmental Systems. P. C. Young, Pergamon Press. 1993. 769 pp.
Snowfall is poorly quantified by weather radars, because of the low refractive index of snowflakes and consequent weak return signal. This was one of the many interes[ing facts that can he found from dIppIng inro this new encyctopedlu of ‘555
environmental systems. The IinkIng of fields. illustrated by my example (e.g. precipitation and tlood moni[oring. weather forecasting. cloud microphyslcs. instrumentation). is a common ingredient 10 many ol the 184 arlicles. The volume is thus a useful reference for scientists in the growing, and inherently Interdisciplinary. tield of the environmental suences.
II is. hwiusc of Ihis hrcdIh hul Jcplli. nrbl ;I rclirrnw ftw the hcginncr: post-grdu;ur rwlcrs fill pin mt~ht l’rqlm 111~ Icvcl of trc;itnicnl. unJcrgradu;ilcs can gkin udul inbwm;ition hul man) articles ~111I;IK an! hug thtw with riytwtw m;lthrm;ltic;ll tr;uning (lilr c~mplc ;I numhcr ~~IIIC scorch (\I’ ilhA!s on vclrious tycs d nidcllin~ or Ihccvclic;il Iratmcnl 0r d;w. A hias. proh;ihlj Jcrivinc Tram tlir dittw ;ind his hmltion (L;mc;lstcr I !niwrsitv’s ~n~ir~~rinitv~l;il S~icncW. lc;iJs 10 pcrli;ips undue aciplikng r0r Ihc h~dr~~lt~pic;ill~ W',, or IIIC oricntcd aspccrs ol the cntironmcni I;I~NII articlrs). A numhcr of lx\ topics arc. alrprihingl~. ahwnt: IIN marinr: cnvironmcnl in pcncral. the o~~nc prohlcm in the .\lr;ltosphcrc ad its cwlogical irnplitations. nuclwr ;ITCIJcnls wd dispos;il. scii Icwl ;inJ its inipxl on ~o;ibt;d and cstuarinc qstcms. IO namr ;t few. Thr \olunw ;IIW sulkrs
l’wm thr inr\iklhlc lime I+ hct\rrcn ctwmissitminp of ;wiidct ;III~ lind puhllc:atitw cxh ;Iriicls’\ in\;tlu;lhlc r&rciicc’ 1131l’or c\pltwm$ ihr ltq-dz l’urlhcr cndt in I’JSO. ;,I the I;iIchf. l.tlr wnic rdhtdoclt~piny ~n\ir~1nwn1;1I liclds SUCIINIL dim;ili~ ch;ingc. u lucli liar w~ii I~t1 l I’(‘(’ rcptvlh since IYOll ;md 1l1r ~‘~II~~CI~IIOI~ tu1 climatic ~h;rnpc ;Irlxing l’rw thr Rio EarIll C‘dcrcncc in I’J’JZ. thr no\ ice N ~wltl ;Ihwwh d;wl inlbrnl;~~i0n. Iio~cvcr. dq-dc ~hczc. somrtims~ inswphlc. hlcmi4cs thr \olum~ N~IIIIJ Iw il udid. ;d dtsn thumhd. rrkrcncc for ni;in~ c~i~ir~wiisi~I;~I xkwirlx ;IIIJ uni\cr4it! or rcstxrcli lilxirics.