Presided’s message
Congress provides means for expanding clinical competence
tification. The individual practitioner cannot afford to be excluded in this educational opportunity for
care of the surgical patient.
As we focus on the Congress theme, ”Schedule for Excellence,” let us be reminded that we have a commitment to
In the March 1974 AORN Journal, I said in
continue refining our own timetable for at-
as spring
taining excellence. Through individualized
generates new growth and denotes the be-
effort, we must take advantage of the re-
ginning of life for many species of plants
sources available in Dallas to expand our
and animals, Congress generates profes-
knowledge and skills in clinical competence.
President’s message,
sional growth for the experienced operating room nurse. For the newly graduated
This i s also the time in the history of the nursing profession for us to be cognizant of
nurse or the novice attendee, Congress may
the issues that face us personally and those
be the beginning of a cycle that will be
that face the consumer entrusted to our
anticipated eagerly each year just as the return of spring.”
care. W e have a unique opportunity not only for self-development, but also for voic-
The 22nd annual Congress in Dallas,
ing a strong unified opinion on current is-
March 23 to 28,
1975, soon will be a
reality. This event will be marked b y an exchange among colleagues, a renewal of friendships,
and a recommitment to con-
tinuing education. Each year, the AORN Congress becomes better known, and the number of registrants increases. This year will not be an exception-with ucation and
emphasis on continuing ednursing practice electri-
sues. The AORN Board of Directors, the Headquarters staff, and Dallas chapter members stand ready to assist you a t Congress. Make yourself known to us, and we shall try to make your convention week a pleasant and rewarding experience. W e are looking forward to seeing each of you in Dallas, March 23 to 28.
fied with nursing audit, nursing care plans, standards of practice, peer review, and cer-
AORN Journal, February 1975, Vol 21, No 3
K Rogers, RN President